200 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2009 | PETROBRAS Sustainability Report Profile Founded in 1953 and the leader of the Brazilian oil sector, Petrobras is a publicly traded corporation which closed 2009 as the world’s fourth biggest energy company in market value, according to a PFC Energy ranking. In the oil, gas and energy industry, it operates in an integrated manner in exploration and production, refining, trade, transportation, petrochemicals, derivatives distribution, natural gas, electric energy, and biofuels. 2800 Mission Operate in a safe, profitable manner, with social and environmental responsibility, in Brazil Sustainability and abroad, providing products and services that meet the client’s needs and contribute to the Report development of Brazil and of the countries in which the company operates. 3400 Vision for 2020 We will be one of the top five integrated energy companies in the world, and the preferred choice among our stakeholders. 3900 Attributes of the Vision for 2020 Our operations will stand out for: 4800 • Their strong international presence • Being a global reference in biofuels Sustainability Report • Excellence in operations, management, energetic efficiency, human resources, and in technology. • Their profitability • Being a benchmark in social and environmental responsibility • Their commitment to sustainable development 6800 www.pETroBras.com 7200 Performance schedule Acknowledgments, Awards, and Certifications CONSOLIdated FINANCIAL INFORMatION 2008 2009 OperatIONAL SUMMARY 2008 2009 gross operating revenue (r$ million) 266,494 230,504 PROVED RESERVES - SPE CRITERION - (BILLIONS OF BARRELS OF OIL EQUIVALENT - BOE)(1)(2) - BRAZIL AND ABROAD 15.1 14.9 net operating revenue (r$ million) 215,118 182,710 oil and condEnsaTE (Billions of BarrEls) 12.5 12.6 naTural gas (Billion BoE) 2.6 2.3 Operating Profit (R$ million) 45,950 46,128 AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION (THOUSAND BOE)(1) - BRAZIL AND ABROAD 2,400 2,526 profit / share (r$) 3,76 3,30 BraZil net profit (r$ million) 32,988 28,982 Most Transparent Ibovespa Company in Sustainability Study Company of the Dreams of Young People • oil & lng (Thousand Bpd) 1,855 1,971 EBiTda (r$ million) 57,170 59,944 Petrobras was ranked the most transparent company in the petrochemical sector and the 4th most transparent in the In a survey carried out among upwards of 30,000 students and recent graduates from the entire country by the “Cia de • naTural gas (Thousand BoE) 321 317 general classification, in the annual most Transparent ibovespa companies in sustainability carried out by the manage- Talentos” and Tns, petrobras was rated the company of the dreams of young people. of the eight editions held thus far, aBroad net debt (r$ million) 48,824 71,533 ment & Excellence latin america (m&E) consultancy in partnership with the razão contábil magazine and the investors this is the fifth time in a row Petrobras comes out ahead. • oil & lng (Thousand Bpd) 124 141 Investments (R$ million) 53,349 70,757 Relations Brazilian Institution (IBRI). • naTural gas (Thousand BoE) 100 97 gross margin 34% 40% 2009 Top Social FLOW WELLS (OIL AND NatURAL GAS) - ON DECEMBER 31(1) 13,174 14,905 Person of the Year Award 2009 awarded by the association of sales and marketing managers of Brazil (advB) for these projects: information Tech- operating margin 21% 25% DRILLING RIGS - ON DECEMBER 31 103 100 petrobras’ president and cEo, José sergio gabrielli de azevedo, was granted the Brazilian-american chamber of nology and Citizenship School, in Miguel Pereira; and the Transpetro Program for Child and Adolescents, in Angra dos net margin 15% 16% commerce’s person of the year award for 2009 in new york city, usa. The award pays tribute to two personalities (a reis; Promotion of Employability in the Areas Surrounding REDUC; Cataunidos Network Project; the Cities of Welding PLATFORMS IN PRODUCTION - ON DECEMBER 31 112 133 Brazilian and an American) who have helped draw Brazil and the United States closer in their diplomatic, corporate, Betim project, cities of welding contagem project, the Transpetro program to form readers, and the do not fly Bal- PIPELINES (KM) - ON DECEMBER 31 25,197 25,966 and financial relations. loons Campaign. VESSEL FLEET - ON DECEMBER 31 189 172 amounT - own opEraTion 54 52 2009 Transparency Trophy Trusted Brands in Social Responsibility (2009) - opEraTEd By Third parTiEs 135 120 The national association of Executives in finance, administration and accounting (anefac) awarded the trophy to petro- The Trusted Brands survey, conducted by the reader’s digest magazine in partnership with ibope solution, ranked TERMINALS - ON DECEMBER 31(3) bras distribuidora for its transparency in accounting information, for the quality of its management report, and for the petrobras the 1st among all brands in the social responsibility category for the second consecutive year. in addition, the amounT 46 47 consistency in the disclosed data. company was also ranked as 1st place in the service stations segment. rEfinEriEs – on dEcEmBEr 31(1)(5) 15 15 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Distinction in Transparency Award Petroleum Economist Award nominal insTallEd capaciTy (Thousand BarrEls pEr day - Bpd) 2,223 2,223 gestão & rh Editora acknowledged Transpetro as a highlight among Brazil’s top 100 in the human resource area. it is Petrobras was the winner in the Company in Exploration 2008 and Innovative Project 2008 categories of the annual avEragE daily oil producTs producTion (Thousand BarrEls pEr day - Bpd) 1,970 2,034 Environment inspired in the index used by the united nations (un) to measure the countries’ level of human development, the hdi. awards granted by petroleum Economist, one of the world’s most respected publications in the oil and gas sector. This is 3 BraZil 1,787 1,823 Oil & Oil Products Leaks (m ) 269 293 386 436 254 the third time in a row Petrobras is the winner of one of the categories. aBroad 183 211 Energy consumption (terajoule - TJ) 521,613 576,762 574,145 604,333 531,374 Aberje Award 49.88 58.08 63.09 IMPORTS (THOUSAND BARRELS PER day – BPD) 570 549 greenhouse gas emissions (million tons of co2 equivalent) 51.57 50.43 in the category communications and relations with the internal audience, with the “saving with gas” project and the Exame’s Best and Biggest 53.54 52.92 healthy Eating campaign - a campaign directed towards employees who work on board offshore platforms and in petrobras distribuidora won the first prize in the wholesale segment, in Exame magazine’s “Best and Biggest” yearbook, OIL 373 397 Carbon dioxide emissions - CO2 (million tons) 46.59 46.13 45.37 185.33 465.95 onshore production units, and with the 2008 social and Environmental Balance case. which gauges the performance of companies in 18 sectors of the Brazilian economy. oil producTs 197 152 methane emissions - ch4 (thousand tons) 222.97 189.82 206.02 919.5 1,226 1,240 EXPORTS (THOUSAND BARRELS PER day – BPD) 673 705 nitrous oxide emissions - n2O (tons) 981 997.23 Corporate Citizen Top of Mind Award atmospheric emissions - no (thousand tons) 223.12 233.54 222.65 244.50 222.04 OIL 439 478 x The association of sales and marketing managers of Brazil - advB (sc Branch) highlighted Transpetro in the Environ- petrobras was the highlight of two important opinion polls carried out among Brazilian consumers: it won the folha Top atmospheric emissions - so (thousand tons) 151.65 151.96 150.9 141.79 135.39 oil producTs 234 227 x mental Preservation category, with the “Pedagogical practices in environmental education allied with conservation and of mind award, as the most recalled company in the fuel category, and is now among the select group of lovemarks, as it OIL PRODUCTS TRADE (THOUSAND BARRELS PER day – BPD) Other atmospheric emissions - includes particulate matter (thousand tons) 17.24 17.11 15.22 16.71 19.30 environmental preservation through the sensitive Ecological Trail: The atlantic forest as you never saw it before” case. arouses not only the respect, but the love of its consumers, according to the methodology that was used. BraZil 1,737 1,754 Freshwater withdrawal (million m3) 158.5 178.8 216.49 195.18 176 INTERNATIONAL SALES (THOUSAND BARRELS PER day – BPD) Water effluent disposal (million m3) 159 164.3 172.8 181.14 197.2 2009 Pro-Gender Equality IR Magazine Awards oil, gas, and oil producTs 552 537 Occupational Health and Safety awarded by the federal government’s special secretariat for women’s policies (spm) , with the seal of the united na- ir magazine awarded petrobras for the Best investor relations program for individual investors, and also bestowed it the tions fund for women (unifEm) and the international labor organization (ILO). This was the second time the company honorable mention in three categories: Best ir website, Best annual report, and Best corporate Brand “branding.” SOURCE OF THE NATURAL GAS (MILLIONS OF M3 PER day) (4) 58 45 lost Time injury frequency rate- lTifr (includes employees and contractors) 0.97 0.77 0.76 0.59 0.48 was awarded the seal. domEsTic gas 29 23 Fatalities (including employees and contractors) 15 9 15 18 7 DCI Award – Most admired companies Bolivian gas 29 22 fatal accident rate (fatalities per 100 million man-hours of exposure to risk - including 2.81 1.61 2.28 2.4 0.81 Marketing Best Award petrobras was granted the dci - most admired companies award, which acknowledges companies that are most recalled lng - 1 employees and contractors) granted by Editora referência, the getúlio vargas foundation’s são paulo school of Business administration - fgv- and admired by the vote of upwards of four thousand Brazilian executives heard by diário do comércio e indústria (dci) DESTINATION OF THE NATURAL GAS (MILLIONS OF M3 PER day) (4) 58 45 percentage of lost Time (includes employees only) 2.48 2.06 2.19 2.31 2.36 EaEsp.
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