TWO VIEWS OF BIG LINER SENT TO BOTTOM BY GERMAN TORPEDO. yards awav, and the next instant thcv saw the trail left by a torpedo CONSUL LAURIAT REPORTS as it flashed on its course. FIFTY-ONE AMERICANS SAFE I hen came a terrific crash as the missile pierced the liner's side, followed almost immediately by another which littered the decks Fifty-one Americans aboard the Lusitania have been saved, ac¬ with wreckage. The course of the liner was at once turned toward cording to an official dispatch to the State Department today from shore. Consul Lauriat at Queenstown. He put the number of rescued of FOUR TORPEDOES FIRED. all nationalities from the Lusitania disaster at 6,?4. An earlier dis¬ l our torpedoes were fired at the Lusitania, but from him had said The consul's latest added the apparently only patch 700. message two of them found their mark. The loss of life caused bv the tor¬ names of four Americans saved to those mentioned in his previous pedoes themselves and the explosions they caused mu«t have been dispatch. Few others were rescued, he said. terribly heavy. Several unidentified bodies had been recovered, the consul re¬ 1 he tragic freight of bodies taken to Queenstown bears evi¬ ported. dence of the havoc wrought. Many of those taken ashore were names mentioned Consul Lauriat are The four additional by and more than a score died after were re¬ Brooks. seriously injured, they N. X Allen, Patrick Shattery. Mr. Byington and Mr. moved to Cork and Queenstown A long line of stretcher that the Americans would hospitals. The consul added proceed Saturday bearers marched from the as tugs and trawlers arrived. The there piers afternoon for London, reaching Sunday. people of the Irish city opened their homes to those who had been saved and everything possiblo is being done for their comfort. FIRST CABIN AMERICANS Probably no event of the war has caused such intense excitenu in in London as the sinking of the Lusitania. Enormous crowds su: LOST OR MISSING rounded the offices of the Cunard line all night, scanning anxiott- SAVED, the bullnins received from The announced who arc Queenstown. company Krlon arr Amfiirnnn siven In the list of first-rnbin r>n*»encerj« that an accurate list of would be as a known to hn*e nurvltrd and «hn are either lout «»r iniNNinu. 'I lie li*< probably survivors compiled specdilv found In no# complete In ellber renpeof, an Motne of the mlMinit may be anionic possible, but that the immediate needs of those saved were being be found to be the nurvhoro, and an It In non»lhle some of the nurvlvora may given first attention. The press of London expresses intense indij among the lost or mianing. nation at the trasredv. SURVIVORS. Adnnii. Mr*., HoMou. Kenxler. t.eiirjje \New N ork. >. \en York. Knox. S. >1.. Philadelphia. Allen, l.auriat. ? harle* I'., jr.. Boston. MANY PROMINENT AMERICANS Bernard. Oliver. Ronton. I.earv. .fame*. New \ ork. Bernard, f . I*., New lork. I.ewiM. Mr. and -IrM. and Miss Kdith, Bowrins, t harlea \\., New \ ork. Oklahoma. < it>. Okia. AMONG LUSITANIA'S MISSING Brandell. >li.nn >ew > ork. l.oney, M!sn. New York. Jonephlne. Mel onnel. John \V.. Memphin. Tenn. Brookn. J. H.. New > ork. Moor* Dr. I). \ Y jinkton. S. 1). NEW ^ ORK, persons notable in the business >r Bunwell, I*., \ew lurk. Myers, Herman A.. New York. May 8..Many Bunmide. *lr». J. S.. \ew * ork. Pearl. Maj. I*. Warren, New * ork. social life of New York were among those whose names were and New city >1 lobar1 t... \ew York. Pearl, Mrs., infant maid. Byrne. \ ork. missing from the list of survivors of the Lusitania made public Burjcenn. Hy (... New York. Pearl, Master Stuart Duncan l>.. New Conner. Minn Dorothy. New I ork. ¦\ ork. the line here and at Queenstown. Frederick .1.. Buffalo. Klnher. Jr.. Howard. Washington, Perry. Of those not as saved Alfred Ci. one F red New York, Phillips. Wallace II.. New York. reported being Yanderbilt is f.auntlett. J., Kankin. Robert. New York. (.rah, Oscar I*'. Scott. A. J., Chicago. of the most widely known. Inheriting the bulk of the estate of his Hammond. O. II.. New York. Slidell, Th New \ ork. .lessle Taft. father, estimated at $70,000,000 to $100,000,000. he is one of the ni"St Hardwlek. < ( .. New A ork. Smith. Misn Braceville. ( New ^ ork. Ohio. Harrin. Duieht .. men of Xew York, Mrs. Yanderbilt at her home here was Jeffre 'I'.. Chicago. Witherbee. Mrs. A. S., New York. wealthy trying to obtain any news that might show that her husband was LOST OR MISSING. saved. Adams, Henry, Boston, Mann. I.ettn, t^erald \.. New 1 ork. \V. McM., New 1 ork. i.ohb, Mrs. Popbam. New ^ ork. ELBERT HUBBARD MISSING. Adams, l.oney. \. D.. Ness York. Adams. A. H.. Ness York. l.oney. Mrs. an«l maid. New > ork. Elbert Hubbard, editor of the Philistine, author of cssavs and Baker. Minn M. \.. New 1 ork. I.uck. Mrs. \. tW orcester. Mas*. Blllcke, Albert C., l.on Angeles. I .tick, Kldridge C., Worcester. publisher at East Aurora, N. Y.. is known throughout the country Blllcke, Mm. I.uck, Kenneth T.. Worcester. McLean, Walter, New \ ork. as ''Fra Elbertus." He intended to conduct an of the Blstis, l.eonidan. Atlanta, (ia. Macl.eiinan. F. F., New N ork. investigation Blaek, J. J.. New 1 ork. McMurtry Fred \.. Nesv ><»rk. war and was accompanied by Mrs. Hubbard. Bloomtield, Thomas. New ^ ork. Manlona. Mrs. Henry I)., Nev \ ork. Mason, Stewart S., Boston. Charles Frohman, theatrical manager and whose name Brodrlek i . T.. Boston. producer, Boston. t San Antonio. Mason, Mrs., not Brodrlek, loete W'., Medbury, M. B.. Ness N ork. had been included among the survivors, was another passenger. < New 1 ork. Brown, Mm. M. ., Mills. C. New 1 ork. He was and Bruno, H. A., Montclalr, N. J. Mitchell. James I).. Philadelphia. accompanied by Justus Forman, playwright author. Bruno Mm., Montclalr, N. J. Moodic, R. T., Ness- Vork. Charles Klein, one of the best known American als, 1 Burnnlde, Miss I vis. New York. Mosley, <>, (.. Ness ^ ork. playwrights, Crichton, Mm. William, New 1 ork. \aumann, F. (.. N>w 1 ork. accompanied Mr. Frohman. ( rompton, Paul, Philadelphia. Page, J. H.» Nesv 1 ork. Crompton, Mrs., infant and nurne, Partridge, Frank. Nesv ^ ork. Among others whose names had not been included in the li-t Philadelphia. Pearson, Dr. F. S. Nesv N ork. Crompton, Master Steven. Philadel- Pearson. Mm.. New 1 ork. of survivors were: »fcta. Pearl, Mins Amy W. W.. Nesv N ork. Crompton, Master John, Philadelphia. Pearl, Miss Susan W., and maid. Nesv Crompton. Master Komelly, Philadel. York. j EXPLORER STACKHOUSE ON LINER. ykla. Perkinn. Fdsvln. Ness York. Miss Perry, Albert N., Buffalo. Commander Foster Stackhouse, the British and head Crompton, Alberta, Philadelphia. Charles A., ( and numbers of motor cars have been into serv¬ J. explorer, Dearhergh, R. K.. New 1 ork. Planiondon, hlcago. lishments, brought of the British antarctic which Oepaice, Mrs. A., New York. Plamondon, Mrs., Chicago. to take the to proposed oceanographical expedition, Dingwall, C. A., Chleago. Pollard. Henry. New York. ice injured hospitals. The less serious injured are be¬ Detroit. Pope, Miss Theodate and maid, Farm¬ THAN MISSING contemplated a seven-year trip to chart the southern seas. Com¬ Drake, Audley, MORE lngton, Conn. 1,300 ashore sailors and soldiers. Dredge, Alan. New York. ing helped by mander Stackhouse came over here last summer to seek the as¬ Dredge, Mm., New York. Posen. Fd.. Farmington, Conn. Forman, Justus M., New York. Powell, Cieorge A.. New % ork. SURVIVORS HAUNT THE DOCKS. sistance of Americans in the and the Fowles, Charles F., New York. Rat cliff. N. A., New York. enterprise, purchased explor¬ Kowles, Mm., New York. Sehwabaeher, Leo M., Baltimore. THOSE ON LUSITANIA for the The fruition of the OF men Freeman, Richard R-. jr.. Boston. Schwarte, August W.. Nesv York. Roth and women rescued, if they are able to walk, refuse to ing ship Discovery purpose. expedition Friend, Edwin W'. Farmlngton, Conn. Schwarcz, May M., Nesv York. remain in their hotels. haunt the was delayed the war. Frohman, Charles, and valet. New Secomhe, Percy, Boston. They docks, waiting and watching by York. Se«,oinbe, Minn Fllxabeth, Bonton. for friends and relatives. of the survivors are still bewildered fiorer, Edgar, New York. Shields, Victor F.. < incinnatl. (Continued from FMrst Pasf > Many NEWPORT NEWS MAN MISSING. (¦rant, Montague T., Chicago. Shleldn. Mm.. Cincinnati. from R. New York. their terrible experiences, and their accounts of the sinking of (.rant, Mrs., ( hlcago. Shymer, Mrn. D.. from Cork that more survivors from the Lusitania Dr. F. S. Pearson, a well known American engineer, also one "6 Hammond. Mrs., New York. Sonnehorn, If. R.. Baltimore. stating forty-five the Lusitania are not entirely clear. It is to be noted, however, that Hawkins, F. W. Chicago. Stone, Herbert S., New York. have been landed at Queenstown from a drifter. the Lusitania's passengers, was associated with Commander Stack - Hodges, William S., Philadelphia. Thompson, F. Rlish. Indiana. one and all unite in eulogizing the manner in which the ship's officers Hodges, Mrs., Philadelphia. Thompson, Mm., Indiana. house as one of the backers of the expedition. Dr. Pearson, who Hodges, W. jr.. Philadelphia. Tlberghien, Uforge, Nesv Y'ork. SLENDER HOPE OF OTHER RESCUES. behaved. Hodges, Dean W., Philadelphia. Tlmmls. R. J., Nesv York. was accompanied by his wife, was well known in New York as a Hopkins, A. I... New York. Trumbull. Inaae F., Bridgeport. Conn. Of those who were saved, 595 were landed at Queenstown, and Five minutes after the Lusitania was hit with the second torpedo Hubbard, Klbert, Fast Aurora, N.
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