^ SDMS Document 106275 Pohatcong Valley Groundwater Contamination Franklin Township, Washington Township, Washington Boro Warren County, New Jersey Reference A - Base Maps 1 - u.S.G.S. Composite - Belvidere, Bloomsbury, Washington, and High Bridge Quads 2 - New Jersey State Map 3 - Warren County Road Map 4 - Washington Township Tax Maps 5 - Franklin Township Tax Maps 6 - New Jersey Atlas - Sheet 24 Reference B - Potable Water Analyses 1 - Memo - Brass Castle/Broadway Well Contamination 2 - Memo - Washington Boro Well Contamination Problem 3 - Correspondence - Warren County Health Dept. to Residents 4 - Positive TCE Results - Warren County Health Dept. Survey 5 - Laboratory Analyses Reference C - Hydrogeology and Water Supply Data 1 - Memo - Pohatcong Valley Hydrogeology 2 - New Jersey Atlas Geologic Overlay - Sheet 24 3 - New Jersey Atlas Water Supply Overlay - Sheet 24 4 - Well Tabulation Sheet 5 - Well Records and Logs 6 - Memo - Groundwater Use "Kittatinny" Limestone Aquifer 7 - Memo - Irrigation Wells 100018 ^ .:> /'// >m' (^ 'i( •/).-:' m '/ •I . //// V. ^^N^^ ^''« -'/, v^:-;: :^•< • t'-Ciujtle >} V' A :-:yj 7: / 'i^.X 4il2 ^•J\ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 2?- / V GEOLOGICAL SURVEY % ^ N//^>; / /v'- BELVIDERE QUADRANGLE '^"^^^^-^^^^^ ^, /^ \ ^^r NEW JERSEY-PENNSYLVANIA V • /r \ .1 V, leJN ^5 MINUTE SERIES gOPOGRAPHIC)'/ 2^_A ^/„ BL' MSBURY QUADRANGLE ' \ NEW JERSEY \ \. 7 5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOCRAPHICJ '^ /alley '^1 '-7 \. '7, yr,-. 'Ha -.0^' A \ ../. 'C7 A 6M -j-V '355 .^ 1^ •/^. ^ r^M. "08 i-S ah enj iroii^J ^^>^ 0^ o o H u.«rN^- T7T*' CO tjq K r ^ .'"'.'V J^-^. >>«\ /^^^^^: iNpTo; y • •x ^^^.^ WASHINGTON QUADRANGLE ^' A NEW JERSEY 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) ^^ ^^^^^^^ ' / / HIGH BRIDGE QUADRANGLE ^^S^r^'y^ Aj/',/ "NEW JERSEY . './—V^'V J I /X/^ / 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) ^ ^4/ SCALE ] 24000 1 MILE 1000 0 lOOC 2000 300CJ 40CiO 500C' 6O(J0 70O0 FEE! FH I—I Eir I KILOMflER CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET 100020 A-T A: ,x>^ ''fori,'. f^ >'• „A i5j<, ?TATF F'-)BF-T Du"n(iflct I.Ik,A ^hu't X C'Jt^beiryl ^^ lU'l !-•'' '\ Ros»v ^ 'npinn ';c': '•'(•*• Poillincn 'Xui m* X MO»«>i;o»e l/flDhiu'".h v 0'"^^' /i^/Allfmyi>h 'Bethel ^S(.ir vill« .Ifi/^c'if/i'n'ffi- i ^ IIUMP <3' U^- 0«i^ Wharfon r>iit ./^ East Bangor (611) ^^' *^Uii; Janqor ^«- <' M.ll''' ^' • -OHjr' Hacl<elt5lown> ^ Tn*n^hni n-^o . Drakfi I OI'vf LBflvidcti' ''• town Piverln &Si ButUviii*^ Barll. 0n f Ml r %1R/R frrrtitfiivm J n..t 6^ , Lens (tbu'g • m - - • '^ AnHo N -Sta- Harmnn f-M.imp.. P"i-ilr^<.i^J»J TL. '--^ A-S*4 / NiC Ttl'O T"<_o<^ Hii" 'Phillipsbufg v^kwd't-ivi'ip , 1 A'itiu'y -r- % unlinolon V >NS!. Vail •u) A«.<c.t./sJ COOMTV /v/^T". •v PfF^Wi r->- -• .^ w / ^c'"^' SI/B; 21" X -W" ;a'P«nl»r5 fegstrom r.i«/i, O •••..' Litllf V Jersey Road Map : T--:r- Limited Actpss Ro-ids Turnpikes Slale Boundaries -~o—' Dual Highways • County Boiind.incs IS Turnpike Interchange Olhor Maior Highways I— m A;, rm u I. r u , T N J State PoiicB Station ImD'Oved Connocting Roads vr- ^ nbj Wi HiRhway Symbols ' Ulilerstown • -•,..- ..'. ;t,T. v,-.«i, and Numbers "t" Airports Unimproved Roads IVIileag. between Markers . ._ tltWARK County Seats Garden Stale Parl<way (Approx.) rTT""^ ^ fijcr»alion Areas Intersections with highway .—-j^lnilnry Reservations '..nhnU »r.pr»'ip| l«ri (.r1» tr.ulhbflV**1 tfit ^'tf* ^-rlh^nwrrt grade separations , , '.\yfS, Railroads Traffic Circles •]i:i^ »• ' . SYMBOLS ror? POPULATION CF CITIES. TOWIsIS, ETC. "/ 'v^ SOnno.i-d r-„or (•) 10000 to 50,000 © 5.000 lo 10.000 O 1.000 lo 5.000 O Unde-1.000 SCAI F IN KU.OWCTUS ((^f^^'ROx) -•CALF IN MILFS (APftJOX) 100021 5 10 A-2 Legend County Roads Stats Highways S^SIS; Interstate Highways === Improved Township Roads .. •' Unimproved Township Roads ::><: = = : Impassable Roads ounty — — Township Boundaries Railroads 197S ^^ County Route Markings (57) State Route Markings ROAD MAP ^rt Interstate Route Markings 2^ U.S. Route Markings Frank R. Wilkinson, County Engineer 5 Municipal Buildings ^ Scote (See Index) o o 1 Schools (See Index) lO 'h to BOROUGH OF Other features (f>'9'! GFNfflAL D''*''TIMC CC IWC CP'^**''" St•I•Of^ N J WASHINGTON INTIC^'S €0'^»<V^'' Thi! wr'ir muf r)0' &• COP'^S "" w^io'p 0' 1" pari. Prepared t,, Ar^„ican A,r Surv-yv InC l\-Z TAX MAP TOWNSHT Of WASHINGION ^-.^ urtfl JtH'.l* 100025 St »- M W TAX MAP C52^ I TOWNSHtf> OF WASHINGTON ' WAflftEN COUfOV, NCW JCHSEV tell I'aJOO' W<M.,>M» 4Mt.«CUi M» t4l««IV>, INC JIVUI M(«mN»1 « 1HI fl TAX WAJ' ,^ WMMN COUNTY. Nl« ^ „»«..^;••^/rf:^;:.•••' C:£ife-i--^--^-. •< // 100028 628 TAX . MAP TOWNSHP OF VMSHMGTON «MIM)EN COUNK. HCW JCRSCT •M jiaw KMtiMiM « m fl MtfMUM W« MMVfvt, MC •It l"»» MlilK • .J' : 11»-' -Jfl'aST CJ' -^.icri^ ^ 100029 '^••< I 1 ^^ •artf" S;»C>«' ' 100032 TAX MAP TOWNSHT or VMSHMGTON vumieM couMix, «nr jinsti •a aWT MrMiMM m mn •Hiiaitfx o« «w*riM* Ai- -t- I n oCO o o T-i 616 TAX MAP mSMNCION •in"..L.* ,/>i^49ftc: "^ "KCIIBU . SMEFT 24 01 is." *'< ro »«• <o>»hMt a O O o A-r ^j 100036 9S TAX MAP TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN WARREN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY scak.1: r • too* vawuAfiv itr« \ »«(»«•!• • t fiCDncc w OAKft J» B JISSOCUTCS (II WkWMIt Siaili • liVIOIOI. NJ III -SCAil* VmlHSKl J r^di^ MUMCia »-M«tiO»Mf<«r i«f it IDt I! tl- ' !•.»..* *:i>p.o I «»fc, ••»•• •»• •». '.i''i'. »??*." ••»i>'(i' * *- *' T A X MAT TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN WARREN COUNTY. NEW JCRSCY •CAII I* • 400' Moacc • omit J* ft AssociAfia- wr.TlJ^- •h«C« MlMM* llt-K*ini 100040 S «•*-=-<S- ' I O O o H •COMC W WMtS tm Ik 4M0Ct«'* ii» HAiaff aiaiit Sthvlktafl. * ICICNO r\ 100042 TAX MAP TOWNSHIP OF FRANKl WARREN COUNTY, NEW JErr.l •C*LC I • 4O0 '/-f'^ V.rr' / r—I." "'Jr> */'1 * A /•^ItT' .«^> .Xl .\' •\' ^ •^/ \. > ,-^*«^. r< V "'-. ""IH^I -'^'' -: Ky? ^ >J> .4' .»fe' IWUJ;.;^ •-.. c^Th,' /* ^^i \ -•^M; ».** *m>x>i^| tfc*T '«imt 'Xi\ il^ •^ ^CID ^A r ^"«» .1 I %, lftT\* / ://-* A -.v / •)• >^:'--y. -.1, wH} -^l^ :c- .IS' • V;- 4 .-.V :17-. -h-t: •o**^^^ l^'- ."H•. I -- f • //.'-; *•*•; y ^•;r^ ,^i* ••Y.\ ;. ^.A\' '•:>> M' •• y--i:: i J. ^•' :>' % -.;t^ \ I 12 44? •^: ^.•\ •'^V- ^ILS >. :>, • •'li ' 3-J: it 4^_, 1=-. fsepKi ^J foHATCo/sIC ^i^i^i-t,^ GtcOAJO UJ A.T-6,« C3T>rrAr*M < A-ATI c AO A.'^ 4^. JwK :^Y ILO** G"'"** / SHEET 24 1 ' ^ > TOPOGRAPHIC SERIES ' WTC." ^--^"«" *'*'=• ^"'^'^ •y. O o Scalp 1 Miie tn an Inch o 1 V. s <» o Yarrts looo (keo u "mo _ »ow> "^1 '^\ .=£= IIKKf I 6?..'60 --"O-t A-<« ) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CN 039 TRENTON, NEW JERSEV 0B62S JOHN W. GASTON JR., P.E. DIRK C. MOFMAN, P.E DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR MAR 10 Wd:) M^'MORANDUM TO: Isabel Boho through Robert Plumb, Assistant Chief, Northern Region Enforcement, DWR FROM: Davi'^idd Muscalfluicalco through Steven Spayds,^ Supervisor , Bureau of Ground-Water Pollution Analysis, NJGS SUBJECT! Brass Castle/Broadvray Well Contamination, Warren County - Preliminary Site Evaluation and Recommendations Background The Warren County Department of Health recently reported Trichlorethylene (TCE) contamination in 79 domestic and commercial wells in the vicinity of Route 57, Washington/Franklin Townships. The Analyses indicate regional background levels of 1-10 parts per billion (ppb) with some small localized pockets of contamination as high as 440 ppb. Of the 79 wells sampled, 45 contain more than 10 ppb. In 1972, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) began an investigation of two municipal supply wells in the Borough of Washington. The two contaminated wells were municipal well No. 3 located at Vannatta Street Station and municipal well No. 4 located on Dale Avenue at Booster Station. Their location is shown in f-igm-o 1. The wells contained Tetrachloroethylene^(PCE) and TCE as major contaminants. Lesser amounts of chloroform were also detected in samples from both locations. Two major industries within the Borough, BASF Wyandotte and American Can Company, were investigated as well as various car service garages and other small industries. In addition, the High 100044 6-1 Point Sanitary Landfill was investigated as a potential source. Several wells were sampled as part of the investigation. Although contaminants were detected in some of the well analyses, only very low levels (less than 2 ppb) of TCE/PCE were present. At that time, it was concluded by NJDEP that the contaminant source could not be identified and may have been a spill or direct discharge that occurred in the past. The investigation was closed January 18, 1982. Spillfund Status Laboratory analyses of wells sampled from 1972 to 1983 indicate contamination of the aquifer occurred some time prior to 1972 and is presently continuing. Therefore, the areas encompassed by this investigation are to be considered Post Spill Act. Geological Survey Involvement to Date Subsequent to review of laboratory and background information supplied by Mr. Sonny Saroya (Bureau of Water Supply) and Ms. Isabel Boho (Enforcement), Mr. Steven Spayd and the writer conducted an automobile reconnaissance survey of the contaminated areas and environs. The following locations were identified as potential sources. Washington Township Brass Castle Road Jersey Strand and Cable Co. Kenbar Industries Treitler Owens, Inc. Belport Enterprises Castle Creek Mill End Shop Roger J. Collins (Junk Yard) Pleasant Valley Road & Norfolk Road Repair Shop Rt. 57 and Pleasant Valley Road House #20 (shop in garage) Franklin Township. Ront?er~57 - =- Warren County Technical School Warren Controls Corporation Fielbach's Welding Service Buchman's Broadway Sales and Services 100045 Asbury Road New Jersey Valve Rebuilding Co.
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