Di Al Radio F Ace Tatung 190 Chassis Faults

Di Al Radio F Ace Tatung 190 Chassis Faults

THE LEADING UK CONSUMER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE on SERVICINGVIDEO.SATELLITEDEVELOPMENTS FEBRUARY 1996 £2.35 A REED BUSINESS PUBLICATION Di al radio f ace Tatung 190 chassis faults Recording the chroma signal 1 Amstrad SRD510 1D mod rvicing mo Fault reports , Satellite Video r TV .10 0 2> I 9 770032 64706 (.1 , P.ILEX THE MARKET LEADERS IN HIGNIii OnMANCE DS ?r Old .444Nt° 4:3',goodreasonswhyyoushmstocklierhilexraigeof Replacement Video Heads RANGE the largest range of replacement heads in Europe AVAILABILITY extensive stocks available CROSS REFERENCE full listings are available for eisy identification VALUE quality replacement heads at very competitive prices SERVICE the Philex "availability" network through major distributors and wholesalers offersfast and efficient service QUALITY manufactured using the latest engineering concepts from top gradecomponents ALL TYPES AVAILABLE including camcorder, time lapse and professional heads SPEED OF RESPONSE new heads can be developed inas little as 10 days For more details on: Video Heads, Other products & Distributors Contact Phliexon: Tel: 0181-202-1919 Fax: 0181-202-0015 AllS13411111 AH111131 CONTENTS A901001331 113111110 iU A11113V FEBRUARY 1996 VOL. 46 NO. 4 S3180813313 031 lddV 11 189112S :10 AI113de8d Technolop Video A visit to Sharp 244VCR signal processing 272 George Cole reports on Sharp's latest LCD Joe Cieszynski on the basic problems involved in technology, for both data displays and pictures, with recording and playing back the chroma signal, in screen sizes now extending to 28 inches. particular phase jitter, frequency shift and crosstalk, and the techniques used to deal with them. CD Players This month's cover. Chinese junk 278 Our CD player specialist Les Austin has been plagued by some unfortunate experiences with Chinese produced machines. Sharp's largest and newest LCD plant at Mie, Japan. Monitors Television Servicing PC monitors 252Servicing the Tatung 190 More PCs than TV sets are now being sold in many Series chassis 296 markets, representing a major prospective market for John Coombes provides a fault guide for this popular service engineers. The monitor side should present small -screen chassis that features an f.e.t. chopper no great problems for the tellyman. Peter Shoreland circuit. provides some introductory advice. Satellite REGULARS Digital radio from space 260 Camcorner 256 The Astra Digital Radio (ADR) system has been designed to exploit spare spectrum space between Help wanted 281 satellite video channels. Up to twelve high -quality Leader 243 stereo radio signals can be accommodated per Letters 270 transponder and a pay radio service is about to be Editor started in the UK. Eugene Trundle on the technology. Long-distance TV 292 John A. Reddihough Satellite notebook 290 Production Editor Tessa Winford Satellite workshop 258 Consultant Editor Converting the Amstrad Martin Eccles Teletopics 264 Publishing Director SRD5 I 0 for Astra 1 D Susan Downey Test Case 398 259 Advertisement Manager reception 280 Carol Nobbs TV fault finding 266 0181 652 8330 P. Haylor found that it's quite simple to obtain Astra VCR clinic 286 Advertisement Sales 1D reception by adding a board link and Executive incorporating an ADX block converter. What a life! 284 Pat Bunce 0181 652 8339 FAX 0181 652 8931 NEXT MONTH Michael Maurice with further information on this recent Editorial Office VCR range, including some fault hints. A Visit to the 0181 652 8120 Bowling Alley The monitors were the problem here, all FAX 0181 652 8956 Servicing the Panasonic Z1 Chassis John Coombes on Newsagent Enquiries fault-finding with this popular chassis that's found in 14, out of adjustment and difficult to get at. Chris Watton let David Sanders 16 and 21in. models. The Problem of Pre -echo This is a himself in for the job - and didn't even get a free game! 0181 652 8152 problem that can arise in strong -signal areas. It is often VCR Signal Processing A closer look at the techniques Fax 0181 652 8997 unexpected and can cause a variety of strange symptoms. used in chroma signal recording. Toshiba Service Briefs The basic cause is direct signal pick-up within the set. More know-how from Toshiba Technical. Note that we are unable to Communal systems are particularly likely to be affected answer technical queries over the telephone and cannot by pre -echo problems. Bill Wright provides guidance on Our March issue will be provide information on spares how to tackle the situation.More on the Toshiba V3 published on February 2 I st other than given in our Spares Guide TELEVISION February 1996 237 MIIIMP!!!!!!!IMINIMMOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW11111111M1111014WWWW0 CLcoco 7"e2"-''''S$"°8"""-233-"lgS'-'-'3'8628-85328--LAgw,P4z8G8',9q88n-8-°'-'4-'8-83:"S""'8-2"W"M98-88822124;74=."'--'9""mA2=AMPSq aa;a 'a VVaciii3i3i49WWVIeaEiiTORRAPV4PPATP,M=m7Xini*,w,gARLRAOPR 0,CL fltugagagutpatitanalgtalmagglItamallittammulamagmaiagliamalmaimpalitaamplutammiliiildd333333333333333355555555555B555s55s555g555Msgsgss5s5555555s5555555555555555555555s5550------........m.E...1___ _ -A---1 - -- .-.---'--M.--. -.- -- , - M!.=- .0 MOMF.27745.::12AagglziPASWFMAWARIPIArig§§§§Ontitg8823or, 0_0:LTS2,' . .- ...nOW2WW211 '.) .'c",.3EAAWs',268iFfn..2;743MagAgAR""a . a .,...g, .,..,.T4.1nuMgnpup''RR -9, . j...-2° IllfaffiVIIIIIIIM144111416zzzzzzzzi>»ii2.4224.aMMM.ecfccataaflMaaCiZZZZZ:eafa2222223222UUxxxxxxxxX'xxT(44<a««4««««<«44<a«.««««««««mcom..3.3.3cocom.moommomao.ow......0..............o. , N N . , aquialaguila41111WWWWIMIWlaulfaMinalftlaillIWWWN.-, ...... 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