BIBLIOGRAPHY This bibliography contains two categories of books and articles: a) works concerned exclusively with music and musical instruments of non-European peoples; b) some important pUblications on ancient and early European music and folk music. Publications of a more general character (e.g. reports of travels, eth­ nological expeditions, and missionary activities) which often contain interesting data on music and musical instruments, musicians and the role of music in tribal life, are not included. These can be located by referring to the extensive bibliographies found in works marked by an asterisk. Nor are inserted publications in the Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Indo­ nesian, Javanese and Sundanese languages, and in the languages of the Indian subcontinent. I. AALST, J. A. VAN, Chinese music (1884, raiben (Kon. Akad. v. Wetenschappen, 2/1933)· Amsterdam, 1931), passim. 2. ABAS, S. P., De muziek del' Bataks 12. AIYAR, C. SUBRAHMANIA, Quartertones ('Caecilia-Muziekcollege'), Mei 1931. in South Indian (Carnatic) Music ('The 3. ABERT, HERMANN, Die Lehre vom Ethos Journal of the Musical Academy, in del' griechischen Musik (Leipzig, 1899). Madras' XI, p. 95 ff.), 1940. 4. --Antike (neu-bearbeitet von CURT 13. --Comparative music, European and SACHS) (in GUIDO ADLER, 'Handbuch Indian (ibid. XII, p. 36 ff.), 1941. der Musikgeschichte' I, p. 35 ff.), 2/1929. 14. --Some leading music systems (ibid. 5. ACKERMAN, PHYLLIS, The character of XIII, p. 21 ff., XVII, p. 97 ff.), 1942 and Persian music (in POPE and ACKERMAN, 1946. 'A Survey of Persian Art. From pre­ 15. --The Clarinet and classical Carnatic historic times to the present', vol. III, Music (ibid. XIX, p. 51 ff.), 1948. p. 2805 ff.), Oxford, 1939. 16. --A Study of the M icrotonal Variations 6. ADLER, BRUNO, Pfeifende Pfeile und in Frequencies in Karnatic Music with Pfeilspitzen in Sibirien ('Globus' an Oscillograph (ibid. XX, p. II4 ff.), LXXXI),1902. 1949· 7. ADLER, GUIDO, Ueber Heterophonie 17. --Musical research and frequency (' J ahrbuch der Musikbibl. Peters' XV, ratios (ibid. XXI, p. 64 ff.), 1950. p. 17 ff.), 1909. 18. --Physics and Aesthetics of Hindu­ 8. ADOLF, HELEN, The ass and the harp sthani Music (ibid. XXII, p. 86 ff.), ('Speculum' XXV, p. 49 ff.), 1950. 1951. 8a. African Music, Gramophone Records of, 19. --The Grammar of South Indian (, African Music Transcription Library'), (Karnatic) Music (Madras, 2/1951). Catalogue July 1951 (Johannesburg, 20. AIYAR, M. S. RAMASWAMI, Thiagaraia, 1951). a great Musician Saint (Madras, 1927). 9. AGNEW, R. GoRDEN, The Music of the *21. --Bibliography of Indian music (,Jour­ Ch'uan Miao ('Journal of the West nal of the R. Asiatic Soc.'), 1941. China Border Research Soc.' XI, p. 9 22. ALBERSHEIM, G., Zur Psychologie del' ff.), 1939. Ton- und Klangeigenschaften (1939). 10. AGRAWALA, V. S., Some early references 23. ALBINI, EUGENIO, Instrumenti musicali to musical ragas and instruments ('The degli Etruschi e 101'0 origini ('L'lllus­ Journal of the Music Academy, Madras' trazione Vaticana' VIII, p. 667 ff.), 1937. XXIII, p. II3 ff.), 1952. 24. ALMEIDA, RENATO, Historia da Musica II. AHLBRINCK, W., Encyclopaedie del' Ka- Brasileira (Rio de Janeiro, 2/1942). - 65 25. ALVARENGA, ONEYDA, Musica popular 44. ARAVAMUTHAN, T. G., Pianos in Stones brasileira (Porte Alegre, 1950). ('The Journal of the Music Academy, 26. AMIOT, FATHER, Memoire sur la musique Madras' XIV, p. 109 ff.), 1943. des Chinois (Paris, 1779). 45. ARBATSKY, YURY, Albanien (,Die Musik 27. ANDERSEN, A. 0., GeograPhy and Rhythm in Geschichte und Gegenwart' I, col. ('Univ. of Arizona Fine Arts Bull.' No. 282 ff.), 1951. 2), Tucson, Arizona, 1935. 46. --Balticum (ibid. I, col. 1187 ff.), 27a. ANDERSON, ARTHUR J. 0., Aztek music 1951. (The Western Humanities Review' VIII, 47. --Communication on the chromatic p. 13 1 £i.), 1954. Balkan-scale (,Journal of the Amer. 28. ANDERSSEN, JOHANNES C., Maori Music Musicol. Soc.' V, p. 150 ff.), 1952. (,Transactions of the New Zealand 48. -- The Roga, a Balkan bagpipe, and Inst.' LIV, p. 743 ff., LV, p. 689 ff.), its medico-magical conjurations (Paper 1923-'24. read at the Annual Meeting of the Amer. 29. -- Maori musical instruments ('Art in Musicol. Soc., in Chapel Hill, N.C.), Dec. New Zealand' II, p. 91 ff.), 1929. 1953 (stencilled). 30. --An Introduction to Maori Music 49. --Beating the Tupan in the Central ('Transactions of the New Zealand Inst.') Balkans (Newberry Library, Chicago, 192 6. 1953)· 31. -- Maori Music with its Polynesian 50. -- Stichproben aus den Volksmusik­ background (New Plymouth, New Zea­ kulturen siidost-europas (will be publish­ land, 1934). ed shortly). 32. ANDERSSON, OTTO, Strakharpan ('Fore­ 51. -- A Triptych from the Arbatsky Col­ ningen for Svensk Kulturhistoria' IV, p. lection at the Newberry Library (Chicago, 115 ff.), Stockholm, 1923. 1954), ed. by WALTER G. NAU. 33. -- The Bowed Harp (transl. by KATH­ 52. A rchives of recorded music. Collection of LEEN SCHLESINGER), London, 1930. the Phonoteque National, Paris (1952) 34. -- Musik och Musikinstrument (,Nor­ 53. ARETZ-THIELE, ISABEL, EI folklore musi­ disk Kultur' XXV), Stockholm/Oslo/ cal argentino (Buenos Aires, 1952). Kopenhagen, 1933. 54. ARIMA, D., Japanische Musikgeschichte 35. --Nordisk musikkultur i iildsta tider auf Grund der Quellenkunde (diss. Vienna, (,Nordisk Kultur. Musikk och Musikk­ 1933)· instrumenter', p. 3 if.), Stockholm/Oslo/ 55. ARRo, E., Zum Problem der Kannel Kopenhagen, 1934. ('Proc. Gelehrte Estnische Ges.', Tartu, 36. --Nordisk folksmusik i Finland (ibid., 1931). p. 113 ff.), 1934. 56. --Geschichte der estnischen Musik 37. -- Folkmusiken i Svenskestland (ibid., (Tartu, 1933). p. 159 ff.), 1934. 57. ARSUNAR, FERRUH, Kisazsiai torok pen­ 38. --On Gaelic Folk Music from the Isle taton dallamok (Des melodies pentatones of Lewis ('Budkavlen' XXXI, p. Iff.), des Turcs d'Asie Mineure) (in 'Melanges Abo, 1952. oHerts it ZOLTAN KODALY it l'occasion de 39. --Altnordische Streichinstrumente son 60ieme anniversaire', p. 322 H.), (Kongressber. des 4. Kongress der Intern. Budapest, 1943. Musikges.' Vienna, 25-29 May, 1909). 58. ARVEY, VERNA, Ancient Music and 40. ANDREE, R., Die N asenflote und ihre Dance in Modern Ceylon ('Etude' LX, Verbreitung ('Globus' LXXV, NO.9), p. 656 H.), 1942. Braunschweig, 1899. 59. AUGUSTA, FR. FELIX, Zehn Araukaner­ 41. ANKERMANN, B., Die afrikanische M usik­ lieder ('Anthropos' VI, p. 684 H.), 1911. instrumente (,Ethnologisches Notizblatt' 60. AVELOT, La musique chez les Pahouins II), 1902. ('L'Anthropologie' XVI), 1905. 42. ANONYMUS (GEORGE GROVE ?), Notes on 61. AVENARY, HANOCH, Abu'l-Salt's treatise Siamese musical instruments (London, on Music ('Musica Disciplina' VI, p. 27 1885). H.), Amer. Inst. of Musicology, Rome, 42a. ANONYMUS, The Music of the Swazis 1952. ('African Music Society Newsletter' I, 62. AYESTARAN, LAURO, Fuentes para el June 1952, p. 14). estudio de la musica colonial Uruguaya 42b. -- The Arbatsky Collection ('New­ (Montevideo, 1947). berry Library Bulletin' III, p. 170 H.), 63. --La musica indigena en el Uruguay 1954· (Montevideo, 1949). 43. ANTONOWYTSCH, M., Die Mehrstimmig­ 64. AZEVEDO, LUIZ HEITOR CORREA DE, keit in den ukrainischen Volksliedern Escala, ritmo e melodia na music a dos ('Kongressber. Intern. Ges. f. Musikw., indios brasileiros (diss.), Rio de Janeiro, Utrecht 1952', p. 55 H.), 1953. 1938. 66 - 64a. --Brazilian Folk Music ('Grove's the Intern. Folk Music Council' V, p. 57 Dictionary' 5th ed., vol. III, p. 198 if.), if.), 1953. 1954· 86. -- I ndonesian Music ('Grove's Diction­ 64b. -- Tupynamba Melodies in Jean de nary' 5th ed., vol. IV, p. 460 ff.), 1954. Ltfry's Histoire d'un voyage faict en la tene 87. -- Indian Music (,The New Oxford du Bresil ('Papers of the American History of Music', 3rd ed., vol. I), 1955. Musicol. Soc.', Annual meeting 1941, p. 88. BALFOUR, HENRY, The Old British 85 if.). 'Pibcorn' or 'Hornpipe' and its Affinities 65. BAGLIONI, S., Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis ('Journal of the Anthrop. Inst.' XX, p. dernaturlichen M usik ('Globus' LXLVIII, 142 if.), 1890. pp. 232, 249, 264), 1910. 89. --A primitive musical instrument 66. BAHADHURJI, K. N., Ein indisches (the whit-horn) ('Reliquary and Illustr. Saiteninstrument, genannt Taus ('Z. f. Archaeologist', N.S. II, p. 221 ff.), 1896. Ethnol.' XIX, p. 418 ff.). 1887. 90. -- The Natural History of the Musical 67. BAKE, ARNOLD A., Bijdrage tot de kennis Bow (1899). del' Voor-Indische muziek (Paris, 1930). 91. --Three bambu Trumpets fromN orthern 68. -- Indische muziek en de composities Territory, South Australia ('Man' I, Nos. van Rabindranath Tagore ('De Gids', 28, 33-34), 1901. 1930). 92. -- The goura, a stringed wind musical 69. -- Indian Music and Rabindranath instrument of the Bushmen and Hottentots Tagore ('Indian Art & Letters' V), 1931. ('Journal of the R. Anthrop. Inst.' 70. -- Die Bedeutung Rabindranath Tago­ XXXII, p. 156 if.), 1902. res fur die indische Musik ('Wiener Bei­ 93. -- Review of C. W. MEAD, The music­ trage zur Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte al instruments of the Incas (New York, Asiens' VI, p. 60 if.), 1931. 1903), ('Man' III, Nos. 112, 191-192), 71. -- Indian Music (London, The India 190 3. Soc., 1932). 94. -- Musical Instruments from the Malay 72. -- Researches in Indian Music ('In­ Peninsula ('Fasc. Malayenses' 1901-'02, dian Art and Letters', New Series VII, p. Part. II), 1904. 10 if.), 1933. 95. -- Musical Instruments of South Africa ('Report of the British Association, 74. --Different Aspects of Indian Music South African Meeting, 1905'), p. 528 if. ('Indian Art and Letters' VIII, p. 60 96. -- The Friction Drum (,Journal of the if.), 1934. R. Anthrop. Inst.' XXXVII, p. 67 ff.), 75. --26 Chansons de Rabindranath Tagore ('Bibl. musicale du Musee Guimet', 1st 190 7. 97. --Musical Section in '.Notes and series, vol. II), Paris, 1935. Queries on Anthropology', publ. by the 76. -- Indian Folk Music (,Proc. of the R. Anthrop. Inst., p. 295 if.), 5/1929. Musical Association' LXIII, p. 65 if.), 98. BANAS Y CASTILLO RAYMUNDO, The 1936/'37. Music and Theater of the Philipino 77- -- Some Folkdances in South India People (Manilla, 1924).
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