Volume 32, No. 4 May 2019 daytonsbluffdistrictforum.org D “The Voice of the Community” ed the day of the festival. Three cash Coming soon to prizes will be awarded. Don't miss your chance to make a statement Dayton's Bluff: with public art! No previous experi- th ence or credentials required. Apply 10 Annual Art by May 21 at www.artinthehol- low.org. in the Hollow There will be artists in a variety of media demonstrating and selling Karin DuPaul their works, and performers from Forum Staff around the globe on stage in the heart of magical Swede Hollow Park. Calling all artists and entertainers! Scores of community members come The 10th Annual Art in the Hollow together to make this happen, and takes place on Saturday, June 1, volunteers are rewarded with a from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. in breakfast at the beginning of the day Swede Hollow Park. Openings re- and a party with the artists afterward. main for artists, artisans, and per- For more information on volunteer- formers. Sign up on Facebook or at ing to be a part of this wonderful cel- www.artinthehollow.org. The fee for ebration of talent go to artists to display is $15. There is no www.artinthehollow.org or contact fee for performers, who will be se- Karin DuPaul at 651-776-0550 or lected based on talent, variety, and [email protected]. local roots. To exhibit, perform, or enter the Art in the Hollow will include a sculpture contest, sign up at temporary environmental sculpture www.artinthehollow.org. Art in the contest. Entry is $10, and concepts Hollow is free and open to all. meeting safety criteria will be erect- Jennifer Gascoigne Two Minneapolis & Saint Paul Home Tour visitors stopping by 735 Margaret Street, a Queen Anne style Victorian structure historically known as the Charles Grew House, to see the property in the early stages of renovation. This grand home features original 1890s woodwork, an ornately tiled fireplace (in excellent condition!) and lots of space. This Dayton's Bluff home was spared the wrecking ball and became a renovation collaboration between Dayton's Bluff, Ramsey County, and the City of Saint Paul. Work began in August 2018, and is expected to be completed in September 2019. Friends of Swede in .jpg format to karindupaul@com- cast.net by or before June 23, 2019. Hollow Photo Contest: Please put “FOSH Spring Photo Photographers wanted! Contest” in the subject line, your contact information within the body Photos by Steve Trimble Karin DuPaul of the email, and if you’d like, the ti- Forum Staff tle of your image. Prizes are first (Pictured above and below) Saturday, April 20, was an egg-stra special day on the Bluff. place - $75, second place - $50, and Mounds Park United Methodist Church invited the community to take part in their annual Easter Egg Hunt, held each year at Indian Mounds Park. The big bunny himself was on- Friends of Swede Hollow is hosting third place - $25. Judging will be hand (on paw?) to give hugs and spread springtime cheer to Dayton's Bluff. a Spring Swede Hollow Photo Con- done by the East Side Arts Council. test. Photos must be taken in Swede Karin DuPaul can be reached at Hollow Park between March 21 and [email protected] June 20, 2019. Email your photos com. Dayton’s Bluff NONPROFIT ORG. Community Council U.S. POSTAGE 804 Margaret Street PAID St. Paul, MN 55106 TWIN CITIES MN PERMIT NO. 3996 ECRWSS Postal Customer Page 2 Dayton’s Bluff District Forum May 2019 Twin Cities Mobile Market board games at the library? Library visi- Free Help for East Side Pets Dayton’s Bluff tors can play the games in the library or Take-a-Hike The Twin Cities Mobile Market is a check them out for two weeks. The full The Animal Humane Society’s Com- grocery store on wheels that brings af- list of games can be viewed at munity Outreach program offers special On the second Saturday of most fordable, healthy food directly into http://bit.ly/MetroGames and all are clinics for pets on the East Side. The months, the Dayton’s Bluff Take-a-Hike neighborhoods. The Mobile Market available to the public. events provide free wellness exams, will begin at Indian Mounds Park, at stops at Parkway Gardens Apartments, For information about these and other vaccines, nail trims, spay/neuter ap- Earl Street and Mounds Boulevard, at located at 1145 Hudson Road, on events check sppl.org or call 651-793- pointment scheduling, guidance from 10:30 a.m. The next hike will be on Wednesdays, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 1699. The Dayton's Bluff Library shares the AHS behavior team and St. Paul An- its home with Metropolitan State Uni- Saturday, May 11. The hike is approxi- p.m. th imal Control, free pet food, and more. mately one and a half to two hours long versity at 645 East 7 Street. For information on upcoming events and will end at Swede Hollow Park or and locations call 651-788-4685 or visit East Side Heritage Park, depending on http://animalhumanesociety.org/out- the desire of the hikers. Share and learn Wish List Care Packages reach-services-frogtown-and-east-st- a little history along the way! Email paul. [email protected] or call 651- Help East Side Elders distribute food, 776-0550 for more information. hygiene items, and more to seniors on the East Side by shopping their Amazon Wish Summer Employment Saturday, May 4: Midwest All-Star List! Visit www.amazon.com/registry/wish- Looking for a fun job? Ramsey Friends of Swede Hollow Wrestling returns to the Mounds Theater County Parks and Recreation is now for MAW Live: Enemy of the State! Gar- list/3KK0O1OGFO5NJ. You can have hiring for the summer 2019 season to risaon Creed vs. Moses Mayhem, Chris these much-needed items sent right to Watch over, restore, and celebrate the staff city parks, golf courses, beaches, Jordan vs. Damon Spriggle, The African our office. From there, our team of vol- history of Swede Hollow Park. Join the unteers will distribute them to seniors in and water parks. Positions offer flexi- Swede Hollow community at their Prince ALI vs. Stonehenge Joseph Wayne, Scott Story vs. Air Wolf. The need. bility in scheduling within a fun, monthly meeting on Thursday, May 2, With the help of supporters like you, friendly, outdoor environment. For at 6:30 p.m. Email karindupaul@com- System will be in action. Strap Match: Russell Rogue vs. Leonard Literacy. we are able to supply groceries and per- more information and to apply, Visit cast.net or call 651-776-0550 for more sonal care items to seniors in the com- www.ramseycounty.us/residents/park- information and the meeting’s location. And as always, Heel Turn Radio will be calling all the action LIVE from the munity, at no charge to them. These s-recreation/seasonal-employment. Haunted Balcony. Doors open at 6:00 items help stretch their monthly budgets p.m. and the show kicks off at 7:00 and give them access to healthy food Dayton's Bluff District p.m. Tickets: General admission (in ad- and much-needed personal care prod- vance): $9 adults, $7 kids; General ad- ucts. Donations can also be dropped off Swede Hollow Bird Walk Forum Board Meeting mission (at the door): $12 adults, $8 at our office: East Side Elders, 463 kids; VIP ringside seating (in advance): Maria Avenue Suite 201, St. Paul, MN Come see and learn about the many The Forum is seeking writers and $15 adults, $10 kids; VIP preferred seat- 55106. A printable wish list can also be different birds in beautiful Swede Hol- help with online content, idea genera- ing (at the door): $15 adults, $10 kids. found on our website. low Park. On Saturday, May 4, at 9:00 tion, and ad sales – join us at our next Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, a.m., meet at Drewry Lane and Beau- meeting on Friday, May 3, at 1:00 May 10-25: Fearless Comedy Produc- mont, just southeast of Payne and Min- p.m., at Swede Hollow Cafe at 725 E. tions presents: Rosencrantz and Grocery Shopping nehaha. Kathy Sidles will lead the walk 7th Street. Call 651-776-0550 or email Guildenstern Are Dead. Show times: and help find the birds. In addition to [email protected] visual sightings, Kathy will teach us May 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 and 25 at 7:30 Did you know that East Side Elders for more information. “Birding by Ear” identification. If you p.m.; May 12 and 19 at 2:30 p.m. can help you and your loved one with Tickets: $15. have binoculars please bring them. Visit grocery shopping? We want to be part of the Friends of Swede Hollow Facebook May 31 - June 2: 2 Defy Gravity your support team! presents Circus Splendor. Circus Splen- page or call 651-776-0550 for up- Let East Side Elders take a chore off dates. The Swede Hollow Park Bird dor is a performance combining the art your long to-do list! To get help with Police Community Meetings of contemporary circus with other art Walk is a FREE event and all are wel- grocery shopping, simply give us a call come! forms to push the boundaries of circus at 651-683-2326 or email us at In- The Eastern District Saint Paul Police today. This all ages cabaret-style show will host their monthly meetings for [email protected] with a detailed will feature innovative and exciting list.
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