MAR2 2 2001 THURSDAY MAM H 22,2001 VOL. 78. No. 43 reeze James Madison University Copyright Controversy Right on Target Play That Funky Music Home Sweet Home Napster continues to fight record The archery team's efforts at the U.S. UPB brings the jazzy Medeski Mar- labels to stay alive while students East Region Championships were A court verdict allows Westport Vil- tin and wood to the Convo for find other means of online music. straight as an arrow. lagers to stay through the year. snazzy springtime jams. Page 14 Page 13 Page 19 Page 5 Students BOV to decide assaulted in alleged athletic future Bv SARAH JONES Cuevas said the first option tit senior writer doing nothing is not viable because tin Mhoo) wants to remain out ot hate crime I our options are under considera- legal trouble n-garding Title l\ He tion by the Athletic Committee of the fllflO Mid financial concerns plagu- Board of Visitors as it prepares to ing the athletic department need to B> Ru HARDSAKSHAUG preseiil a recommendation on the be addressed. assistant news editor future of JMU athletics to the full The five-member committee HIM Sll IMI I III „.].,., pluotmphrr board tomorrow. strongly questioned the anility ol the ni,vv ls Three |MU Btudenti were wounded in Wrestling coach Jetf "Peanut" Bowyer, left, hands his recommendation to "What you really have got coaches' plan to raise enough funds an jss.mli classified as a hate crime that BOV Athletic Committee members, I to r. Barbara Castello, Timothy ratify tour different possibilities tor for the non-scholarship teams not to took place outride D-hall Saturday McConvllle and Pablo Cuevas. the board to consider," Pablo need additional funding in the around 7:30 p.m. Cuevas. chair of the Athletic ( am ftltUIC Student bodv approval was The SUJpeCt BOphomOfB Michael mittee, Mid to coaches, athletes and also doubted. Nicholas, 2ll of Merndon, was arrested administrators at Tuesday's commit- Vesterdav Brad Habock. executive and charged with two counts of malicious tee meeting. ■Satntatntno, Centennial Sports Admtnlstrseon's Coaches' associate athletic director, contacted wounding and one count each of assault Cuevas said the options iiKlude several uuches to,isk ilieir preti Hit status quo CommltSM's nicommsndstton recommendation .\IK\ battery, resisting arrest and drunk in maintaining the status quo, accepting Al 28 teams recommsnetatton Creetea two-tiered Increase student on either the Centennial Spore) Cou> public I le was also judicially charged for the Centennial Sports Committee's mittee's pun or tlie administration's mould nmn Ekminats the sight system of 13 fees by $125 several other offensea report which called for the elimina- intact sports Isams scholsrship- a year tor the recommendation. Babcock did not JMU Director of Public Safety Alan tion of eight teams, taking the admin- return phone messages for comment. MacNutt Bald the ini ulent isclassified as a orionally funded teems and next 10 years suggsstsd 15 non-echolarsriip- istration's recommendation of a two- Tlie announcement bv the five- hate ^ rime baaed on the guidelines of the toouMsn funded Mams endowment lor tiered system of scholarship and non- memK'r Athletic ( ommitlee that it [aaraicC lerv Disclosure of Campus Secu- /% f\ future athletic scholarship teams, or following a plan had not eliminated the option of cut- rity Policv and C ampus Crime Statistics scnolarshlp. crafted by the coaches to increase stu- ling teams, as proposed bv the Cen Act of 1998. K dent tecs to be used for an endow- MacNutt said events are classified as ...Kft-UlO*IX l/f^**«VY>. ra ment for future athletic scholarships. ur FATE, page 4 hate crimes when they an' preceded bv "declarations about who they (the vic- iims) were and ivhal (hay were based on race, ethni- il\ religion, sexual orientation or gender. Dukes head Witnesses said the language that \u holas used prior to the event criticized the appearance ,MK\ sexual orientation of to WNIT The Taylor Down the women. MacNutt said there luve not been anv Under Mural Pro- reported hate crimes at JMU in recent years. ject, aiming to Final Four sjgffl'Ml' "AQ&t' 1 *?N'T*rM reflect the _46 essence of TDU. BY DREW WII^ON M ilJHPl staff writer was completed Cadets and officers gathered m this week. The behind Wilson Hall... heard Same situation Same ending artist, sophomore The Dukes pulled off another victory in art major Jennifer this commotion and went to the final seconds of plav, shocking the Mis- sissippi State University Bulldogs on their Bailey, started investigate. own floor, 63-61, Tuesday night in the the project Feb. 8 quarterfinals of the Women's National after being cho- —Alan MacNutt Invitational Tournament. A running lavup JMC Director of Public Safely sen by TDU super- by sophomore guard Jess Cichowicv with 1.3 seconds to go lifted JMU past the Hull visors. Bailey pre- 9? — dogs, sending the Dukes to the WNIT sented sketches He said the motivation behind Satur- Final Four WE* ^^n and said In the day's dispute was clearly hate. Senior forward Stacey Todd increased ^■JJjJ Feb. 12 Issue of Freshman Dena Kubich, a witness to the JMU lead to 61-56 with 27 seconds to the incident, said it started when Nicholas plav MSI s semoi guard Cynthia Hall The Breeze, that and another male student began walking was fouled seconds later and hit Kith free she planned the toward her and the group o( female stu- thlDWI to pull her team within 3 points. mural to show dents she was sitting with in D-hall. She Hall then made a steal on a long inKtund activities JMU said the talk was friendly and involved pass by the Dukes and was fouled bv ff "^ mostly joking about the girls being rugby sophomore forward Shanna Price in the students take players, process part In regularly Alter the two mall's and the women left Hall returned to the charity stripe, but at TDU, like play- D-hall, the (wo males walked over to the missed the front end of the one-and-one. ing pool, studying lop .'I the -.lairs to the left of D-hall's Bulldog junior forward Jennifer lam entrance four. brough grabbed the rebound and Wtt and reading. Senior Claudia Reilly. one of the fouled, sending her to the free throw line women who was alledgedly attacked, as well. Fambrough made her first, but said NicholM began veiling to the girls appeared to intentionally miss the second who were standing cuilsidc D-hall. She Once more, MSU snagged the rebound ■rid he waa saying, You guys play Tins lime it was senior guard Meadow 1 (New rugbv W.inn.i come tackle mar and call- Overstreet who crashed the boards. She, t'AKRII: KLINKER/ph*, Jm ing the women "short spiky-haired tttDVKBS.ptqei ,h ice Kubich Mid Mil hold I hallenged Ihem to tackle rum and said, "You think you can plav rugby, but you can't!'" Kubich laid one of the women began to walk toward Nicholas, asking what his problem waa, A heart Peirce-ing true story A Bah then reportedly ensued which mulled in three of the women being wounded, 'Boys Don't Cry' director Kimberly Peirce discusses MacNuft said the three woman Mil faed "viaWe signs about the head and her connection with characters, sexual identity issues face oi basting, i'no had .1 ptofusacut on her lorehead." B> EMU . Lw row don't even remember when I didn't have Kubich Mid, 1 le go) scaled whan he contributing WtiU t Brandon in my life I love Brandon I BSM the blood and !»' ran Wi chased him thought that 1M- W as unstoppable, she Hid, ill the.ops showed up." "You can k-arn something tromeurv one ' relerring to Kith her on-screen Brandon \l,i. NuM said the |MD police heard on film director Kimberly Peirce Mid ko an audi- and the person who actually grew up in the radio SBOW S slluatton Ivhiiul D-hall ence of about 75 in Wilson Hall on [ueeday Kills l/it\. Neb near tlic cootunonB, She captivated the audience with her Brandon MTVea as a role model tor I'eirce "< adels and officers gathered behind positive appnt.ii It, relating her own e\peri K-cause she said she tan relate to his issues Wilson Hall lor the ITU event (Ralph ences in Kith writing an.I directing her lirsi ot identity One *>t her childhtXHl stones Nader's speech) heard this commotion teat lire him. TJOVI Unit ( rv" to , outer n- Uhistrated these iaeuea. When Peirce waa B and went to Investigate MacNutt said. porarv IMUM toiutining American voulli wars old, she ,UK\ a group ol girl friends The officem arrived at the ana and and culture Mere reprimanded hv their mother^ alter reportedly bund Nicholas being chased llie event was sponsored .tnd organized Si'tting into some trouhle in the neighKir- in ,1 crowd oi people, MacNutt said the bv the I niversitv Program hoard and coin IHK! She said their mothers told the chil- officer! did not know what had occurred dded with Women's Wtvk. a telebrahon ol dren that it was time lor Ihem to start aiting outside ot D-hall, but radioed ahead to the Women's I HatOCV Month. like girls. Thus, began I'eirce's issues with I Vine is the .0-writer MK\ director ol the gt■inlet Identity .uui what it was to act like a station. They indlcatod that the SuHsd was awaul winning film "Boys Don't ( rv." girl in aodety'l standards, running wed toward the Quad, two offi- which opened In October ot iw.
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