REPORT OF THE FIFTH SCAR ANTARCTIC GEODESY SYMPOSIUM INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON ANTARCTIC RESEARCH SCAR Report No 23, April 2005 Contents SCAR Working Group on Geodesy and Geographic Information Report of the Fifth SCAR Antarctic Geodesy Symposium, Lviv, Ukraine, 14–17 September, 2003 1 Appendices 83 Published by the SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON ANTARCTIC RESEARCH at the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom 1 SCAR WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE SYMPOSIUM Valery Lytvynov, Gennadi Milinevsky, Svetlana Kovalenok, Elena Chernysh, Rudolf Greku: Ukraine National Antarctic Program: Geodesy Activity 1 John Manning: The Evolution of the GIANT Program 1 Gary Johnston, John Manning, John Dawson, Paul Digney: Geodesy Activities in PCMega 7 Hannu Koivula, Jaakko Mäkinen: Geodetic Activities at Finnish Antarctic Research Station Aboa 10 Andrzej Pachuta: An Outline of Polar Expeditions of the Scientists from Warsaw University of Technology 13 Olexandr Dorozhynskyy, Volodymyr Glotov: Photogrammetrical Investigations of the Antarctic Coast 14 Alexander V Prokopov, Yeugeniy V Remayev: Tropospheric Delay Modeling for GPS Measurements in Antarctica 14 Jan Cisak: Overview of the Research on the Atmospheric Inpact on GPS Observation in Polar Regions 15 Fedir Zablotskyj, Alexandra Zablotska, Natalya Dovhan: An Analysis of Contribution of the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere layers to forming of the Tropospheric Delay Wet Component 23 Alexander Prokopov, Alla Zanimonska: The Second Order Refraction Effects for GPS Signals Propagation in Ionosphere 25 I. Shagimuratov, A. Krankowski, L. W. Baran, J. Cisak, G.Yakimova Storm-time structure and dynamics of the ionosphere obtained from GPS observations 28 I. Shagimuratov, L. W. Baran, A. Krankowski, J. Cisak, I. Epishov: Development of TEC fluctuations in Antarctic ionosphere during storm using GPS observations 32 P. Wielgosz, I. Kashani, D. Grejner-Brzezinska, J. Cisak Regional Ionosphere Modeling Using Smoothed Pseudoranges 37 Svetlana Kovalenok, Gennadi Milinevsky, Maksim Moskalevsky, Vladimir Glotov, Korniliy Tretjak, Rudolf Greku, Yury Ladanovsky, Pavel Bahmach Argentine Island Ice Cap Geodesy Survey for Climate Change Investigation 41 Yaromyra Kostetska, Lyubov Yankiv-Vitkovska On the Influence of the Solar Activity on the Results of GPS Measurements 41 E Dongchen, Zhou Chunxia, Liao Mingsheng Application of SAR Interferometry in Grove Mountains, East Antarctica 42 E Dongchen, Li Fei, Zhang Shengkai, Jiang Weiping: The Establishment of GPS Control Network and Data Analysis in the Grove Mountains, East Antarctica 46 Richard D. Sanchez: Positional Accuracy of Airborne Integrated Global Positioning and Inertial Navigation Systems for Mapping in Glen Canyon, Arizona 50 A. Capra, F. Mancini, M. Negusini, G. Bitelli, S. Gandolfi, P. Sarti, L. Vittuari, A. Zanutta VLNDEF Network for Deformation Control and as a Contribution to the Reference Frame Definition 57 P.Sarti, J.Manning, A.Capra, L.Vittuari: A Project on Local Ties and Co-locations in Antarctica 57 Alexandr Yuskevich: Accomplishment of Topographic–Geodetic Research Works in Antarctica 58 Y.M Zanimonskiy: On the Randomization of GNSS Solutions 58 K.R.Tretyak: Optimization of Geodynamic Network on the Argentina Islands Neighbouring to Vernadsky Antarctic Station 58 2 REPORT OF THE FIFTH SCAR ANTARCTIC GEODESY SYMPOSIUM CONTENTS Page G. Bitelli , A. Capra, F. Coren, S. Gandolfi, P.Sterzai Geoid Estimation on Northern Victoria Land 59 A. Marchenko, Z. Tartachynska, A. Yakimovich, F. Zablotskyj: Gravity Anomalies and Geoid Heights derived from Ers-1, Ers-2, and Topex/Poseidon Altimetry in the Antarctic Peninsula Area 60 Gennadi Milinevsky: Tidal Observations at Faraday/Vernadsky Antarctic Station 64 J. Krynski, Y.M. Zanimonskiy: Current Results on the Investigation of GPS Positioning Accuracy and Consistency 64 Rudolf Greku, Ksenya Bondar, Victor Usenko: Application of the Planetary Geodesy Methods (the Geoid Theory) for the Reconstruction of the Earthʼs Interior Structure in the Western Antarctic 71 Rudolf Greku, Gennady Milinevsky, Yuriy Ladanovsky, Pavel Bahmach, Tatyana Greku: Results of GPS, Ground Photogrammetry, Echosounding and ERS Interferometric Surveys During Ukrainian Antarctic Expeditions 74 M. Jia, J. Dawson, G. Luton, G. Johnston, R. Govind, J. Manning: Crustal Motion in East Antarctica Derived from GPS Observations 76 Valentyn Maksymchuk, Yury Gorodysky, Ihor Chobotok,Valentyna Kuznetsova: Recent Geodynamics of the Earthʼs Crust in the Region of Antarctic Station “Academic Vernadsky” due to Results of Tectonomagnetic Investigations 81 Yu.V. Kozlenko, I.N. Korchagin, V.D. Solovjov: Gravity Studies of the Western Antarctic Region – New Possibilities in Geophysical Modelling 82 APPENDICES 1. List of Participants 83 2. Symposium Programme 84 3. List of Papers 86 3 REPORT OF THE FIFTH SCAR ANTARCTIC GEODESY SYMPOSIUM Report of the FIFTH ANTARCTIC GEODESY SYMPOSIUM 2003 Lviv, Ukraine, 14-17 September, 2003 INTRODUCTION This fifth SCAR Antarctic Geodesy Symposium (AGS03) Italy presented activities and impressive results from was held at the University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Lviv. It their Victoria land Deformation network ( Dr Alessandro was attended by 38 participants, which included repre- Capra) and Dr Sarti proposed to upgrade local geodetic sentatives of nine SCAR countries. (See list of attendees ties at collocated sites to improve the Antarctic and global in Appendix 1). reference frames. The activities included a welcome reception for Dr Alexander Yuskevitch from Russia summarised participants at the Assembly Hall of the University “Lviv the methods of the fundamental astronomic geodetic Polytechnic”, a walking tour of the University and a network (FAGN) and the on going development of the symposium dinner held at Olesʼko Castle. high precision geodetic network (H-PGN). The symposium commenced with opening addresses Dr Mullins presented details of the status of from the University Administration, SCAR Geosciences development of continuous remote GPS stations by the SSG, Ukrainian Antarctic Centre and the Public Geodetic United States in the Trans Antarctic Mountains, which are Service of Ukraine. They were followed by an overview of designed to run through the Antarctic winter. the Ukraine National Antarctic Program by Dr Milinevsky Dr Schenke from the Alfred Wegner Institute, from the Ukrainian Antarctic Centre detailing geodesy Germany, gave details of the coordination of Antarctic activity in the Argentine Island archipelago. bathymetric data and the IHO project for coordination of The program included 36 presentations and a data in the Southern ocean. GIANT Business meeting (see Program in Appendix2). It The symposium concluded with a GIANT business contained a strong focus from Ukraine and Polish scientists meeting. Dr Capra summarised progress against milestones on atmospheric studies related to GPS. Dr Milinevsky of the program set during the XXVI SCAR in Shanghai presented the history and status of the tide gauge at the in 2002. A joint proposal from Italy and Australia was Faraday/Vernadsky Antarctic station which was installed endorsed to study and to improve the stability of the in 1947 and provides an important record of long term sea Terrestrial Reference Frame over Antarctica as the basis level variation due to climate change. for precise measurement of small tectonic motion. The Professor E Dongchen from China confirmed in need to identify suitable projects for the International Polar his paper that Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Year 2007/2008 was noted. A proposal by Italy to host a is potentially a very useful technique to be utilized in further symposium in the series (2005) was unanimously Antarctica for measuring ice surface elevation providing endorsed. it is well controlled with GPS positions. It was a most a successful event which was extremely Australia presented a background paper on the well hosted by the University Lviv Polytechnic and the Evolution of the GIANT program, the recent field activity Ukrainian Antarctic Centre. during the very successful Prince Charles Mountains Most participants provided final versions of their Expedition of Germany and Australia (PCMEGA) and papers or abstract summaries and these are published in preliminary tectonic motions from their continuous GPS this report. stations in Antarctica John Manning, Convenor, GIANT 5 REPORT OF THE FIFTH SCAR ANTARCTIC GEODESY SYMPOSIUM Ukraine National Antarctic Program: Geodesy Activity Valery Lytvynov(1, Gennadi Milinevsky(1, 2), Svetlana Kovalenok(1), Elena Chernysh(1), Rudolf Greku(3) (1) Ukrainian Antarctic Centre, 16, Tarasa Shevchenka blvd, 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine; (2)Kyiv National Shevchenka University, 6, Glushkova av, 04022, Kyiv, Ukraine; (3) Institute Geology Sciences, 22, Gonchara st, 01054, Kyiv, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] Abstract The meteorology and climate, hydrology, upper atmosphere 2003. The registration coordinates accuracy in 2002 physics and geospace researches, ozone layer, seismic and was 1-2 millimeters. More than 300 GPS points have acoustic measurements, glaciology, environment, biology been determined for positioning of different geophysical investigations have been provided at the Vernadsky measurements on islands. Galindez ice cap and adjusted Ukrainian Antarctic station within seven years. The to Vernadsky region part of Antarctic Peninsula ice important tasks of Ukrainian National
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