MARINE GEOLOGY OF THE WEDDELL SEA REGION John B, Anderson Department of Geology Rice University February,1984 1 MARINE GEOLOGY OF THE WEDDELL SEA REGION Physiography The · Weddell Sea shelf, like other parts. of the Antaretie eontinental shelf, is eharaeterized by rugged topography and great depth (average depth 500m). Crary Trough, loeated in the south­ eastern Weddell .Sea, is the physiographie dividing line between the narrow (lOOkm) East Antaretie shelf and broad (several hundred, kilometers) West Antaretie eontinental shelf. The West Antaretie shelf extends beneath the Ronne-Filehner lee Shelf to a deep (up to l700m) areuate depression (Thiel Trough); these iee shelves are grounded at approximately 1100m in this depression (Fig. 1). Figura 1 shows that the southern shelf is isolated from the eontinent on all si:des by this depression. The eontinental shelf in the \vestern Weddell Sea has been virtually unexplored due to severe sea iee eover in this region. The upper eontinental slope of the East Antaretie margin is 0 quite steep (7-9 ) and the lower slope and rise is eut by numerous submarine eanyons. In eontrast, the West Antaretie margin is eharaeterized by a more gentle upper slope, and submarine eanyons are fewer and more widely spaeed. The eontinental rise is mueh more extensive in the Western Weddell Sea than on the eastern margin. The abyssal plain is relatively flat, exeept in the . northernmost Weddell Sea where seamounts, ridges, and linear de­ pressions eontribute to the generally .: irregular topography of the region. See Johnson et ale (1981) for a more detailed deserip­ tion of the bathymetry of the Weddell Sea. \'. ~ ,-_-.!!>..;.--./ ;1 . ~ -;' · 1c.· )-" " .~ .". o r- .. " p .; .... r", I '-J ~.i; .~ t !: , ( o ,/ I I '._L : 1 i20o,AI-L.J _.1.. ___L.J-L.:.... j 7B O S 25° · •• 15° 10° Figure 1. Bathymetry of the Weddell Sea (from Johnson et al. 1981) 2 The seafloor topography of the northern Antaretie Peninsula region is extremely rugged and refleets the eombined influenee of tee­ tonic features, voleanism, and glaeial erosion. Figure2 is arecent bathymetrie map of the Bransfield Basin and serves to illustrate this ruggedtopography. The slope and rise bordering Drake Passage are quite steep and narrow. The adjaeent shelf is eharaeterized by a 200m terraee and SOOm terrace; both of these are cut by- ehannels extending from both the peninsula and the South Shetland lslands. The origin of these terraces and ehannels is problematie. The dom­ inant feature of the region is Bransfield Strait, a deep, linear depression whieh is aetually subdivided, probably by major trans form faults, into several diserete basins with a general no:rtheast­ southwest orientation. East of the Antaretie Peninsula, major physiographie features inelude the South Seotia Ridge, Powell Basin, South Orkney Plateau, Enduranee Ridge, and Orkney Deep. All of these features are key segments in the eomplex tectonic history of the region. Glaeial Regime The Weddell Sea is the ultimate repository for approximately 20% of the glaeial iee drained from the Antaretie eontinent, in­ eluding both the East and West Antaretie iee sheet (Fig. 3). The eastern shelf reeeives drainage from the East Antaretie lee Sheet (Dronning Maud Land and Coats Land). Most of this iee drains through the Brunt lee Shelf and Riiser Larsen lee Shelf_ The Filehner lee Shelf is the eonfluenee of several large East Antaretie ice streams (lee Streams A, Band C of Drewry, 1983; ------------... " . ." t.--, 0) GRAH~M LAN D ? &,580 L5 ( 54° W " Figure 2. Bathymetry of the Bransfield Strait( from Davey,1972) 3 Fig. 3). The Ronne Ice She1f receives glacia1 drainage from West Antarctica (Fig. 3). In the western Wedde1l Sea, the prom­ inent glacial feature is the Larsen Ice Shelf. It is a relatively thin ice shelf, compared to the other ice shelves of the Weddell Sea, and is the glacia1 terminus of outlet glaciers flowing down off the mountains o 'f the ' eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula. Sea ice conditions are i1lustrated in Fig. 4. The western Weddell Sea is near1y always covered by perennia1 ice,whereas a coastal lead typically exists along the eastern coast during the late summer. The Bransfield Strait is free of ice throughout the austral summer,as is the northwestern Weddeil Sea in tpe area of the Powe1l Basin and South Orkney Plateau. Iceberg drift tracks for the Weddell Sea follow a general . clockwise pattern. ' Large tabular bergs, some tens of square kilometers in area, occur throughout the region, but tend to be most concen­ trated over the eastern shelf and in the northwestern sector of the basin. These icebergs have drafts up to 250m, which is still less than the average depth of the shel~ so they tend to drift freely with surface currents. We have measured iceberg drift rates of 1-1/2 knots/hour in the vicinity of James Ross Island. Iceberg densities are rather patchy in the Bransfield Strait and depend largely on weather conditions. Sea State and Meterological Conditions Sea conditions in the Weddell Sea are subject to rapid change, at least in ice-free regions, resulting, mainly from the passage ___ , O/W • . ,':: :.:·c30EC• TH'RDWEEK O/W O/W .: MARCH FIRST WEEK O/W ., .... J '.' JAN. THIRD WEEK t i ~'~':~"" " ' " ..... ~. '.' I ~ ". 'l. ~ ; : By:JOHN B. ANOERSON \ \" \ .,\ \ \ Figure 4. Sea ice conditions for the Weddell Sea(based on average conditions for 1973 through 1978) ·.. z 4 of large,low pressure systems from west to east across the peninsula and onto the central basin. During Deep Freeze 82 we encountered 7m seas for several days in the Bransfield Strait. The seas shiftfrom west to east as low pressure centers pass through the area. Similar sea condi tions occur in the northeastern Weddell Sea as "lows ii pass into this area. Seas tend to remain relatively ca Im in the vicinity of the Powell Basin. The Drake Passage and adjacent Antarctic mar­ gin are known for their rough seas. The weather can be relatively pleasant during the austral sum­ mer with temperatures ocqasionally rising clbove the freezing point. However, cold temperatures (sub-zero), strong winds,and blowing snow and ice can persist for days when slow moving "lows" pass through the area. Physical Oceanography Figure 5 shows thedistribution of the major water masses in the Weddell Sea and their directions of movement (Klepikov, 1960; Hollister and EIder, 1969 and Seabrooke et al., 1971). Cold, Fresh 0 0 Shelf Water , -1.89 C to -1.5 C, less than 34.51 O/oo,and d T <27.77) occupies the eastern continental shelf of the Weddell Sea and is be­ lieved to flow in a southwestward1y direction as a pronounced coastal current (Deacon, 1937) at velocities rangj:ng ;" from 10 to 30cm/sec (Klepikov, 1963). At approximate1y 750 S this coastal current turns seaward and flows westwardly along the outer flank of the continental shelf as a v-shaped river of fresh surface water (GilI, 1973). The freshness of this water mass is largely due ·to seasonal melting of 5 pack ice so that its distribution is, for the most part, restricted to areas where seasonal melting overshadows the effects of freezing. Smaller amounts of freshwater might be contributed by melting ice shelves such as the Brunt lee Shelf (Thomas and Coslett,1970). Warm Deep Water ( -0.360 C tö +2.00 C, 34.45-34.69 °/00 and d~ 27.80) enters the Weddell Sea at approximately 15-200 E and flows south along the slope (Fig .. 5)at velocities in excess of 30cm/sec (Klepikov, 1960). This oxygen deficient (4.5-6.4ml/l) Warm Deep Water consists of a mixture of Antarctic Circumpolar Water and smaller quantities of North Atlantic Deep Water (Deacon, 1937), and is believed to be the source from whichother Weddell Sea water masses are derived (GilI, 1973). At approximately 74 0 S by 280 W, Warm Deep Water flows westwardly (Fig. 5) along the outer edge o.f the southwestern continental slope. A sharp thermocline separates dense Warm Deep Water (dT<27.80) from overlying Fresh Shelf Water (~T<27.77) north of 740 S. lntense surface freezing (GilI, 1973) and possible sub-basal freezing of the Ronne lee Shelf (Seabrooke et al., 1971) results in high salinities (34.51-34.84 °/(0) and low temeratures (-150 C to -2.200 C) of waters occupying the southwestern continental shelf area. Most Saline Shelf Water flows in a northwestwardly direction (Fig. 5) out across the continental she1f and onto the slope (HolIister and EIder, 1969). West of approximate1y 400 W Saline Shelf Water is sufficient1y dense (dT<27.81) to displace and mix with Warm Deep Water to form Antarctic Bottom Water (T=9.440 C,S-34.66 °/00 ; Sverdrup et al., 1942.) 4QOW ...... Saline Shelf Water (SSW) ~ Fresh Shelf Water (FSW) (WDW) ., - Figure 5. Distribution of major water masses in the Weddell Sea (bottom water circulation from. Anderson~1975, surface circulation from Johnson et al.1981). Large open arrows show surface circulation. Dashed line shows position of the Antarctic Divergence. 6 Newly fermed AABW flows dewn the eentinental rise in a nertheast­ ward direetien aeress the abyssal fleer. This deep water eireulatien medel is best illustrated using a near bettem temperature map fer the Weddell Sea (Fig. 6) . AABW flews eut ef the Weddell Sea at an average veleeity ef 3em/sec.,and prebably flews slightly faster where eenstrained by physiegraphie features (Carmaek and Fester, 1975) • Cireulatien in the seassurreunding the Antarctie Peninsula is net weIl knewn. Hydro. easts taken in the Bransfield Strait and in Pewell Basin indicate relatively thereugh mixing within these basins as based en temperature, salinity,and exygen data.
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