THURSDAY 3 JULY 2014 SEE INSIDE FOR OUR SCHOOL HOLIDAY FEATURE FREE TICKET GIVEAWAYS! Draw every Monday night 7-8pm July 4,5,10, 11 & 12 Visit club or website for further details! Concession $27* Major Draw: Wednesday 23rd July 6-9pm Adult $32* *Advertised ticket price includes $2 booking fee www.symt.org.au *Advertised ticket price includes $2 booking fee HORNSBYH RSL CLUB 4 High St, Hornsby www.hornsbyrsl.com.au ph: 9477 7777 2 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY MOONEY MOONEY CLUB is a Winner AT CLUBS & COMMUNITY AWARDS 7KH0RRQH\0RRQH\&OXEKDV EHHQSUHVHQWHGZLWKD+LJKO\ &RPPHQGHG$ZDUGIRUWKHLU commitment to caring for the ORFDOHQYLURQPHQWDQGSURPRWLQJ VXVWDLQDELOLW\As part of this commitment, the club installed ¿YHUDLQZDWHUWDQNVVRODUSDQHO V\VWHPVDQGQRZKDVDSURXG YHJHWDEOHJDUGHQZLWKFKLFNHQV One of the 10,000 litre rain water WDQNVKDVEHHQGHGLFDWHGWR VXSSRUWWKHORFDOFRPPXQLW\,WLV WKHUHIRUWKHFRPPXQLW\LQWLPHVRI ZDWHUVKRUWDJHVDQGFDQDOVREH XWLOLVHGE\WKH5XUDO)LUH%ULJDGHLQ WKHHYHQWRIDEXVK¿UH The chickens, or WKHJLUOV as they DUHNQRZQWRWKHZKROHFRPPXQLW\ KDYHDOVRSURYHQWREHVRSRSXODU ZLWKWKHORFDOFRPPXQLW\WKHFOXE GHFLGHGWRLQFRUSRUDWHDYHJHWDEOH The Judges this year included; JDUGHQWKDWHYHU\RQHHVSHFLDOO\ community stalwart Paula Duncan, OLWWOHFKLOGUHQFRXOGHQMR\ former Minister for Gaming 7KHYHJHWDEOHVDQGKHUEVDUH and Racing Kevin Greene, the HYHQXVHGLQWKH&KHI¶VVSHFLDOV Chairperson of the Centre for DQGDOORZWKHFOXEWRSURYLGH Volunteering Valerie Hoogstad and IUHVKRUJDQLFIRRGWR former ClubsNSW Deputy CEO WKHLUPHPEHUV Wayne Krelle. &OXEV16:&(2Anthony Ball Photos: Top - Chef tends to ‘the VDLG³7KH0RRQH\0RRQH\&OXE¶V girls’ who provide free range eggs. GHGLFDWLRQWRWKHHQYLURQPHQWDQG Above right - A view of the veggie VXVWDLQDELOLW\KDVQRWRQO\EHQH¿WHG garden from the Mooney Club WKHFOXEEXWYLVLWRUVDQGWKHORFDO balcony. Right - Chef loves to use FRPPXQLW\DVDZKROH´ the veggies and herbs fresh from their own garden. ILLEGAL DUMPING JRRGUHDVRQWROLPLWWKHLPSDFW FKDLQVDZVDQGZRRGFKLSSHUVWR RQVXUURXQGLQJQHLJKERXUVDQG GLVWXUEWKHSHDFHIXOZHHNHQGWKHLU & NON COMPLIANCE &RXQFLOZLOOXVHDOOLWVSRZHUV QHLJKERXUVZHUHWU\LQJWRHQMR\´ EARN $7,000 IN WRHQVXUHWKH\DUHDGKHUHGWR´ 0D\RU5XVVHOOVDLG FINES VDLG0D\RU5XVVHOO³7KHLOOHJDO 7KHFRPSDQ\ZDV¿QHGIRU GXPSLQJRQO\PDNHVLWPRUHFOHDU HDFKLQFLGHQW A tree lopping company working in WKLVFRPSDQ\GRHVQRWUHVSHFWWKH $IXUWKHU¿QHRIZDVLVVXHG %HURZUD+HLJKWVKDVEHHQ¿QHG QHLJKERXUKRRGWKH\DUHZRUNLQJLQ´ ZKHQWKHFRPSDQ\LOOHJDOO\GXPSHGD $7,000 for not complying with the On two separate occasions the ORDGRIZRRGFKLSVRQ&RXQFLOODQGQH[W FRQGLWLRQVRIGHYHORSPHQWFRQVHQW FRPSDQ\ZDVFDXJKWZRUNLQJ WR%HURZUD6NDWHSDUN SKRWRULJKW DQGIRULOOHJDOGXPSLQJ RXWVLGHWKHKRXUVSHUPLWWHGE\ ³&RXQFLOZHOFRPHVGHYHORSPHQWLQ ³7KLVLVDPDWWHUWKDW&RXQFLOWDNHV WKHLUGHYHORSPHQWFRQVHQWZKLFK WKH6KLUHEXWWKHFRPSDQLHVWKDW YHU\VHULRXVO\´+RUQVE\0D\RU DUHEHWZHHQDPDQGSPIURP FDUU\RXWZRUNKHUHKDYHWRUHVSHFW 6WHYH5XVVHOOVDLG 0RQGD\WR6DWXUGD\ WKHUXOHVWKDWLQSODFHWRSURWHFWWKH ³&RQGLWLRQVDUHSODFHGRQ “On one of those occasions they FRPPXQLW\´0D\RU5XVVHOOVDLG “If GHYHORSPHQWFRQVHQWIRUDYHU\ ZRUNHGDOOGD\6XQGD\XVLQJ they don’t, they will pay the price.” Assured Conveyancing Ph: (02) 9456-0390 Berowra Outdoor Centre Nikki Summerhayes Licensed Conveyancer or 0414 847 886 Steel Fencing Berowra /LFHQFH1R 7am-7pm 7 DAYS A WEEK & Framing Landscaping Services Supplies JULY20% POT SALE %X\LQJRU6HOOLQJ )ODWFRQYH\DQFLQJIHH Trade Tools, Retaining Walls, Decorative Pebbles, Stylish Pavers, Treated Pine. Citrus, Pots, Soils, Sand, Mulches. 0RELOH6HUYLFH Fencing: supplied or installed. ZHFRPHWR\RX Deliver or Pick Up Premium )DVWDQGHIILFLHQW Bagged or Bulk Firewood 1007-1013 Pacific Highway &DOO1LNNLDWDQ\WLPHWRGLVFXVV Berowra www.boc.net.au \RXUVDOHRUSXUFKDVH 9456 4444 Thursday 3 July 2014 3 WILL YOU BE READY FOR THE An Evening of Magic, Murder, COMING BUSH FIRE SEASON? Mixups and Mayhem The 2013-14 Bush Fire Season was one of the most dangerous and DFWLYH¿UHVHDVRQVLQHDVWHUQ1HZ:DOHVLQRYHUDGHFDGH %HURZUDKDVQRWVHHQODUJHEXVKÀUHVLQWKHLPPHGLDWHDUHD since December 2002. :LWKWKHDEVHQFHRIEXVK¿UHDFWLYLW\WKHUHKDVEHHQDVLJQL¿FDQWEXLOGXS of dead and living vegetation (fuel loads) over this time. It is a fact that EXVK¿UHDFWLYLW\FRPELQHGZLWKKLJKIXHOORDGVOHDGVWRPRUHLQWHQVHDQG XQFRQWUROODEOHEXVK¿UHV The Bush Fire season for New South Wales starts on 1 October and concludes on 31 March. For Berowra and surrounding areas, the high A love of theatre and a desire to keep on performing even after their school EXVK¿UHULVNSHULRGLVIURPODWH6HSWHPEHUWR-DQXDU\ days at Barker College have ended, has resulted in the establishment of Unfortunately our picturesque ridge tops, and surrounding bush land the Old Barker Association Theatre (OBAT). FUHDWHWKHSHUIHFWPL[WRSRWHQWLDOO\GHOLYHUDVLJQL¿FDQWEXVK¿UH Former students, Amie Mcnee (2010) and Cassie Jones (2010) have With steady population growth, many Berowra residents have not been working tirelessly for the past nine months, along with numerous H[SHULHQFHGDORFDOEXVK¿UHHYHQWRWKHUWKDQWKHVPHOORIVPRNHIURP other Barker Alumni from 2006 – 2013, to create OBAT. Their combined GLVWDQW¿UHVRUKD]DUGUHGXFWLRQV efforts as directors, cast and crew, set, lighting, costume, graphic 2YHUWKHFRPLQJZHHNV%HURZUD5XUDO)LUH%ULJDGHZLOOEH GHVLJQHUVFRPSRVHUVDQGPXVLFLDQVKDVFXOPLQDWHGLQWKHLU¿UVWHYHU KROGLQJDVHULHVRIVWUHHWPHHWLQJV, to help provide information to production, ‘The Floor of Heaven’. residents and also assist in building comradery amongst neighbours. ‘The Floor of Heaven’ is a suite of Shakespeare’s best, with fantastic Community Engagement and Property Preparation is one of the strongest snippets from ‘Comedy of Errors’, ‘Merchant of Venice’, ‘Twelfth Night’, tools we have to prevent the loss of property and life. The best way for you ‘Taming of the Shrew’ and ‘Othello’. to be prepared is by having a Bush Fire Survival Plan. On July 9, 11 and 12 in the Barker Rhodes Theatre, audiences are WILL YOU BE READY FOR THE COMING BUSH FIRE SEASON? guaranteed a night of magic, murder, mixups and mayhem by this Keep in touch with Berowra Rural Fire Brigade via their Facebook page very talented group of former Barker students. www.facebook.com/berowrarfb Tickets are now on sale at http://www.trybooking.com/exkc James Baird, Deputy Captain Berowra Rural Fire Brigade Photo above: Cassandra Jones (left) and Amie McNee - have created the Old Barker Association Theatre Company. See our advert page 4. Berowra Author Louise Roberts… «KDVUHOHDVHGKHUUGKLVWRULFDOQRYHO (PEUDFH$PLGVW2UDQJH%ORVVRPVDVDQ e-book. It is available on Amazon and on the publisher’s own website www.secretcravingspublishing. com from 26th June 2014. After a gruelling war, Don Iago Borja sails for home. On board is the beautiful Elena. Will their newly created friendship lead to blissful romance? Follow Louise on Facebook and Twitter and also on her blog at: http://louiserobertsromance.wordpress.com/ The Old Barker Theatre Presents An Anglican School FloorTHE Heaven OF By William Shakespeare Compiled by Damien Ryan 9 ,11, 12 July Rhodes Theatre, Barker College, in the Kurrajong Building. Entry via The Avenue $15 Adults $10 Students/Seniors www.trybooking.com/exkc 4 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY BUSH TELE ABROAD Come to the Wahroonga Bush Tele Reader, Michele Bailey writes: “This photo was taken on April 12 in the Simien Mountains in northern Antiques & Vintage Fair! Ethiopia.” The 18th annual Wahroonga Antiques & Vintage Fair will take place on Saturday 12th July (10 am to 5 pm) and Sunday 13th July (10 am to 4 pm) at St John’s Uniting Church, Wahroonga (cnr Coonanbarra Rd and Stuart Street). The Wahroonga Fair is one of Sydney’s premiere antiques events and the major Vintage & Craft Fair of the Upper North Shore. Immerse yourself in the artefacts and atmosphere of yesteryear – “In the photo are my husband, Ross Hummelstad (centre) of Mt Colah and decorators, homemakers and collectors alike. our guide Melese and scout Melese (yes, same name!).” Browse tKURXJK¿QHIXUQLWXUHMHZHOOHU\REMHWVG¶DUWGHFRUDWLYHSHULRG We thought this was a good location to show off our Bush Tele. Our pieces, modern art, vintage fashion and accessories. friends in the photo thought it was really funny - they hadn’t seen this done Finish with a light lunch or Devonshire tea at The Gallery Tea Rooms. before!” Entry is only $5 (proceeds towards building and community projects of St “It was a hazy day in the mountains and the photo was not as spectacular John’s Uniting Church.) as I had hoped.” I think that your ‘armed guard’ (left of photo) makes your photo Come to the Champagne Preview! quite ‘spectacular’, Michelle! Ed And this year we have a Champagne Preview and Opening Night on Friday 11th July 6-9 pm! Tickets $10 - everyone welcome! Do You Have a Bush Tele Abroad for publication? %RRNWLFNHWVDQG¿QGRXWPRUHZZZZDKURRQJDDQWLTXHVRUJDX Email details to: [email protected] VISITORS GUIDE ... Coming Soon! It’s Our 7th Edition! The Bush Tele Team has just completed the 7th Edition of the HORNSBY SHIRE VISITORS GUIDE and sent it off to the printer. Within the next week, the Visitors Guide will be available ONLINE and over 20,000 copies will be distributed both locally and throughout New South Wales. READ The Bush Tele Weekly and LIKE our www.facebook. com/BushTelegraphWeekly We’re hosting a Cocktail Evening and www.facebook.com/ for Starlight Children’s Foundation. HornsbyShireVisitorsGuide pages for updates. Friday 25 July at 7:30pm-10:30pm /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů^ƉĞĂŬĞƌ Wellspring Espresso Berowra (Dress: Cocktail) ŽŶDĐWŚĂƵůůWƌĞƐĞŶƚƐ Limited tickets available. $55 per head. Includes canapes, desserts, champagne, wine, beer & softdrinks.
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