■j f '.-yl ■( Average Dally Net Preaa Rra The Wtether r t » Ou> Wertc E o M PoreotM of U. 8. IVehtbet B o n & April ‘ Clearing tridi fneilBg tenpwh* turee tonight, lioar Z5 to W. Tmw* 13,567 dajr ennny u d »- little wflinert Manher at the AnAt High se to SS. ■' BorcMt at Obenlatloh Manchester— A City of VUlage Charm (dhMltled Advertlatng' on Page 14) PR ICE F' i t E ^ : NTS VDL. U tXXI, NO. 16« (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AP^IL 16, 1962 w>m Subpoenas Issued Stdte News 4 Traffic Deaths On Slate’s Roads Senate During Weekend f- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS By 8TERUNO F. OBBEN AUnding power but. In a fact-find­ Traffic accidents took four WASHINGTON (AP) ers' role, could muster public opinion against increases It fives in Connecticut over the A,bill to strengthen the gov­ deemed unjustified. ernment’s power to break up 3. Broaden the antimerger laws, The 'ihishaps brought thb high­ Terrorists U.S. Offers monopolistic corporations was so that the' same legal yardstick way death toll for the year to 64. on its way to the Senate today could be used to break up “ ex­ In Stamford, Thomas Strauss, 21, while Senate subpoenas were isting large concentrations” as U was killed Saturday night when Get Bolder R eds Four now used to prevent certs^ pro­ his car went out of control and being sped to the dozen posed Industrial mergers. “ overturned on High Ridge Rd. largest steel companies. No companies were named, but Strauss was hurled from the car. The massive, assault mounted the bills were plainly pointed at Another accident In Stamford In Algiers Point Plan by President Kennedy against U.a.v Steel, the natton'g biggest fatally injured Mrs. Jean Haas, 36. She was struck by a car in front steel's SS-a-ton Increase was still producer and the .one whose an­ By MICHAEL. UOLD8MITB. WASHINGTON ' (AP) — rolling, though the price boost was nouncement last Tuesday of a of a shopping center Friday night Ai-GiEKb (AP) — Police The United States tiiday de­ rescinded Friday. boost touched off—as In the past and died the following day in Stam­ The battle's aftermath found the __a parade of vlrtutJly Identical ford------- Jiospital.and the Secret Army Organ! nied most emphatically that it stock market at a 19S2 low, Ken­ increases by other firms. o A s . to had proposed any reduction of nedy's prestige at a new high, ,Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy bridge Friday night. The driver, Oran, where underground ter Western troops in Berlin. and the prospects for his whole lay 31-year-o1d• William------ ”F. Smith of■* rorists in a campaign of grow­ “No such proposal on troops legislative program considered (Continned on Page Nine) WllHmantlc, died Saturday in Hart­ suddenly brighter. ■ ing boldness tried to seiz^ a reductions has been made,’* ford hospital. State Department spokesman Pressing ahead with Its an­ In another Friday night accident, police camp and its amored nounced antimonopoly investiga­ William Somers, 28, Hamden, was cars. Lincoln W hite told a hurriedly tion, the Senate Antitrust sub­ Judge Refuses killed when his motorcycle went out First reports said a poU c^an convened midmorning news committee headed by Sen. Estes of control and crashed. was killed and 10 other persons conference. Kefauver, D-Tenn.. wrote sub­ were wounded. White referred specifically poenas tor the 12 top companies To Upset Curb 61 to 63 In Algiers, Secret' Army com­ to bring in figures on production mandos fired on Moslems in the to a news dispatch from Bonn, HARTFORD (A P )—The State by mid-lCay. Bab el Oued qutfrter, killing one written by Flora Lewis for the Sen. Albert Ctore, D-Tenn., pre­ Motor Vehicle Department's dally On Book Sale and wounding two. Washington Post. pared to introduce three Mils to­ record of automobile fatalities as It was in an Algiera suburb that of last midnight and the totals on ‘T h e Flora Lewis piece ih day. >ta sharpen the teeth of the NEW H A V ^ (A P )—PoUce Of­ a Moslem mob IjTfched two BSuro- .antitrust laws. the same date last year: peana Sunday in the first act of the press this morning is ficials in Bridgeport and Water- 1961 1962 Oore said the need for better bury have been upheld In their at­ retaliation against the Secret wholly inaecurate,” White' protection of the public was KlUed ................................61 63 tempts to prevent sale of the pa­ Army since the March 19 cease­ said. proved by "this whole episode In perback edition of the novel ‘‘The fire ending the long Algerlsui na­ which the steel companies made Carpetbaggers," but they still Four for Rihteo0 tionalist r^>ellion, i By JOHN WEYLAND almost uniform price increases face a 1100,000 damage suit. ■STAFFORD SPRINGS (AP) -r- The Algerian Nationalist re­ and then rescind^ them.*' gime from its base in Tunis BONN, Germany (A P)— U.S. District Court Judge T. This commimlty'4 four-man dele- , HU bllU would not have been gatimt to the' Democratic state warned the French • Simday to West Germany insists that given an outside chance of .pas­ Emmet Clarie said in a decision take stronger meaaure.s a^nst Saturday the publishers. Pocket convention has been instructed to any Berlin settlement keep sage a week ago. Now they must support Welfare Secretary Abra the Secret Army, which is trying from Communist Eaat Ger­ be regarded seriously, especially Books, Inc., of New York, had ham Rlblcoff for the nomination to wreck the cease-fire and keep failed to prove the existence of an since democratic legislators can for U.S. Senator. The Democratic AJgeria French. many a decisive voice in a pos­ be expected to capltalUe on the actual ban. town committee voted to endorse It perhaps was significant that, sible international control au­ In view of this ruling. It was since the warning the first action so-called monopoly issue In thU ccmsidered doubtful that Clarie Rlblcoff last night. thority over access to West campaign, year. came in Oran, second largest city ^Kidnaf^ Meisage Found on Mirror Berlin, a government spokes­ would sustain the companion dam­ in Algiers and a Secret Army The Oore measures wotild: age suit, which still must be Ribicoff Plann^Walk A message printed In lipstick on a rwtroom mirror In a PhUadelphla diner Is (Hsplaysd by Police man said today. BERUN (AP)—"I Will be- walk stronghold In western Algeria. Sgt. John J. McGovern. The message, saying "I am being kidnaped" was found aever^ hours , 1. Give the president power un hejEUjd,*- ' y,.. -T h e figh.Ung.stajrted when.a Se­ The spokesman described this liig Up and down Uiestrdets of Con­ Mary Aim SOo. 20, Springfield, N J;.-left the-diner with WllUam Kuhlman, 21, Maplewood, N. J. der the Taft-Hartiey law to ob­ In refusing to grant ah injuncr cret Army unit tried to take over as the principal, point In West tain an 80-day Injunction against tlon against the alleged police necticut between July 15 and Nov. Todaj\ the FBI at Newark said M in Soo wqa foimd by Maryland police at Sykeeville, Md., appar­ Germany’s reacUon to a four- campaigning for a Democratic the police installation at Gam- ently Unharmed. PoMce said Kifirtman left in the girl's car. Police are checking to determine a general price Increase In a bans, Clarie also said Pocket betta, a suburb, and capture the potot program the United States basic commodity. The’ procedure Books "has not satisfied the bur­ victory," Welfare Secretary Abra­ whether there haa been a kidnaping, (A P Photofax.) , -_____________ ________ hat worked up for a new round ot ham Rlblcoff said yesterday at a armored cars stationed there, au­ would be parallel to the cooling- den of clearly showing the reason­ thorities said. Police put up stiff Berlin talks with the Soviet Union. off period provided tat "national able probablUty of success In reception. We would not object to East The former Governor la W un- resistance., scattering the Secret emergency'' strikes. (the) action for damages. Army agents. Formei* Law Court Declines German repreientatton on such 1. Create a' national consumers nounced candidate for tbe Demo- an auUiority,” the spokesman eratlc nomination for U.S. Senator. The firing raged from street to advisory board. It would not have (Oontfained' am Page Five) street as the casualties mounted. said, "But the Big Four powers The Democratic state nominating with oceupsUon rights In Berlin convaalJlCB ii tolie held July 13 and About the same time, ia the cen­ To Hear Case ter of Oran,-a ehdllnw-peael trupk tried to force its way through a White Takes (Continued on P m g a 'iJ I0 ) , ^othin^Mke It in IJ.S* polide barricade. Police fired, Of Church Tax Ploa to Teen-agers wounding one of the Occupants Hartford (AJ^)—Gov. John N. and capturing three. for hla WASHINGTON (AP) — T h * DenHMwy asked ■upport A general strike slowed nonhal Of Supreme Court Supreme -Court refUsed today to Liquor Store campaign against teen-aro drink­ activities to a virtual standstill in Exercise Held Cure ing from student Journalists" and Oran's Ehiropean quarters. Riot consider an appeal challenging delegates to the YMCA Youth forces sealed off part-of the city. jV constitutionality of tax exerpptions Owner Slain and Government Legislature Sat- The EJuropeans were continuing WASHINGTON (AP) — Wlth*tahen in a private conference granted church properties by President Kennedy watching in a room the constitutional oath to states.
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