" nr •:.**• Page 8 Q^RIE^J^gp^ALy, Wednesday, September 2^ 1973 Senator Calls.. n Ruling 'to Washington,DCRNS1 -!&n. The Buckley ,, amendment 6m not, concern Itself with the Dewey F. Bartlett (R-Okla.) has would guarantee Jiat protections issue of [whether or not abortion charged that the US. Suprertie to the right to life given "persons" is rrwrdfe'Ira said, Court rujing.on abortion may be under the Constitution would be Sen- tletfJ said that "one considered "progress iveTj by extended to infclude "unborn hKist alwaysvalue human life. some, "but in reality It, is offspring at every stage of their Therighi to life fe hot the gift of. a regressive, a throwback to j the biological development . ." state,,a|Judiciary-or any other primitive and barbarian past "The decision of the Supreme organization or individual. It is Court is a direct attack on this innate in the nature of man." RALPH FASANELLA fundamental human flight/" Sen. He held that the court arhved Bartlett said in a statement on the OVER SO? at its position by a "fcross Senate floor. "It s offensive not distortion of history, of i the only to common sense and Constitution, and of the nature of MIAMI man/' * established scientific fact, but to that precious rnorall tradition which is the product of ages of QNtY $35 pmjWMMdbT. occ. The Oklahoma senator, one of human endeavor . ." May-6ct.) Includes 3 delicious the co-sponsors of the Hurnan He argued that "to hold that meals -served dally, com­ By JOHN DASH alienation is the individual motor fortable hotel i(!ving With fine Life Amendment introduced by many of us can solve; our car. w people who ?hare your In­ Sen. James L. Buckley (R-N.Y.), problems only by killing others is terests.. Enjoy a carefree When Xetox opened the first The remedy to alienation, he called on the Senate to support one-man art show its gallery has a blow to humai development, lifestyle .with | spacious gar­ says, is to recognize trjat the measure which would serve and justice." hosted, the company brought to dens, giant «pit water poor, "mankind is a social force, a to overturn the Supreme Ctaurt Sen. Bartlett slid that under entertainment, activities. the city a very colorful and survival grouping;;' and to start decision. Like Sen. Buckley, he is the new court ruling, "a woman voluble arttat: Ralph Fasanella. Boulevard living by the week, acting from that premise. a Roman Catholic' now has a Constitutional right to month or year may Cost less •Fasanella s paintings are on pursue the abortion of her unborn. than living alone. Write for display at Xerox through Oct. 28. child if giving tilth woujd be Tree Brochure; 3Q,• - * • Boys Circus socially Inconvenient,, or would BOULEVARD HOTEL Over breakfast coffee recently, make ner emotionally upset." 775DaiiiBM. , Fasanella, who still had the gray "The^right to life is no longer a' stubtye OM day-old heard on his right, buj is now dependent on Ffa. 93139 the comfort and well-being of the jaw, expounded on the meaning To Perform Oct. 2-4 mother," he told the Senate. "A of his. paintings, his commitment Los Muchachos. Spain's Muchachos includes jugglers, to organized labor, his concern celebrated International Boys magicians, clowfts, tightrope human being is reduced to an WHEN IT'S TIME for the "little guy." and his Circus, is coming to Rochester "for walkers, equestrians and trapeze expendable social convenience.". relationship with the Church. performances Oct. 24 at the War artists. "The Supreme Court, however, FOB A Memorial. 1 Under the direction of, its He said the Church could A highlight of their tour of the "wear out" unless its leadership founder and trainer, Father Jesus United States which will take four Bicycle Tour started moro vigorously" to tackle Silva. a priest descended from a months and 23 cities occurred moral problems and provide a well-known Spanish circus family, when they performed near the greater ongoing philosophy of the the International Boys Circus has For STEJ* Fund main altar in St. Patrick's family. "Irstitutions, he says, climbed to the top of a difficult A 50-mile route through' Cathedral in New York City. "need to roach the whole man profession in the brief period of Rochester and i^s suburbs has' quickly if they are going to The 85-member troupe of five years. All performers are been mapped otftfoif bicyclists NITJSTIME survive." youthful performers is being members of. a boys' town called who will ride for SjTEP on Sunday, presented by ABC Entertainment. Ciudad de Los -Muchachos (City Sept. 30. The cycHstSi will have "You car it have the banjoes 1 TO SEE and beards 3b the altar, 'band- a division or ABC Television, and of the Boys) in the "republic" of" their mileage rejcordled at 14 wagohism' without radical solu­ the Shubert Organization, with Bemposta near Orense, in Spain's checkpoints, and collect money BERNARD J. tions" to thftproblems that beset Herbert Wasserman as producer. northwest region of Galicia. Its accordingly fromj theiir personal modern mart he says. citizens are boys from Europe and sponsors. - ! The boys, ranging in age from Africa and number about 2,000. HENSLER Fasanella,;/who came to the 11 to 2\ have entertained STEP, the Society for Total attention of the art world in 1972 audiences in Spain, France, The Ciudad de Los Muchachos Emergency prptrams, is an JJEWELERS after a life that included union Germany, Belgiuhri and Italy. As is a fully accredited school that association of volunteer and organizing, fighting in the highly skilled and professional as numbers about 2,000 youngsters professional ambulance services, (J)pen Tue&.and thurs. Spanish Civil War and pumping any circus in the world, Los from every walk of life, ranging in doctors and emergenicy depart­ Eves'tij9 gas in the Bronx, has been labeled age from 4 to 23. ment personnel. It proposes to "The Modem Grandma Moses" (a have two "super ambulances," or mobile critical care units in 3$7 COMMERCE MpB, title he doesn't like) and the most One important facet is its operation in Monroe County by Phone 454^6918 important primitive in America circus- training school, the only today. one in Western Europe. It was 1974. founded in 1963 by Father Jesus He says the Church isn't the •Silva, who also founded Bern-' only group that has to reach the posta seven years earlier. Father whole man. He wants unions to Silva, a descendant of a famous do the same thing. "Unions," he N Spanish circus family, admits the said, "think economics, the bread , lure of the Big Top had something and butter. 'He wants unions "to to do with his founding the circus stir up the brains of labor'". too. school. But he also conceived the project as a potential source of . He confessed that while his revenue for Bemposta, which paintings are achieving a great survives on private contributions. market value, he would be just as happy if unions would give him The inhabitants of Bemposta $500 for his work, hang them in can study to prepare themselves the union halls anckmake cheap for the university or learn a trade. reproductions -of them for Along the town's narrow streets workers tol buy. And, Fasanella's HILL TV concept of labor "goes beyond are a bakery, a souvenir shop, a the assembly line. It includes Ceramics shop and a "zapateria,". where all the shoes for the boys 1. SELECTION Largest display of Zenith TV's in engineers, They're selling their labor time The^e guys think and are made arid where boys can Rochester area, Over 40 faqdelsj to choose learn to be cobblers. smell like yorkers and get their from irji irriany styles including money at the end of the week, The boys also have their own , Americah, /vtediteranean, French Provincial, too." bank and print their own Oriental^ Contemporary, A^odem and Ultra currency, called "coronas,"! (18; He .,ad> m its to ambivalent Andrew William Rey, 11 [top] and coronas equal one, dollar). T,ney Modern .| feelings atiput the Church. "But I Jose LuisTHartinez, 19, are two of also govern themselves. They 2; SERVICE; Usually saifne diy service by neat grew up in 1.1 learned to paint by the star performers of Los elect deputies who cast secret looking at :he colors of the altar Muchachos, The International ballots for the office of maybr.. ; and'courteous technicians with at least 15 and the windows during sermons. Boys Circus. The Grcus 'opens in The mayor then selects ' his "* years experience. I guess I Ipve it. Rochester October 2 at the War council and governs from a "town Memorial. hall." 3. PRICE Our prices are as Iow,.or lower than He say£ this despite the anywhere else in the Rochester 'area, treatment he received at a reformatory rwY by a Catholic 4. DELIVERY2I4 hour free delivery and in.home order. Two paintings in the Xerox i—FALL HEATING SPECIAL— set-up by experienced technicians. show spe^k of brutality and regimentation he came to know Haveyourheatingequipment 5. SALESMEN Courteous and knowledgeable from the Brothers at the salesmen to help you choose the right set for stitution. cleaned now* GAS CLEANUP I OIL> CLEANUP your home No high pressure, i ; "But,"h€ said, "Babe Ruth grew 6. FINANCING Many paymert plans to choose up in the same kind of thing." $14.95 $16.95 Fasanella' s worried about the (PLUS TAX MO PARIS. IF NEEDED) country as a whole. While in • WITH THIS AD YOU RECEIVE $1.00 DISCOUNT Of F MICE.
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