:X-- ■J \ C -\- \\ \ 3, Averaire NetyPress Run I •iV ■ \ ' MONDAV, JANUARY 28, 1970 The Weather PAGE TWENTY For Thn Ended , Sunny, Increulfig oloudlneu MnntiitBttr lEn^ning DeoemborRO, 16B0 ' late today, the high temperature In mId-SOa. Cloudy, light snow tonight, low in the teena or low Senior High Youth Forum ot St. Margaret’s Circle will Gourleys Feted, 15,8! 20a. > About Town Nontb United Methodist Church have a kitchen social at its Atfy. Lewis Fox Speaker Manchester^A City of Village Charm will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. meeting tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. To Leave Town Chevrolet Owners at the church. The Grade 9 at the KofC Home. Members cub Scout Pack 2B1 will meet Conceptors will also meet at 7 are reminded to bring canned At Honor Society Induction n e e d REPAIRS .,. SRE US fO R VOL. LXXXIX. NO. 99 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1970 (CbuMlfled Advertlaing on Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS tomorrow 'at 7 p.m. ato Ver- Mr. and Mrs. D. Kenneth p.m. at the church. foods for the social. Gourley of 343 Summit St: were planok School. Cubs are re­ F. A. Verplanck Chapter of s KENDALL OIL PRODUCTTS minded to bring- their plnewood honored Saturday at a golng- First Church of Christ. Scien­ The executive board memtoers the National Honor Society will e GENUINE C D E V IU H ^ PAM B derby cars. away party and buffet dinner • FACTORY IWAINED ’TBOHNIOIANS tist, will have Its regular mid­ of the Chaminade Musical Club Induct S3 students from the Jun­ held at the ItaUan-American • SERVICE RENTAL week testimony meeting will meet tonight at 8 at the Club. Some 60 friends euttended A film, “The Masters Golf home of Mrs. Bldna Johnston, ior and senior classes Wednes- ' • OONVTNIENT MASTER CHARGE FLAN Cut Your Taxes Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the the event given by Mr. and Mrs. or GMAC BUDGET PLAN Tournament 1069,” -will be Tunnel Rd., Vernon. day at 8 p.m. In Bailey Audi­ church. The meeting is open to Donald Jackson of 334 Summit Asaemlbling die varloua shown at a meeting of the Man­ torium of Manchester High full Mt.5M8 or Stop In for on AppointaoMit chester Rotary Club tomorrow the public. St. The Gourleys were present­ forms In yotir 'income tax re­ A Bible study will be conduct­ Carswell to Senate: at 6:30 p.m. at Manchester School. ’The pubMc le Invited.' to ed with a Boston rocker. turn this year dan be tricky. ed Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Country Club. The Great Books Discussion attend the creemony. In February the Gourleys Learn how to do -that in on Trinity Covenant Church. GARTER CHEVROLET 00, HHL Group will meet Wednesday at 8 Guest speaker will be Atty. plan to move to Blast Sandwich, aCANC article today on page 9. p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wil­ Lewis Fox, presently serving his Mass., where they will run a ItM BKAIN ST. Hlllstown Grange will sponsor ITie article la the last In a a public Monte Carlo whist card liam Slelth, 32 Wyllys St. Plu­ The -board of deacons of Com­ Slat term as a member of the motel. tarch’s “ Pompey” will be dis­ munity Baptist Church will Hartford Board of EXhicatlon. series The Herald has been party tomorrow at 8 p.m.' at the printing in an offort to help Grange Hall, 617 Hills St., East cussed. meet Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. In He Is a former 'board president, ‘I Am Not a Raeist’ the Youth Building of the and Is currently vice president, you cut your toxeb. For Hartford. Prizes -will be award­ Public Records more tnformettbn - send for ed and refreshments will be The Military Order of Devil church. A graduate of Hartford Public High School, Princeton Univer­ the (book, “C5ut Your Own WASHINGTON (A P )— served. , Dogs of the . Marine Corps Warrantee Deed _- The Leadership Training Class sity, and New Yiork Undveralty Taxes." Use the coupon Judge G. Harrold Carswell League will have a state meet­ Hlnda R. NeimSyer to Robert of North United Methodist School of Law, he la a former wMch accompanleB tcXIay’a of Tallahassee, Fla., swore VFW Auxiliary will meet to­ ing tomoiTow night In Meriden. B. azxl Loutee M. Spiro, 'prop­ Tlxise planning to attend will Church will meet tomorrow at president of the Hartford Oouit- page 9 anUcTe ,iand mall It to morrow at 7 :30 p.m. at the Post erty at 44 ‘Harahall Rd., con­ today at a hearing on his meet at 7 p.m. at the Marine 8:30 p.m. at the church. ty YMCA, and Is currently vice the BpecUldd New York City Home. veyance tax 122.06. nomination to be a Supreme Home, Parker St. chairman of the Greater Hart­ address. Federal ’Tax Uen Court justice that "I have There will be a prayer serv­ ford Salvation Army Advisor/ Preceptor Gamma Chapter, United States agalnwt lUbS no notions, secretive, open Manchester WATES -will meet ice Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Board. ' Beta sigma Phi sorority will Atty. Lewto Fox OonStruCtl'cxi Co., 162 School at., TH E I or otherwise, of racial supie- meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the tomorrow at the Italion-Ameri- Calvary Church. For a number of years, Atty. can aub, Eldridge St. Weigh­ Fox has been the keynote speak­ «41,3S0.17. riority." home of Mrs. Catherine Little, Church, will deliver the Invoca­ Marriage Licenses ” I am not a racist,” he told ing In will be from 7 to 8 p.m. ’The West Ide Reunion com­ er Boys’ and Girls’ States, ^T\o-Knock’ 148 Pearl St. tion, and principal George Em- Donald Walter BBcMer, MU- W. H. ENGLAND the Senate Judiciary (Committee Secret pals will be revealed dur­ mittee will have Its final meet­ held each summer at the Uni­ berUng will extend a welcome wiaiikee, WIs., and Roberta An- In repudiating anew a white eu- ing the evening. Mrs. Joseph ing Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the versity of OonecMcut. His ap­ Memorial Temple, Pythian on behalf of the administration gell, 22 Sanftxd Rd. premacy speech he made 32 Kamor is in charge of the pro­ home of Earl Bissell, 304 School pearance Wednesday Is at the Bill Faces Sisters, will meet tomorrow at and faculty. Danlell Lee Blaulkner, East I years ago as a candidate for the 8 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall. gram. $t. Final ticket retiuns must be specific request of several ac­ At the conclusion of the induc­ tive members of the NH8 chap­ Hartford, end Cynthia Lynn j Georgia legislature. Refreshments will be served by made at this meeting. ’The re­ tion, a reception will held in Oarson, 428 Main St., Jan. 81, COMPANY Carswell also testified that he Mrs. Nancy Rome and Miss An­ Two members of the Manches­ ter who heard him on one of the cafeteria. Amendment union will be held Saturday, Community BajitJHt Church. had never been an officer nor na Wolfram. ter Junior Women’s Club, Mr.s. ithese occasions. Jan. 31, at Fiano’s Restaurant, Building Permits director nor had anything to do Charles Oarsky and Mrs. Gerlad Bolton. Dinner will be served at Chapter officers who will WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen­ Brines, will tell stories tomor­ speak on the requirements for Douglas H. Atwell, alteration I and HARDWARE DIVIStON ate Republicans have moved to with the Incorporation ot a coun­ ’The cast of “ I’ll Be Home For 7 p.m. with dancing afterward. Washington At Circus try club In Tallahassee that had Christmas’ of the Little ’Theatre row night to the children In the NHS menubershlp are James to reeddence at 6 Columbus St., deflate an attack on the most No tickets will be sold at the taken over a municipal golf of Mancheaier’s production of pediatrics unit at Manchester Burke, president. Scholarship; PinLADELPmA— One of the 1900. ROUTE 44A — BOLTON NOTCH hotly debated section of the ad­ door. Bldward J. Hoven, alteration course after a 1966 Supreme “ You Know I Can’t Hear You Memorial Hospital. aCeven Kasel, vice president. guests at the first circus in the I -A ministration’s tough drug con­ Leadership; Miss Karen Vater, United States was president to residence at 61 B<kton center | TELEPHONE 449.5201' Court ruling that municipal rec­ When the Water’s Running” will Boy Scout ’Troop 123 will meet trol bill—the no-knock narcotics rehearse tonight at 8 at the Men who would like to join secretary. Character; and George Washington. A 1793 pro­ Rd., $460. raid clause. reation facilities must be deseg­ Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. In Fel­ H. C. PiubcMnson and Son for j f ' regated. workshop, 22 Oak St. the Manchester Chapter Wayne Douglas, treasurer. Ser­ duction in Phlladel^iia, spon­ Senate GOP whip Robert P. lowship Hall of Community Bap­ Dr. Alan Kemp, addition of SPEBSQSA, Mondays at 8 p.m. vice. sored by John William Ilickeits, j OPEN ALL DAY SAT. Griffin moved Monday to take This was in reply to published tist Church. the circus Included fancy riding, room to residence -at 28 Ply­ reports that he was a director of The executive board of the at the Army-Navy Club may The Rev. Bldward LaRose, as­ some of the steam out of the op­ contact Dennis Santoro, 397 sistant at at. Bartholomew’s a tightrope walker and a clown. mouth Lane, $4,000. the Capital CMty Country CHub Manchester Jaycee Wives will ’The commission on education position by proposing an amend­ meet Wedne.sday at 8 p.m.
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