Bangor Public Library Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl Books and Publications Special Collections 1912 Getting Acquainted with Bangor, Maine Board of Trade Journal Follow this and additional works at: https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/books_pubs Recommended Citation Board of Trade Journal, "Getting Acquainted with Bangor, Maine" (1912). Books and Publications. 190. https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/books_pubs/190 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl. It has been accepted for inclusion in Books and Publications by an authorized administrator of Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl. For more information, please contact [email protected]. E L Getting Acquainted With BANGOR, MAINE New 'Public Library and High School, Harlow Street, Bangor, Built by George H . Wilbur & Son, Builders, Bangor Metropolis of Eastern Maine Enjoying a Wonderful Building Era Manif'old Reasons Wh7 There Should Be An Expansion Industriall7 Portland, Maine, September 1912 Price Twenty-five Cents Established 1871 !nrorfioratcd 1911 FRED E. ELDRIDGE COMPANY MODERN PAINT SHOP WALL PAPER.S, GLASS, MOULDINGS, ETC. 98 HAMMOND STREET BANGOR, MAINE BOSTON DYE HOUSE CO., L. J. FILES, Mgr. J. M. Arnold Shoe Co. One of the largest ancl most progressive con­ cerns in the jol>hi1w tracle is the olcl-cstalilislll'cl house of J. :\l. ,\molt] Compan\', for many \'cars locatecl at 170 l~xch:ing·c street: The cntc;prisc \\'as incorporatL·cl in 1889, s11cccccling tl1c firm of Arnold l\: S l\\.\'cr, sinLT which time it has been a most important factor in the wholesale and jobbing traclc ofe'tstcrn ancl northern :\Taine. i\t an early elate the concern will 1110\T into the new fou1:­ story huilcling now nearly complctccl at 115 Franklin strl'L't. This lianclsomc structure is he in.!.!· built with SJlL'l'ial reference to the requirements of the J. :\I . •\rnold Boot & Shoe Co. Office, 99 Central St., Dye Works, Penobscot Sq., BREWER FRED CROWELL Wl1olesale Commission MercJ1ant Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables, Etc. 4 7 Pickering Square BANGOR, MAINE BANGOR, THE METROPOLIS OF EASTERN MAINE V OL. XXV. SEPTEMBER, 1912 NO. 5 Mason &Merrill Perry, Coffin &Burr Selected Securities BANKERS Municipal Public Service Corporation INVESTMENT SECURITIES INVESTMENT BONDS 60 State St., Boston Municipal, Railroad, Telephone and Local Corporation Bonds Orders executed for purchase or sale of Listed Securities Represented in Maine by New Union Mutual Building HENRY B. PENNELL, JR. 120 Exchange St. Portland, Me. 125 Vaughan Street Portland, Maine Carefully Seleded First Mortgage Bonds Guaranteed Principal and Interest l H. M. PAYSON&. CO. Investment Securities 32 EXCHANGE STREET Telephone 630 PORTLAND, MAINE E. E. CUTLER CO. JOHN F. PROCTOR, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HOTEL and RESTAURANT KITCHEN OUTFIT REAL ESTATE Coffee Urns, Steam Tables, Hot Closets, Portable Ovens EXCHANGE Cooking Utensils, Range Repairs, Sheet Metal Work Special Work, Repair Work and Retinning. Hutchinson Bros.' ( Established 1859) Celebrated French Ranges and Broilers To those desiring information concerning our city, with a view We solicit the opportunity of submitting plans and detailed to INVESTMENT, we will give any information in our power specifications for all kitchen equipment. most cheerfully. We call the attention of the public to the Chief Commercial a nd Manufacturing Metropolis of Maine. 27-29 PLUM ST. PORTLAND, ME. New England P hone 2 176 180 1-2 MIDDLE ST . PORTLAND, ME. JOHNSTON, BAILEY CO. ..T H ERE IS O NE S A FE P LACE"" Dealers in W. E. EASTON CARPETING OPTICIAN Furniture Draperies Paper H angings Window Shades 190-192 Middle St. Portland, Maine 51!) Congress St., Portland, .Me. C. M. RICE PAPER CO. DELANO MILL COMPANY Lumber Dealers ~gi~ PAl)E RS and Manufacturers of House COLORE:D Finish, Stair and Cabinet Work Office, Bank and Store Fixtures. Dealers in Doors, 0-\RD BO~RDS OF E:VERY DE:SCl~IPTI O N Windows, Flooring and Sheathing of all kinds ~ l so Wrapping Paper Maine, New H ampshire and Vermrmt Agents for COMPO­ Paper BaQ.5 and Twine BOARD, used instead of lath and plastering, and is both warmer and cheaper. 9 Exchange Street Portland, Maine Office and Factory 416 Fore St., Portland, Me. H. S. MELCHER CO. ENGLISH TEA ROOM W h oles ale 609 Congress Street GROCERS Portland, Maine Ottr SpPcialties: ORA GE BLOSSOMS brand Tea and Coffee Breakfa st, after 8. Luncheon , 11 -2. Afternoon Tea , 3.30 -6 WATER LILY brand Canned Fruits and Vegetables 15 7-161 Commercial St. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE 2 - 10 Market Street Portland, Me. N. E . Telephone, 3484 BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL. 217 ELECTRICITY for LIGHT or POWER All Electrical Appliances CUMBERLAND COUNTY POWER &LIGHT CO. 121 CENTER STREET, PORTLAND, MAINE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK ,, Xo National Bank in the State of Maine has ever gone into the hands of a receiver I or caused loss to a depositor. X ational Banking Laws limit the amount of loans to any one person, firm or cor­ poration, and compel the keeping of ample cash reserve. Because of this the above record has been pos ible. This Bank offers its deposi­ tors all accommodation that conservative management and conformity to these laws will allow. BANGOR, MAINE 218 BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL. We are prepared to give you information on the advantage of Gas for the following uses · Gas Engines Keg Branding Ladle Furnaces List of Purposes Candy Furnaces Confectioners' Boile1s Soldering Iron Furnaces Bakers' Fryers and Ovens Gas Forges Coffee Roasters GAS is used for Assay Furnaces Brazing Furnaces Stereotyping Metal Metals Crucible Furnaces Drying Ovens Annealing Furnaces China Kiln Water Stills Enameling Ovens Gas Laundry Mangles Beer Vat Dryers Plaiting and Crimping Rolls Hard Oil Melters Rendering Kettles Tailors' Gas Irons Dental Furnaces Heat Broilers Gas Ranges Multiple Burners Backus Heaters Gas Water Heaters Clothes Dryers Gas Grates Portable Heaters Laundry Stoves Barbers' Kettles Heating Type Metal Shoe Burnishing Machines Curling Irons Soda Fountains Cigar Branding Machines Can Soldering Machines Linotype Machines Hat Shapers Banana Ripeners Peanut Roasters Singeing Machines Heating Steam Tables Shampoo Dryers Coffee Urns Heating Incubator Heating Iron for Polishing Hotel Broilers Leather Water Urns Oyster Cookers Embossing Leather Enameling and Japanning Heating Wax Heating Metal Plates Heating Rivets Re-Sweating Tobacco Vulcanizing Rubber Heating Branding Irons Heating Glue Laboratories Smelting Heating Tools Melting Brass and Babbit Nickel Plating Water Heating Heating Glass Molds Blow Pipes Tempering Case Hardening Furnace Band Shrinking Furnace Cigar Lighters Carbonizing Furnace for Car- Cake Griddles bonizing Electric Burners Chafing Dish Capsule Making Forge for Rod Heating Dry Hot Air Baths Hot Steaming Press Hospital Sterilizers Oven Furnace Hot Air Lamps Photography Burnishing Muffie Furnace Sealing Wax Heaters Pure Food Mfg. Ventilating Burner Steam Boilers, Toasters Willow Chair Singer Vehicle Tire Setting IT CAN BE DONE BETTER WITH GAS Bangor Gas Light Co. A Booster for Bangor 18 CENTRAL ST. BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL ..-------------------ESTABLISHED 1888 ------------------- PUBLISHED UND£1l THE AUSPICES OF THE PORTLAND BOARD or TRAD~ [VOL. XXV. PORTLAND, MAINE, SEPTE~fBER 1912. No. 5] NTERllD AT PO'T OFFir~, POitTf,AND, \tAI:-<E, AS SECONu-cr,Ass MAn MATTER Fifth International C ongre u of Chambere of Comme r ce Single Subscription , $1.00. Payable in Ad vance. The sessions of the Fifth International Congress of ADVERTIS ING R A TES GIVEN UPON APPLICATION AT OFFICE Chambers of Commerce and Industrial Associations will open in the magnificent ball room of the new Copley-Plaza MAUR ICE. C. RI C H, EDITOR W . H. HOWARD, BUSINESS MAN AGER IIotel, Boston, Massachusetts, V. S. A., on the morning of Tuesday, September 24th, with an address of welcome Officers of Portland Board of Trade by Hon. Charles Nagel, Secretary of Commerce and Labor --1912-- for the Linitecl States of America. For the convenience of CHARLES F. FLAGG, President. clelegates the official program has been published in sixteen SILAS B. ADAMS, First Vice President. lang uages. FRANK M. LOW, Second Vice-President It would appear that the delegates to the Congress will DIRECTORS be in excess of 700. From foreign countries acceptances HAROLD L. BERRY WILLIAM M. INGRAHAM MELLEN E. BOLSTER FRED F. LORD have already been received from 416 delegates, represent­ GEO. L CROSMAN FRED H. PALMER +O EDWARD A. HAY RICHARD C. PAYSON ing foreign countries as follO\vs: J. HENRY RINES ROBERT S. THOMES Argentine Republic, 2. Austria-Hungary-Austria, CONSTANT SOUTHWORTH CHARLES A. STROUT 43; Ilungary, 21; Belgium, 10; Brazil, 6. British JAMES F. BIGELOW, Treasurer. MAURICE C. RICH, Secretary. Empire-England. 57; Aden, Arabia, 1; Australia, 2; PORT WARDENS Bahamas, 4; Canada, 11; India, 5; Ireland, 2; New Zea­ Joseph Brooks Thomas J. Laithwaite lancl, 8; Scotland, 6; South Africa, 3; Tasmania, 2; STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD Chile, 5; China, 8; Columbia, 2 ; Cuba, 1; Ecuador, 1; Finance and Financial Affairs-Wm. M. Ingraham, Fred E. Eastman, France, 18; French Colonies (Algiers), 1; Germany, 85; M. E. Bolster, Henry G. Beyer, F. E. Timberlake. Manufactures and New Enterprises-Silas B. Adams, Constant South­ (~recce, 1: Guatemala, 2; Holland, 5; Honduras, 1; Italy, worth, Harold L. Berry, Guy W. Davis, Franklin Lawrence, Perley Swasey, 57; japan, 4; ~fcxico, 3; Norway, 11; Panama, 2; Peru; E. E. Clifford. 3 ; Portugal, 3; Roumania, 1 ; Russia, 8; Sweden, 3; Pilots and Pilotage-John H. Humphrey, Albert B. Hall, Reuben K. Switzerland, 3; Turkey, 4. Total 416. Dyer, T. J. Laithwaite, E. R. Norton. Grain, Flour and Produce Inspection- Harry C. Josselyn, Frank H. The delegates already appointed from the Yarious com­ Pierce, Hiram A. Hobbs, Robert F. Chapman, A. Eugene Nickerson. mercial organizations of the Cnited States number 200. Transportation and Rates-Robert S.
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