\ N SCALE \ �PRECISION RAILROADTO MODELS MEET "MIKE" 1em# 126• -01 126-0102 126-010 126-cJ1 69 126-0110 126-0113 126-0114 All Scales: FreightN Cars:Scale: Track Planning: IS Replanning a 27x47-foot 'Dream' Layout 4 Bethgon Coalporter® Gondolas from Deluxe Innovations or E&C Shops kits Techniques: 25 50-foot PS-I Single-Door Box Cars, from Micro-Trains models 32 Vintage-Dating Freight Cars With Weathering Locomotive Ped'ormance: 20 Summary of All Previous Locomotive Performance Test Reports Time Capsule: Diesels, Onc-Detail-At-A-Time: SO Extra 176, Tomah, Wisconsin on the Milwaukee, 22 EMD SD45 as Erie-Lackawanna 802, from Con-Cor or Kato models Track Planning: 38 Portable & Modular NTRAK-Alternative ModuleDesign Techniques: 45 Assembling Cast Resin Freight Car Kits: Fine N Scale's Santa Fe HO Scale: gondola Freight Cars: 4 Bethgon Coalporter® Gondolas from E&C Shops or Walthers kits 25 SO-foot PS-I Single-Door Box Cars, from InterMountain kits 5 I MDS SO-Foot Plug-Door Box Car from MDC's kits Layout Tour: o Scale: Locomotive Performallce: 8 JefT Ono's 27x47-foot Missabe Road 20 SUlllmary of All Previous Locomotive Performance Test Reports Diesels, One-Detail-At-A-Time: Track Planning: IS Redesigning the 27x47-foot Missabe Road 22 EMD SD45 as Erie-Lackawanna 802 Freight Cal's: Locomotive Performance: 4 50-foot PS-I Single Door Box Cars, from Old Pullman models 18 E-R Models A\Co FA-I Performance Test Report 20 Summary of All Previous Locomotive Performance Test Reports Diesels,One-Detail-At-A-Time: 22 EMD SD45 as Erie-Lackawanna 802, from Athearn, Bachmann or Rail Departments Power models 21 Experience - At Your Fingertips, more about what's in this issue . from articles in previous issues Techniques: 48 Calendar 42 Build Your Own Scale-Size Covered Hopper Ends 52 Dealer Directory ON THE COVER: - The Utah-N-Modelers have created some of the most realistic portable model railroads in N scale. Their portable layouts are designed as sets of modules that will'fit in with conventional NTRAK modules. The story begins on page 38. " RAtLMODEL JOURNAL is published 12 tillles a year by Golden Bell Press. 2403 Champa SI., Den ver , CO 80205. Price per single copy is $3.50. or $28.00 per year in the U.S.A. Individual copy prices higher in Canada and other countries. Foreign suhscriptions $36.00 for 12 issues. payable in U.S. funds. RAILMODEL JOURNAL. ISSN 1043,5441. copyright 1995 by Golden Bell Press. All rights reserved. Second Class Postage paid at Denver. CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Railmodcl Journal, 2403 Champa SI.. Denver. CO 80205. RAILMODEL JOURNAL - DECEMBER 1995 PAGE 3 FREIGHT CARS BATHTUB COAL GON DOLAS Modeling the Bethgon "Coalporter"@ From E&C Shops or Wa lthers HO Scale Kits Deluxe Innovations or E&C Shops N Scale Kits By D. Scott Chatfield One of the most common coal-carry­ they are rugged). Most coal gons built This translates into a carbody about 49 ing unit train gondolas is now avail­ since 1980 have been of the "bathtub" feet long, which was based around the able in both HO and N scale from design, with the floor depressed below size of an open hopper that could carry twodi fferent manufacturers. Here's a the side sills, which is more expensive 100 tons of western coal (which is guide to the prototype cars and their to build and easier to damage. Why about 10- 15 percent lighter than eastern matching models so you can pick build them that way? Because the rail­ coal) and still fit under the older coal proper pre-painted models or paint roads and their customers want higher loaders of the time. This explains why and decal your own. cubic capacity, but they can't change westernroads liked the longer quad the length of the car. hoppers, which also just happen to be Give some thought to how you 53 feet, I inch long, coupled. As the unload a coal gon. Certainly not with a older mines closed or were rebuilt to shovel' Coal gons are emptied by turn­ allow taller cars, tri pie hoppers became ne of the most common ing them over in a rotary dumper. To more common, but if they were built cars on today's railroads save time (lots of time), modern coal with rotary couplers, they had to be 53 is the "bathtub" coal gon­ gons and many coal hoppers have a feet long. A quick look at the various dola. They are rarely rotary coupler at one end that allows the designs of 4,OOO-cubic-foot hoppers fo und in mixed freights, car to be turned over without uncoup­ (the western standard) shows this to be so you might not pay much attention to ling it first. The dumper clamps down the case. them. Where you will find plenty of on the car to keep all the parts together. Now rotary dumpers are not particu­ them is in unit coal trains, and with coal But this means the car designs have to larly fast, at least compared to rapid dis­ Oaccounting for about one-third of be of a fixed length so they will fit in charge hoppers. There isn't much room today 's carloadings, unit trains are a big the dumper; otherwise the dumper will for error in spotting the car, which part of modern railroading. grab part of the next car, or drop the means the switch crew spends a lot of Gondolas for Coal wheelsets out of the car it's dumping, with messy results. This also means the WFAX 86638, built in January 1987 by height of the cars can't vary much, lest Bethlehem. Smaller-than-normal Bethgons Three basic designs account fo r (4,OOO-cubic-foot steel cars) were built for the dumper squash them, though this almost all of the coal cars built in the utilities in Texas and Louisiana. This one is depends on the design of the dumper. last 15 years. The traditional open hop­ owned by Western Fuels Cooperative, This length turns out to be 50 feet 5 per with manual discharge gates is still which pools cars for several power plants. inches over the strikers, or 53 feet, I being built, mostly by Trinity in a -D. Scott Chatfield photo, Sterling, inch over the coupler pulling faces. Colorado, August 1994 4,000-cubic-foot version, but more com­ mon are the rapid discharge hoppers (whose gates are pneumatically con­ trolled) and "bathtub" gondolas, each built by several companies. If you' ve been a modeler/railfan for a decade or two, your mental image of the typical coal gon is probably Thrall's 4,000-cubic-foot "High Side" gon as offered by MDC. Similar gons were built by Pullman, Ortner, Darby, Evans and others. Heavy side posts and a /lat /loor make for a simple, rugged, easy­ to-build and easy-to-maintain gon. But that style of gon hasn't been popular in nearly 15 years, and while most are still in service, some are now fi nding their way into scrap metal service (remember, PAGE 4 RAILMODEL JOURNAL - DECEMBER 1995 lime jockeying the cars back and forth, because it isn't easy to spot a 132-ton gondola on a dime using a diesel loco­ motive with air brakes. Some utilities use an automatic car spotter that grabs hold of the couplers of a couple of cars at a ti me and drags the whole train through the dumper; it's still not fast, and you still have to maintain a big dumper. So why bother? It's a matter of economics. Rapid discharge hoppers cost more to buy, cost more to maintain with their complicated pneumatically controlled gates, and cost more to run because you're hauling around that extra hardware rather than the equivalent weight in coal. And you don' t have to worry about coal freezing in a gon in the NORX 2579, built in July 1992 by average hobbyist, Bethlehem was one of dead of winter. If the customer already Johnstown-America. The sunburst back­ the largest carbuilders. The company has a rotary dump, they will probably ground for the reporting marks makes the didn't build many different styles or continue to use it and keep buying coal aluminum J-A Bethgons of Northern cars, it just concentrated on a few and gons. Indiana Public Service among the most co l­ built a lot of them. Bethlehem was best (An aside: Rotary dumpers predate orful. Photographed in August 1992, these known for its triple and quad open hop­ month-old 4,400-cubic-foot cars hadn't the rotary coupler. In those days, each pers, which were the most common after had a chance to get dirty on the outside, car was set into the dumper and uncoup­ 1965, and for intermoclal flatcars. Half but the interiors have that black coating of led before dumping, then kicked out of coal dust. This is a Southern Pacific train of Trailer Train's fleet was built by the dumper to roll into a holding yard. running on BN. -D. Scott Chatfield photo, Bethlehem. But during the Eighties, few Usually found at eastern or lake ports, Galesburg, Il linois intermoclal flats were built (Beth never and at some eastern utilities, these tried to get into the double-stack mar­ single-car rotary dumpers can handle a to potential customers. Railroad suppli­ ket), leaving Bethlehem almost entirely wider range of car sizes). ers are no di fferent.
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