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About GoogJe Book Search Google's mission is to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful. Google Book Search helps readers discover the world's books while helping authors and publishers reach new audiences. You can search through the full text of this book on the web athttp://books.google.com/ Digitized by Google MOti • CIRCUlA TINS Digitized by Google Digitized by Google Digitized by Google Digitized by Google American Ancestry: GIVING THE NAME AND DESCENT, IN THE MALE LINE. OF AMERICANS WHOSE ANCESTORS SETTLED IN THE UNITED STATES PREVIOUS TO THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, A. D. 1776. VOL. XII. EMBRACING LINItAGItS F!tOM THE WHOLE OF TRI! U NIT E D S TAT E S. 1899 . .. ThOM who do Dot look UPODlhem!lelves ... link coanectiDJr the put with the future do Dot perform their duty to the world. "- D.ullaL Wa.STaR.a :-:::.~C~E T '../ ALBANY, N. Y.: JOEL ~fUNSELL'S SO~S, PUBLISHERS. 1899. Digitized by Google \ '\ 0. '7 ;:':,:) nBGBr\rB~" MAR 2 1 1901 WIS. Hlal, ~QQI~tYI AMERICAN ANCESTRY . • HE purpose of this work is, principally, to register in a convenient and simple form T the pedigree of anyone person, and thus record for all time man}' important facts in the history of families which would otherwise be lost. Another primary object is to publish here the ancestry of a person as complete as it is known, as a means of obtaining additional IDformation regarding it. It is also designed to be a convenient work of reference, to show the origin of the various American families. However indifferent some may affect to be regarding this question of ancestry, those who have a good pedigree will usually have a natural pride in it. Many lineages must of necessity contain nothing but simple records of uneventful gen'erations, but they will preserve facts of great interest to descendants which would otherwise in many cases be lost in the history of a family. The plan of the work is somewhat similar in idea to the well·known English works, but altered to suit the conditions of American society, and in detail is as follows: The surname or family name is given lirst. wilh the given name. residence. birth place and date of birth. This is followed by remarks of a brief biographical character, giving the principal events in the individual's life, such as occupation, college degrees if any. author- ship, public service, experiences, and if married, dale, wife's name and parentage. with remarks relating to her ancestry. If the individual whose lineage is given had brothers the same facts may be stated respecting each of them, ID order of their birth, commencing with the eldest. This completes the first generation in tracing back the lineage. Next is given the father's name, fol1owed by same class of facts, and 50 continued back in male line as far as can be traced. The 'u",,~of son, father, grandfather, etc., in direct male line are printed in black type. As the abbreviations are al1 of the most ordinary kind, it is unnecessary to mention them here. .. : :: : Copyrighted by . ~ """ , , =.':: :JOEL MUNSELL'S SONS . Digitized by Google o o 11)' • AMERICAN ANCESTRY. • ATHEWS, BRYON of Whigville Ct., she d. Dec. 5, 1731, he m. 2d May 9, 1733 M b. in Burlington Ct. May 28, 1828, Ruth, dau. of William and Ruth Merriam farmer, unmarried; son of Caleb Newell of Cheshire Ct .• b. at Lynn, Mass. Nov. Mathews of Burling.ton 0., b. Oct. 20, 2, '1713, gr.-dau of William and Elizabeth 1796, d. there July 31, 1881 (m. Mar. 17; [Breed, dau. of Allen] Merriam of Lynn 1825 Levia Root of Plainville Ct.• d. Aug. Mass., and gt.-gr.-dau. of Joseph and Sarah 13, 1872, their ch. were: Charles Henry, [Goldstone] Merriam of Concord Mass.), b. Apr. 22, t826. [m. Dec. I, 1864 Fannie he removed to New Cambridge (Bristol Lamberton] d. Feb. 10, 1895, Bryon above, Ct.) about 1740, capt. of the militia. clerk Fenelon, b. Nov. 12, 1830 [m. Dec. 2, 1866 and a prominent member in the Episcopal Helen E. Norton)' d. May 13, 1878, church for many years, had by first wife: Theron, b. Apr: 8, 1834. d. Nov. 28, 1835, Nathaniel, b. Nov. 29, 1727, Mamre, b. Apr. Sarah, b. Mar. 31, 1838 [m. Nov. 1861 Hoyt 15, 1730, by second wife: Mamre, b. Aug. H. Bradley l); son of Caleb Mathews, h. 18, 1734. d. Sep. 12, 1734. Ruth, b. about Oct. 16, 1767, d. Apr. 8, 1840 (m. Jan. 22, 1736 [m. Joseph Gaylord of Bristol Ct.], 1794 Sarah Newell [dau. of DaV'id and Hannah, b. Jan. 31, 1737, Jerusha, b. May Sarah Porter N ewell and desc. of Thoma:s 8, 1739, Jerusha, b. May 30, 1741, Caleb Newell the emigrant I6J2 who settled in above, Etheldred, bp. July 18, 17048,John, Farmington Ct. about 1640], their children bp. Apr. 30, 1750 [m. Chloe Roys], Ethel- were: Sarah, b. Dec. 9, 1794, d. Feb. 13, dred, bp. Sep. 8, 1754 [m. Lemuel Carring- 1864. Caleb Newel1, above, Horatio Nelson, ton], Mamr~, b. --, d. May 14. 1759; b. Mar. 21), 1799, d. Sep. 22, 1854. Belinda, son of Cal~ Mathe~s, b. at Guilford Ct. b. Oct. 20, 1803, d. Apr. 23, 1805. Norman Apr. 20, 1675, d. at Wallingford 0. Aug. Porter, b. June 3, 1807 [m. Mar. 8, 1865 22, 1755 (m. 1st at New Haven Ct. Jan. Il. Lucy Allen], d. Sep. 6, 1872); son of Caleb 1702 Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel and Esther Mathews, b. at Wallingford Ct. Dec. 16, [Sperry] Hotchkiss, b. at New Haven Ct. 1743, d. Oct. 20, 1814 (m. Jan. I, 1766 Anna Aug. 30, 1684, and gr.-dau. of Richard Carrington, she d. Nov. 22, 1804 aged 61, Sperry who ha.rbored the regicides, 2d at and he m. 2d May 5, 1806 Anna Hall, his Wallingford Ct.' July 22, 1736 Elizabeth children by first wife were: Simeon, b. May Trowbridge the widow of Benjamin Fris· 20, 1769, Nancy, b. June 21, 1771, Levi, b. bie), was oalled sergt. and lived in that part May 3. 1777, Chloe, b. Jan. 22, 1780, a son, of Wallingford which is now Cheshire. b. May 7, 1;088); son of Caleb Mathews, b. was prominent in the Congregational at New Haven Ct. Dec. 18, 1703, d. at church there where his name first appears Bristol Ct. Apr. 7, 1786 (m. at at Walling- in 1723, his land was leased to parties in ford Ct. Mar. 7, 1727, Hannah, dau. of Na- New Jersey for mining copper, had by 1St thaniel and Sarah [Jennings] Hitchcock, wife: Caleb above, Elizabeth, b. Oct. 6, Digitized by Google 4 A MER I CAN AN C EST R Y. 1705, Esther, b. Aug. I, 1708 [m. Nov. 3, Seaman, b. Dec. 26, 1809, d. Feb.
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