WOOOBRIDGE ALL.AMWlCA CITV JEoodbridgc, Avenel, Itelin, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewtren and EHinon vii-2 Woodbridgi*«w Jersey, Thursday" MarcrT 1871985 O» JTff ISX PRICE TEN CUNTS FIRST AGAIN WOODBRIDGE GREEN Seek Funds to Update 325 Structures In New Project Area local Renewal Program |.; \Voodbiidne today bc- To Complete Fragrant To Be Surveyed Starting April 5th ;i-iinuiii!y in the l!nU»d St;ite« He noUnl thnt not only k \Voodbridn« tho in\il (imds i« mxfntr Us Km- (ii'Rl community In npply for a (' H IV update l I'rn'jrmn. but i.i also the first to apply for and complete /iipnlii siiiil Ihiil niftiest s fur ;i Community Renewal Program. Firehouse ,)i «I:I2.IHKI iind a slate grant "This administration has already fulfilled Two Housing Jivady IH'I'II submitted :M nl the W goals and objectives outlined in Mihinird thul ii Community He- the first Wnodhridw (' K,P completed in Is Projected Specialists !• .i ni;ist."r plan for all urban 1%2." Mayor Zirpolo stated He declared that a Community Uencwal Pro- i inn ,i si\ in ten year pryjec- gram Is "another tuol to insure the ord"rly To Do Work .iittri'i Ironi a regular master' growth (if Woodhrirlue " Within Area WOODBRlDdE - Survey* of nnimiinih llcivwal Program "We live in a wonderful nitninunily. ' the the 325 structures Involved \ mayor continued. ' and we must make r<Tt;iin i IH'IUKI of time ns is bavil I W()OI>BMIX.K - The Hoard Project dreen-the Main Strer-t thnt nothing is done lo harm our present sub- M •mines 'ol Kir" Commissioners of Dis- urban renewal area—will begin urban and country-type atmosphere." . iimniiiNvwrnl Mayor Zirpolo trict I which includes Woodhridge April.'. Councilman Harold Mcrt- A Community Htwual I'nigr.im iinolvcs Hie and Sewaren is about to explore ensen announced today. I'II-ulriil .lulmsnn this your analysis of Such nileunries as neighborhoods, Ihe possibility of construclinR a 'i •. i-litinn nuking Community environment, buildine conditions juvenile del Mr. Mortensen said that Uw new Woodbridge Kirchouse within inquenry, health conditions, mads seu-rs and piirpos; of thc survey is to col- • iii-; in.mdalon for nil com- the Woodbridgp (Ireen Project all public facilities and services. Preparation lect information for inventory '.Mini:- iiiwhan renewal pro- area of the Community Renew :d Progreirf will lake purposes. He also indicated that nbout two years. .lanvs Zehrer. president of the the survey will be undertaken by Fire Hoard has appointed a com- two housing specialists who wlB ' miller consisting of George Van 'identify themselves with an iden- Tassel. Wan-en Hnrned. secret- tification card authorized by th* ary and Magistrate Andrew Des- ; nnlice department. They will iso mond, representing the residents !he driving municipal vehicle*. of the district to meet with Mayor S Buddy Harris, Director ol Walter Zirpoln, S. Buddy Ihrris. Ihe Department of Planning a d head of the Department of Phn j Development said that tltt sn> ' nine ;md Development and First jeialists will survey both tile in- Waul Councilman Harold Mori- I tenors and exteriors of all com- 1'iisen mercial and residential struc- I)i';i nssinK the proposal yester- tures. The specialists will check such day. Mr Harris said that be- HLll.i'iMi ll.iMt. i. , >.>: :.>nivK 1:1 iii« ;.. i i...ccl s rei.i. • . n , .• nvw SI. cause Ihe Fire District serves things as the number of rooms jlhr church between Main and drove Streets and Amliov ,iml ( nluml)i|s Avnmr per structure, the number >f residents not only within Project l Woodbridge Green area, but resi- bathrooms, bedrooms and w dents outside the project Bfea as: lhll<1F1()o r number of persons occupying well, the Commissioner*' cannotj each structure. gel credits from Ihe Federal dov- Men Of St. James Plifish Mr. Harris said thai letters .>ill t-riiTiif-ill. However., ho P&irssed be sent to all property owners n- tht1 opinion that the taAayers, volved informing them of f-e would honefit for the wedits survey and asking for appoint- would ti,o to the Township.. *. ments. The survey of an aver." '9 • So although the Fire District Unite To Raise $500,000 ^IMsingle family dwelling will t-' e about 15 minutes. The survey i would have to gfljthrough-a ref- 1 erendum ttid awind taie ti) - Three hun- phones busy in the campaign of- The present church of frame .. .. , expected to be completed by Ju ,e Ulnn ol nrr Plans 1 construct a firebaiie, Mr, Harris dred of St. James Church, fice making reservations." construction was built about 1H85J wuuuBKUA.k - are , is. sjid, credits wold go to the on Main Street. In 19M it was ™w underway fur h e construe- Mr. Harris stated that theyw- Bcr. Mssr. floor at I,municipality, and thence to the moved to iti present site on Ar*.t™<* »*F» . *e M|im:vey is essential in *V*. MiW-ldnnr Mel nu,,ii|i, ed Iftxpayerer.. For wery dollar spent ll ftflft ifflflmttTfhV ic*rmM , ^ W«^Troject '••' ° «i 4^^ . ft, Ad : SI. Patrick's Day, pallty gets two dollars, a -^hoot. .Four Sisters of Mercy overtaxed structure. Buiness Ad-; Mr, Mortensen pointed out • -i Tin? standards for construct- today. • ban renewal projects in that ion. parking and landscaping are phase of their campaign main floor, nearly rioubliiif! Ihe school was constructed. 1 The business adnunistiator said does not in,"olve large scale much higher in urban renewal In 1(1510511 an addition wass builbuiltt -ine uusmess uuumiisuaiui WHI does not in»oive large scaie IVJ jfWilliam Boylan, general chair- gent ing capacity of the present th:it the r ul wl11 not i Lauded | Contract On The Way... projects than under the ordinary man, in n statement last night church. The buildins will be air on the school an" the Grenville " ** fhanged.Jolition or taking of properties Street convent was enlarged. The™" f'1'"^ oh,.tho P^sent top "Most properties will be '<. W00I)BR1D(iE building codes, Mr. Harris said.|said: ' conditioned, and there will be a of """-building are 18 feet ! i - Contracts !,V|^iumity Ad calls for the em- Bulu |B m vcar 1; 4 hrm alone." Mr. Mortensen concludi (or lhc > "First announcement ol our ac-'larg- St. James Hall in the base- - '° " ! Se\en Icet 10 inches will "but the owners will be requir; j i Woodbridse Neighborhood!ploynient of 331 youths between Woodbridge Firehouse was expansion of six rooms, A IVJW ["" , r . ,. • -- - 1 complishments will be made at mcnt- tatal ol[ thc t o m;ike 1hc iVouth Corps, which have beenith'. ages of lfi and 22 They will built in 1901 and an addition rectory was built about that time. ^ "'I' lto make certain repairs." Hoc-iuse due approveaproved fof r :i gr8nt t dd mmmm'Wurk k '" Jol)S for the Board of which includes the dormitordormitoryy- wawas our first report meeting tonight. This beautiful structure- is to At present the parish serves! thil'd "Mr- Tte '"••* smiol> wl11! ~~~ r~~ ;forsixmonthSiarenowetlrtlUteto Edu< ion hc et wnv 1 ,I)1)rehended i ''" -'""' ' municipality. constructed in 1938. The com- 1 can s.:y that the excitement and «•' «' 't«' upon property nearly 2,300 families, Msgr. Me-;'™"-* the UW^M of Pl:uinins|C«SSlOy Has Edge !Mayo!Mayorr WaltcWaltcrr ZirpolZirpol WashiWashi owned by the Church between s -.ml their OD- °'' "s'o"sof Ihe total 331 jobs, 92 will be missioned state that the building enthusiasm of our people is ex- Corrislin is assisted by luu Cur-:and Development and the Parksl iM-cutive days -°n hh "s mformwfl l thth e municipal-availabliil e to in-school youngsters needs many expensive repairs drove . Streets, Recreation Departments,! On Ward Candidacy MO coiMcutive days -lly ! ceptionally high, and many, many Main and ai«l ales. Rev. Donald Keilly ami Rev, Hetnird F Anderson'' lly' on a parpartt timtime basibasis and 2:)239 foforand it is too small for present- of them have been keeping the Amboy and Columbus Aveimss. William Roos. The Buildinu Department will] WOODBRIDGE - When v-i by hi> After the mayor signs the con- high school dropouis on a full day needs,. They hope lo have the — ^~ move into a portion of the old; Democratic party big-whigs me t act it must go to Governor timei basis. engineer's |Otfice. tomorrow night at 7 o'clock r.t Howard pro- [w riruhouse built on the same ;Rit hl tl URht s (ar his li\ o'-der of Police ' "" " ' approval, gram will run 111 weeks, 15 hours site because it is exactly in the The Division of Wellare and the| Lou Hornets Ad Lib, Route 1, ,\ (Jalassi has The Governor has :to days in per week, while the dropout pro- center of the district. It may beRutgers Completing Study of Impact Division ol Health will he housed! the betting now is that John C.is- •ii an e\(ia day off which to affix his signature, but Rram is set for six months at DOnecessary to appropriate a few in the proposed Health Center: sidy, member of the Zoning Mayor Zirpolo said yesterday:hours \Kr week. Doth proRiams innienilation said I feet of the park alongside the which will be huill under the Hill- Board, will have the Fourth Ward 111 thai he was hopeful that the doc will pay $1 24 per hour Burton Act. S. Buddy Harris, nomination, replacing Thomas .1. i< mil I brook for construction purposes. Of Garden Apartments in Woodbridge «. .IrieliTw ZJ "nK'n' Wi" te li«ned ln a few Municipal officials will Director of Planning and Develop- Costjllo who has indicated he will •I'"-' and -ipprc- ,ha>« Th, (.ontracl lhen K(>,s ba,k Ntlwark Mun[|nv ment will have his offices in the not run for reelection, v lo asmnKton tor flnnl WOODBRIDGE - A study init-1 The Mayor stated that "from ment impact on Woodbridge," ucie isinl - ;2: approval.
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