January 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S777 States-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act of tary support funding to Israel. It reaf- vacuum that terrorists and others will 2015, and to halt the wholesale slaughter of firms the U.S. commitment to ensuring step in to fill. Our too-hasty with- the Syrian people, and for other purposes. that Israel has better weapons and drawal from Iraq, on a timeline we an- Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Shelley equipment than its enemies. It will nounced to our enemies, created the Moore Capito, Mitt Romney, Richard Burr, John Cornyn, Rick Scott, Mike also foster increased technical coopera- circumstances that allowed for the rise Crapo, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Michael B. tion between Israel and the United of ISIS. We need to be wary about al- Enzi, Kevin Cramer, Mike Braun, John States to support the security of both lowing something like that to happen Boozman, Steve Daines, James M. of our countries. again. Inhofe, Thom Tillis, Joni Ernst. The legislation also strengthens our Terrorist groups are not the only en- f relationship with another close ally of tities we have to worry about. Adver- ours in the Middle East, the Kingdom saries like Russia and Iran are already NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGE- of Jordan. The Senate Intelligence trying to flex their power in the Middle MENT ACT—MOTION TO PROCEED Committee hearing on Tuesday was a East and would be more than happy to Mr. MCCONNELL. I move to proceed timely reminder of the importance of take advantage of an early U.S. with- to Calendar No. 7, S. 47. investing in our alliances. Senior intel- drawal to strengthen their foothold in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ligence officials testified that China the region. clerk will report the motion to pro- and Russia are becoming increasingly While I understand and respect Presi- ceed. aggressive in seeking to increase their dent Trump’s desire to bring our troops The senior assistant legislative clerk influence, not just in their own regions home and to end these protracted wars, read as follows: but in other parts of the world. Rus- we must do so in a way that ensures Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 7, S. 47, sia’s support in the Syrian regime is a enduring stability and protects our in- a bill to provide for the management of the prime example. terests and those of our allies. The natural resources of the United States, and Now, more than ever, it is vital that leader’s amendment is an important re- for other purposes. we maintain close relationships with minder of the need for caution and re- CLOTURE MOTION our allies. The legislation before us flection as we consider troop with- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, also contains the Caesar Syria Civilian drawals and would reassure our allies I send a cloture motion to the desk on Protection Act. This legislation will that the United States does not intend the motion to proceed. help hold accountable individuals who to abruptly leave them in the midst of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- have supported the atrocities of the the battle. ture motion having been presented Assad regime. It directs the Treasury I hope all my colleagues will support under rule XXII, the Chair directs the Department to investigate whether the the leader’s amendment when we vote clerk to read the motion. Central Bank of Syria launders money on it later this afternoon. The senior assistant legislative clerk for the Syrian Government. USS ‘‘SOUTH DAKOTA’’ read as follows: The conflict in Syria has claimed Madam President, before I close, I hundreds of thousands of lives and CLOTURE MOTION would like to mention the commission driven literally millions of Syrians of the Navy’s newest Virginia-class at- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- from their country. While the United ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the tack submarine, the USS South Dakota, Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby States cannot solve every conflict which will occur this Saturday, Feb- move to bring to a close debate on the mo- around the world, it is vital that we ruary 2, 2019, in Groton, CT. Designated tion to proceed to Calendar No. 7, S. 47, a bill make it very clear the United States SSN 790, the USS South Dakota will be to provide for the management of the nat- will not tolerate those who have con- the 17th submarine of her class, push- ural resources of the United States, and for tributed to the brutality of Bashar al- ing the envelope of U.S. maritime tech- other purposes. Assad’s government. nology and undersea dominance. Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Shelley Finally, the legislation we are con- We are proud the State of South Da- Moore Capito, Mitt Romney, Richard sidering today will protect the right of Burr, John Cornyn, Rick Scott, Mike kota will once again be represented in Crapo, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Michael B. State and local governments to decline the fleet by this engineering marvel, Enzi, Kevin Cramer, Mike Braun, John to do business with entities that have which will project America’s strength Boozman, Steve Daines, James M. chosen to boycott Israel. As I said, all and protect our national interests Inhofe, Thom Tillis, Joni Ernst. of the bills in the legislation before us throughout the maritime domain and today have bipartisan support, and I beyond. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, hope the Senate will pass this legisla- In March 2012, I led the South Dakota I ask unanimous consent that the man- tion with a strong bipartisan majority. delegation, which then included Sen- datory quorum calls be waived. AMENDMENT NO. 65 ator Tim Johnson and Congresswoman The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Madam President, I also would like Kristi Noem, in writing Secretary of objection, it is so ordered. to take a few moments to talk about the Navy Mabus to request that the Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- an amendment the leader has proposed. Navy name its next attack submarine sence of a quorum. As I noted, this week, our intelligence the USS South Dakota. I join them and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The community leaders gave a frank assess- all South Dakotans in saying we are clerk will call the roll. ment of the threats we face to our na- excited to see this honor come to fru- The senior assistant legislative clerk tional security and to our interests, ition. proceeded to call the roll. from ISIS and al-Qaida to the danger The South Dakota will build off the Mr. THUNE. Madam President, I ask posed by a growing alignment between legacy of her forebears, a Pennsyl- unanimous consent that the order for Russia and China, to Iran’s desta- vania-class armored cruiser that served the quorum call be rescinded. bilizing activities in the Middle East. as a troop escort in World War I and a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without As intelligence officials made clear, battleship that was one of the most objection, it is so ordered. the U.S. faces numerous persistent decorated battleships in World War II. S. 1 threats, and we should be wary of let- The battleship South Dakota was a Mr. THUNE. Madam President, I am ting our guard down or becoming com- proud representative of the 68,000 pleased the Senate is finally debating placent about our strength. For that South Dakotans who answered their S. 1 after three inexplicable Demo- reason, I would like to state my sup- country’s call to serving the war, earn- cratic attempts to filibuster the bill. port for Leader MCCONNELL’s amend- ing 13 battle stars in the Pacific the- This package of Middle East policy ment to express the sense of the Senate ater. bills, all of which have bipartisan sup- that we should be cautious about any The South Dakota led with her nine port, addresses a number of key issues. premature withdrawal of our troops 16-inch guns in the battles of the Santa For starters, this legislation will fur- from Syria and Afghanistan. Cruz Islands and Guadalcanal, which ther strengthen our relationship with We don’t have to look back very far earned her a reputation as a fighting our closest ally in the Middle East, for a reminder that prematurely with- machine by defending U.S. aircraft car- Israel. It authorizes 10 years of mili- drawing our troops can create a power riers and disabling the enemy’s. VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:38 Jan 31, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31JA6.004 S31JAPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S778 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 31, 2019 In her second Pacific tour, the South months apart during long deployments. to protecting Israel. Israel is easily our Dakota supported marine landings on The lives of submariners are not easy, most important ally in the Middle East the Marshall Islands with shore bom- and they are not easy for their loved and is easily our most important friend bardments before joining the Battle of ones. We thank them for their sac- in the Middle East. On some days, I the Philippine Sea and fighting rifice. think they are easily our only friend in through a bomb hit in order to defend The South Dakota’s complement of 135 the world, and we should support our our fast carriers. As information on talented officers and sailors will put its friends. Let me say that again. We U.S. military action was limited at the population in line with those of South have to support our friends, and Israel time, she was often referred to as ‘‘Bat- Dakota towns like Isabel, Pierpont, is a friend.
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