University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 2-11-1968 Kabul Times (February 11, 1968, vol. 6, no. 270) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (February 11, 1968, vol. 6, no. 270)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1713. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I ~,.. _~~I\t: l~ 'I ~t~ -Ii l~ j \ i~ p.. ) \, to I" J;,I • i'''~'' ',fl' ' ,I I "' \~ e- --'--~I'-'--'- 1 r,'..' 1\: _' 't.-vJ I'r. ,'I,{§;..~ 4 ~ .,..~ ¥ 1 ~ 10 ' .....!, • \?"I .. 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Hoping S\EOR.E~~~Y~G'EN,ERAL ICC MEMBERS 'France, Iraq Say No Mideast ., Settlement Till Withdrawal "\'T~O BRIEFED ON For Return MEET KO'SYGI,N "'ovembcr 22 by the SecurIty Coun' I\ t" 1 PARIS, Feb II, (AFP)-France and Iraq saId Saturday In a Jomt cII They agreed In thmkmg there SITUATION commumque here there 'was no pos­ l..:/luld be no POSSlblhty of a settle· Of Wounded Tharit To'Visit Moscow Today SIbIlity of a MIddle East settlement me-nt Without prevIous evacuation of unlll Israel Withdraws her troops \11 lerrtlorles occupied smce the IN LAOS s.1.\It of the confhct For Talks On Viet., iMi(leaSt It om the Arab occupIed terntory ~eblo Crew ,. MOSCOW Feb 11 (Rcuterl-'- Thant Will stop Over .in MoSNCOW ViENTIANE, Feb II (AFP}- The commumgue SaId hath Sides , 'G I f 30 hours on his way from ew Ind13n. CansdlSn and Polish mem­ expressed the hope that umt~d eff­ (Continued on pug. 4) UllIted Nations Secreblry enera or d H v!slt WIll be ber> of the InternatIonal Control orts would be made, particularly m WASHINGTON, Feb II, (AFP) U Thant fhes In I;tere today for talks Deihl 10 Lpn on IS , -Salurdays mee'tmg betwocn Nd­ WIth SovIet PremIer AleXei KosygIn hIS fIrSt to the SovIet capltsl Sin,/" (Clmrnlsslon were rccelved Satur:day Ihe Umted Nations, for a pea­ 1 by Khamphnn Panya, repllesentmg ceful settlement of the Mideast crt- rth Korean ahd Untted Stales rep­ expected to cover Vtetnam and other luh 1966' I lo.t met I , " The secretary-genera Premlcr Souvanna Phouma, who re­ ,AiREF NASSER resentatives ID PanmunJom could WASHINGTON, Feb, 10, (DPA) , " 1Oternatlonal tOPICS K~$yglO when the latter flew to the pt,.rted to them on the tense s\tua o ""Aref and PreSIdent de Gaulle nlso open the way for freemg lbe three -The International Monetary WASHINGTON, Feb, 10, (Reu­ UN during the MIddle East crISIS tlon U1 southern Laos cxpressed the WISh for tbe "mutual· HOLD TALKS wuunded cref' members of the Pu· Fund has agreed to a drawIDg ter),-The Defence Department last summer The group arnved here from Sai­ Iy advantageous" developmenc or l'blo, mformed sources said here by the government of Iran eqUl announced FridaY, cancellation of s.v. Envo,y Observers beheve the worsening gon after stoppmg off in Haool , petrol Icsources \esterday • valent to $ 31 25 mIllion. a U 8.-West German project to o::.ltuatlon In the :VIetnam war arid A communique said Saturday s The communique said that Arefs CAIRO Feb II \AFP)- Iraqi Agreement at the meetmg could develop a vertical ,take·off and the shll Slmmenng Arab,israeli diS­ talk' were aimed at fmdlng u lmme­ VISit which took place "m an atm 1)1 eSldent 'Abdul Rahman Aref, who ,dsu mean the return of the body of landing jet fighter 011 whIch ab­ pute Will figure promtncntly 10 the dlate measures that could be take~ {t~phere of great cordiality", hod HITJved here yesterday after an off­ the crewman killed when North out $ 60 mf.ltion has been spent, JAccuses by the fCC to remedy the sItuation helped ughten hnks between France Inal VJSlt to France, had hiS first h.. orC'an ShiPS sClzed tbe .Amencan GI T,ies To l , , fl'rthcomIng diSCUSSions The DefenCe Depsrtment sa -1 Thant Fnday addressed delegates At the same hme, the Laohcm nnd Iraq round of talks With PreSident Ga­ C"cetroDlc mteillgence sbrp J7 days the deCIsion was due to the abse' press agency rcleased a strong edl~ ll'al Abdel Nasscr last evening 1{~11 at lhe UN Conference on Trade Dc Gaulle and Aref had dISCUS Hijack Plane ce of a firm operational need f, and Development (UNCTAD) and tMlal on the destruchon of a bnd­ fhe t.ilks tire part of an mtenslve FI eemg ot the rest of the crew sed "In an understandmg splnt" the .. thIs type of aircraft at present liKlen'nedy ge over the Xe Bangfal River In ce­ llirlomatl(; l:ampuign lIltendcd to 111<1 the return of the Pucblo to thc On Thursday met the North Vletn­ mtern~~lOnal Situation, partlcuJlarly F,om Da Nang ntral Laos and attacked a 'sIde f ;.\slen a pCUL:cl ul settlement of the Amencans could then follow With­ ,mesc counCil 10 New Delhi M,ddle East prtlblems and Franco­ AMMAN, Feb 10, (DPAj- :::peculatton In some quarters that ""hlch found ItS colour 10 the blood Middle East CriSIS, which has alrea­ In a I easonable tlmc, the sources lr<tql rclaUons DA NANG, Feb 10, (Reuter) Jordan plans to grant a Yugos­ Of Ignorance th~ ~cretary general's VISits to Mo­ It spills' d~ lasted for ('Igh! months ~ald :;-.:. 41 -A young Amencan martne trt­ jav company concessions for 011 1 he commumque l.-ontmued 1 he St.ate Department refused to UNITED NATIONS, Feb II, ~<.:O\\ and LondDn might be aimed Meanwhile offiCials said at a ~ ...... ~ ~.w~"'"'rA ed to hi-jack a Pan-Amencan drIlling in Jordan, it was announ· confer~nce 'The talks naturaly dealt 10 the Arcf has the bolcklng of President lll.lke any comment on the three (Reuter}-South V;etnam's ambas­ at persuadmg the two counlnes­ press that the city of ~~, aIrliner at pistol pomt on this ced here Fnday The Yugos­ fllst place Wllh the Situation rcsul­ de Gaulle for a solullon of the hOll! PanmunJom meetmg sador to the Untted NotIOns Ngu­ )omt cbalrmen bf the Geneva Con S:u avane m southern Laos close to marine base FndaY, hut was lav company's concession w1l1 run the Ho Chi Mmh trail had heen hilt- from the Israeli Arab connlct Al ab Israeli I.:onfhd based on the A Washington ofCIcml, who ask 'len Huu-Chl accused New York rerence on Indochina-to call ano II overpowered by the pilots after for 25 years but Can be prolong­ and the attitudes toward of the lted for the ev 1/,:\l3I1On of Arab cd 10 I em'lIn anonymous, said that Current National Geographic Sen RF Kennedy yesterdny of dlsp Iher peace conference are generally surrounded for several weeks by NASA Predicts all' pohce had hurleq teargas ed by a further 15 years, 'RadiO '\\ lJ governments hllllones OI.:l:IIPICO by l~r,lc1 slIll.:e \1 ..'10 Ilmc had the North Koreans I.I~ 109 "IrresponSible Ignorance 10 regardcd With scepticism here North Vietnamese forces An attack Wllh regard to thiS, both Sides mto the plane, Amman" said I \\'H <!( manded an apology from Washl- WaS believed Immment Inc beglnnmg of the June The manne, PFC WIlliam til, statements about the Vlctnam co­ I ('( aned I he resolutIOns adopted on Issue Features Afghanistan There IS no Sign of any change (Continued on page 4) The UAR IS pleased wllh the (Contmued on page 4) USSR Overtakes Lee Clark, boarded the propel. ROME, Feb 10, (OPA) -Seve­ nflIcl ,I ench ,lltlllHJc which IS to ler-drlven DC-6 and burst Into ReplYlOg to Kennedy's cntlclsm 10 the Kremlm stand that It can­ KABUL, Feb 10 AfghanIStan, ral leadmg Halfan art hlstortans not make any mdepcJldent move on thai which lhe UAR h" .. alw,lys fa --------- the cockpit as the plane was Friday asked the Rome govern of the South Vietnamese troops ID and Alexander the Great's trek thr "etnam WLlhout the approval of ,. tlred N. KOREANS ough It on hiS fabuJous conquests U.S. In Space wannlDg up to fly 83 cO/Dbat ment to support plans to protect hiS speech to tbe New York Press Khe Sanh Temporarily Cut Off troops to Hong Kong for a In the old VIetnamese capItal of !\l:.SOclutlOn at Syracuse Friday. Huu HanOI whose pOSitIOn on talks It UNCTAD of ASia and the Middle East 2,300 WASHINGTON, Feb 10, , b&cks 'fully The USSR has also (liro also noled thal thc Frcnch PLEDGE AID vear'" ago, are featured In the lead (DPA) ~The SOVIet UOlon will week's leave treasures threatened by damage Chi Said "every Vietnamese CitIzen IS Irtc.;.l IlIrlil lc,ldcfs Ifflnned tl1<\t ef Clark, weanng a black leather an anony'mous Fighter armed WIth hiS publicly opposed UN 'Interference From Rest Of S.
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