riiM id * o o s t 1 4* Do your bit! Use your in- 4* fluence, and help make Belmar J ^ O R O U G H * 4* the finest resort along the 4* Jersey Coast. Spread the E l ^ M A R | d u e t t ! 4> T news of its attractions. t* Ijc C T »[« •^9 »|« »|« »T« a^a »J« *1**1* *1* *i 011 Vo!. 46: No. 43 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, Single copy 4 cents Declare Hoffman House TRANSFORMATION AT S. BELMAR FIREMEN’S Belmar Swimming Pool INLET TERRACE CLUB INSURANCE STATUS Fire Was Incendiary TWENTY HOMES TO BE ERECT­ BOROUGH COUNCIL PURPOSES Is Highly Favored ED ON CLUB PROPERTY TO COVERING ITS MEN FOR DIS­ COST $150,000 Open Receptacles Full of'Gasoline Taken from ABILITY ANp DEATH Business Men and Residents Heartily Indorse Eleventh Avenue Blaze which R. Brice Gray plans to transform After discussing at considerable Suggested Attraction on Beach Front. Threatened Neigborhood. the inlet Terrace Club and adjoin­ length firemen’s compensation, the ing property into a high-class resi­ Borough Council of South Belmar SOUTH BELMAR MAKES That a swimming pool is urgently RECORD IN FINANCE A fire, which the fire depart­ CYRUS B. HONCE ON dential colony. A permit to carry Monday evening decided to place desired by business men and resi­ U. S. GRAND JURY out the project was granted him before the members of the fire de- ment and insurance companies in­ dents, permanent and summer, is Wednesday by the Borough, and partnint the proposition of an acci Councilman Frank Herbert, chair volved declare to have been of in­ Cyrus B. Honce of 501 Fifth ave­ work began yesterday. dent, disability and death benefit in man of the finance committee ot evidenced by the numerous con­ cendiary origin, completely gutted the Borough of South Belmar, re­ nue has had the honor of being Mr. Gray’s plans include making sura nee scheme instead of a salary gratulatory communications, both the house at 215 Eleventh avenue, of $12 a year. ported to (he council Monday eve­ chosen a member of the United the clubhouse into an attractive verbal and written, that have been owned by Alexander Hoffman, at residence, erecting a home of Span Borough Solicitor Gilbert Van ning that the borough had gone received by the Coast Advertiser States Grand Jury. His duties through the year without having tc one o’clock Thursday morning. ish type on the lot to the east of Note was asked to make a study of this week. called him to Camden for several the clubhouse, and' building twenty such policy and prepare for presen­ issue either a tax anticipation or a It is a pleasure for any news- The firemen worked heroically days during the past week. houses on the river drive facing the tation to the men a concrete propo­ tax revenue note. j paper to know that its suggestions for an hour to get the flames under terrace and river. sition, eliminating all technicali­ are appreciated by he people •whom control and save the closely adjoin­ 'the cost o f tiie development will ties. j it is its desire to serve. ing property on either side and in SHARK RilE R TRACT be approximately $150,000. Councilman Speakman, chfirman TO BUILD NEW STATE It is a community newspaper’s the rear of the burning building. It 1 he fifteen-foot sun porch run­ of (he fire committee, will submit | duty to endeavor to voice the senti- Was four o’clock before the flames MAY BE BELMAR’S ning along the sides and rear of the such proposition to the members oi ROAD TO LAURELTON I meets of the people, pro and con, were -completely subdued. clubhouse will be removed and tlie department and report at the j on any subject of interest to the The manner in which the fire ISLANDS DEVELOPMENT gardens painted. The row of at­ next meeting of the council. COMMISSION CONTEMPLATES! municpality, and to suggest and burned roused the suspicions of ACRES WOULD BE OF tached houses will stand on a ter­ Under the present system the LAURELTON ROUTE IN LIEU ; fight for such movements as are firemen are subject to the regula­ Chief Burger and his men and led TAXABLE XAI.UE race four feet high, lawned aiid OF’ WIDENING HIGHWAY calculated to advance it, and criti- to the discovery of what they de­ with stone balustrade steps to each. tions of the workmen’s compensa­ •—------ ! cize adversely such as it believes tion act, which only insures the clare was a deliberately planned The southern portion of the P. The construction of these resi­ A new road is contemplated by I would not. conflagration. They aver that fur­ dences will he of brick for the first payment of doctor bills, with no re- the Stale Highways Commission to ] Its columns are open to anyone Brice Gray development, known ,.s story with terra-cotta tile roofed muncration in case of disability. run from Finlay’s Corner, west ot j on this subject of a swimming pool niture was piled in heaps, mat­ Shark River Islands, lying between tresses were soaked with gasoline, porches and stuccoed second story The service is now purely volun­ Spring Lake golf links to Blancing- or any other matter. tlie two channels, will, in all prob and oil-soaked coils of material led wiih tiled roofs. At the west end tary. burg, and thence to Five Points, to We are convinced and honestly ability, become a part of Belmar. of the property Mr. Brice pur­ West Brielle, over Manasquan mid­ believe that a swimming pool ami in trails from room to room, prac­ The stretch covers sixty-six acres poses building two separate houses dle bridge on to Laurclton. baths are wanted here by he peo­ tically throughout the house. and is capable of housing hundreds As evidence of incendiarism of a of Old English or Spanish design. The new road is proposed in lieu ple. We are confident that it would of families. Negotiations are un­ BEACH POLLUTION most flagrant kind three open re­ The twenty dwellings will be of widening the state highway and be a paying proposition whether der way to have the tract included ceptacles full of gasoline were tak­ equipped with oak floors, hot wat­ is considered much more prefera­ undertaken by the borough or pri­ in Belmar territory. ELIMINATION IN SKHT en to the police station by order of er heat, .electric ice box, gas range ble by the commission as it will vate individuals. We know it would As a taxable proposition it is be and kitchen fixtures, and will con greatly relieve traffic on the main mean thousands of dollars spent Commissioner Thomas D. Joeck lieved it will be a valuable addition ASSEMBLYMAN STERNER PRE­ lain dining and living rooms, kitch­ highway. here among Our business men that and Fire Chief Burger. Several to the borough. PARES RESOLUTION FOR SUIT en, bedrooms and bath. Each will are now spent elsewhere. And in others were found around the The tract already has bulkheads AGAINST NEW YORK have a garage under the house. the interests of Belmar and its peo­ house, according to the firemen, and has an attractive river front They will be sold on the deferred ple we intend to push the project to and their l»Tes were in danger outlook. Thousands of Ions of Assemblyman E. Donald Sterner CHRISTMAS MAIL NEEDS payment plan. a real issue. from the flares every minute of the sand have been pumped into the does not make pre-election prom­ fire’s duration. ises and forget all about them when ATTENTION NOW Shark Biver Islands property and KEARNEY AWARDED Commissioner Joeck had guards elected. PROMINENT HOTEL MAN the Brice agency has spent $1,000,- HINTS THAT WILL SAVE GARBAGE CONTRACT TlME | GIVES HIS VIEWS posted at the house after the fire 000 on its improvement thus far. It The fact that he will introduce a AND WORRY AND INSURE | Charles Goldstein owner of the was out, and they will remain there joint resolution to Ihe 1929 state has one and a half miles of water­ DELIVERY. Carlton Hotel at 112 Ninth avenue until some definite procedure by front. The Borough Commission Tues­ legislature recommending institu­ the several insurance companies day evening awarded the contract tion of a suit o f restraint against and of one of Lakewood’s best With the near approach of Xmas known hosieries, the Shenandoah with whom Mr. Hoffman placed for garbage removal for Ihe ensu- New York, seeking to stop pollution and the increase in the volume on Madison avenue, is an enthusi- policies is settled upon. ing year to William Kearney, the of New Jersey’s beaches by the of holiday mail of approximately astir supporter of the proposed County detectives from the pros­ OLD BEM AR PIONEER preesent contractor, for the sum of city’s garbage, is proof of this. 200 per cent., it is a physical im- •swiifiinrng pool and gives the ecutor’s office, the local police and $12,415. Mr. Kearney’s present Mr. Sterner has already had a possibility to handle this great j Coast Advertiser, credit for “the insurance detectives are -working PASSES AWAY contract carries with it the option conference with Senator-elect mass efficiently within a few days, best suggestion ever put forward in on the case. of renewal. Borough Solicitor Jos­ Hamilton F. Kean and Governor- RESIDENT FOR THIRTY YEARS For the convenience of everyone, the interests of Belmar.” The damage is" estimated at be­ eph Silverstein was authorized to elect Morgan F.
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