Vif'FLORIDA SHaItiIFS A39mi&T '~Cie. Wy AD~VII»WO /'7a p- PUBLISHED FOR AND DEDICATED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF GOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT IN FLORIDA JAWUARY, 1958 VOI. I, Wo. » TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA ' , es of Ohio Plans Completed for St. Augustine (onfelence riff oil ST. AUGUSTINE —Host Sheriff L. O. Davis Jr. has and worthy boys the Sheriffs Association is building on a completed plans for the Mid-Winter Conference of the Flor- Z22-acre site on the Suwannee River, near Live Oak. ;- 5A Projects ida Sheriffs Association which will be held here January A progress report on this project, which is supported by 'KEY +EST—Monroe County 23 and 24 at the Hotel Ponce de Leon. the dues of the Association's Honorary Members, will be fF John M. Spottsmoad He said highlights will include addresses by State Sen- presented by Hillsborough County Sheriff Ed Blackburn ", Ohio sheriff indicated a ', stLM ator Verle of Augustine; Arthur Dozier, State Jr., executive director of the ranch. -«itr«mg interest in the accom- A. Pope St. ' similar summary on ' .yhshments of the Florida Sher- Director of Child Training Schools; and R. O. Culver, Director Don McLeod will give a ;. : f}Fs Association he outlined to Director of the State Department o'f Corrections. the Florida Sheriffs Bureau, a state-wide crime fighting them mhen he addressed their Association. , ': will address a banquet scheduled for the night agency sponsored by the Ohio, Sen. Pope Oonvention in Columbus, of Jan. 23. A fish fry and a luncheon for sheriffs and their Installation of 1958 officers will be held on Jan. 23. They :); ' lggt month. He said they are particularly guests are also on the program. are: Pinellas County Sheriff Sid M. Saunders, president; aug to learn full details A major portion of the conference will be devoted to the Pasco County Sheriff Leslie Bessenger, first vice president; rguording the. Florida sheriffs Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch, a permanent home for needy &continued on page 4) :Sureau, a state-wide crime . ing agency which the As- . S«fciation created; and the tion-sponsored 1957 law sher- , w*hich removed 48 Florida t - gas:ffzfm the antiquated fee lallahassee Man, Wife Make system an«F'y'laced them under 't,': «C 'new budget-salary system. ', Gen- Ranch ", -, . said Ohio Attorney Bequest to Boys , He Urge William Saxbe shares the interest of the Buckeye State TALLAHASSEE —A Tallahas- - in' will- i.::' NCerifrs these projects. see man and his wife have Dunn Appointed Sya$tsmaod, who is president ed practically all they own to af .%e,Piarida A'sggcfatian, was the Florida Sheriffs Boys To Ranch Post Ohg. featured speaker at the Ranch, a permanent home for TITUSVILLE —Brevard Ohk) convention banquet. He worthy and needy boys the County Sheriff James W. Dunn rrhd with Saxbe and Ohio Sheriffs Association is O' Florida is East Coast Chairman for the ' pr, C. Wf]liam Neill building on the Suwannee Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch. d ' }Sg trip, River, near Live Oak. They He was appointed by 'Mon- .„Its,".left Key West gn asked ta remain ananymous. me Caun4y Sheriff John M. ' ':") "a njinwtap flight ta Columbus - ' at '18 The- b e quest mas made Syattswood of.Key. West wrlt~Mgrfflometer through Leon County Sheriff dent af the Florida Sheriffs~ : %hen h,e arrived the , ' W. P. (Bill) Joyce, endowment Association and chairman of .'- temperature was 18 degrees, chairman for the ranch. the Boys Ranch trustees. th(tri. ;mga, eight inches of snow He will be 'responsible for t,:an.'fkk'«crabbed and .the runways He said it includes the cou- coordinating ' ple's residence and the activities of had f«r be cleared by snow COhiFEREHCE SPEAKERS—State Sen. Yerle A. Pope of St. Augustine property East Coast sheriffs in planning plows before the plane could (ieft) and Arthur Dozier, Stote Director of Child Training Schools, will valued at $80,000, their bank and raising funds far the land. be among the speakers ot the Mid-Winter Conference of the Florida account, stocks and other assets. ranch. Sheriffs Assn. , in St. Augustine, Jan. 28 and 24. Only a few possessions, such as furniture and personal be- Justice longings were excluded from Wheels of Who Will Be EligibleF the bequest, he added. (ourt Nixes Greased by Bureau Joyce said this is the first bequest under the new endow- TALLrAHASSEE —The records of ment program which he heads, Splitting Of and idfgtticatian section Boys Ranch Atiuiissions Policy but there are the Florida Sheriffs Bureau indications that "wheels of justice" many others will be establish- greased the ed by citizens interested in the : in circuit court here when a Drafted 9-luau Croup Sheriff's Job sentenc- Being hy welfare of Florida's Young convicted bifrglar was people. TALLAHASSEE —Yau csn -'ed ta the state piison by Judge How wiO boys be selected give your SherifF a fancy title Ben Willis. The ranch is being built on like County Director of Publica Leon County Deputy Sherdf a recently-acquired 722-acre Safety (provided you pass site and initial work is being .'Raymond Hamiin was able to Stills Hit the necessary constitutional 45 financed by the dues af the . get the burglar's past criminal amendment) . record fram the Sheriffs Bu- "'""'"'"'-'""''""-'"- Sheriffs Association's Honor- And (with the same author- ary Members. ity) . reau flles within a matter of - Committee In I957 Raids yau can even remove him I man Admissions from the control of minutes end enabled the judge composed of Arthur Dozier, MACCLENNY —A total of 45 The endowment program is the people ta wstrve:the usual pre-sentence of CMd Train- stills were designed to provide supplemen- by making him an appointive have State Director moonshine whisky rather than an elective official. fnvestigafipn, which could ing Schools, chairman; Juve- destroyed in Baker County dur- tal long-range financing, Joyce . several weeks. explained. But you can't split up the , , . caused a delay af nile Judges O. D. Howell of ing 1957, according to a year- ' flled against Bowden duties and functions guaran- es „were Hillsborough County, end report issued by SherifF The ranch is part of the teed ta him the the defettdant one day and he Hunt of Polk, Rabert McCrary Ed Yarbraugh. Sheriffs Association's "Fight by state con- sentenced the next day. Davis of Delinquency " stitution and handed down to was of Jackson and Dorr Yarbrough, who pledged to Campaign. In a him fram as far back .as the Braward; Sheriffs W. P. Joyce end moonshining in the county companion project the Associa- Hagan Par- tion is days of the Roman Consuls. of Leon County, when he took office last Janu- providing scholarships This, in effect, was. the deci- rish of Polk and Ross E. Boyer ary, said 11 persons were ar- for outstanding students re- Dut- leased sion of the Florida Supreme 's of Sarasota; and Marshall rested during the raids. Nine from the Florida Indus- Court when it ruled on the con- Nab ton, from the Child Welfare of the defendants have been trial School for Boys, at Mari- stitutionality ' Welfare anna, of Dade County's tt . ~ Division of the State convicted and two are await- to attend universities and controversial home rule char- Department. ing trial. technical schools. ter. In its initial meeting, in Yarbraugh said a total of The ruling can be interpreted A —Sea-going Jacksonville, last month the Martin 54,415 gallons of mash and 493 ta mean that a sheriff by any „,MgyzoeI. County Sheriff's depu- committee was told by gallons af moonshine was de- other name remains a "sheriff" Nhi" captured three teen-age Gula, group care consultant in function. Children's Bureau of stroyed as a result of the raids. Contest Winners The sherifF. is the ~" .atter the trio had for the The 54,415 gallons of mash chief law enforcement officer .', +ftiutzgidegred a 40-foot yacht the U. S. Department of Health, would have produced 6,795 gal- The following winners were in each county in Florida. ',' 'held the owner and his Education and Welfare, that selected in the "Highway sfnd "very real- lons of moonshine, according to The court held that an or- as hostages. the Boys Ranch is a his report. Zoo" traffic safety contest ' istic program which will serve which appeared in the De- dinance designed ta strip Dade Th@ deputies chased the Seven vehicles were seized at County Sherifr Thomas Eel}y "'4eebt';. boat, boarded boys not now served by other cember issue of The Sheriff's J. in a speed programs. " the site of the stills and the Star: of all but his process-serving ', " '-ftt y}aagd the youths under ar- county received $1,$04 from powers was unconstitutional. Richard Work was also started on the FIRST PRIZE ($50) ,'. gosy gnd saved owner drafting of a formal admis- sale of miscellaneous confisca- The court said that the Dade 8 pf Hinter Park, and his te items. Brooke Braderick, Crestview, County M from sions policy. Tentative regula- e t r o Government e. and four cMdren, tions would require boys to be: Yarbrough said much credit SECOND PRIZE ($35)— Commission, if it is going to- serious harm. 1. Residents of Florida. for the success of the raids was Lucille Weeks, Quincy. take any power awiy from'the' ; '; - 'The. afrfcers learned of the 2. Recommended by the due federal and state beverage THIRD PRIZE ($15) Sherifr under the charter, can- " case through a note Sheriff af the county in which agents who worked closely with Carl P. Jensen Jr., Dundee. not take it away piecemeal, but ore to a flsherman.
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