o No. 115 N 115 ISSN 1180-2987 Legislative Assembly Assemblée législative of Ontario de l’Ontario Second Session, 40th Parliament Deuxième session, 40e législature Official Report Journal of Debates des débats (Hansard) (Hansard) Thursday 20 March 2014 Jeudi 20 mars 2014 Speaker Président Honourable Dave Levac L’honorable Dave Levac Clerk Greffière Deborah Deller Deborah Deller 20 MARS 2014 ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE DE L’ONTARIO 5987 all members in this House support that motion when it’s WEARING OF RIBBONS debated on May 8 to ensure that seniors and people with The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): The Minister of disabilities in York region are properly cared for. Tourism, Culture and Sport on a point of order. Hon. Michael Chan: I believe, Speaker, that we have LA FRANCOPHONIE unanimous content to wear ribbons to mark the Inter- national Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimina- M. John Fraser: Je suis ravi de me lever dans tion. l’Assemblée aujourd’hui pour rendre hommage aux The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): The Minister of francophones non seulement en Ontario mais autour du e Culture, Tourism and Sport is seeking unanimous monde. Nous célébrons aujourd’hui le 16 anniversaire consent to wear the ribbons for this special day. Do we de la Journée internationale de la Francophonie. agree? Agreed. Today we celebrate the 16th anniversary of the Inter- national Day of la Francophonie, a celebration of French language and cultures around the world. En tant que pays bilingue, nous sommes très chanceux INTRODUCTION OF BILLS d’avoir deux langues qui nous relient à de nombreux autres pays. MPP SALARY FREEZE ACT, 2014 This connection not only enhances our arts and cul- ture, it also benefits our trade and economy. Cette LOI DE 2014 SUR LE GEL connexion améliore non seulement nos arts et notre DES TRAITEMENTS DES DÉPUTÉS culture mais aussi notre commerce et notre économie. Mr. Sousa moved first reading of the following bill: Dans ma circonscription d’Ottawa-Sud, il y a plusieurs Bill 177, An Act to amend the Legislative Assembly francophones qui sont nés en Afrique, en Asie et en Act / Projet de loi 177, Loi modifiant la Loi sur Europe. Ils enrichissent notre communauté, et je les l’Assemblée législative. remercie pour leurs contributions. The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): Is it the pleasure of the House that the motion carry? Carried. JIM FLAHERTY First reading agreed to. The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): The member for a Mr. John O’Toole: My speech today is about a very short statement. good friend of mine and of this House. I rise to pay Hon. Charles Sousa: Mr. Speaker, I’ll make my tribute to my friend and our colleague Jim Flaherty. Over statement during ministerial statements. the past several years, Jim has had a steady hand guiding Canada through our most challenging economic times since the Great Depression. He’s been the only finance VOLUNTARY BLOOD minister to serve in the Harper government. DONATIONS ACT, 2014 In this House, Jim Flaherty served as the MPP for LOI DE 2014 SUR LE DON Durham Centre and later Whitby–Ajax. He was a former DE SANG VOLONTAIRE finance minister of Ontario and a very successful finance minister, as well as Deputy Premier. He also held the Ms. Matthews moved first reading of the following portfolios of Attorney General; native affairs; enterprise, bill: opportunity and innovation; labour; Solicitor General; Bill 178, An Act to ensure that blood and blood and correctional services. It was my privilege to serve as constituents are donated freely / Projet de loi 178, Loi Jim Flaherty’s parliamentary assistant when he was the visant à assurer la gratuité du don de sang et de Minister of Finance, where we challenged many issues. composants sanguins. Despite his demanding roles in cabinet, he has always The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): Is it the pleasure of been optimistic, friendly and willing to help our neigh- the House that the motion carry? Carried. bours, his community and a local politician like myself. First reading agreed to. Former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney, now The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): The member for a governor of the Bank of England said, “Jim Flaherty has short statement? exhibited the very best of Canadian virtues in service to” Hon. Deborah Matthews: Speaker, I’ll give my his country and the people. remarks during ministers’ statements. With his retirement from his duties as federal finance The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): The member from minister, I am confident the members will wish Jim, Cambridge on a point of order. Christine—who is the member for that riding now—and Mr. Rob Leone: Mr. Speaker, I believe you’ll find their sons Galen, John and Quinn all the best in Jim’s unanimous consent to reserve four seats in the front row future plans. on the left-hand side for government staff and four seats I personally thank you, Jim. I consider you the most on the right-hand side of the room for opposition staffers successful public servant ever to come from the region of in each committee room of the Legislative Assembly, and Durham. I’d like to move that. 5988 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO 20 MARCH 2014 Interjection: It’s out of order. further for two years, bringing the total to five years. The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): I’m not going to Once again, it was the right thing to do. rule it out of order. What I’m going to suggest to the Now, as part of this government’s ongoing commit- member is that I’m seized with this issue already. I am ment to responsible fiscal management, I am proud to dealing with it, and I would appreciate the opportunity stand here today to introduce this bill, the MPP Salary for me to complete my seizing of the moment. If the Freeze Act, 2014. This act, if passed, would extend the member would remove that, I would appreciate it. pay freeze for all MPPs until after the budget is balanced I recognize the member from Cambridge. in 2017-18. No pay increases would take effect until Mr. Rob Leone: I’ll withdraw that motion then, Mr. April 1, 2019, after the public accounts confirm a Speaker. balanced budget. The government is continuing to lead The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): I thank the mem- by example, as it has been consistent and clear that there ber from Cambridge for his consideration. is no room in the budget to fund incremental increases in 1320 compensation. Our government will continue to take a determined and disciplined approach to eliminating the deficit. On- STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY tario’s is the leanest government in Canada. But with AND RESPONSES over half of the budget going to the cost of compensation, we must all do our part. I look forward to the discussion that this legislation MEMBERS’ COMPENSATION will generate on this important matter, and I appreciate Hon. Charles Sousa: I’m pleased to rise today for the the attention that I know members will give it. introduction of the MPP Salary Freeze Act, 2014. Since the beginning of the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, the people of Ontario have taken great BLOOD DONATION strides to help the province of Ontario regain its footing. Hon. Deborah Matthews: I rise in the House today to We are all in this together. In order to help grow the introduce the Voluntary Blood Donations Act that, if economy, this government has been focused on reform- passed, would prohibit payments to donors for their ing public services to control spending while maintaining blood and plasma, a component of blood. Before I and improving the quality of public services. Our efforts continue with my remarks, I very much want to have proved to provide great results. acknowledge a number of safe blood advocates and For the past two years, growth in program expendi- family members of victims of the tainted blood scandal tures overall has been held to less than 1%. Last year, who are with us today in the House. I’m pleased to total government spending fell for the first time in more welcome Ann Harrington, Ian DeAbreu, David Harvey, than a decade. Ontario public service sector wage Mike McCarthy, Kat Lanteigne, Antonia Swann, Graeme settlements continue to be below the average of private Ball and Karen Plater. They represent the thousands of sector, municipal sector and federal public sector settle- people who are supportive of this. I also very much want ments. to acknowledge some staff from my ministry who have We’re proud of these accomplishments, yet we know worked very hard to bring this proposed legislation there’s more to do. This government remains committed forward and who are also joining us in the House today. to eliminating the deficit by 2017-18. To do so, we’re Louis Dimitracopoulos, Mahindan Kanakaratnam and taking a measured and disciplined approach to balancing Vinessa Redford, thank you so much for the work you the budget while continuing to invest in public services do. that Ontario families rely on. The principle of voluntary donation is critical to Can- We’re accomplishing this through a variety of meas- ada’s blood system. It was enshrined in our blood system ures, including making key investments in infrastructure, after the tainted blood scandal of the 1980s. The Com- focusing on enhancing skills and training, assisting our mission of Inquiry on the Blood System in Canada, also youth in obtaining jobs, building our knowledge-based known as the Krever commission, upheld the principle of economy and supporting our small businesses.
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