New ways of managing water Our new water laws have brought with them new ways of managing water, and new ways of looking at and working towards addressing some of the challenges facing us as we try to ensure that everyone has access to sufficient water. Our new water legislation recognises that the most sensible and effective way of managing water is within the Management becomes more important when a pro- natural catchment areas that determine how much water is available in an area. It has defined 19 Water ductive resource - like water - is scarce. As we ap- Management Areas (WMAs) that will form the major units for water management. Each of these areas is a proach the limit of what is available, we need to man- major catchment. Within each large catchment are several subcatchments. The Sand River Catchment is a age what we have more carefully, and to set up struc- subcatchment in the Inkomati Water Management Area. tures and institutions that can help to ensure wise decisions are made about how best to use the water Water Management Areas are defined in the National Water Resource Strategy, which arises from the we have, implementation of good management prac- National Water Act. The National Water Act defines a Water Management Area as “an area established as a tices, and equitable access for all. management unit in the national water resource strategy within which a catchment management agency will conduct protection, use, development, conservation, management and control of water resources.” This map shows the boundaries of South Africa’s 19 Water Management ZIMBABWE Areas and South Africa’s provincial Water Management boundaries. As you can see, they do Area boundaries not match. This mismatch makes ad- MOZAMBIQUE ministrating access to water difficult Provincial 2. Luvuvhu 1. Limpopo boundaries & Letaba and complicated. A Catchment Man- agement Agency is responsible for al- BOTSWANA locating water in a Water Management 4. Olifants Area. However, most Water Service 3. Crocodile Authorities and Providers operate at a (West) & Marico 5. Inkomati provincial or local government level. Pretoria Johannesburg 10. Lower Vaal NAMIBIA 8. Upper 9. Middle 6. Usuto to Vaal Vaal Mhlatuze 7. Thukela We live in the Inkomati 14. Lower Orange 13. Upper Orange 11. Mvoti to Umzimkulu Water Management Area. This area is the catchment 17. Olifants/ for the Inkomati River. Doom 12. Mzimvubu to Keiskamma 15. Fish to 19. Tsitsikamma Berg East London 16. Gouritz Cape Town 18. Breede Port Elizabeth 11 of South Africa’s 19 Water Management Areas have less water available than is needed SAND SUB-CATCHMENT COMMUNAL LAND N SABIE-SAND CATCHMENT ACORNHOEK OKKERNEUTBOOM B WE L V E R D IEND GREEN OKKERNEUTBOOM A VALLEY KHOKHOVELA/ ISLINGTON COTTONDALE CLA R E TSAKANI BUFFELSHOEK HLUVUKANI TLHAVEKISA BURLINGTON CRAGIEBURN ARTHURSEAT ROOIBOKLAAGTE THULAN LUDLO W NDLELANI/ GOTTEN SHARE SHORTY The Sand River is a tributary of Klein Sand River DINGLEYDALE TSAKANI/ EDINBURGH A SEVILLE A MABOMBO EDINBURGH B the Sabie, which joins the WA L E S LEPHONG UTH A CHOCHOCHO ATH O L TSHUNELANI Sand River Inkomati River. The Sand River ALLA ND ALE CASTEEL THULAMAHASHE MOROLANE NG NEW FOREST RO L L E Mutlumuvi Catchment is a sub-catchment of MADY EM BE NI River ORINOCO AR TH U R_S TO N E DUMFRIES VIOLET BANK MERRY PEBBLE STREAM DRAKENSBERG MOUNTAINS the larger Inkomati River MAT SHAY E SHATALE BISONTO SAND RIVER DW A R SL O O P Catchment. NE WINGTON LONDON XA NTH IA DWAF - OWNED AG INC O U R T PLANTATIONS BU S HB U C KR IDG E MAVILJAN 0 20 km 40 1 The management framework Our new ways of managing water demand a new management framework. The new man- agement framework, illustrated below, makes an important distinction between ‘resource directed measures’ and ‘source directed control’. Resource Directed Measures The policy context Set Set Resource Set class of resource Reserve Quality Objectives 2 3 4 Vision for the Determine 5 resource allocatable resource 1 13 Review Draw up allocation plan 6 Monitor resource status check 12 Draw up Catchment Audit compliance Management of licence holders Strategy 11 7 10 9 8 Issue water Evaluate licence Call for licence use licences application application Source Directed Controls What are ‘resource directed measures’? In very simple terms, resource Resource directed measures work towards managing the ‘resource’ directed measures deal with - in other words, our water resources. These include our rivers, dams, ‘water in rivers’, and source groundwater, wetlands, estuaries, and the aquatic ecosystems that support them. directed controls deal with how we access water. What are ‘source directed controls’? ‘Source directed controls’ aim to manage how we access water, and our rights and obligations towards it. An explanation of the water management cycle... Vision for the resource Draw up allocation plan Issue water use licences Water managers, with public participation, need to The next stage is to draw up a plan for 1 6 10 Those whose applications have been suc- define their aims and objectives and deliver a allocating the available water. This plan must cessful will be issued with licences to use vision of how they want their catchment to be. work towards equitable access, and the greatest possible benefit for catchment water. Set class of resource residents. Audit compliance of licence holders Water managers, with public participation, decide 11 Water managers will need to check that on the state they wish their water resources to be Draw up Catchment Management licence holders are using the correct amount 2 in. They select a class of river (see unit 7) to Strategy of water for the correct purposes in agreed to manage for. The class they select will determine 7 Using the information they have gathered and ways. their management actions. the DWAF framework, water managers will Set Reserve need to draw up an integrated plan for man- Monitor resource status 3 Water managers will determine how much water aging the water resources and demand for 12 The state and condition of our water re- must be allocated to meet the Human Basic water in their water management area. sources will need to be constantly moni- Needs Reserve and the Ecological Reserve. tored 8 Call for licence application Review Set Resource Quality Objectives Water users and potential water users will 13 Water managers need to review progress so 4 How will we tell if we are reaching our goal of need to apply for permission to use water. far and how things are working. Are there managing our water resource for a certain class? They will be charged for the amount of water adjustments they could make that would In this step, water managers set smaller objec- they are allocated.. improve water management? tives that will help us work towards our goal. Evaluate licence application 5 Determine allocatable resource The cycle begins 9 Bearing the principles of equity, efficiency After allocating water for the Reserve, how much again! and sustainability in mind, applications will is available to allocate for other uses? This is be evaluated. investigated at this step. 2 The legal framework Our policies and legislation form an enabling framework for water management in South Africa. This framework commits us, at all levels, to working towards equitable access to water for all South Africans, and better management systems. A firm foundation... The key principals, which guide water management in Our new management framework is shaped by and made possible by an enabling South Africa are that: legal framework. This legal framework shapes work with water and access to water at all levels, 1) South Africa’s water resources are an indivisible national asset. 2) National government will act as the custodian of the nation’s water from national to provincial resources and its powers will be exercised as a public trust. 3) All water in the cycle whether on land, underground or in surface chan- nels, falling on, flowing through or infiltrating between such systems, is part of the common resource and will be subject to common approaches. to local to village 4) Only the water required to meet basic human needs and maintain environ- mental sustainability will be guaranteed as a right. This will be known as the Reserve. 5) In shared river basins, Government will be empowered to give priority over and even household .. other uses to ensure that the legitimate requirements of neighbour- ing countries can be met. 6) All other water users will be recognised only if they are beneficial in the The legal framework is based on our constitution. The Constitution of the Republic public interest. of South Africa commits us all to upholding the principles and letter of the law, and 7) These other water users will be subject to a system of allocation that commits our government to working ‘progressively’ towards providing all South Afri- promotes use which works towards achieving equitable and sustainable cans with equitable access to sufficient water. economic and social development. 8) The new system of allocation will take into consideration the investments All of our laws are based on principles and policies. The most important principles made by the user in infrastructure for water use. for the water sector, listed on the right, are drawn from South Africa’s National Water 9) The new system of allocation will be implemented in a phased manner, Policy. They need to be taken account of and reflected in water legislation, planning beginning in water management areas which are already under and management at all levels: national, provincial and local. stress. This system of allocation will use water pricing, limited term allo- cations and other administrative mechanisms to bring supply and demand into balance in a manner which is beneficial in the public interest.
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