RECLAIMING THE NATION, MORALIZING POLITICS: NARRATIVES OF POLITICAL LEGITIMACY IN AUTOBIOGRAPHIES OF PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN PARTY LEADERS A PhD Dissertation by YASEMİN İPEK Department Of Political Science and Public Administration İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University Ankara June 2017 RECLAIMING THE NATION, MORALIZING POLITICS: NARRATIVES OF POLITICAL LEGITIMACY IN AUTOBIOGRAPHIES OF PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN PARTY LEADERS The Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University by YASEMİN İPEK In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION İHSAN DOĞRAMACI BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA June 2017 ABSTRACT RECLAIMING THE NATION, MORALIZING POLITICS: NARRATIVES OF POLITICAL LEGITIMACY IN AUTOBIOGRAPHIES OF PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN PARTY LEADERS İpek, Yasemin PhD, Department of Political Science and Public Administration Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alev Çınar June 2017 In this dissertation, I examine how autobiographical writing becomes a peculiar politi- cal space for Kazım Karabekir, Ali Fuat Cebesoy and Rauf Orbay, three major leaders of the Turkish War of Independence and the Progressive Republican Party (PRP). I unpack how their autobiographies have continued to shape contemporary public de- bates on political legitimacy by redefining rulership, patriotism and the national char- acter (milli karakter). The analysis of their autobiographies transcends the scholarly works that either view PRP as a peripheral opposition against a top-down modernist center or overemphasize the Unionist political legacy. Focusing on autobiographies instead of their party program reveals the most neglected aspect of their ideological legacy within the existing literature—an idiosyncratic form of elitist conservative na- tionalism along with this Unionist legacy. I offer an innovative interdisciplinary ap- proach that expands the political science discipline with anthropological and literary iii analyses by demonstrating the centrality of contestations over nationalist morality in shaping the right-wing conservative politics in contemporary Turkey. I analyze PRP’s legacy by looking at how these autobiographical texts extensively build on moralizing discourses that presume a form of virtue specific to the Turkish nation—national char- acter. Through an intertextual politics the authors claim to embody a nationalist mo- rality that rests on character traits and dispositions that were displayed during the In- dependence War. I suggest that moralizing discourses ultimately reframe a complex set of political disagreements of the time in terms of character and personality—those who are worthy of representing and governing the nation, vs. those who are not. Keywords: Autobiography, Conservatism, History of Early Republican Turkey, Na- tionalism, Progressive Republican Party iv ÖZET MİLLET İDDİASI, SİYASETİN AHLAKİLEŞTİRİLMESİ: TERAKKİPERVER CUMHURİYET PARTİSİ LİDERLERİNİN OTOBİYOGRAFİLERİNDE MEŞRUİYET ANLATILARI İpek, Yasemin Doktora, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Alev Çınar Haziran 2017 Bu tezde, Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Partisi (TCP) liderleri Kazım Karabekir, Ali Fuat Cebesoy ve Rauf Orbay’ın hatıratlarının nasıl farklı bir siyaset alanı oluşturduğunu analiz ediyorum. Bu hatıratların, siyasi meşruiyet konusuna dair günümüz kamusal tartışmalarını, liderlik, vatanseverlik ve milli karakter kavramlarını yeniden tanımlayarak nasıl biçimlendirdiklerini mercek altına alıyorum. Otobiyografi- lerin analizi, dönem üzerine yapılan akademik çalışmalarda yaygın olan iki temel yo- rumun eksikliklerini gözler önüne sererek, TCP’yi, ya merkeze karşı çevresel bir mu- halefet olarak gören, ya da İttihatçı mirasa aşırı vurgu yapan bu iki baskın bilimsel perspektifi aşmayı hedefliyor. Parti programı yerine hatıratlara odaklanıldığında, lite- ratürde göz ardı edilmiş olan başka bir siyasi mirasın ortaya çıktığını görüyoruz: elit muhafazakâr milliyetçi düşünce. Bu metinlerde, milliyetçi bir ahlak anlayışı üzerine yapılan tartışmaların, modern Türkiye’de muhafazakâr sağ söylem üzerindeki merkezi v rolünü göstererek, siyaset bilimi disiplininin sınırlarını, antropolojik ve edebi çalışma- lar disiplinlerinin metotlarıyla zenginleştiren yeni bir metot getiriyorum. Terakkiper- ver Cumhuriyet Partisi’nin siyasi mirasının, bu hatıratlarda yaygın şekilde gördüğü- müz, milli karakteri Türk milletine has bir erdem olarak varsayan, ahlakileştirici söy- lemler üzerine inşa edildiğini gösteriyorum. Yazarlar, otobiyografik metinler arasında kurulan bir siyaset alanında, Kurtuluş Savaşı’nda gösterildiği söylenen, kişisel karak- ter özelliklerine dayalı olan, milliyetçi bir ahlak temsiliyeti iddiasında bulunuyorlar. Bu tarz ahlakileştirici söylemlerin, değişik siyasi görüş ayrılıklarını, karakter veya ki- şilik gibi kavramlara referansla, ulusu yönetmeyi ve temsil etmeyi hak edenler ve et- meyenler arasındaki ayrılıklar şeklinde, yeniden tanımladığını gösteriyorum. Anahtar Kelimeler: Erken Dönem Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi Tarihi, Milliyetçilik, Muha- fazakarlık, Otobiyografi, Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkası vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is perhaps one of the most accurate clichés to say that this dissertation could not have been completed without the support of countless people for whom this space barely offers an opportunity for a proper recognition. I would like to start with ac- knowledging the generous support of the faculty at Bilkent University who dedicat- edly collaborate with students. I am foremost privileged to have Alev Çınar as my thesis advisor. The generosity and rigor of her advising has started when we had first collaborated in a directed reading seminar on nationalism and secularism in Turkish politics. With her sympathetic ear and critical eye, she has consistently clarified the conceptual boundaries of my work and brought forth its analytical contributions. Her unique combination of intellectual creativity and sage advice was illuminating and helped me to resolve several conundrums in the process. From the first day of the PhD program, she has been and will continue to serve as a model of intellectual engage- ment for me and many other graduate students in the department. I feel deep gratitude for İlker Aytürk who has continuously inspired me by turning the stressful dissertation writing process into a delighted intellectual engagement with modern Turkish politics. His thorough knowledge of Turkish political history, robust analytical reasoning and unwavering voice of encouragement since the first conception of this dissertation have been an exceptional source of support. He has been a generous interlocutor dur- ing both the research and the writing process. His careful reading of various draft vii chapters and critical insights during our long conversations substantially strengthened my arguments and evidence in the whole dissertation. I am particularly indebted to Menderes Çınar, Berk Esen and Onur Bakıner for partic- ipating in the final dissertation committee and for providing generous and inspira- tional comments on the final draft of the dissertation. The breadth of their knowledge on Turkish politics and thorough reading of my work have significantly strengthened the revisions process. I am also grateful to Nedim Karakayalı and Mehmet Kalpaklı, who both read several draft chapters of the dissertation with enthusiasm and provided illuminating comments. I was also fortunate to collaborate with several distinguished faculty members at the department including but not limited to Ümit Cizre-Sa- kallıoğlu, Metin Heper, James Alexander and Tahire Erman. I have benefitted tremendously from the joyous company of many graduate students at the department and this brief acknowledgment cannot do any justice to their sup- portive friendship all along. Feyda Sayan Cengiz has been a cherished confidante since the beginning of the doctoral program and she has kindly read and commented on the final draft of the dissertation. I owe debts of gratitude to Şule Yaylacı who has been a constant source of light and serenity throughout the most stressful times. In- depth conversations with Gökhan Güler on Turkish politics and challenges of disser- tation writing process has provided a reliable company and cheerful calm. I thank to Okan Doğan, Gülşen Seven, Şebnem Yardımcı Geyikçi and Alp Eren Topal for the countless forms of assistance they provided over the years. The department secretary Gül Ekren’s remarkable guidance and patience has been a relief especially in navi- gating the administrative requirements. viii This dissertation has been possible thanks to the generous scholarship by TÜBİTAK, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, through 2211- National PhD Fellowship program executed by TÜBİTAK’s BİDEB branch (Tübitak Bilim İn- sanı Destekleme Daire Başkanlığı). I feel immensely privileged to have collaborated with Şamil Can, a rigorous scholar, an outstanding colleague and a kindhearted company, who has read and commented on every page I have written with unmatchable excitement, patience and diligence. I cannot imagine this dissertation coming to fruition without the critical insights he has provided based on his profound engagement with the modern Turkish history and po- litical theory. Finally, I want to thank to my parents, Ferhan İpek and Nilgün İpek for their warm support during the most stressful times especially in the last three years. Without their patience and empathy, I could
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