Twer Found in Murder of Clerk SEE STORY BELOW Partly Sunny Partly sunny, high near 80, low 70. Hot, humid tomorrow, FINAL high 85. Fair Sunday. Red Bank, Freehold Long Branch EDITION (Bea Dttalli. p&g. J) I 7 Montnouth County's Borne Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 20 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1970 22 PAGES TEN CENTS *•" silillllllllllllllilllllilllllliailllllliSISMIISBIIIlllllllB iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Nasser Accepts Terms For Peace Negotiations By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ment easier. Itzhak Rabin, the Israeli ambas- in which the Security Council called for Israeli Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser says sador to the United States, said in a television withdrawal from territories occupied in the 1967 he accepts the latest U. S. proposals for Middle interview Sunday that his government favors an war and for Arab recognition of Israel's right East peace negotiations, but, he says they are "unconditional, and unlimited cease-fire." to exist within secure boundaries. "only procedural" and contain nothing new. SPEAKS AT ANNIVERSARY The Egyptian president spoke to the 1,700- The proposals, made June 19 by Secretary Nasser, speaking on the 18th anniversary member congress of the Arab Socialist Union, of State William P. Rogers, call for a temporary of the revolution that overthrew King Farouk, Egypt's only political party, There was a roar Israeli-Egyptian-Jordanian cease-fir* of at least , declared:.. "We do not want war for war's sake. of applause when he declared Egypt's two-fold 90 days and indirect' Arab-Israeli peace talks We want to liberate our land and we want the aim: "Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Arab through U. N. mediator Gunnar V. Jarring. rights of the Palestine people. We tell Nixon and lands and recognition of the legitimate rights of In a speech in Cairo last night, Nasser said the American people that we have accepted the the Palestine people." the same proposals have been made in the American proposals as presented by Rogers." He said the Israelis "have thus far refused past by the U. N. Security Council, and "it is But he added: "We do not see anything new to mention the word withdrawal, and there was Israel who rejects them." He said he does not in them since we have accepted them in the strong opposition in Israel against former Pre- expect the new American initiative to achieve past. It is Israel who rejects them." He called mier Levi Eshkol when he said in a press inter- any results "because of Israel's attitude and the U. S. initiative "only a procedural move" view he would withdraw from certain Arab foolishness." similar to U. N. efforts that have failed "because , lands." IS ENCOURAGED Israel failed to cooperate." SUPPORT PROMISED . Rogers was reported "very encouraged" by TELLS OF PAST Nasser reported that during his recent visit Nasser's response, which Soviet Ambassador "The fact is," he went on, "that since 1967 to Moscow, Soviet leaders promised to support Anatoly F. Dobrynin transmitted to him. Egypt has agreed to the U.N. Security Council Egypt "with defensive and offensive weapons to Israel has not responded formally to Rogers' resolution while Israel did not agree to it. Israel liberate our land." He acknowledged that "Soviet proposals yet, but Israeli spokesmen have re- refused to implement it because it does not want experts are now with us teaching our soldiers" jected Hie idea of a temporary cease.-fire, con- peace but expansion." but said there are no Russians fighting with the tending that it would only make Arab rearma- Nasser was referring to the 1967 resolution Egyptians. 2 Found Guilty of Murder; WEATHERMAN CAPTURED — Dianna Maria Donghi, 21, is escorted out of FBI offices in New York'Ci+y yesterday .by an unidentified agent, following her ar- rest on Broadway in Manhattan. Miss Donghi is one of 13 leaders of the Weather, man Faction of the Students for a Democratic Society indicted yesterday by a federal grand jury in Detroit. (AP WirepJioto) Life Terms Recommended By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI Mrs. Pearl Hughes, mother Judge M. Raymond McGowan maintained he was at home With the jury excused, he ••aiai!iH[iiii!i[ii!iii« FREEHOLD — Barry of the other defendant who warned the few spectators on caring for his four children at recognized Mrs. Hughes and Hughes, 22,- ol 213-Pearl St., bad been present throughout hand that he would not tole- that tune. , permitted tier to speak. Red Bank, and Edward the nine days (rftrtal *nd who rate any outbursts, regardless Surprise Witness "I am here ^concerned lor 9 Wright, 29, of Crawford St.* -frad disrtipte-4 the! trial of what the verdicts were. In a surprise move, the my son," she said. She again, Shrewsbury Township, sat Wednesday by declaring that » There were no outbursts. state early yesterday morn- as she had Wednesday, called emotionless as the jury an- her son was not getting a fair It is expected that appeals ing called a rebuttal witness, the trial unfair and main- 'No Push to Move Miss Shoun Devro of Asbury nounced its guilty verdicts trial, was not present for the will be filed. tained that his attorney, Paul yesterday evening. verdicts. She had been in The jury chose to believe Park, who is presently in E. Parker of Newark, has not After deliberating about court earlier in the day. the• testimony of: the state's Clinton Reformatory. She ibeen; respected.- •. ' four hours, the jury of eight Parole Possible star witness, James Dean of testified that a couple of Judge. McGowan advised men and four women found Judge McGowan set Sept. Asbury Park,' who testified weeks before the robbery, she her there are certain rules 18 for sentencing. He is man- that He Was the driver of the saw Wright In her apartment and. regulations which must the pair guilty of first degree with a chrome plated revolv- murder and recommended dated by law to sentence the getaway car for Hughes and be followed and that if he By BEN VAN VLIET eluding headquarters, Depart- pre-attributed to the proposed Wright, that the two robbed er which the state alleged were wrong, an appellate, life imprisonment. It could pair to life imprisonment for was used in the robbery. AUGUST A, Ga. - A ment of the Army, in accor- consolidation in Georgia." have sentenced the two to the' the murder conviction. Armed the store and that Hughes told court would reverse the pro- Georgia congressman Bays dance with established proce- Different Missions electric chair. robbery carries a maximum him he fired the shot that Before the proceedings be- ceedings. there's "no push" by the fed- dures." It. Col. Richard H. Lamb, The panel also found the of 15 years imprisonment. De- Wiled David Prazniak, 25, of gan, in the morning, Judge Qualified Counsel eral government-to relocate Westmoreland Replies Ft.: Gordon Information offi- two guilty of the armed rob- pending on the sentence, the Middletown, store clerk, when McGowan cautioned specta- He added that he consid- the Signal School at Ft. Mon- Gen. Westmoreland was cer, said Signal School facil- bery of $125 from B & B Li- pair could be eligible for pa- he threw a chair at one of the tors he would not tolerate any ered Mr. Parker's conduct mouth to Ft. Gordon, Ga. replying to a telegram sent by ities at Ft. Monmouth differ quor Store, Shrewsbury Ave.,' role in about 15 years. The de- armed robbers. further outbursts. He was and representation to be such Rep. Robert G. Stephens, Paul E. Welch, chairman of radically from those at Ft. Shrewsbury, Nov. 21. fendants were remanded to Hughes maintained he was convinced, he said, that the that he is a qualified counsel. D-Ga., said that since the the "Save Our Signal School , Gordon. When the verdicts were an- the county jail to. await sen- at the apartment of Mrs. interruption caused by Mrs. "I have no disrespect for Nixon Administration came Association" at Ft. Mon- nounced by the jury foreman, tencing. Grace Brinn at 121 W. Bergen Hughes Wednesday was an him," he said. into office, there has been nq mouth. The Ft. Gordon facility, he said, is involved in radio re- Mrs. Wright, wife of one of Before the verdicts were Place, Red Bank, when the outburst of an anxious moth- The judge asked Mrs. real effort toward consoli- In Mr. Welch's telegram the defendants, began to cry. announced, County Court robbery occurred. Wright er for her son. (See Jury, Pg. 2) dating the Army's Signal was a complaint that a Ft. pair and signal operations in- School in Georgia. Gordon study group sent to volving trucks, tanks, helicop' He said a Defense Depart- investigate, the costs of a ters, and other tactical equip- m e n t recommendation to consolidation would "consid- ; ment. move the Ft. Monmouth Sig- erably understate the total The Ft. Monmouth facility, nal School to Georgia was in- costs which would arise from he said, is concerned with itially backed by the Johnson a move of the Signal School to "strategic communications," Rumson Okays Sewer Funds Administration. Georgia." involving satellite and world- wide communications taught Gen. William C. West- Mr. Welch said that as a re- By RICHARD McMANUS that 1,417 single housing units ment. Mayor Teeter ex- pected to be operational in portion to be covered by the moreland, Army chief of sult of the Westmoreland let- at Ft. Monmouth. RUMSCJN — The Borough or two-thirds of those hi the plained that -the borough January. Rumson elected sev- property tax. staff, said a study of the pos- ter, his organization will The Ft.
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