amEKiC^ tv &A rrrsr F o f t a f c f c ? ^ * 5 «3 •' /w/s«./ä?v -so¿ '¿Fry, 1 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION, THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL REPORT: WITH THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETINGS, H E L D A T ALBANY, N. Y., MAY 17-20,1853. BOSTON: MISSIONARY BOOMS, 83 SOMERSET STREET. 1853. HALE M flfflT SCB; Page. T h ir t y -n in t h A n n u a l M e e t in g o p t h e B o a r d , .................................................. 3 Reports of Committees: — Obituaries, 6 ; Deputation to Asiatic Missions, 8 ; Siam and China Missions, 8 ; A g e n c ie s, 1 0 ; Publications, 1 1 ; F in a n ­ ces, 1 2 ; Burman Missions, 15; Bassa Mission, 16; French and Greek Missions, 18; Indian Missions,.................................................................................. 19 A n n u a l M e e t in g o f t h e U n io n , .................................................................................... 22 Members present, ................................................................................................................................... 22 Report o f the Board to the Union, .............................................................................................. 26 Reinforcement or Relinquishment o f the Teloogoo Mission,.......................................... 27 Report:— A ssam an d T elo o g o o M issio n s,............................................................................... 29 Election o f Officers and Managers,............................................................................................ 30 Report:— K a r e n M issio n s,.............................................................................................................. 32 Reinforcements and Expenditures of 1853-4,...................................................................... 34 Report:— R e in fo rc e m e n ts a n d E x p e n d itu r e s ,.................................................................... 37 Claims o f Southern Burmah, ........................................................................................................ 38 Report:— C laim s o f S o u th e rn B u r m a h ,................................................................................. 41 Civil Relations o f the Baptists in Germany,............................................................................ 42 H o n . D . D . B a r n a r d to th e K in g o f P r u s s ia ,................................................................. 44 Report:— German Mission,........................................................................................................... 48 M e e t in g - o f t h e B o a r d f o r 1 8 5 3 -4 ,........................................................................ 51 Election o f Executive Committee and Officers, .................................................................... 51 T h ir t y -n in t h An n u a l R e p o r t , .................................................................................. 53 Missionary Rooms, 53 ; Receipts and Expenditures, 54 ; D is tric t A g e n cie s, 5 8 ; Publications, 6 2 ; Missionaries appointed, 63 ; M em b e rsh ip o f th e U n io n , 64 ; D e p u ta tio n to A siatic M issio n s,............................................................... 64 Asiatic Missions:— Maulmain Burman, 6 6 ; Maulmain Karen, 70; Tavoy, 74; A rra c a n , 79 ; Sandoway, 82 ; A v a , 87 ; S iam , 90 ; Hongkong, 94k; N in g p o , 97; A ssam , 102; T e lo o g o o ....................................................................................104 African Mission:— Bassas,........................................................................................................... 108 European Missions:— F r a n c e , 109; G e rm a n y , 113; G re e c e ,.................................. 120 Indian Missions:— O jib w a , 123 ; Ottawa, in Michigan, 124 ; S h a w a n o e, 124 ; Cherokee,..........................................................................................................................126 Recapitulation, ........................................................................................................................................ 127 Table o f Missions,.................................................................................................................................128 R e p o r t o f t h e T r e a s u r e r , ................................................................................................129 Preachers at Triennial and Annual Meetings, ....................................................................134 Officers o f the Missionary Union, ............................................................................................ 135 Life Members of the Missionary Union,....................................................................................136 Constitution o f the Missionary Union, .......................................................................................150 ANNUAL MEETINGS. PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. A l b a n y , N. Y., M a y 17,1858. The Board of Managers of the American Baptist Missionary Union commenced its thirty-ninth annual meeting in the city of Albany, N. Y., on Tuesday, May 17, in the meeting house of the North Pearl Street Baptist church, at 10 o’clock, A. M., the Hon. I r a H a r r i s , Chairman of the Board, presiding. The Rev. L. F. Beecher, D. D., pastor of the church, on request of the Chairman, offered the opening prayer. The Chairman announced the death of the Recording Secretary, the late Rev. Morgan J. Rhees, D. D ., in the following terms : It is my painful duty to announce to the Board that our Secretary is not here. Dr. Rhees is dead. W e are deprived of his valuable, I may say his invaluable services. In his death the Board has sustained no ordinary loss. He was every inch a man. He might have his foibles; who has not? If he had such, they were very few, and as slight as falls to the lot of humanity. They were so few and so slight that they were lost in the brightness of his virtues and the richness of his gifts. He was a man of varied excellences ; none more so. Those who knew him best loved him most. In the meridian of life, in the midst of his labors and abounding in usefulness, he has departed, but not too soon, to be crowned with the laurels of victory. As he passed away to the sepulchre, he went with no common regrets. His life was devoted to the tasks of glory and of good. Though dead, the sunset of his undying .example still shines upon us. I have sometimes thought it fit that a man should thus die in the midst of his usefulness, that his light be extinguished in its brightness rather than glimmer along for years in its socket. But we have one consoling reflection : it is, that while we die, while the officers and friends of this Union are taken from us, this noble association lives. It is destined to outwatch the flickering 4 Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Board. [May, lives of us all. W hen, one after another, we shall be called away, others will take up our labors where we leave them, and carry on the work, until all that dwell upon the face of the earth shall join in the grand jubilee of the world’s redemption. The Rev. Sewall S. Cutting, of Mass., was appointed Recording Secretary, pro tem. On calling the roll, the following members of the Board were found to be present: Ministers. Ministers. Laymen. E b e n e z e r E . C um m ings, J o seph C. F oster, I r a H a r r is . F ra n cis W a.xla.n d , A lanson P . M ason, J o seph C. WniTE, D avid B . Ch e n e y , S. D ry d en P h e l p s , L e w is J ones, L orenzo A l l e n , J. L a n sin g B u r r o w s, J oh n F . R a t h b o n e , A lonzo W h e el o c k , H en r y G. W esto n , J am es M. H oyt, Ch a r le s G. S om m ers, E lia s L. M agoon, J ames M . L in n a r d , Or r in D odge, A b r aham D. G il l e t t e , L e v i D . B oone, W il l ia -M H ag u e, R obert T u r n b u l l , J ames B oyce, H e n r y I. P a r k e r , G eorge W . Sam son, Or e n Sa g e , T hom as W in t e r , J. A. B. S tone, S am uel Co lgate. Letters of apology for non-attendance, from the following persons, were read: Rev. Henry Jackson, R. I., Rev. S. B. Page, Ohio, Rev. T. R. Cressy, Minnesota Ter., Rev. E. Tucker, D. D., 111., Rev. C. W. Flanders, 1ST. H ., and Prof. W. Gammell, R. I. A brief season was spent in devotional exercises, the Rev. F. Way- land, D. D., of R. I., and the Rev. W. Reid, of Conn., on request of the Chairman, leading the assembly in prayer. The Chairman then addressed the Board, welcoming the members of the Board and of the Union to Albany, and to these deliberations. The times of meeting were fixed at 9 A . M. to 12£- P. M., 3 to 5\ P. M., and the evening sessions to commence at 7^ o’clock. Rev. L. F. Beecher, D. D., Rev. R. Jeffrey, Rev. E. Bright Jr., D. D ., R. E. Eddy, Esq. and Rev. G. C. Baldwin, were appointed a Com­ mittee of arrangements for devotional exercises and public missionary meetings. The Treasurer, R. E. Eddy, Esq., read his annual report, showing the expenditure, during the year ending March 31, 1853, of $114,598.66, and the receipt during the same period of $113,366.55, exclusive of grants made by the TJ. S. Government and coordinate societies. The report of the Auditing Committee, Messrs. Charles D. Gould and Joshua Loring, was read. The reports were laid upon the table. A part of the Annual Report of the Executive Committee, was read by the Corresponding Secretary for the Home Department, assisted by the Rev. W. H. Shailer. The report was accepted, and referred to committees to be nominated by the Chairman. Adjourned till 3 o’clock P. M. Prayer by Rev. J. M. Peck, d . d ., ni. 1853.] Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Board. 5 T u e sd a y A f t e r n o o n , 3 o'clock.
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