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Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mathoda. 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 MKaOCOW RESOUITION TKT CHART (ANSI or>d ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 Ifi^ 1^ '" ^ 1 1.8 m«u 1.6 /APPLIED IfvVCE I, J,e5J Eoit Morr 31,,,, H609 us* 1/--/..1 i^'m^ •-^. mm REV JOHN MORTON, D.D. 1910 JOHN MORTON OK TRINIDAD lu llif E..t In.li.n, j„ ,|„, ||,i,i,^ ^^,^^, ,^ ,j^ JoiHNALS. LkttEHH AND PapEHS Ki.ITKD UV SAK ! ' E. MORTON With Illustrations and Ma WESTMINSTER COMPANV TORONTO 191« PREFACE j It is with no assumed diffidence, but with a profound sense of its shortcomings that I venture to present as my last offering to my Church this sketch of mission work. To many readers it cannot fail to t be unsatisfactory ; something more searching, more comprehensive will be I desired. By way of apology I will state ; my reasons for the attempt. Much of the material is only to be found in private letters and papers ; many of these were so delapidated, partly through the effects of a tropical chmate, that they crumbled to the touch and would shortly have become useless. Dr. Morton frequently spoke of the need for some such record, especially of the earliest days It was suggested to him that he should undertake the task more particularly during his furlough of 1909- 1910. He seemed, however, to shrink from it, and mstead turned his attention to the searching of records in the British museum and the writing of what we have caUed " Chapters on the History of the Island." At that date and more than once Dr. Morton proposed that I should write some account of our work m Trinidad to be edited by himself. This I vv^ry naturally shrank from considering so long as there remained any possiblity of its being done by himself. ' IV FRBPACB I was brought to decide upon the present under- taking by finding, not till after he had passed away, all his note books removed from their ordinary and secluded corners and piled high in the cer're of a writing table in his office. I then gathered, lected and arranged consecutively my material ai sub- mitted the result to my son, Arthur S. V.,rton, whose assistance made this volume possible. The framing and arrangement are largely his. We are sensible that the result displays the defects incident to its processes, and others due to the desultory way in which the notes were originally recorded. We offer this volume then for what it may be worth in the present dearth of helps to the study of mission work in Trinidad, satisfied that I have at least preserved much that may be found useful, and been able to give a nearer view than is often possible of a missionary at his task. Portions of my material have appeared at date in the Maritime Monthly, called later the Maritime Presbyterian, in the Presbyterian Record and in the Presbyterian Witness ; of these same papers, how- ever, a goodly number are in my possession in Dr. Morton's own hand-writing. A number of the plates for the illustrations were secured by the Mission Council of Trinidad for a sketch published by them on the occasion of the Ministerial Jubilee of Dr. Morton in 191 1. For some we are indebted to the H. Strong Studio, Port of Spain, Trinidad, and for many photographs to Mr. George Adhar, an East Indian photographer of excellence, and a prominent member of the Susamachar congregation, San Fernando. Asto the text, all that is of recent authorship is given in the larger type. The smaller type is devoted to extracts from Dr. Morton's journals, letters, etc., PREFACE y and also from my own letters which are initialled at the beginning, thus S.E.M. Square brackets denote changes or additions to the originals. Lastly, I trust that in the near future such a history of the Trinidad Mission may appear as shall place on record the faithful work of the noble men and women who along with my husband bore the burden and heat of the early days in Trinidad. Toronto, July, 1916. Sarah E. Morton. My part in preparing this volume can be briefly explained. My mother submitted a large number of selections from my father's Journals and Papers.
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