21, 1S39 TORBANCE HEBAUP.. T.rMn. .THURSDAY, DECEMBER nitt'NK DRIVER FINED | Legion is Host Arrested Friday at Highway 101 and Hillsworth avenue in to Youngsters "Canned Food Matinee" Friday to Aid Local Needy for driviiiR while in WaltorH of children of American toxicatrd, August W. Berlin. 41. Scores of Inglcwood, plead guilty and IjCglon members were royally was fined $90 by City Judge entertained Tuesday niKht hy KIDS INVITED TO SPECIAL Robert Leasing Monday. Hi- ar- the :mnu:il Christmas pally in ran,;ed to pay the fine- hy Der. the Legion hall. Acts of magic, SHOW AT TORRANCE THEATRE 30. song inid da nee numbers weir Kvery youngster in Torruiice and vicinity la Invited to The Herald 3 months. 50 cents presented by Dcwcy Ooddard, liolp local needy families and thereby gain admission to a chairman of the entertainment special matlnpe tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at the Tor- committee. But the hiehliKh; was the nppcar- ranre theatre. of the evening the theatre, the Fri­ Santa Claus 'Vermin Co-sponsored by The Herald and ancc of ---. llahcock) with gifts for every day matinee will he a "Canned* - Poods Show" and all foodstuffs : feature, Oeorge O'Brlen in ymm.ester present. Refreshments I 3AN PKI1KO collected will be turned over to "Lawless Valley." a thrilling the Torvnnce Relief Society fo Western drama, and n ntunber I distribution to famili rint »f srl ted shoH suhjcr :s which nn Christmas day Manager Herman I \- A single can of food hut fording to "Everything happens t iT Derbeque. mow can be fcroinight, of course ,, b mother and d»ddy for at Night" will admit any child t thr ( cans ol food or packaged .foods show which starts a 2 oo'clock, to bring to the big show to- ! Packaged foods will al le good morrow afternoon! You'll be 'That's Right, for admissions and T Herald i helping the Torrance Relief So ! and Torrance theatre hopes that; ciety In meeting STAKTS SINPAY You're Wrong' che many . & Lew s Stone ii It will take three ti-ucks to carry 1 for Chi istmaf Mickey Rooncy AM> "JUDGE HARDY .md SON" ONE OF YEAR'S BEST . John Garfield and Priscilla away the collected admissions! j homes here. Paul Muni in are co-starred in "Dust He My Destiny," held one of The screen attractions for' Just bring one or two or Lane see thr Sun- this show will be "Timothy's I three cans of food and "Everything's On Ice" "We Are Not Alone" left's outstanding screen productions. It is opening Conquest" a delightful comedy j show at the Torrance theatre! Cont. Sat iay at the Lomita theatre. STATEMENT Garfield and Lane Are Co-Starred Goodrich TRAPPED BY THE CAT' . I'aulelte (ioildtml and "Dust lie My Destiny." the I ton Hope huddle in fear, eorneretl by "The Cut" in thin +®+ TIRES new film opening Sunday at the scene from "The Cat ami the Cnnary" which :>peii!< S\in- "BEST IN THE LONG RUN" Gar- Lomi'T theatre, has John ilay nt the (iraiul theatre. field and Priscilla Lane in the starring role, and although this Is the third picture in which Even before it was officially they have heen teamed, "it is With the opened the Great Smoky Moun­ the first one in which they OLD ORADS tains National Park wn* the Best Wishes For A achieve what promises to be pop federal Dec 25 lasting marital happiness. of ToiTanoe Hijrh park MERRY CHRISTMAS For all its h^ppy ending, how­ ever, the new picture carries the HOMIC FOR IIOI.IDAVS young couple over ,n hard and invK Orubhs. Harry He rocky road before they reach etta ARDEN just the end of the rainbow Through­ ' ha THEATRE. out most of the film's poignant the fn lac Ditto For A and often melodramatically ex- seen around town. Dec. 31 citing course, the two youngsters Ol'R BU; OANC'K . The NOW SHOWING HAPPY NEW YEAR flee like a couple of hunted New Year'., Ev.- dance is show "U-BOAT 29" i animals from officers who be­ ing every indication of being the "PACK UP YOUR lieve the boy ha.s murdered his "SWEET AD-ELINE!" . harmony Iron'. most successful dance ever put TROUBLES" girl wife's stopfathi-r. .lames Cagney and Frank Mellugh with Priscilla 1-ane at on by our Alumni, and that FREE TURKEY FRIDAY the piano in a homey scene from "Thei Roaring Twenties," really means something con­ which opens Sunday at the Plaza theatre in Hawthorne sidering the very enjoyable and for Tour Patronage dunces sponsored hy the Alumni in the past. Don't forget the 'DISPUTED Jan. 1 People Ford Dealers date and place New Year's PASSAGE' and Good XVMl .... Eve. Dec 31 at the Hollywood Commended by will they're doing arent Civiera club house. There what Company Officials he hats, horns, balloons, and many other favors for ail so Mr Mr i. V. S. Glidden Teacher .Making their inr.'.ial inspec lie -<iire to come nnd bring your THANKS. 1,000,000 are motoring to Long Bi'ach trip 01 all agencies in I his a utMd" iri -, Christmas day to be the dinner Ira I!. Oroves, manager of PR,-« \CTlrF. , ,. TONIGHT guests of their son and daughter- i Long Beach branch of the Ford Th , . , ' ' fc in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon • Activities j Motor Company; H. G. Wilsor : ' interested in singing Glidden of that city. sales manager, and Leland John carpls Christmas Eve tonight.! ORRANC FERN AVENUK Seventy- come to, Mrs. Robert Ix'wellen It you are interested, R Mr. and one persons from Fern Avcnu 17151 r.ramerey avenue at 7:30. H E A T nd family are spending Christ- P. T. A. met last Thursda; CONGRATULATIONS ... We nas at the home of Lowellen's afternoon in the school audi Schultz nd Peckham's ig-ncy . toll where extend our congratuliti.ins parents In Los Angeles torlum to hear Kev. H. C. Bank;s at 1514 Cabrillo avenu ' this Mayherry of the family will Mr. and Mrs. Everett other members speak on "Religion in the Home. eek. nee Mariraret Kibbr, who wen gather. NOW I5c VICS £ DRUGS "In this day and age, whei They commented favorably on married tVe. 1(1 in Fresno. Call IHI K i 1:1 Mr. and Mrs. RufuK 'aife and emphasis seems to he more the ninnn hich the two forni.i. Mnrgan-t is family will he at hom to their strongly and definitely placed o veteran Ford riealr Ivi our Alumni, havi graduated "Spawn of friends Christmas. material things than on thos conducting their ai >ncy and r« with the summer class of '35 the North" and LIQUORS of n spiritual natu n- ported substantial increases U'KnniNCi SOON . Dorothy portant that we realize how sales during the past yea Warren has chosen Christmas Carson and Cabrillo important are the fundamentals Schultz and Peckhnm, now nve is the time for her mar­ that religion stands for lo' their 19th year, -ire the origin riage' to James Nisbet of Ari "Badlands" HtRMosA THEATRE humility, understanding and sc Ford d"alers in Torrance. zona. Altho Dorothy has heir HERMOSA BEACH vice to others. These are the j - - ----- away for some time teaching ir only real and worthwhile values | s p,,dro Coil il meeting Arizona, she has a h o * t of WE SELL FOR THE LEAST In life, and the only attributes: San pt,dro r,.onl F(, friends In this city as she gradu of lasting importance to the p f ^ were Mesd nted with I he Class of '30. making of man man, , . John G» 1 OREKTINOS . The Alumn 'Behind he said. | ner, William Joll I. .1. Milh d ' extends to all, "A M.-rry Christ Prison (Jates" A business session wa h(;l(1 j and A. f'. Turner, mas :ind a Prosperous a n < Many Gifts for Christmas STARTING SATI'HIIAV Pickett. Dfll rlllilSTMAS SHOW by Mrs. Claude r'n'e'd ^ TOKKANfK KI.KMKNTAR1 .. Happy New Year." ZANPE GREVS iVm. Powell Myrna toy man of safety. She wa Kirsh "ANOTHER THIN MAN" importance of "Secret Valley" parents of the j fare chairman of Torrance Kle IM.I'S being watchful of home acci­ i Children of Dock 2nd Big Feature I'. T. A., reports th At Rock Bottom Prices! Christmas mentary dents during the distribution of live Chrlstma,, Workers Invited MEXICAN PROGRAM MEN'S 3-Piece OLD QUAKER 3-year old season. Mrs. John Garner, radio baskets to wo'lhy families of to Party in S. P. Free to Kids Bicycle, and motion picture chairman, Torrance. Ciindy, from the P. ; * CANDY MILITARY WHISKEY of worthwhile' gave a short list T. A. and teachers of the; The I. L. W. II. Ladle:; /\uxl Tricycle, Electric Train, Fresh Miniatures motion picture and radio pro- BRUSH SETS A^c school, was distributed to all Hary, No. 8, will be hostcsw Wagons, Skates and Priceo From 2 Brushes and Comb PINT the chidren as a holiday gift, today it 1:30 p. m. to the child LflKXOQuuBILjBJ feature of the meeting other Gifts Special of all Harbor District lying HAWTHORNE, CALIF-. was a Christmas pagcint pre­ Next meeting of the assocla- [ ren C Telephone 299 Warehousemen am SATURDAY MATINEE! sented by members of Mrs. Me tion has been scheduled for Jan. i shoremen. "The Friendly Family Theatre" ! permit men, at a gala Chri.si Ib Available class, and a group 23. •. p..4S' Hearing Aidi Elrae's room their hill. 277 of harmonic-i numbers played TORRANCK HIGH S« IIOOL .
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