Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-15-1974 The BG News January 15, 1974 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 15, 1974" (1974). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2920. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2920 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. An Independent Bowling Green. Ohio Student Tuesday January IS. 1974 Voice ■me BG news Volume 57 Number 53 Gilligan awaiting energy decision By Janet Romaker allocations and within five days after consolidation The governor said some When asked why Central Stale and expenses at such and such a ic\ci then Board of Regents I'll they were News Editor their issuance, withdrew them school districts are so small "they ohm University were given more their enrollment dropped oft They lose justified in advancing addition Gilligan said cannot offer a full range of courses or lunds. he answered I know the lees from the students and subsidies over the formula aiununt- Sporting a red. white and blue Ohio We are waiting for the third set offer a proper college preparatory reason advanced by the Board ol Irom the stale They have nowhere In He said it is at tin expense of Hag pin in his lapel Oov Gilligan now. "headded program." Regents Both had siilisl.nili.il drop make il up They cant go around Howling Green In the • assured the University community In instances like that, it is to the oils in enrollment Then* Situation was tipping up faculty contracts at this operation and enrollment ceili Friday that Ohio is in relatively good HE SAID he has gauged the problem benefit ol everybody that they go into a very difficult They sign their facultj point.' heexplained given by the Board ■<< Regents to all shape' lor the energy crisis as it exists in Ohio Just this week I larger unit where they can offer .i lull contracts in the spring, anticipating Gov Gilligan said those universities colleges The governor moderated a panel and presented to the legislative leadership educational program, he asserted cei inn enrollment in the tall were stuck in a deficit position and to • To page tour answered questions Irom the audience some ol the statistical information we ASKED IF HE had any plans for "THEY PEGGED then operating cushion their revenue decline, "the Topics included education, voter have compiled We think we have an environmental programs in Ohio, the registration, the grape and lettuce informational base in the slate of Ohio governor said environmental education boycott, the welfare program, daylight about our energy-its demand, its uses, is a matter lor the individual citizen savings time, the state s withholding ol the sources we have for energy.'' he The environmental program, now 1227.000 to the University, the energy explained and in the luture. depends on the crisis and the Kent State trial We think we have an informational citizen We must take advantage of The discussion session, held in the base superior to any state in the nation existing programs and education so the WBGU-TV studio and taped and and we have now prepared some younger persons have a real awareness telecast live, was attended by about 100 legislation which will be sent to the 0 I what the values are. persons general assembly next week lor their environmentally and economically consideration and approval." he said speaking he said BILL ARNOLD, senior lAASl and So we think we re on top ol the Then they can shape their lives with Student Body Organization iSBOl situation and ready to nune with it " these values in mind You cant president. Steve Brash, assistant news The governor said that with a coordinate interest in ti:ii school director at WBGU-TV; Bill Fruth. program using common sense hard- districts unless you start at the bottom graduate student. Joan Gestl scnioi headed Conservation ol energy sources it cannot come Irom the lop." he said • B A AiSi and editor of the News and supplies, we can get through this Asked why Howling Green's 900 non- and Denny Grady. junior lAitS) and thing very nicel) There are a lot ol resident students were included in SBO coordinator ol state and stall's that cannot A lot ol states arc in calculations by the state in a decision community allairs served on the desperate (rouble, but were in to withhold the release ol $227,000 in panel relatively good shape adjusted enrollment subsidies to the Gov Gilligan said his administration Responding to a question Irom the University i- Miii waiting lor some signal from audience the governor said education I haven't any idea. Gov Gilligan Washington in terms ol what role the in Ohm is a vast, complex situation replied Thai is handled by the Hoard state is expected to play in dealing with There are 631 separate school 01 Regents They set up the limitations the energy crisis districts and there is practically on enrollment 1 don't know how the liter more than a year. Nixon's something dillerent going on in each lormula works administration has yet proposed no one." he said nationwide program 'They've issued in the last couple ol months, two sets ni "THEN THERE arc 2.S million emergency legislation lor luel children in the elementary and secondary schools in this slate It's Agnew disbarment suggested been estimated that one-third of the population is engaged lull-time in ANNAPOLIS, Md lAPl A panel ol Agnew resigned the vice presidency We sec no extenuating suspend disbai oi i epi imai Weather education direct!) or indirectly Maryland judges >.ml yesterday that and pleaded no contest Ocl 10 to a Circumstances allowing a lesser formei Man land . • teachers, students, support personnel former Vice President Spun T Agnew federal Income tax evasion charge sanction they said in calling lor III.1.1, ll\ the I "III I il M'pe.ll- Mostly cloudy, windy and and administrators, he said is unfit to practice law and should be rtiere was no comment irom Vgncu disbarment rathei than the suspension M.ii \ land - highest . inn I warmer today. High today 45 to 48. Gov Gilligan said he Hunks there arc disbarred because ol dcccillul anil on the panel N decision \li Xgiicvv Vgnew had soughi That court has sui Tonight considerable cloudiness very interesting and very innovative dishonest conduct will not ite making a statement at this In our opinion, the propel Ii ., majority ol ilisbn with a chance of a brief period of things going on in parts of the system In a recommendation to the particular time said Aim Breen a administration of justice, the proper ,.,-. but "> i ■ Ion ■!.' light rain or snow. Low tonight In I think the most significant thing in Maryland Court ol Appeals, the special receptionist in his Washington office respect Ol Ihc court lot itsell and a stiffei II lessi i penalties the upper IH to lower 30i recent years is that we've been able to three-judge panel said Agnew has propei regard im the integrity ol the M.M■ w II v-. U I in Allll !' Tomorrow partly cloudy, high Increase siaie support financial Mate admitted his guilt to a crime involving "His CONDUCT, charactei Ised a- II legal pint. -Mon i,impel a.- in conclude , kill, in, tli.- , ■ mostly in the 40s. Probability of support, to educational programs by 57 moral turpitude must In' .IS UC, (-It I ill .01*1 .llsll 'in '' thai the respondent ,s unril o i :,.i .... precipitation 20 per cent today and per cenl he s.ud The i ecomiiiendaiion resulted from strikes ai the heart nt the basii object .i- a niembei ol the bai ol tin'- slate VppCdlS \ I ml' ' SpOk 30 per cent tonight. He also said small schools would not disciplinary proceedings brought by ol the legal profession the judges the repoi i said lle.lt Ing ' ,'tilil l»e sell'il be consolidated just lor the sake ol the Marvland Bar Association allot s.ud 111 ihcii decision The final decision on whcthci to' Febi u.ii \ nt early Marel Vgm w appealed In it p i"' I, Judges llidgel) P Melvn Mil'le\ It Trustees discuss state subsidy , ul William II Hi i ullou] ' ,t Dei . IH lie.II ing tin; to tie: lit in- ability to inaki n living He .-.ml ili.it rathei thai he should be suspend, d loi . period s.iwng such action would he a Moore announces new budget set-up reason ible prolei He and the bai Agnew told the panel h) By Curl Hazlett budget requests, alter which the estimating that such a project would approved including admission ol commencement ol the year love and respect lot the legal Staff Reporter committees will present their budgel cost $25,000 library faculty in Faculty Senate ihc trustees also approved ■> plan u> profession and the prai nee ol ,.i" recommendations to the president's Student Representative to the Board representation save the liiiveisilv increased costs in University President Hollis A office Mark Walker suggested that the The Board also approved the telephone usage by building a "Slim LI) I be permitted in Moore Jr unveiled Friday a revised University initiate a study of installing formation Ol a Faculty Well,in' microwave telecommunication link im practice I would i onduci m budget planning structure that more THE RECOMMENDATIONS will smoke detectors in dormitories, adding Committee consisting ol five leaching between the University anil Ihc .1 .i
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