The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy : Which Far Exceeds Any Thing

The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy : Which Far Exceeds Any Thing

A 4 * R T O F o O K E R % Made P L A I N and EASY} Which fey exceeds any Thing of the Kind ever yet Publifhed* HI «. ■ s. CONTAINING, I Of Roafling, Boiling, bfc* XIII. To Pot and Make Hams, &c. II. Of Made-Diihes. XIV. Of Pickling. III. Read this Chaptef^and you will find how XV. Of Making Cakes, &c. Exptnftve a French Cook’s Sauce is. XVI. Of Chcefecakes, Creams, Jellies, Whip IV. To make a Number of pretty little Diflies Jit., Syllabubs, &c. for Suppei, or Side Difh, and little Corner- XVII. Of Made Wines, Bfewing, French Bread, Dilyes Jo r a great Table j and the reft you have Muffins, ISc. p in 'tfleChapteJ V Lent. XVIII. Jarring Cherries, and Preferves, &c. -f V. To dreft Fifh. XIX. To Makie Anchovies, Vermicella, Ketchup, VI. Of Soops and Broths-* Vinegar, and to keep Artichokes, French- VII. Of Puddings. Beans, &c. ' — » VIII. Of Pies. XX. Of Diftilling. IX. For a Faft-Dinner, a Number of good Diflies, XXI. How to Market, and the Seafons of the which you may make ufe for a Table at any Year for Butcher’s Meat, Poultry, Fifh, Herbs, other Time. Roots, &c. and Fruit. X- Directions for the Sick, XXII. A certain Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog,. XI. For Captains of Ships. By Dr. Mead. XII. Of Hog’s Puddings, Saufages, &c. -a 4=4. LONDON: k Printed for- the Author ; and fb?d at Mrs. /Ijhburn's, a China-Shop, the Corner of Fleet-Ditch. Mdccxlvii. i> R W l S y> 'ijwi , T ! ~ « ...... TO THIS . v • t.ui •fwrnll Ait I-V* B O 1 •J .1 . i! : *’ , .A.:. ' Mrs. Churchill .1 Ail . i tv F Mrs. Cooke •. * i l/L Mrs. aLLGOOD Mrs. Cotefworth Mrs. Adams Mifs Coumbs t 'oh l . 1 Mrs. Atwood Mifs Clokenhints Mrs. Armorer Mrs. Ayliffe Mrs. Cheyney insioM/ ; ...i Mifs Ayliffe Mrs. Cuttlar ; , ' ' -I M i Dr. Anderfon d ri.: ’i Mr. Collice yVi Mr. Anderfon Mr. Cove. ' 1 i * i'V; Capt. Afh. D • uM .. Lady Dudly • e.!b| B s - Mrs. Butler r IVfrs. Duan ?■; I it~ * * . ; * y- v ; ;T\/J , V f Mrs. Bedford, Broad-Jlreet Hill Mrs. Driddon > v f Mrs. Bedford, Chancery-lant Mrs. Deucon . :.«* . :.n . Mrs. Bury, Norfolk-Jlreet Mrs. Dawfon ;; - lol h . Mrs. Bury, Beckham **'4 r*T Mrs. Denton Mifs Amy Bury ’ \ , Mrs. Dent A A . Mifs Bedford f Mrs. Dalows ■ IkM . : .1 • .( mjH Mrs. Berrysford 1 Mr. Daverel. Mrs. Bertie E ; > . : t»iloI /. ,o:.l Mrs. Barker J-7, Mrs. Edgerton v; . .u V jOO.'tO'. /l .• m Mrs. Bugby Mrs. Eblefo. •f.v.dtc:/. i M Mrs. Bathus s-. F V ;f ran1/ . i Mrs. Beckly , ; * » \J J Mrs. Farmer . ,:r; . Y. t/l Mrs. Bromfield Mrs. Fitzwater . • twM Mrs. Brown "•-V'W Mrs. Finch Mrs. Bird r ' c“' - * Rev. Mr. Finch. Mrs. Bowman r • < \ i *v 7 G., X: it • i Mrs. Brown, Chancery-lant r Lady Gunflon Mrs. Blunckley^ • • t/ Mrs. Griffith Y.x 1- ,; A Mrs. Bowdler r :7V Mrs. Gandy . ' .. Mrs. Barrit i rnstiii V/ Mrs. GlafTe, Cary-Jlreet ■ Mrs. Barlet ! Mrs. Gordon ■ t • - a Mrs. Baker . ... : ’ Mrs. Gritton r .S Mrs. Boys — * v Mr. GlafTe, Attorney at Law : 4 r • ■ , ; -Barnet, Efqj .. r. ; /, \rJ Mr. Grear. Dr. John Bedford H com;'; Mr. Back 1 f. ** iif//* Mr. Hoar, St. Martin' s-lane Mr. Blanco . Mifs E. Hoar 5v'! *f ’* i M Mr. Bluck Mifs M. Hoar Mr. Brickhill. Mrs. Hill C ‘ . il l Mifs Haftens Hon. Mrs. Carmecheal Mrs. Herrifs nil t'> Mrs. Claxton, fen. Mrs. Hatten .'•fi.-b T-^ Mrs. Claxton, jun. • .fjcn’ - Mrs. Hendrick Mrs. Crofts Mrs. Harrifon ub Mrs. Carter, Hay-Market Mr. Hanyfut Mrs. Carter, BtJhopfgate-Jlreet Mrs. Ann Hooper SUBS CRIBERS to this r fit) 'fiK. I Mrs. Roger Mrs. Jcderell Mrs. Ranner Mrs. Jenkes Mrs. Rily Dr. James Mrs. Roycroft, fen. Mr. Jelf. Mrs. Roycroft, rjo^i. r T r'- K Mrs. Rainby (j LI Mrs. Keg wig Mrs. Raglhaw Mr. Kirk Mrs. Richards, St. Martin's-lant Mr. Keeble. Mrs. Richards, Holborn-hill , T .M rs. Raner Lady Lee Mrs/Reed Mrs. Lathbury Mrs. Roper. Mrs. Lembrey MifsLembrfey — - - Lady Smith r t Mrs. Lilly r j Mrs. Stone 'sW.'.-h* Mrs. Loyon f Mrs. Stephenfon Mrs. Lee Mrs. Shardin Mifs Lance Mrs. Sheed Mifs Legrand inn >) Mrs Southern A Mr. Lee Mrs. Sclater Mr. Licet Mrs. Swoen C o O D J vl • Mr. Lloyd Mrs. Shipton trctalu". - too Mr, Lack, jun. Mrs. Slomaker lyr/v. M Mrs. Spence Mrs. Morant Mrs. Shuttle worth Mr Medly-Coat Mrs. Sharp fl ’V". * . Manering Mrs. Smith is Manering (*o„ Mrs. Soulby flbha!,--. ' > irs. Marlhel Mrs. Stuart 1 Mrs. Mombray Col. Stephenfon t.i. •• « is! •>.' Mrs. Merrit Mr. Jof. Sc later. Mrs. Middleton X.P-ymVo Mrs. Mathews Mrs. Talar CvO Mrs. Morell Mrs. Tucker .s Mrs. Mackcollo Mrs. Tuder Itt04j o' : , Mrs. Malh Mrs. Thornhill '{lull yr j InoiD t Mrs. Mafterman r Mr. Thead, Holborn L’jol'. vr; . ■ Hum. Morice, Efq; Mr. Treadwell r T oi)*> Al Nic. Morice, Efq; si. V Mr. Morice, Holborn Mrs. Veal. ‘iVii Mr. Mathews . .. .1' w Mr. Macnamar Mrs. Weft zudii.{ I * Mr. Mafterman. W-'i’ .. '. v Mr. Warton yUo. li N is.’: j''■ c'-.O Mrs. Widdrington LIcRrno. i Mrs. Nicholas f:■■■.' •• Mrs. Ward n wo'dL * vt m v, r Mifs Nafh > >■> 1 * * - • ■ Mrs. Webb blicl Mr. Norn's. ■) Mrs. Whiten nnmwi H Mrs. Watkins •>'. .A-yr/o CO trt wo if 1. Mrs. Pocock d <•) : Mrs. Wrouphton yoUonulH v: .. p ^ • Mrs. Proutford Mifs Sophia Wrcughfon rMbwott Mrs. Phips, Cheapfide ,• -"o . ■ Mrs Williams 3n*i-a i'« Mrs. Phips, Bartholomew-Clofe* • Mrs. Wollenfton ill isH Mrs. Pardo r : ) !’• Mrs. Wadmane TiJ ' l Mrs. Pack t -S‘~‘*J Mrs. Walker aye; i Mrs. Pettree Mrs. Woickefter |pdf ptoni'H —— Mrs. Porter Mr. Waits inolbali ndoT M Mrs. Pinfon ... , - F, .0 ■ Mr. Whitehead shell. .T Mrs. Pye ■i ’■ ~ .,5 Mr. Winfmore. oontlff ,m Mr. Perry ' T1 .T ' olouifl .-a I- Mr. Powel. I; ill . « Xr a en .. Mrs. Yeldham. 0 Mr. Quin ?v :--H h.'.'■RottneD .nM1 Mr. Quay. mjjeH ty .nil ,rtotxtr.’> .ril/' R Mr. Zeman. •nu{ cnoJx»;lJ .sil/j Mrs. Ryder mlnm. .£■ efioiO x \fi ‘•A-rAil-ydVt <i2t uO .6il ~-oc»R mil .-. \ .ail .4 THE C O N TE N T.S. CHAP. I. Of Roafting, Boilings &e. Page T> E EF — 3 Rules to be obferved in Roafting —« -*-* Mutton and Lamb 4 Beef ■— — — Veal — ib. Mutton —> — Pork ib. Pork — — To roaft a Pig ib. Directions concerning Beef, Mutton, and Pork Different Sorts of Sauce for a Pig — ib. Veal — — To roaft the hind Quarter of a Pig, Lamb Fafhion Houfe-Lamb — — ib. A Pig — — To bake a Pig — *— 5 A Hare — To melt Butter — ib. A Turkey — — To roaft Qeefe, Turkies, &c. ib. A Goofe — r — Sauce fora Goofe — ib. Fowls — — Sauce for a Turkey —- ib. Tame Ducks — _ Sauce for Fowls — — ib. Wild Ducks — Sauce for Ducks — <— ib. Teal, Wigeon, &c. , —. Sauce for Pheafants and Partridges ib. Woodcocks, Snipes and Partridges Sauce for Larks — ib. Pig-eonsO and Larks To roaft Woodcocks and Snipes ib. Directions concern ng Poultry — To roaft a Pigeon — —6 To keep Meat hot — To broil a Pigeon — ib. To drefs Greens, Roots, f$c. — Directions for Geefe and Ducks ib. To drefs Spinage — ib. To roaft a Hare — —- ib. To drefs Cabbages, &c. — ib. Different Sorts of Sauce for a Hare ib. To drefs Carrots — — ib. To-broil Steaks ib. To drefs Turnips — 11 Directions concerning the Sauce for Steaks ib. To drefs Parfnips — ib. General Directions concerning Broiling ib. To drefs Brockaley — ib. General Directions concerning Boiling 7 To drefs Potatoes — — ib. To boil a Ham — — ib. To drefs Colliflowers ib. To boil a Tongue — — ib. To drefs French Beans —- ib. To boil Fowls and Houfe-Lamb ib. To drefs Artichokes — ib. Sauce for a boiled Turkey. — ib. To drefs Afparagus — ib. Sauce for a boiled Goofe — ib. Directions concerning Garden Things 12 Sauce for boiled Ducks or Rabbits — ib. To drefs Beans and Bacon —. ib. To roaft Venifon — — ib. To make Gravy for a Turkey, or any Sort of Different Sorts of Sauce for Venifon 8 Fowl — — ib. To roaft Mutton, Venifon Fafhion ib. To draw Mutton, Beef, or Veal Gravy ib. To keep Venifon or Hares fweet, or to make them To burn Butter for thickening of Sauce ib. frefh when they ftink — ib. To make Gravy — ib. To roaft a Tongue or Udder ib. To make Gravy for Soops, &c. ib. To roaft Rabbits — — ib. To bake a Leg of Beef — 1 ^ Ti) roaft a Rabbit*. Hare Fafhion — ib. To bake an Ox’s Head —• ib. Turkies, Pheafants^ &c. may be larded ib. To boil Pickled Pork •—■ — ib. To roaft a Fowlj ,Pheafant Fafhion ib. CHAP. 1 CONTE NTS. CHAP. II. Made-Dijhes. Page Page *“p O drefs Scotch Collops — 13 To ftew Beef Gobbets 22 * To drefs White Scotch Collops ib. Beef Royal ib. To drefs a Fillet of Veal with Collops, &c. ib. A Tongue and Udder forced 23 To make Force-meat Balls. — ib. To fricafey Neat’s Tongue ib. Truffles and Morells, good in Sauces and Soops ib. To force a Tongue ib. To flew Ox-Palates. — 14 To ftew Neats Tongues Whole ib. Toragoo a Leg of Mutton — ib. To fricafey Ox Palates — ib. To make a Brown Fricafey —. ib. To roaft Ox Palates —- ib. To make a White Fricafey — ib. To drefs a Leg of Mutton a la Royale 24 To fricafey Chickens,Rabbits, Lamb,Veal, &c.

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