JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA ELSEVIER Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 136 (1999) 183-197 Differential operators on monomial rings William N. Traves * Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, 100 St. George Street, 4th Floor, Toronto. Ont.. Canada M5S 3G3 Communicated by A. Geramita; received 21 May 1997; received in revised form 22 August 1997 Abstract Rings of differential operators are notoriously difficult to compute. This paper computes the ring of differential operators on a Stanley-Reisner ring R. The D-module structure of R is determined. This yields a new proof that Nakai’s conjecture holds for Stanley-Reisner rings. An application to tight closure is described. @ 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. AMS Clas.@cation: Primary 13NlO; secondary 13A35,16S32 1. Introduction Differential operators are a fundamental tool in many areas of mathematics. Un- fortunately, their use in commutative algebra has been frustrated by the difficulty of computing rings of differential operators in general (see [l]). This paper computes the ring of differential operators of a ring R that is the coordinate ring of a reduced affine variety defined by monomial equations, otherwise known as a Stanley-Reisner ring. Particular attention is paid to the case where the variety is defined over a field of positive characteristic. Dealing with the characteristic p case presents extra difficulties but it also suggests new applications: there is a general philosophy that differential operators are related to tight closure (see [17, 181). One of the goals of this paper is to illustrate this connection in the case of Stanley-Reisner rings. * Current address: Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, 525 East University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA. 0022-4049/99/$ ~ see front matter @ 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PII: SOO22-4049(97)00170-9 184 W.N. Travesl Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 136 (1999) 183-197 Differential operators are defined in Section 2. In Section 3, the ring of differential operators D(R) of a reduced monomial ring R is determined. This follows easily once we know that the R-module D(R) has a direct sum decomposition (Theorem 3.3). The proof of this fact is interesting because different (and incompatible) techniques are used in the positive and zero characteristic cases. The characterization of D(R) generalizes Brumatt and Simis’s description of the module of derivations Do-k(R) in [2, Theorem 2.2.11. Using other methods, Tripp [22] also described the ring of differential operators on a Stanley-Reisner ring defined over a field of characteristic zero. I would like to thank both Martin Holland and the referee for bringing Tripp’s work to my attention. The D-module structure of R is determined in Section 4. This project was motivated by the fact that the test ideal for tight closure is a D-module (see [ 18, Theorem 2.21). The description of the D-module structure of R is used to show that reduced monomial rings satisfy an extension of Nakai’s conjecture to arbitrary characteristic. In particular, for a reduced monomial ring R, if D(R) is generated by derivations, then R is regular. Tight closure is defined in Section 5 (see [6] for a complete treatment). There, I show that reduced monomial rings are F-split and I give an explicit description of the splitting of Frobenius in terms of differential operators (Theorem 5.2). The test ideal of a reduced monomial ring is also computed. The proof of this result (which is originally due to Cowden - see [3, Theorem 3.61) uses the description of the D-module structure of R from Section 4. 2. Preliminaries Throughout this paper, unless stated otherwise, k will denote a commutative domain and R will be a commutative k-algebra of finite type. The main case of interest is when k is a field. However, the theory is developed in this generality because we eventually want to study differential operators on families of varieties arising from using the technique of reduction to characteristic p on an algebraic variety defined over a field of characteristic zero. This involves studying Z-algebras of finite type. Smith and Van den Bergh [20, Section 51 motivate and study this problem. Recall that a k-derivation 6 of R is a k-endomorphism of R which satisfies &KY) = S(r)s + r&s) (2.1) for any Y,S E R. It follows that [a, r] = 6(r) for any r E R and hence [[6, Y],s] = 0 for any r,s E R. This motivates the following definition. A k-linear differential operator on R of order <n is a k-linear endomorphism 6 of R such that [. [[a,rol, r11,.. >ml = 0 (2.2) for any ro,rl , . , r, E R. The collection of all differential operators D(R) on R forms a subring of Ends, so that R is clearly a D(R)-module. Good references for this material are MiliEiC’s notes [14] and McConnell and Robson’s book [ 12, Ch. 151. W. N. Travesl Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 136 (1999) 183-197 185 When R=k[x,,..., x~], D(R) is generated as an R-algebra by the divided powers on the derivations (see [ 17, p. 1761); that is, D(R) is generated by In characteristic 0 this is the same as the algebra generated by the derivations, but in characteristic p this is strictly larger. The ring W = D(R) is called the Weyl algebra. Write S*f for S(f). When R=k[xl,...,xN]/J, then D(R)= (6E w: S*JcJ} JW The operators 6 E W such that 6 *J c J are said to be in the idealizer of J, written O(J). This definition of idealizer agrees with the usual notion of idealizer (see [ 12, Theorem 15.5.131). We grade the Weyl algebra in the following way: k[xl, . ,XN] is f@-graded, hence so is the ring of graded endomorphisms, *Erzdk(k[xl, . ,xN]). This ring consists of all k-endomorphisms of k[xl , . ,XN] that can be written as a sum of homogeneous endo- morphisms. Here, f E *Erzdk(k[xl,. ,xN]) is homogeneous of degree i if de&(x)) = deg(x) + i for all homogeneous x E k[xl, . ,xN]. In particular, 8; has degree (0,. , --n, 0,. ,O). The Weyl algebra is a graded subring of *Endk(k[xl,. ,x~]). Note that any element of the Weyl algebra can be uniquely written in the form C.,a xbaa since 8: o x; = cflo (3)x/a;~-c~+~. Here, a, b E NN and xbP = x!I . x2 a:’ . ‘8:. A nonzero term k,,bX”a” is said to have degree b - a and a sum ca,b k,.bxbda (kn,b Ek) is said to be a differential operator of degree u E Z N if each term in the sum has degree u. 3. D(R) for monomial rings R A monomial ideal J is an ideal of a polynomial ring k[x] = k[xl,. ,XN] (where k is a commutative domain) that is generated by monomials in xl,. ,xN. If J is such an ideal, we call the quotient ring k[x]/J a monomial ring. Reduced rings of this type are called Stanley-Reisner rings. A monomial term is the product of a nonzero element of k with a monomial in k[x]. Monomial ideals are prime if and only if they are generated by some subset of the variables. Monomial ideals are radical if and only if they are generated by square-free monomials. Obtaining the minimal primes in a monomial ring is facilitated by the following well-known result. Proposition 3.1. The minimal primes over a monomial ideal I = ({x”}) are all of the form p = (xi,, . ,xi,) where (1) Every minimal generator xp of I is divisible by some xi,. (2) For each xi,, there exists a minimal generator xp such that xi, divides xl’ and no other xik divides xl. 186 l4! N. Travesl Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 136 (1999) 183-197 In what follows, we will often be working in characteristic p>O. A basic result in characteristic p which we shall rely on throughout the paper is that binomial coefficients satisfy a nice identity modulo p (see [4]). Lemma 3.2. If a = C:=, aip’ and b = xi=, hip’ (0 5 ai, bi < p) are two nonnegative integers then (0 =($0 (1:) ... (ii) (modpI. Here, (‘j) = 0 when c cd. Proof. In the ring (Z/pZ)[x], we have (1 +x)“=(l +x)“O(l +x)a’p.. .(I +X)@p+l +x)“0(1 +Xp)a’. .(l +&a,. Consider the coefficient of .xb = nf=, xPlbl occurring on each side of this identity. On the left-hand side the coefficient is (3 and on the right-hand side it is (i:) (1:) . (2). Hence, these integers are equal module p. 0 Now, let J be a monomial ideal of k[xl,. ,XN] = k[x]. Let R =k[xl,. ,xN]/.J. To determine D(R) it suffices to determine the idealizer of J. The next result shows that when R is reduced, it suffices to determine which terms xbaa are in the idealizer of J. Theorem 3.3. Let J be a radical monomial ideal of the ring k[xl,. .,xN], where k is a commutative domain. Then an element 6 = c8,b ka,bxbaa (ka,b E k) is in U(J) if and only if each term of 0 is in U(J).
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