haagii: listed for botanist and naturalist, Friedrich Adolph Haage (1796-1866). ex Colombia, cf. Cycnoches haagii Barb.Rodr.1881. habbemae: of Habbema, see habbemense. cf. Phreatia habbemae J.J.Sm.1910. habbemense: from Lake Habbema, central Papua, Indon. cf. Bulbophyllum habbemense P.Royen 1979. Noted as endemic. Habenaria: Willd.1805: ref. habena: a strap; thong + see -are: like, etc. Ref. the long thin lobes of the labellum. ex China, eg. Habenaria oligoschista. habenaria: strap; thong + like. cf. Orchis habenaria L. syn. Habenaria quinqueseta var. macroceratitis. Habenarieae: Habenaria + suffix denotes it’s a tribe. Habenariinae: Habenaria + suffix denotes it’s a subtribe. habenarina: strap + see -are: relative to + see -ina: like, etc. Or, more likely, the raceme was likened to that of a Habenaria. cf. Liparis habenarina. Noted as endemic to Aust. habenarioidea: strap-like + resembling, or see Habenaria + resembles. cf. Orchis habenarioidea. Was listed as such, but may have been an error for Orchis habenarioides (?). syn. Gymnadenia orchidis. habenarioides: Habenaria + resembling. cf. Pterichis habenarioides. x Habenari-orchis: Rolfe. On the syn. list, cf. Habenaria x Orchis. Habenella: Small 1903: ref. habena: thong; strap + suffix: small. Ref. the slender labellum lobes. syn. Habenaria Willd. habenifera: strap + bearing. cf. Lepanthes habenifera. Habenorkis: Thouars 1809: strap + orchid. See expl. for Habenaria. syn. Habenaria. habenula: small strap. cf. Pleurothallis habenula. habit: ref. habitus: condition; disposition (of life). Usually refs. to a peculiarity, feature, or distinction of the species under discussion. habitat: for a plant’s natural home: how and where it grows. Often seen as a heading, in a discussion, or protologue, giving a separate listing and description of the plant’s natural environment and ecology. This info. is vital to scientists and growers alike. habitus: (+ see habit). Mostly seen as a heading in a discussion, or a protologue of the plant and gives a complete outline of all its general features. For more intimate detail, this is usually contained within the botanical (Latin) description. habitus sketch: a line drawing of the complete plant and flower(s), but without detailed drawings of dissections, or the many smaller organs and parts. habro-: used in combwds., ref. habros: tender; graceful; dainty; delicate, etc. habropus: see habro-+ foot. cf. Bulbophyllum habropus. syn. B. orbiculare. habrotinum: ref. habrotinos: delicate (+ see habro-). cf. Bulbophyllum habrotinum. hachijoense: from Hachijo-jima (island group), south of central Honshu Island, Japan. cf. Peramium hachijoense (Yatabe) Makino 1929. syn. Goodyera hachijoensis. hachijoensis: as hachijoense. cf. Goodyera hachijoensis Yatabe 1891. hackbridgensis: from Hackbridge, a suburb of London, Eng. Probably for where it was flowered in cultivation and is only listed with the synonyms as Cattleya x hackbridgensis auct. 1890, with no further info. Hadrangis: ref. hadros: strong; stout; well developed, etc. + -angis, ex angeion: vessel; receptacle, etc.= Angraecum section. Hadrocattleya: V.P.Castro & Chiron 2002: stout, etc.+ Cattleya. syn. x Sophrocattleya. Hadrodungsia: V.P.Castro & Chiron 2002: stout, etc.+ see Dungsia. syn. Sophronitis. Hadrolaelia: (Schltr.) Chiron & V.P.Castro: stout, etc.+ Laelia. syn. Sophronitis Lindl. Hadrolaelia: ref. hadros: stout, etc. + Laelia.= Laelia section. hadwenii: of Hadwen. Listed for noted grower, Isaac Hadwen of Liverpool, Eng., first to flower it. ex Brazil, cf. Scuticaria hadwenii (Lindley) Planch.1852. haema-, haemato-: used in combwds., ref. haima, haimatos: blood; blood-like. Ref. the colour, see haematicus. Can infer: bloody; bloodied; blood-stained. haemantha: see haema-+ flower. cf. Caladenia haemantha. Endemic to s.east Aust. haemanthum: see haema-+ flower. cf. Calonema haemanthum. syn. Caladenia haemantha. Haemaria: Lindley 1826: see haema-: blood + see -are: like, etc. Ref. the dark red sheathing bracts. eg. Haemaria discolor. syn. Ludisia discolor. haematanthum: see haema-+ flower. cf. Epidendrum haematanthum. haemathodes: same as haematodes. cf. Maxillaria haemathodes. haematicus: see haema-.+ Ref. haimatikos: bloodied + like. + A vague colour term: a dull reddish-brown, likened to (dried) blood; blood-like, etc. haematinus: descwd., ref. haimatinos: bloody. haematiticus: descwd., not really a colour term: most, or much bloodied. Also listed as similar to rubiginosus. haematochila: see haema-+ lip. cf. Domingoa haematochila. haematochilum: see haema-+ lip. cf. Trichocentrum haematochilum. haematochrysum: see haema-+ gold. cf. Oncidium haematochrysum. syn. O. flexuosum. haematodes: see haema-+ resembling. cf. Cymbidium ensifolium ssp. haematodes. Haematorchis: Blume 1849: see haema-, haemato-+ orchid. eg. Haematorchis altissima. syn. Erythrorchis altissima. haematosticta: see haema-+ dots. cf. Masdevallia peristeria ssp.haematosticta. haematoxantha: as haematoxanthum. cf. Evelyna haematoxantha. syn. Elleanthus haematoxanthus. haematoxanthum: see haema-+ see xanth-: yellowy-brown. cf. Oncidium haematoxanthum. syn. O. flexuosum. haematoxanthus: see haema-+ yellowy-brown. cf. Elleanthus haematoxanthus. haemoglossa: as haemoglossum. cf. Callista haemoglossa. syn. Dendrobium bambusifolium. haemoglossum: see haema-+ tongue. cf. Dendrobium haemoglossum. syn. D. bambusifolium. haenkeanum: ex the Philipp. Listed for orig.coll., naturalist and botanist, Thaddaus Haenke (1761-1817). cf. Dendrobium haenkeanum Steud.1840. syn. Geodorum densiflorum. Of interest, noted a species from Peru which may be for the same man (?). cf. Epidendrum haenkeanum C.Presl 1827. Hagsatera: R.González 1974. Listed for Dr.Eric Hágsater (b1945), phytologist, author and authority on orchids, esp. of the trop. Americas. Editor of the notable publication “Orquidea” (Mexico)*. ex Mexico, eg. Hagsatera brachycolumna. *Most enjoyable, and got some great info. from the few that I had access to. hagsateri: see Hagsatera. ex Ecuador, cf. Pachyphyllum hagsateri Dodson 1996. hagsateriana: belonging to Hágsater, see Hagsatera. ex Mexico, cf. Maxillaria hagsateriana Soto Arenas 1992. hagsaterianum as hagsateriana. ex Mexico to Guatemala, cf. Oncidium hagsaterianum R.Jiménez & Soto Arenas 1993. hahajimensis: from Haha-jima (island), of the Ogasawara-shoto island group (Bonin Islands), south of Japan. cf. Malaxis hahajimensis S.Kobay.1980. hahensis: for place name (+ from), listed as ex Bali, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indon. cf. Zeuxine hahensis J.J.Sm.1927. hahlianum: belonging to Albert Hahl, Govenor of German New Guinea 1901 (now: PNG.). cf. Bulbophyllum hahlianum Schltr.1905. Pers.coll., quite common ex PM.PNG. haianensis: maybe a typ.error?, for place name (+ from), reported to be the same as hainanensis. cf. Schoenorchis haianensis (Rolfe) Schltr. hainanense: see hainanensis. cf. Bulbophyllum hainanense Z.H.Tsi 1981. hainanensis: from Hainan. Refs. to the island (also it’s a province), south of Leizhou Bandao Peninsula, sthn. China. cf. Phaius hainanensis C.Z.Tang & S.J.Cheng 1982. haitiense: from Haiti (of eastn. Hispaniola). cf. Oncidium haitiense Leonard & Ames 1922. haitiensis: as haitiense. cf. Pleurothallis haitiensis Dod 1984. hajrae: for place name (+ of), listed as ex Arunachal Pradesh, India. cf. Coelogyne hajrae Phukan 1997. Hakoneaste: Maek.1935. Because this is a synonym, haven’t any info., except it was listed as “from Hakone”. Can’t define the -aste for sure, but may be ex Gk. asty: town, place, etc.(?). Ref. Hakone-yama (a volcano), or from relatively nearby, the town of Hakone, Shizuoka-ken Prefecture, Japan. syn. Ephippianthus Rchb.f. halacsyana: belonging to Halacsy, as halacsyi. Listed as ex the eastn. Mediterranean region, cf. Serapias x halacsyana Soó 1931. halacsyi: listed for Austrian botanist, Eugen von Halacsy (1842-1913). Descs. accr. to him are abbr. to: Hal. ex Greece, cf. Epipactis halacsyi Robatsch 1990. Noted as rare and endemic to Greece. halata: as halatum. cf. Habenaria halata D.L.Jones 2002. Noted as endemic to NT., Aust. halatum: ref. halatus: scent; perfume; fragrance. Noted as pleasantly perfumed. cf. Epidendrum halatum. syn. Encyclia recurvata. halbingeri: of Halbinger, see halbingeriana. ex Mexico, cf. Barkeria halbingeri Thien 1973. syn. B. melanocaulon. halbingeriana: listed for Mexican author, phytologist and authority, Federico Halbinger [+ belonging to] (b1925). He introduced the genus Lemboglossum (1983) and descs. accr. to him are abbr. to Halb. ex Mexico, cf. Pleurothallis halbingeriana R.E.Schult.1941. syn. Platystele minimiflora. halconense: for place name: from Mt.Halcon, nthn. central Mindoro, Philipp. cf. Bulbophyllum halconense Ames 1907. halconensis: as halconense. cf. Calanthe halconensis Ames 1907. halia: a meeting; gathering; assembly. cf. Ophrys halia. halicarnassia: of Halicarnassus, a coastal city of s.west Turkey. Now: of Bodrum (in the ancient region of Caria), is famous as being the site of the “Mausoleum”, one of the orig.“Seven Wonders of the World”. cf. Ophrys holoserica ssp.halicarnassia H.Baumann & Künkele 1986. halkionis: may ref. to (h)alkyon + suffix: of peace, tranquility, serenity (+ ref. English, halcyon). cf. Ophrys andria var.halkionis. syn. O. holoserica ssp.bornmuelleri. hallbergii: listed for orig.coll., R.Hallberg (+ of). ex Westn.Ghats (mtns.), India, cf. Nervilia hallbergii Blatter & McCann 1932. syn. Nervilia infundibulifolia. halleana: belonging to Hallé. For orig.coll., phytologist and author, Nicolas Hallé (b1927). ex New Caledonia, cf. Acianthopsis
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