jUj|iiiiiii1if TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 10,1942 f mfmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmrnm M w x th ta itt Cwitfttfl HmtlA Avenice DaOy CirenhtioB H ie Weather Far the Meath et Oriober, 1843 FaraeaBt of 0 . 8 . Weather B araw i Mr. end Mrs. W. A. Nickerson The Mothers Circle of St Anne place In the last 16 years. The only Colder tonight arlth tempera­ of Woodland streat ara loaving win meet thU evening at eight Resident Here To I^eaye Town reason that he remained that 7,696 tures falling to near freexlag la Naw York tomorrow on the Silver o’clock at t!ie home of the leader, length of time was because he reg­ Mrs. J. T. Prior of 8 Hackmatack istered for th-i draft here. He ex­ Everyone Welcome! Member af tha Audit iUtutrltriitrr lEumittg expesad placea. Meteor for 8t Petersburg, Fto, For West Coast street 1 pected to be called two months ago Bareaa at Ctrealattaaa whets thay plan to remain until Loses Rations but was turned down on hia phyii- «M to taka next spring. M anehester^A City of ViUage Charm - •r* The regular monthly meeting of cal examination In Hartford al­ *Tlm” Armstrong, employed at though he inaiated that be be given ___ to' BMat at tba Army Members of Orford Pariah the British American Club will be Anmstice Day Observance held tonight at the club house, 75 Rollin F. Johnson Is the Prlnceas T4p Room as a bar­ a further examination and waited tClMoiaed Adverttshig #■ Fage 14) MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1942 iitinr olabiioaaa at *:45 a. m. Chapter, DA..R., are urged to at* two days more after going to the WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 — 7:30 O’CLOCK ------- to waar the Joint meeting with Sabra Msple street at 8:30. Denied Gasoline for tender is to leave Manchester to­ morrow for California vthere he is Veterans’ Hospita in Newington. TrumbiiU Chapter of Rockville, Past Master’a Night of Wash­ acheduled for tomorrow afternoon Next Two Months. to make bia home, having secured Armstrong is to drive across the Taopla l^thlan Sia- ington Lodge, No. 117 L. O. L. will country and expects to take about at 3:S0 at the borne of Mrs. C. R. be held Friday, November IS in a poaitlon ti. a hotel. Befon. going SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH it tu a avanlny in Odd Hartford, Nov. 10.—(/Pf—Ches­ 10 days for the trip as he intends Burr, 138 Main street, when aUte Orange hall, “nie R. A. P. M. de­ to the Princess be was employed in to stop off at citiea across the A a o ^ Uma will offlMta will be guests. ter Bowles announced laet night Main Street At Hailford Road Daaa aaaalott. gree will be coiJerred on a class of a similar popition at a feataunuit country where he haa .been em­ candidates. Refreshments will be that the Connecticut Office of on Oak atreet He has been A resi­ ployed at different times. He says The Women’a Guild will meet at served after the work. ^ ___ Wadan, chlaf of obaarvera Price Administration, of which'he dent of Manchester for the past that he haa now been in 44 of the Center Church House tomorrow two years, which, he says, ia the 48 states of the Union besides moat In The Chapel French Africa Resistance Close to End; i« t tka BoKoa Uatatiing poat. wiU ia director, had deprived five mo­ afternoon at 3:30. The program Temple Chapter, Order of the longest he had remained in any one o f the provinces In Canada.' * , ■ M . OB tha aabjact of aircraft win be in charge of Mra. Howard Eastern Star, will observe visiting torists of the use of their gasoline itioa at tha maatlng o f tha R^. The guest speaker wm be matrons and patrons' night. Supper ADDRESS BY DR. N. H. BATCHELDER ~ at Kmanud Lutheran ration books for periods ^ f one to Mrs. Berent Barhyde who will will be served at 6:30 In the ban­ two months because of Improper Headmaster, The Loomis School, Windsor, Coan. thia aroninff at at(ht give a travel talk on Alaska and quet hall under the direction of ______ AH man of Bmanuel will exhibit articles made by the na­ Mrs. William J. Crawford of Ham­ use of coupons. He Identifled the Reserved Dignity “AFTER THIS WORLD WAR GOVERNMENT* ba waleoma to attend. Preaident tives. The hosteaaea will be Mra. lin street' About 100 are expected, live as Peter H. Danesl, Jr., of Arthur U Ttdf arm ba in charge, Allen Belcher and Mrs. Byron at the meeting tomorrow and the Mystic, James P. Patterson of •Bd a aoeial period with refreah* buaineaa will include the initiation Poquonnock Bridge, Isidore Malone In Modern Memorials -------- Nazis Move into Remainder of France Boyd. toanU arm follow Mr. Waden'a of. candidates,____ of ToiTingtoii, JToseph Stolfl of Tor- Onr McBiorials wrg PROUDLY bailL Tba Women’a Leagua of the rington and Rollin F. Johnson of to be PROUDLY owned. See oar ^ •- :■' — T- u -.-' ■ ■■■ ^______________________ Salvation Army will meet tomor­ The Twix-n-Tween club of the Manchester. Sunday aehool taacbera of the North Methodist church will meet prerant stodi of Monuments of nil WEDNEDAY AND THURSDAY row afternoon at 3:13 In the Jun­ types u d prices, or let ns make OMOerdia Lutheran church aill ior hall. A full attendance la hoped thia evening at eight o'clock at Rollin F. Johnson of 356 Main He Killed Over 200 Japs at Guadalcanal held their monthly meeting to* for as work will be on articles for the parsonage on Henry etreet street, is employed in Hartford. He saggestions withont any obligation COMBINATION SPECIAL AT alght at tha church. the Thanksgiving aale. Mrs. Arm­ has a B book but instead of using whatsoever. > Casablanca Command strong and Mrs. Ekneman wm ba Mrs J. Henry Thornton and this he secured, either through a Other Axis Troops 8t. Mary^ Ladlea Guild win hostesses. Miss Isabelle Dunn are stopping at gift or by purchase, an S coupon . 11 jnaat Thuraday afternoon in the the Hotel Rooeevelt, New York which ia given only to truck own­ Guild room, with Mra. David Rob- Raymond E. Linders who en­ a t y . ers. The person, who reported Manchester Memorial Company toaen and Mra. Alee CSUford aa listed In the Quartermasters Corps this case is not identifled by the lo­ A . AlmeMt, Prop. heateaaea. A t tola time plana will last January, has been promoted The Munlcl]^ service flag now cal Rationing Board. It ia only Comer Pend and Harriaon Sta. T e t 7787 er MOT Sues for Armistice; ha eompieted for tha annual sup­ from private Jrst class to corporal. haa 19 stars the latest star addSd known that he had no right to the Open Sondaya Buy Direct and Save Money! Landed in Tunisia; per and aale o f tha Guild, the date He h u been Ir. London, England, in honor of entry of David Ander use of such a coupon and aa a re­ Of which haa already been aet for since June ano la now serving at son of the Park Department into sult haa been denied the use o f FOR FINE FOODS n n ra d a y, December 10. Mra. the Allied Force headquarters the armed service. gasoline for his car for two months. 84 OAKLAND STREET DIAL 7386 Jamaa Harriaon of Ruaaell atreet there. He ia one of the three sons ]M eoaaentad to serve as chalr- of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Linders Yanks Occupy Rabat ef tha supper committee. Hie of Parker street The elder Linders Duce Follows Lead Onild members have already de* served overseas in World War L oMad on dilekea pte as the main 1 Lb. Lamb Chops (49e) Mias Harriett Kinne, o f 331 Ad­ LOANS FOR EMPLOYED WOMEN Allied Troops Also Oc­ ame street Buckland, was pleas­ Yes, For More Than Ws’rs. s4dresstM wanton. H ran aac4 1 Lb. Leon Ground Beef (39c) Nazis Roll Totrard Medi­ cupy Bougie* First George Johnson, son of Mrs. antly surprised Sunday morning cash — tM to tSM — North Africa Drive Hannah Johnson of 00 Clinton to recelva a visit from a former A Quarter-Century ^ la ii (omsiunltr woHI aao that rou srt terranean as Hitler Second Front Pledge whs hw a ptobtam Extension to Terri­ atreet, left here Sunday for the school mate, Mias Shirley Crowe, ...tlM public, through funeral dimetora, It without ambanaaa- who ia now Mra John Robert BeU, which each can cohre. stont or dolor, on Lb. Sliced Bocon (20c) .Tears Up Armistice, Cheat Lakaa Naval Trataiing ata- baa purchasing Elmore Ckmcrete e onewtar siw ar a )itol roar own ctmo- tory East of Algiers; Gon. naar Chicago, after a ten* wife of Sorgvant Ben, who is sta­ Burial Vaolta. Never have we allowed navarwt^ltanans: lofo. Ihoro to no dll- Agreement; Future of Revived by Churchill Not Bar to Others 4day tarlough spent with his tioned in Ireland. Mra Bell la liv­ aaklss eiffIcalUas acottr la handUaa French Reports Con­ the strength or durability of one of oar ownlhlr Itoiriitonto on 4 Lbs. No. 1 Saaaily. Ha has eomplatad his four ing with another Army officer's vaults to be lessened. Today, only ma­ France Twisted into tinue to Ef wseks Tmot' training at the naval wifs in Naugatuck. terials carefully tested In OUR OWN ataneaa la which a onmto: Roosevelt Says Limit­ Station and returns there this waU-slannaS teas to McIntosh Apples (25c) Explosive Question Attack WiU Be Made Named as Leader | LABORATORY go into Elmore Vaolta.
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