: The Royal Engineers I Journal. ' A Description of some Survey Work in Jamaica, 1937-38-39. Major~ J. C. T. Willis 327 E The Military Bridge over the River Thames at Gravesend . H. J. Deane 345 The Trainilg of %ieR.E. Officer . The Commandant, S.M.E. 358 Y Alexandra- Cold. .torage and Bakery, Singapore . Capt. A. E. M. Walter 371 j A Field Company, Sappers and Miners, on Construction Work in VW la, N.W.F.P. Capt. P. A. Easton 394 Anti-Tank Classification and Field Firing Ranges . Major R. M. H. Lewis 403 Quetta Demolitions . Capt. R. A. G. Binny and Capt. J. B. Brown 419 The War Office . Q.M.G.8. 422 5 The Demolition of the Czech Bridge at Breitenfurt . Capt. Gerloff 426 o Anti-Malarial . Liet. R. A. Barron 438 ' Memoir. Correspondence. Books. Magazines . 458 VOL. LIII. SEPTEMBER, 1939. X CHATHAM: X THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. Z TELEPHONE: CHATHAM 2669. AGENTS AND PRINTERS: AACKAYS LTD. P LONDON: HUGH REES, LTD., 47, PALL MALL, S.W.I. All Correspondence connected with Advertisements shoJilfLbaddxj,, --- S C. X INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY 54n lNT PM(t%V P: 1)UJTnn inn\T 1 I\lRTMnVI7 I v &L EXPAMET EXPANDED METAL British Steel :: British Labour Reinforcement for Concrete. With a proper combination of ' Ex- pamet"' Expanded Steel and Concrete, light thin slabbing is obtainable of great strength and fire-resistant efficiency; it effects a considerable reduction in dead-weight of super- structure and in vertical building height, and it is used extensively in any type of building-brick, steel, reinforced concrete, etc. "Expamet" ensures an even dis- tribution of stress throughout the concrete work; as all the strands or members are connected rigidly, they cannot be displaced by the laying and tamping of the concrete. THE EXPANDED METAL COMPANY, LTD. Patentees and Manufacturers of Expanded Metal. Engineers for all forms of Reinforced Concrete & Fire-resistant Construction BURWOOD HOUSE-CAXTON STREET-LONDON-S.W.1. Works: WEST HARTLEPOOL. Established over 45 years. Sole Agents for India- WM. JACKS & CO., Bombay, Karachi, Lahore,Calcutta, Madras. A nlr ....... o"U<nN <',03~n::? ? I~S Z a, L- :. t 00 - 0 lo ~04 ~ aa -- U- :< :0 0 r 00 I LLJdUo ---- _ 0 b4-. cl THE C UOY TH VI w 0 zw~ x~ 0. ~u 0g~-. .o 0~. .2 .s 0~s ,~ l·l' s *-~ V 00 IlVjt 0l bOC-':·; "~:~4 s;·T~~:~E4Y·~~V · ~·~00 ."·~~i<00 THEVCTAUiC CMPAN LTD Kings Buildings, Dean Stanley Street, Millbank, S.W.1 f ADVERTISEMENTS. THE FRANCOIS CEMENTATION CO. LTD. * A.R.P. WORK Shafts, Tunnels Deep Shelters Splinter-Proof Partition Walls Hardening for Concrete Reinforced Concrete Construction Tunnel Lining * BENTLEY WORKS, DONCASTER Tel. No. : 54177/8/9. Tel. Address: FRANCOIS, DONCASTER. A DVERTISEMENTS iii - . VIEW OF THE WORKS THERE can be few factories situated in such a unique setting and whose products enjoy such a world-wide reputation. LISTERS extend a cordial invitation to readers of The Royal Enlgineers Journal desirous of visiting their Dursley Factory to communicate with OVERSEAS RECEPTION, C/o R. A. LISTER & Co., LTD., IMPERIAL HOUSE, 15, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2. Telephone: Temple Bar 9681. R. A. LISTER & CO., LTD. IEAD OFFICES AND WORKS: DURSLEY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Tel.: Dursley 177. iv A D VERTISEMENTS I I I Reduce maintenance costs on Roof Glazing * Cleaned for the first time after forty years' exposure to London weather, the famous Eros statue showed no signs of corrosion or deterioration through atmospheric action. ALUMINEX ROOF GLAZING-bars, shoes, and cover-strips-is made of a non- ferrous alloy similar to that used by Alfred Gilbert for Eros. Every ALUMINEX component is of solid section in this non-corrodible metal. ALUMINEX GLAZING BARS are as unique in design as they are in material. The patented continuous cover-strip does away with the need for storm-clips and although lighter in weight the bars are equal in strength-span for span-to lead-clothed bars. ALUMINEX ROOF GLAZING has been tested by the Building Research Station with most favourable results-and installations in such widely differing buildings as factories, nursery-schools, drill halls, hospitals, prisons, etc., reveal its adaptability. PATENTED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD BY WILLIAMS AND WILLIAMS LTD., RELIANCE WORKS, CHESTER. LONDON : VICTORIA HOUSE, SOUTHAMPTON ROW. GLASGOW: 180, HOPE STREET, AND IN ALL LARGE CENTRES AD VERTISEMENTS v PATENT IQE.ARELROLING SHUTTERS NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY, TEDDINGTON: High Voltage Laboratory. This opening, 35' 0" high x 35' 0" wide, is fitted with two Kinnear Patent Steel Rolling Shutters, with an Intermediate Double Guide which can be traversed to one side when the shutters are open, thus rendering available the entire opening, without obstructions or projections of any kind whatever. SOLE MANUFACTURERS: ARTHUR L.GIBSON & CO., Ltd. HEAD OFFICE: RADNOR WORKS, STRAWBERRY VALE, TWICKENHAM Telephone: POPESGROVE 2276 (2 lines). Branch Offices: BIRMINGHAM: 6, Corporation Street (Midland 0473) GLASGOW: 121, West George Street (Central 1559) MANCHESTER: 90, Deansgate (Blackfriars 3138) vi AD VERTISEMENTS. To F. P. BAKER & Co. Ltd. " In ending, I must thankyou for the . - trouble and worry you have saved me with - . regard to ny outfit, and for the very effcient manner in which you packed / - gmykit." An unique "Service" FOR anyone proceeding abroad to a new station we have a file of unbiased reports from Officers stationed at practically every place abroad, where H.M. Services are called upon to serve. These reports are not the usual handbook or tourist in- formation, but deal with everything appertaining to each station, (sic) quarters-bachelor or married-servants, ayahs, and wages, what kit to take and what to leave behind, whether furniture can be hired locally, nearest Hill Stations and costs, what games, shooting, fishing, hunting, polo, pig-sticking or racing, social amenities of station, clubs, gymkhanas, and subscriptions, and a lot of other " helpful" information. The single officer therefore learns what kit he'll need and what he can avoid getting. The married know what to take out and what they can get locally-all of these reports are the actual unbiased reports of Officers serving in the stations. This " Information File " of ours is the result of over 70 years' experience and many years' organization on our customers' behalf. On these premises, under one roof, you can select everything you need. TAILORING, PERSONAL WEAR, LUGGAGE, GAMES KIT-EVERYTHING. We can pack it all for you and anything else you send in to us. F.P. Baker &Co.Ltd. 2, UPPER JAMES ST. (Picoa'dl trcus) GOLDEN SQUARE, W.1. London, W.1 L vii THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. Authors alone are responsible for the statements made and the opinions expressed in their papers. CONTENTS. PAGE I. A DESCRIPTION OF SOME SURVEY WORK IN JAMAICA, 1937-38-39. By Major J. C. T. Willis, R.E. (With Photographs and Sketches) ...... 327 2. THE MILITARY BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER TIHAMES AT GRAVESEND. By H. J. Deane, Esq., B.E., M.INST.C.E. (1W'ith Photographs, Plate and Sketches) ... ..... ... ... ..... ......... 345 3. THE TRAINING OF THE R.E. OFFICER. By the Commandant, S.M.E. (IVith Sketch and Map) .. .. ... ... ... .. ... ... 358 4. ALEXANDRA COLD STORAGE AND BAKERY, SINGAPORE. By Captain A. E. MI. Walter, R.E. (WVith Photographs and Plates) ... ...... .. 371 5. A.FIELD COMPANY, SAPPERS AND MINERS ON CONSTRUCTION WORK IN WANA, N.W.F.P. By Captain P. A. Easton, R.E. ... ... ... 394 6. ANTI-TANK CLASSIFICATION AND FIELD FIRING RANGES. By Major R. MI. H. Lewis, M.C., R.E. (IVith Photographs and Plate) ... .. ... 403 7. QUETTA D.EMOLITIONS. By Captain R. A. G. Binny, R.E., and Captain J. B. Brown, R.E. (TVith Photographs) ... ... ... .. ... 419 8. THE W\AR OFFICE. By "Q.SM.G.8." ... ... .. ...... ... 422 9. THE DEMOLITION OF TIIE CZECII BRIDGE AT BREITENFURT. By Captain Gerloff. (lVith Photographs and Sketches) ... .. ... ... 426 io. ANTI-MALARIAL. By Lieutenant R. A. Barron, R.E. (Vith Photographs, Plates and Sketches) ... ... ..... ... ... ... 438 II. MEMOIR ... .. .. .. ..... ... ... ... ... 458 Lieut.-Colonel The Right Hon. Sir Matthew Nathan, P.C., G.C.M.G., D.L. (WVith Photograph). J.E.E. 12. CORRESPONDENCE ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 462 Cement Stabilization of Soil. Brig.-General E. G. Wace (Retired) Cement Stabilization of Soil. Captain W. L. Campbell 13. BooKs ... ......... .. ... ......... 465 The Official History of the Great War. C.V.G. The Defence of Britain (Captain Liddell Hart.) R.P.P-W. Marshal Foch. (Cyril Falls.) H.B-W. Lord Kitchener. (Lt.-Colonel H. de Watteville, C.B.E., M.A.) H.G.E. viii CONTENTS. PAGE BOOKS (continued)- The Armies of the First French Republic and the Rise of the Marshalls of Napoleon I. (Late Colonel Ramsay Weston Phipps.) R.P.P-W. The War Gases.-Chemistry and Analysis (Dr. Mario Sartori.) H.F.P-W. Applied Aerodynamics-Second Edition, 1930. (L. Bairstow.) F.W.T.H. On Active Service. (Brig.-General W. W. Seymour.) H.G.E. Air Raid Precautions. Survey of India--Magnetic Anomalies. (B. L. Gulatee, M.A. (Cantab.)) H.L.C. 14. MIAGAZINES ... .. ... .. ...... .. .. 478 The Military Engineer. E.S.B. Revue Militaire Sutisse. W.H.K. Revue du Gdnie MIilitaire. W.H.K. Bulletin Belge des Sciences Militaire. W.H.K. Rassegna di Cultura MAilitaire. A.S.H. Mlilitdarwissenschaftliche MIlitteilungen. A.S.H. Vierteljahreshefte fir Pioniere. A.S.IH. IVehrtechcsische M.onatshefte. A.S.H. The Indiaa! Forester. F.C.M. All communications for the Institution should be addressed to:- The Secretary, The Institution of Royal Engineers, Chatham. COUNCIL OF THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. (Ineorporated by Royal Chartir, 27th February, 1923.) Patro,n:-H.M. THZ KING. President. Maj.-Gen. Sir Charles W. Gwynn, x.C.B., C.M.G., D.s.o., P..t ..............................
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