US 20070292592A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0292592 A1 Zasypkin et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 20, 2007 (54) SALT REPLACING COMPOSITION, (21) Appl. No.: 11/453,112 PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION AND FOOD SYSTEMIS CONTAINING SUCH (22) Filed: Jun. 15, 2006 COMPOSITION Publication Classification (51) Int. C. (75) Inventors: Dmitriy V. Zasypkin, A2.3L I/237 (2006.01) Cockeysville, MD (US); Michael (52) U.S. Cl. ....................................................... 426/649 A. Porzio, Monkton, MD (US) (57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: A salt replacing composition for replacing Sodium chloride OBLON, SPIVAK, MCCLELLAND MAIER & in food contains a major amount of potassium chloride, in NEUSTADT, P.C. combination with ammonium chloride, Sucrose, one or more 194O DUKE STREET of disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate, an organic acid, and a salt of glutamic acid. A reduced sodium chloride ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 composition contains the Salt replacing composition and Sodium chloride. A food containing the salt replacing com (73) Assignee: McCormick & Company, Sparks, position and a process for making the salt replacing com MD (US) position. US 2007/0292592 A1 Dec. 20, 2007 SALT REPLACING COMPOSITION, Earlier patents including U.S. Pat. Nos. 1,874,055 and PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION AND 1,772,183, replaced sodium with acids and acidic salts in FOOD SYSTEMIS CONTAINING SUCH various combinations with some Success. However, unbal COMPOSITION anced sour or chalky notes precluded significant use of Such salt Substituting compositions. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0009. Other patents have focused on potassium chloride 0001 1. Field of the Invention (KCl) as a major component in Salt Substituting composi 0002 The present invention relates to a salt replacing tions. Depending on concentration and application level. composition. The invention further relates to food, season KCl imparts a Sour salty sensory perception with very ings, and flavorings that contain the salt replacing compo significant metallic and bitter off-notes. Masking of these sition. The invention also relates to a process of flavoring a unacceptable off-notes has become a major challenge and food by including the salt replacing composition of the has been attempted with a number of food ingredients, invention. including various salts, organic acids, salts of the organic 0003 2. Discussion of the Background acids, Sweeteners, hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, autolyzed 0004 Salt in the form of sodium chloride is known to yeasts, amino acids and their salts, most recently salts of perform multiple functions in foods, including taste nucleic acids. enhancement, preservation of foods by Suppressing micro (0010 U.S. Pat. No. 2,471,144 to Davy describes a salt bial activity and texture modification, as well as many other substitute composition containing 66% KC1, 12% NHCl, uses. High sodium intake favors the body's retention of 17% starch, 3% potassium formate, 1% calcium formate, water, which can cause hypertension, a proven risk factor in and 1% magnesium citrate. The composition imparts strong the development of heart disease, heart failure, strokes, and acidity, is moderately salty and, has cardboard and metallic kidney disease. It has been recently recognized that a aftertastes. reduced level of sodium in foods could lead to a significant (0011 U.S. Pat. No. 4.243,691 to Mohlenkamp et al. reduction in Stroke and heart disease. describes a composition containing 33.3% potassium chlo 0005. Many national and international organizations have ride, 26.5% dipotassium orthophosphate, 25.8% hydrolyzed published advisory guidelines for salt intake. Dietary Guide vegetable protein (HVP), 10.5% glucose, 2% 5'-guanosinic lines for Americans, jointly published in 2005 by the US acid and 1.9% 5'-inosinic acid. In addition to salty notes the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the composition has significant umami. Some metallic, strong Department of Agriculture (USDA) state that “on average, meaty, and slight chalky notes. the higher an individual’s salt (sodium chloride) intake, the higher an individual’s blood pressure. Nearly all Americans 0012 U.S. Pat. No. 4,216,244 to Allen describes a low consume substantially more salt than they need’. The key Sodium salt seasoning. Two compositions are described in recommendations include a recommendation to consume particular: A) 92.4% KC1, 3% L-glutamic acid, 1% mono less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day (equivalent to about potassium glutamate (MPG), 1.3% potassium citrate, 1.3% one teaspoon or 5.75 g of salt) and an advice to consume potassium phosphate, 1% anticaking agent; and B) 90.5% potassium-rich foods including fruits and vegetables. For formula 1) plus 9.5% lactose. The composition A) signifi Some specific population groups including individuals with cantly masks metallic tastes. However, it also has a Sour bite, hypertension, individuals of African origin, and middle-aged unbalanced acidity, meaty mid- and after-taste. Composition or older adults the Guidelines recommend consumption of B), while mitigating some metallic, Sour and meaty notes, is less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day (3.75 g of salt) and a far from salty in overall character and imparts lower salt minimum daily potassium intake of 4,700 mg. The best intensity compared to composition A. Source of potassium is fruits and vegetables, which are rich 0013 U.S. Pat. No. 4,340,614 to Pich, et al., describes a in potassium in its acidic bicarbonate form. stringently sodium-restricted dietetic salt and its preparation. 0006. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) esti The composition comprises of 60-85%. KCl, 10-30% potas mates that the average individual daily intake of sodium in sium adipate, 2-5% potassium tartrate, 0.5-2% potassium Europe is 3-5 g (8-11 g salt) while only 1 g of salt per day glutamate, 0.5-2% adipic acid, 0.004-0.06% potassium ino is required to maintain nutritional balance. The UK Food sinate and/or potassium guanylate. The composition has low Standards Agency set a target of bringing down the average salty taste intensity, imparts significant sour and meaty notes UK salt intake to 6 g a day, acknowledging that too much that are especially obvious at the low salt intensity. salt is a significant risk factor in developing high blood (0014 EP 0125021 B1 to Kiyoshi et al. describes a pressure. According to the UK Food Standards Agency, high seasoning composition containing 100 parts KCl, 1.5-30 blood pressure can triple the risk of heart disease and stroke. parts of calcium salt of organic acid (e.g., calcium lactate), The World Health Organization (WHO/FAO, 2005) recom 1-30 parts salt of glutamic acid (e.g., monosodium glutamate mends 5 g of salt as the daily intake limit. (MSG)), or/and 0.01-5 parts of nucleotides (e.g., salts of 0007. There is a significant need to reduce dietary sodium 5'-inosinate and/or 5'-guanylate). The composition imparts intake much of which (up to 75%) originates in processed relatively low salt intensity, very significant meaty and slight foods manufactured by the food industry and the related bitter/metallic notes. food service sector. There is also a need to balance sodium 00.15 EP 0124254 B1 to Arciszewski at al. describes a intake with an increased level of potassium. salt Substitute composition. The composition contains 0008. There have been numerous attempts to address the 70-98% KCl, 1-20% nonreducing sugar (sucrose preferred), issue by Substituting Sodium with potassium or other food 0.15-5% anticalking agent (tricalcium phosphate), 0.3-15% salts or acids. Compositions that are used to replace or organic acid (adipic), 0.5-10% glutamate salt (MPG pre Substitute for sodium chloride are known as Salt replacing ferred). The composition has some unbalanced sour, chalky compositions or sodium chloride replacing compositions. and metallic/meaty notes. US 2007/0292592 A1 Dec. 20, 2007 0016 U.S. Pat. No. 5,064,663 to Murray, et al. describes true salty character. There is a need for improved salt a sodium chloride Substitute containing autolyzed yeast and replacing compositions having desirable taste characteris ammonium chloride. The composition contains: A) one part tics. ammonium chloride to about 4 parts autolyzed yeast or B) KCl 0.5 to 20 parts by weight to one part of autolyzed yeast SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION and ammonium chloride mixture as in claim A). The com positions have overpowering meaty notes and some metallic 0022. Accordingly, it is one object of the present inven notes. tion to provide a salt replacing composition. 0017 U.S. Pat. No. 5,853,792 to Zolotov et al. describes 0023. It is another object of the invention to provide a salt a low sodium edible salt composition and process for its replacing composition that can efficiently mask metallic/ preparation. The composition contains 0-50% NaCl, 45-99. bitter notes of potassium chloride, enhance salty character, 5%. KCl and at least 0.5% additives, which comprise at least and increase the intensity of the true salty taste while one edible nucleotide monophosphate salt, a burnt Sugar, and keeping the overall taste balanced. at least one member other than said nucleotide monophos 0024. It is another object of the invention to provide a salt phate salt for example a low molecular weight organic acid replacing composition that may be efficiently used as a (preferred citric, tartaric, lactic, gluconic and acetic), phos sodium chloride/table salt replacer for topical and/or ingre phoric acid (sodium pyrophosphate preferred), phosphate dient mix applications. salt, a magnesium salt and Sugar. The composition imparts 0025. It is another object of the invention to provide bitter/metallic and meaty notes if taken without sodium condiments and intermediate food preparations such as chloride. In presence of at least 25% by weight of sodium dough, minced meat, cheese curd, coatings and other food chloride, the off notes are reduced.
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