8 TIIE INDIAN ATOLIS JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1895. placed h!mnelf on record as being on the ering shocks of corn. The grain and stubbie ENCOURAGING A LOUD SILVER RING fence, ready to drop Into the ranks of the show yellow. Just back of the grain field silverltes at any moment, but, to prevent are hills and trees. The autumn haze ren- the possibility of tho silver men getting too ders the atmosphere a purplisn hue, which boll and endeavoring to have the meeting deepens In he distance. "Sycamores of the MUNYON IT WAS SOUNDED IN THE DEMO- indorse free silver, he abruptly moved n Mlssispinewa" can be readily found in the IVIXG i2orr,is adjournment, which was agreed to by collection, for It Is unlike any other. The CRATIC COXFEREXCK YESTERDAY. formality trees are painted with great fidelity and OVERCOAT Chairman Taggart without the of a vote. Before the adjournment, how- their rough, knotted coats make a fine bit Mr. J. T Ashby Sajra HI" Improved ever. Mr. Sheerln managed to explain that of work. There Is a "Portrait of Miss H." Homoeopathic Remedies Are Worth Fine Linens at Common Prices he had not intended to convey the ilea This is of Miss Hendricks. It Is a small Iu-don- .More Than the Whole Medical Governor IreIilentlul Doom eil he did not allowing the voters picture, but the pose is very graceful. The You want an Overcoat will that favor setting Faculty. that by Committee of the party a word In the making of th Is a field in hish summer time. One A QUAHTtrr OP TABT.K DAMASK THAT Stnle Silver pany piaiiorm. une oi inn arausms j Ficture Mr. Steele has named "Serenity." STANDS FOH Till: WHOLK. Men "Were la JIaJorlty. dents of the meeting was the speech Of K. exemplitles Its title. The scene Is a James T. Ashby, Petersburg, Ya., says: give you perfect satisfaction. We have C. Christy, a colored Democrat, wno was calm summer day la the marsh lands, with 1'Ine 7:-!n- ch Double Pama?k. klnd..1.9i not called upon for a talk, but coull not cows half deep In the water. A row of "An aged friend of mine had rheumatism T:-ln- ch Double Damask, J1.2T. kind D8c be prevailed on to sit down when he straight trees edges the stream. The whole for many years, and could get to his place them for you, made of TiVlnch Double Damask. l kind 80o proceedings love claimed tho attention of the chair. His Is most restful and a picture that would CO-ln- The the Democratic ch of only by cane. He Unbleached Damask. 65c kind.. Soc talk was greeted with const lerable laugh- grow on one the longer studied. of business the aid of a Handsome Linen Set?, plain borders, feast yesterday afternoon showed plainly ter that hai the ring of derision in it. Mr. Steele has entirely revolutionized his had tried various remedies and numerous fancy borders and hemstitched. The rer-levti- on th wisdom of those who have tho Mat- "I am proud that I am a Democrat." he style of painting in the last few years and doctors without benefit. He finally bought of bepan. am proud this meeting if can see color effects, in scenes never seen Heltons and Cheviots for $7.50 and thews boom In charge. It was intended "I that -- a 25c bottle of MUX YOSTS RHEUMATISM $i0. hld In a Republican I mean a Democratic before. The Indiana climate, he thinks, is that a resolution indorsing him as Indi- city presided over by Tom Taggart. After particularly rich In color and the laven- CURE. Three days afterward I saw him fl3 ana's candidate for the Democratic nomi- the last election, when Mr. Tagsart was ders, purples, golds and pinks which hang without his cane, and Inquired how he so Klorlously elected (the rest of the ovcrthe landscape-- with bewildering beauty, H nation for President should be introduced he has caught, with an came to be walking without his crutch. Kerseys and Heltons for $15. In meeting. got sentence was drowned In the laughter that and artistic instinct tho The silver men wind cf followed.) I was raised a Methodist, and as well as with masterly cultivation he has His answer was to take out tho half bottle this intention and gave notice that as this It was our practice to take members into given th genuine, natural ertect to what- of MUNYON S TtllEXJMATISM CURB Mill On the center table you'll find a half meeting was not called for tho purpose of the church on six months' probation. I ever ha has touched. There are other scenes remaining, with tho remark that he 'ttould cuc of "resoluting" advantage havo served my proliatlon in tho Demo- than the ones mentioned, scenes of land Chinchillas and Irish Beavers for $18. It would take of cratic party. A short time ago a man and water, figures and animals. The collec- not give the rest of thoso pellets for tho STAMPED LINENS AT HALF. tho Introduction of a Matthews measure sail to me: 'Oh, you are only a Democrat tion will continue on exhibition th re- whole medical faculty As for my own to bring up th silver question. Tho sliver for what vou can get out of the party. mainder of the week and Sunday after- case, years a torpid liver. No, sir,' I said, 'I am not. I believe the noon. Daylight is needed for a visit to the I suffered for with Tray Squares, Scarfa, plain, hemstitched, men and their "on the fence" friends were Republican protection ide.i is barbarous. studio. Calomel and other strong drugs only gave Imported Kerseys and Worsteds for $20. thotted fringe, etc., too numerous to permit any action on the Vou need not say any more, he said: 'I relief for a few days. Ono bottle of MUX-TON- 'S you Democrat. 25c EACH-N- O MORE. part of the other faction that would bring know now that are really a A Boarder Robbed the Guests. LIVER CURE acted like magic I up- - this very troublesome question. A short time ago I was In Marlon soliciting guests People's Home, For this subscriptions to a Democratic paper. I ap- Th of the at consider myself entirely free from my old Imported Kerseys for $25, $38 to $45. reason the "boomer" remained silent, and proached ono man whom I was told was No. 345 East Washington street, were dis- malarial trouble, feel spry and active, with . while the name of Indiana's Governor was a strong Democrat. He said he did not turbed early yesterday morning by burg- elec- a no pains In the back, as formerly, and, mentioned In higher know about that; that since th last 10 stop L. S. Ayres & Co. connection with the tion he was not certain. I had to convince lar. It costs but cents to at the above all, I am cured of awful sore bolls, office and was received with considerable him that his principles are as good now People's Home, so the boarders are not which had tormented me for four years' as enthusiasm, no indorsing him as they ever were. Now, I think things exclusive persons some- resolutions negro and undesirable tho result of the sluggish liver. were Introduced. have como to a pretty pass when a times creep in. It was the case night be- has to go out over th State and teach fore last and yesterday morning an un- Why Poison Your System HOLIDAY PRESENTS At first tho wisdom of this decision Democracy." Mun-yon- Democrats desirable boarder departed, taking with him with dangerous drugs? Why not try 's might have been questioned, for there was, MATTHEWS ENTHUSIASM LACKING. , three overcoats and a 6llver watch be- longing New and Improved Homoeopathic When looking for a handsome present for your father, IF YOU want a Piano. apparently, no silver sentiment In th meet- Tho only mention made of the possibility to others. Horn A separate specific Remedies. for look-a- ing for the first hour of lis progress. The of th candidacy of Governor Matthews each disease. Absolutely harmless. Positive brother, son, etc., come and t our line of Smoking IF YOU are thinking of buying a Piano, Buildings Permits. 23 silver ball was set In motion by tho Hon. for tho presidency was made by Will E. and permanent cures. At druggists, cents Canes, Neckwear, Hand- S. any Inten- M. B. Crist, brick addition. South street, a bottle. Jackets, Bath Robes; Umbrellas, IF YOU are interested in Pianos, P. Sheerln, however, not with English. It did not seem to arouse the near Illinois street. $1,000. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 15C5 tion on his part doing so. followed 1 ou. IF YOU desire to see a good Piano, of lie feeling that was Intended, ani no other E. F. Schone, frame addition. Water Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered kerchiefs, etc. It will pay Mortimer Nye in the talking and remarked person alluded to It. speaking of the street, $150. with free medical advice for any disease. After Johnsoni, house, Alfrey that he agreed with Mr. Nye In his belief work done by Tom Taggart, and hoping Elizabeth frame Call on us and hear I avenue, near Twelfth street, J810. , ' Greatest Line of HOLIDAY GOODS of any House in the City. the th3t the coming county and district meet- that the State Democracy would' see fit to ings should confine themselves to the busi- help him up higher, he said that It would Dnt Is Not Really-Remarkabl- e.
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