THE CASSINI–HUYGENS MISSION LESSON The Cassini Robot 5 Students begin by examining their prior 3–4 hrs notions of robots and then consider the characteristics and capabilities of a robot like the Cassini–Huygens spacecraft that would be sent into space to explore another planet. Students compare robotic functions to human body functions. The lesson MEETS NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION prepares students to design, build, diagram, STANDARDS: and explain their own models of robots for Unifying Concepts and Processes space exploration in the Saturn system. A computer-generated rendering of Cassini–Huygens. • Form and function PREREQUISITE SKILLS BACKGROUND INFORMATION Science and Drawing and labeling diagrams Background for Lesson Discussion, page 122 Technology • Abilities of Assembling a spacecraft model Questions, page 127 technological Some familiarity with the Saturn Answers in Appendix 1, page 225 design system (see Lesson 1) 56–63: The Cassini–Huygens Mission 64–69: The Spacecraft 70–76: The Science Instruments 81–94: Launch and Navigation 95–101: Communications and Science Data EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, AND TOOLS For the teacher Materials to reproduce Photocopier (for transparencies & copies) Figures 1–6 are provided at the end of Overhead projector this lesson. Chart paper (18" × 22") FIGURE TRANSPARENCY COPIES Markers; clear adhesive tape 1 1 per group 21 For each group of 3 to 4 students 3 1 1 per student Chart paper (18" × 22") 4 1 per group Markers 51 Scissors 6 (for teacher only) Clear adhesive tape or glue Various household objects: egg cartons, yogurt cartons, film canisters, wire, aluminum foil, construction paper 121 Saturn Educator Guide • Cassini Program website — http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/educatorguide • EG-1998-12-008-JPL Background for Lesson Discussion LESSON craft components and those of human body 5 The definition of a robot parts. This approach allows class discussion (See Procedures & Activities, Part I, Step 2) around the concept of form and function (Part II, Step 5). When asked what a robot is, students often come up with images of fictional devices like According to the NRC National Science Education Standards, C3PO, who walks and talks with a British ac- cent in the Star Wars movies. Another robot “form” and “function” are complementary aspects of objects, candidate is the one in Lost in Space. Such Hol- organisms, and systems in the natural and designed world. lywood-generated robots are shaped more or less The form or shape of an object or system is frequently like humans and they communicate like hu- related to use, operation, or function. Function frequently mans. Students tend not to think of washing relies on form. Students should be able to explain function machines or spacecraft like Voyager or Cassini as by referring to form and explain form by referring to robots — but these are classic examples of what function. is meant by “robot.” For example, a spacecraft’s antenna is shaped like a dish to Definition of a robot: A programmable and/or remotely help receive radio waves, or a probe may be shaped like a controlled machine, capable of performing or extending cone so that it will more easily travel through an atmosphere, human tasks, often in environments that are too hazardous or a spacecraft instrument may be hung on a boom to allow for humans or in situations that are too repetitious or tedious it to directly sample properties of the environment without for humans. interference from the spacecraft. Robots like Voyager, Pathfinder, and Cassini are extensions of human senses, not only in terms of operating in a remote, hostile environment like outer space, but also in terms of sensing in ways that humans cannot — e.g., detecting magnetic fields, or “seeing” in the infrared or ultraviolet portions of the electromagnetic spectrum (see the Appendices). In this lesson, the natural tendency for students to liken robots with humans is channeled to- ward an analogy between the functions of space- 122 Saturn Educator Guide • Cassini Program website — http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/educatorguide • EG-1998-12-008-JPL Lesson Plan LESSON Instruct students to label each of the space- 5 Part I: What Is a Robotic Spacecraft? 7 craft components with its name as well as the predicted humanlike function. Have the Arrange students in groups of four or students give their robot a name using one of 1 fewer. Ask them to record a group defini- the scientists from the time line in Lesson 4 or tion of a robot on a piece of chart paper. One one of the moons in Lesson 2. person in the group should record the defini- tion and another should report the definition Have the students in each group attach to the whole class. 8 their individual diagrams to a piece of chart paper and display it to the whole class. Have each group post and report their 2 definition of a robot. Record the key Quickly review the various student designs. words from the definitions on the blackboard. 9 Ask students if they would like to share the (See Background for Lesson Discussion.) rationale for their designs. Inform students that a robot designed to 3 Ask students what they would like to know explore space is called a spacecraft. 10 about spacecraft. List their questions on chart paper. Ask students what capabilities or features 4 they would recommend for a robot that would be sent into space to explore another Part II: Making Connections to Cassini planet. List their responses for later compari- son. If needed, guide students by suggesting an Introduce the Cassini spacecraft by display- 1 analogy with human capabilities, such as move- ing and reading a transparency of Cassini: ment, senses, communication, thinking, etc. “Gee Whiz” Facts (Figure 2). Give each group a copy of Spacecraft Com- Give each student a copy of the Cassini 5 2 ponents (Figure 1). Have students work in Component Functions Table — for groups to discuss and predict the humanlike Student Use (Figure 3), and give each group a function of each of the parts. copy of the diagram entitled Cassini: A Robot in Our Own Image — for Student Use (Figure 4). Instruct students to cut out the different 6 spacecraft components and then arrange and attach them to a sheet of paper in a logical configuration. 123 Saturn Educator Guide • Cassini Program website — http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/educatorguide • EG-1998-12-008-JPL Display a transparency of the students’ ver- 3 Part III: Assessment LESSON sion of Figure 3, Cassini Component Func- tions Table. Tell the students that the function Arrange students in groups of four or 5 1 description in the table offers hints about how fewer. to determine a human analogy for each space- craft component. Work with students to deter- Instruct the groups to identify and record 2 mine a human analogy for the first component the robotic spacecraft components neces- or two listed. sary to explore their favorite location in the Sat- urn system. Ask them to consider how and Explain that the students will use their 4 what the robot will explore. Will it land on a Cassini Component Functions Table to pre- surface of a moon? Will it orbit a moon? Will it dict the function of each component. (See Fig- fly over the rings? Will it probe into Saturn’s or ure 6 for the teacher’s version of the Cassini Titan’s atmosphere? Component Functions Table.) Members of each group should take turns drawing symbols on the 3 Student groups should design and build Cassini: A Robot in Our Own Image diagram. models of their spacecraft using an assort- Students should begin with the skeleton symbol ment of objects such as yogurt and egg cartons, shown on Cassini: A Robot in Our Own Image wire, film canisters, construction paper, and alu- — for Teacher Use (Figure 5) and move clock- minum foil. The model robot should have all wise around the spacecraft. the components to fulfill critical functions. After student groups have completed the Student groups should diagram their mod- 5 4 Cassini: A Robot in Our Own Image dia- els and each provide a table on chart paper gram with their symbols, display a transparency that lists the critical spacecraft components and of the completed diagram, Cassini: A Robot in their functions. Our Own Image — For Teacher Use. Using the transparency, review the form and function of Have student groups present their robotic 5 each major part of the Cassini robot. spacecraft models to the class. Students should review and describe their process of Discuss the students’ discoveries about the 6 technological design by identifying their mis- Cassini spacecraft in light of what they sions, and how the spacecraft will fulfill those wanted to know about a robotic spacecraft. missions. Each group member should be re- Guide students to reflect on the mission sponsible for explaining the form and function the Cassini spacecraft is designed to do, and on of at least one critical component. how the key components of Cassini’s techno- logical design will enable it to carry out that mission. Discuss whether or why each compo- nent is essential to the success of the mission. 124 Saturn Educator Guide • Cassini Program website — http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/educatorguide • EG-1998-12-008-JPL Assessment Criteria Part IV: Questions for Reflection LESSON 1. The students’ tables have identified needed 5 • How is a spacecraft a robot? spacecraft components and function descriptions. Bare essentials include: • Does the robot that you designed have hu- • Bus framework manlike capabilities? • Rocket motors for propulsion • Antennas for communication • What would you hope to discover with your robot? • Computer for processing data • A scientific instrument such as a camera • What questions would your robot help scien- or a dust analyzer tists answer? 2.
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