Return undelivered copies to: 1495 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2C6 www.archwinnipeg.ca The New Wine Press A Publication of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg (Publication Agreement No. 40628045) Vol. 14 No. 1 February 2014 Most Rev. Richard Gagnon installed as 7th Archbishop of Winnipeg n the kind of cold, the archdiocese. Owintry night Mani- Chief Donovan Fontaine More installation pictures on page 8. toba is famous for, the of the Sagkeeng First Na- Watch the entire celebration on clergy and faithful of the tion and Sr. Eva Solomon, Salt and Light Archdiocese of Winnipeg CSJ, welcomed Gagnon extended the warmest of to Treaty One Land, on at www.saltandlighttv.org welcomes to their new which the cathedral sits, Archbishop, Most Rev- with a smudging ceremony op is always asked what he Spirit living within us.” erend Richard J. Gagnon, of purification and wel- plans to do, what his vision Gagnon said the believer Jan 3 at St. Mary’s Cathe- come. Fontaine expressed is. “is one who remembers dral. his hope for a positive rela- “Our archdiocese, and I the encounter with Jesus “Today this commu- tionship “and dialogue that feel a certain emotion when and wants to share that joy nity receives the gift of a will foster reconciliation.” I say ‘our archdiocese,’ has with others. This is what is new shepherd,” said Most Archbishop Gagnon then already been working on a so necessary today in our Reverend Gerald Lacroix, joined the procession to pastoral vision,” Gagnon cultures.” Archbishop of Quebec the cathedra (the episco- said, referring to the plan “We priests, clergy and and Primate of Canada, as pal chair) blessing the as- set our ten years ago by religious must remember he presided at the instal- sembly with holy water. Archbishop James Weis- the gift of God and re- lation of Gagnon as the He was presented with the gerber which is now in its kindle it. Each one of the Seventh Archbishop of crozier, or pastoral staff, to fourth phase, community baptized must remember Winnipeg. the applause of the assem- building. “I have now been the gift of baptism and live Archbishop Gagnon blesses the assembly at the As Gagnon prepared to bly. The crozier is a sym- given the privilege and re- our faith in joy and share it opening of his installation Jan. 3 take possession of his bol of his new authority sponsibility of guiding that with our contemporaries.” cathedral church he was and responsibility as Arch- music with,” Lacroix said. port in welcoming me as pastoral initiative to com- Gagnon said the pastoral greeted at the entrance bishop of Winnipeg. Gagnon was born in Leth- your new shepherd.” pletion in 2014.” vision for the Archdiocese by Rev. Geoffrey Ange- Lacroix spoke of Ga- bridge, Alberta, and moved He said the Archdiocese But, Gagnon added, “a of Winnipeg “will lead les, the cathedral rector. gnon’s work in education, to Vancouver as a child of Winnipeg is “blessed good pastoral vision and very naturally to the great Angeles also directed the including being a band where he grew up and was by the immense variety of plans do not stop after the celebration of the 100th archdiocesan liturgical teacher. “The church has ordained. He was most cultures and ways of life mandated time is com- anniversary of this local choir comprised of sing- given you a whole sym- recently Bishop of Victo- in Manitoba. I need to also plete.” church (in 2015). It is a ers from parishes across phony orchestra to make ria. Among his family and recognize the very signifi- “These graced moments, great honour to be with friends in attendance was cant fact of the Aboriginal these spiritual times, are you for this great event.” his aunt Sr. Estelle Demers, and Metis people living meant to be a boost, a spir- “Any pastoral project, MMS from Philadelphia here and to build upon the itual launch for the years any pastoral vision, must who proclaimed the first good work of develop- ahead,” he said. be centered on the essen- reading, Jeremiah 1:4-9. ing relationships that has Gagnon spoke of Paul’s tial, on Jesus Christ, here Gagnon began his hom- been occurring here in the words to Timothy in the is where we must focus, ily by expressing “deep Archdiocese of Winnipeg. evening’s second reading: on the fundamental real- gratitude to all of you in There is still much to be “Rekindle the gift of God ity of faith, the encoun- the Archdiocese of Winni- done and the church has an that is within you. Guard the ter with Christ,” Gagnon peg. I truly appreciate your important role in this.” good treasure entrusted to said. “This will allow us to warm hospitality and sup- Gagnon said a new bish- you with the help of the Holy travel new paths together without becoming fossil- ized in our own ideas and ideologies.” Gagnon asked, “how is the pastoral life in our par- ishes and diocese? Do we see the essential revealed? Does it make visible the essential fact or event, which is Jesus Christ? For it is in community and in relationships that Jesus is revealed.” Contributed by James Buchok Archbishop Gagnon delivers his homily. Smudging ceremony of welcome with Sr. Eva Solomon. Pictures by Andrew Sikorsky. More than 700 people were present. Archbishop LaCroix of Quebec presides. A reception followed the installation Mass. 2 • The New Wine Press February 2014 Catholic Heritage and Culture: Israel Catholic Heritage and Culture: Israel, is a new travel-study course being of- fered by the Catholic Studies program at St. Paul’s College, University of Mani- toba. This course is open to credit and non-credit participants. Pre-trip sessions are May 5-8 and travel is from May 18- Development & Peace is Challenging 31, 2014. Registration begins March 17, Youth to Take ’25 Hours space is limited to 18 participants. Cost To Change the World’! is $2,050 CAD. For more information contact: Dr. Jeffrey S. Burwell, SJ, Take the challenge! Thinkfast is a 25-hour Catholic Studies, (204) 272-1585 e-mail: famine. Par�cipants collect pledges for each [email protected] hour they plan to fast. A Thinkfast famine is an educa�onal, fundraising opportunity and The Serra Club of Winnipeg all the money raised goes to Development & xtends sincere thanks to the community of the Archdio- Peace partners in Africa, Asia, and La�n Ameri- Ecese of Winnipeg for its kind support and attendance at the Serra Club Dinner, Nov. 21, 2013 at Centro Caboto. Through ca, who are working to ensure each human be- your generosity The Serra Club of Winnipeg has made a $12,500 ing has access to not only the basic necessi�es contribution in support of vocations in the Archdiocese of Win- of life like food, water and land...but also to be nipeg. There are currently six seminarians in studies and discern- able to live in human dignity. What will be your ment toward ordination to the priesthood in the service of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg. lenten sacrifice this year? To organize a Thinkfast famine in your school, in your parish or with your friends, please call Brenda at 204-231-2848 or email brenda.cha- [email protected] for all the material and support you need! Visit h�p://www.devp.org/en/thinkfast for more informa�on! St. Paul’s High School is hosting a Vocation Fair for the Win- nipeg region to provide Catholic youth with an idea of the range of options open to them to live their faith. Representa- tives of religious communities, dioceses, volunteer orga- nizatons, Marriage Encounter, etc. will be there to answer questions and provide information. High school and college students and young adults are warmly invited to attend. Parking is available in the student lot west of the school and also in front of the MultiPlex off Holland Avenue, to the south of the school. For further information please contact Fr. Len Altilia SJ at (204) 831-2304. February 2014 The New Wine Press • 3 A farewell celebration for Archbishop James Weisgerber celebration of thanks- Weisgerber said when he ber came to Winnipeg, af- A giving and farewell hears someone speak of ter living and working his was held for Winnipeg’s growing closer to Jesus, “I whole life in the province to sixth shepherd, Archbish- always envisage people go- the west, “Saskatchewan’s op James Weisgerber, Dec. ing into a room, isolating loss was our gain. For thir- 11, 2013. themselves, to find a place teen years you have been “We come together to with Jesus. But Pope Fran- our guide, our teacher and thank God for the way cis has said a million times our leader, and the sign and he builds up his church,” that prayer is only part of source of our communion Weisgerber said at Mass at the equation. A relation- with the universal church.” St. Mary’s Cathedral. ship with Jesus comes from “I have seen first-hand Weisgerber resigned as encountering others, espe- your collaborative ap- archbishop May 1 having cially those who need our proach,” Wikeem said. reached the mandatory re- help. We encounter Jesus in “You are a tireless builder tirement age of 75 for bish- prayer and in service.” of community, always ops. Weisgerber said he dis- Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity were among many well-wishers Dec. 11. seeking common ground, Weisgerber said he hasn’t covered God’s love “in the and above all, compas- given much thought to what middle of the church, of this that.” alive.
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