St. Cecilia Catholic Church OCTOBER 25, 2020 THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 155 North Main St. Glen Carbon, IL 62034 Phone: 618-288-3200 or 288-5523 FAX: 618-288-3292 www.stcparish.org Readings Pastor, Rev. Patrick Gibbons [email protected] Page 1179 Rev Patrick Gibbons, Pastor Monday — Thursday 8:30 am—4:00 pm (office closed at this time) 155 North Main Street — Glen Carbon, Illinois 62034 (618) 288-3200 www.stcparish.org (618) 288-3292—fax Coordinator of Religious Ed Paula Raffaelle [email protected] Music Director Andrea Bakos [email protected] Maintenance Director Alex Kerber [email protected] Office Manager LeAnne Scheibal [email protected] — Mass Times — Parish Secretary Kelly Jones [email protected] Saturday (Vigil): 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am 1st Saturday of Month: 8:00 am — Reconciliation — Wednesday: 6:30-7:00 pm Saturday: 3:30-4:00 pm Anytime by Appointment This week’s intentions: Saturday, October 24 4:30pm For Steve Novosel Sunday, October 25 8:30am For Joe Decker 11:00am For St. Cecilia Parish Community Monday, October 26 6:30pm For the Reform of the The time to respond to God calling on you is here! Clergy This week you will have the opportunity to respond Tuesday, October 27 8:00am For Mary Jo Peck to how God is calling you to great participation, ra- Wednesday, October 28 8:00am For Mary “Jane” ther it be through prayer, liturgy, service, talents, Sepanski Thursday, October 29 formation or financial giving. We need each of us 8:00am For Ruth Polson Friday, October 30 to help bring our parish into a new vision for stew- 8:00am For Doris Hall ardship as a way of life. This Season of Steward- Saturday, October 31 4:30pm For Elmer & Loraine ship calls us to pray, discern, change, and grow. Bader Sunday, November 1 We hope you will respond this week and send the 8:30am For St. Cecilia Parish Community Parish Offices your commitment. Let us challenge 11:00am For Mary Jo Peck To schedule an intention, call each other, grow together, and remember. or email the Parish 288.3200 [email protected] “But as it is, there are many parts, yet one body.” After hours or end of life emergencies, (1 Corinthians 12:20) call Fr. Gibbons at 618.946.4518 St. Cecilia is dedicated to sharing the Catholic faith to the next generation & community! SAVE THE DATE Fr. Michael J. McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus, and the priest for whom our SUBSTITUTES school is named, will be beatified during a special We are in need of substitutes! If you, or someone mass October 31 at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in you know, is interested, please have them email our principal, David Gregson, at princi- Hartford. [email protected]. Our daily rate for substitutes is now $90 per day. You are invited to the Father McGivney Catholic School beatification celebration. Join Bishop GIVING Thomas John Paprocki for this momentous event. It is so easy to support St. John Neumann, even Due to COVID-19 restrictions we will be limiting through your everyday purchases! Websites like Amazon, Shutterfly, and even Box Tops, make it congregation size and practicing social distancing. simple to donate to our school. Visit our website at Facial coverings will be required. www.sjncrusaders.org and click on giving to learn more. On May 27, the Vatican announced that Pope Fran- cis, who met with the board of directors of the FOOTBALL RAFFLE Knights of Columbus in February, had signed the We are approaching the halfway point of the NFL season! Visit our website to purchase our popular decree recognizing a miracle through the interces- NFL raffle tickets - at half price! For only $10 you sion of McGivney, clearing the way for his beatifi- will have a chance to win up to $200 each week for cation. Once he is beatified, he will be given the ti- the remaining nine weeks of the season! tle "Blessed." The Bishop is in Town! The St. Serra Vocations Club of Madison Coun- ty will welcome Bishop Thomas John Paprocki to their meeting October 28, to celebrate our 10th anniversary as a Club, and everyone is welcome to come join us! The St. Serra Vocations Club's mission is to fos- ter and affirm vocations to the priesthood and vowed religious life. We will begin with Holy FOR Mass at Noon at Saint Ambrose Church, Godfrey; afterward the Bishop will speak at a luncheon in the Community Center. If you would like to have lunch, which is ca- AGES 19-39 tered by Nicky Gs, it is $25 and reservations can be made by contacting Carolyn at [email protected] or if you do not have email at 618-463-1793. Money will be collected at the door, but reservations for lunch must be made in advance by October 26. Please come help us welcome Bishop Pap- rocki and join us! JOIN US 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO ALL WEEKEND MASSES FOR ROSARY OCT 31ST & NOV 1 Online Orders, Take Out Online Orders, Take Out & Delivery Use Code & Delivery Use Code GR163621S GR163621S ST. CECILIA CHURCH—SEASON OF STEWARDSHIP TIME, TALENT & TREASURE As a Diocese, we are committed to discipleship & stewardship. We recognize that everything we have comes from God and that He has given us gifts not just to use for ourselves but also to share with others! GOOD DEEDS HERE! PARISH GENEROSITY REPORT ST. CECILIA FOOD PANTRY FISCAL YEAR 2020/2021 (July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021) Weekly Generosity Weekly Totals Fiscal YTD As a Parish family we provide direct service to those who are less fortunate. We continue to Sept 28-Oct 11, 2020 $ 11,633.75 $ 85,435.34 help families with groceries & utilities each Online Giving 5,705.00 39,291.87 Total $ 17,338.75 $124,727.21 week! Budget Goal 19,600.00 147,000.00 Items Needed: Difference $ (2,261.25) $ (22,272.79) Canned fruit: peaches, pears, mandarin Add’l $608 contributed to Haiti, Dioc Special & Restricted oranges, fruit cocktail, apple sauce Canned vegetables: baked beans, corn, ST. CECILIA MASS COUNTS green beans, peas, carrots October 17/18: 4:30=53; 8:30=73; 11=61; Total=187 Other: Vegetable Oil, laundry soap, dish October 10/11: 4:30=56; 8:30=63; 11=79; Total=198 October 3/4: 8:00=28; 4:30=56; 8:30=88; 11=61; Total=233 detergent, shampoo, conditioner, tissues, September 26/27: 4:30=50; 8:30=60; 11=46; Total=156 and toilet paper. Your Generosity is Appreciated! If you would like to be a Pantry Volunteer, Go GREEN—Give online @ https:// please contact Bernie Guy-Marshall at www.osvonlinegiving.com/1030 We are so grateful for your continued support. 618.344.9950 or [email protected] ROOTED IN FAITH GROUNDED IN LOVE ALIVE WITH THE SPIRIT Stewardship—The Way to Live This week’s stewardship of Time and Talent Sa- Thank you for your generous response to the lute: In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and tal- Society for the Propagation of the Faith last ent to us, we gratefully acknowledge and sa- weekend on World Mission Sunday. lute: Linda Cato, who selflessly shared Deacon Some people are called to serve in other Jerry with the Parish through the years. countries to develop the Church and serve its people, but all of us can pray and support Thank you St. Cecilia Parish Faithful Stewards! the Missions from right here in the parish! St. Cecilia is a fervent community of intentional and dedicated missionary disciples of the Risen Lord. We serve, especially those in need, with prayer, participation, and charity. Prayer Requests: We are so excited that many St. Cecilia Patricia Aleman, Marissa activities and groups are able to once Banovz, Betty Barton, again meet in person (safely social dis- Brian & Jan Brogan, tancing) or online when necessary. Maria Carroll, Linda Cato & Family, Sara Cleary, Charles Cook, Teresa Donnay Family, Lisa Sunday, October 25 Frew’s friend Rick, Ted Fuehne, Edwin Gajew- 8:00 & 10:30 am Pro-life Rosary ski, Angie & Adalyn Hardesty, Mary Ann Hobbs, 8:30 am Mass Mike Hogan, Cynthia Ann Hunter, Mary Rose 9:30 am PSR 9:35 am Adult Study Kobler, Joseph Martin, Connor McAleenan, Tom 11:00 am Mass Miller, Mary Mucho, Gary Newton, Irene 7:00 pm Adult Study ZOOM Potthoff, Luke Raffaelle, Sheila Ridenbark, Doris Robinson, Nathan Rozycki, Luke Ryterski, Monday, October 26 Weiss Family, Allison Winkler, JD Wynn, 6:30 pm Mass Bob Zellerman, St. Cecilia Parish & 7:00 pm Adult Study Anonymous Prayers If you like to add yourself or a loved one to the Tuesday, October 27 8:00 am Mass bulletin Prayer List, contact LeAnne 10:30 am Adult Study 618.288.3200 [email protected] Wednesday, October 28 8:00 am Mass 8:30 am Quilters 9:00 am Food Pantry 10:00 am RENEW 7:00 pm Choir ZOOM Thursday, October 29 8:00 am Mass 7:00 pm Prayer & Action Friday, October 30 8:00 am Mass Saturday, October 31 3:30 pm Reconciliation 4:00 pm Pro-Life Rosary 4:30 pm Mass ST. CECILIA HAPPENINGS THIS WEEK! THIS HAPPENINGS CECILIA ST. Sunday, November 1-All Saints Day 7:00am-7:00pm 40 Days Vigil in GC 8:00 & 10:30 am Pro-Life Rosary 8:30 am Mass 11:00 am Mass .
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