THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1932 TOftRANCE HERALD. Torrance, Calif. PAGE 3-B 1 BABY NEEDS NEW .SHOES What's On Next Week In Nearby Theatres WE5JC OF THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY WON DAV TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Fab. 11 to, Feb. 17 FEBRUARY 11 FEBRUARY 12 FEBRUARY 13 FEBRUARY 14 FEBRU IkRY 15 FEBRUARY 16 FEBRUARY 17 ^^^^H "THE LEO CARRILLO XV It 41 DOUGLAS V**^. v A | JHIH^HH Bros. SECRET -THE GUILTY *| 1**,^*% "'T^ fi.ai-i.rfcf 8AN PEDRO j WITNESS" GENERATION" VxIIlUll itoVioiBu. J^CLJVJl Him VT*Aiiiukswr CONSTANCE CUMMINGS JLV FOX i O 99 —2 FEATURE PICTURES eje^e^e^ H^en^H. 'The Guardsman' s^f ^E° " S K Y D E V 1 1i iJ % RUTH CHATTERTON in GRANADA 1 IlC VlUai UdillalK ,.THE-*^NET with an ALL STAR CAJ3T "Tomorrow and Tomorrow" WILMWGTON with ALFRED LUNT, PATROL" Monday Night Only- ALSO H^^PHn General or Any ROLAND YOUNG Admission bwCTime and JZASU PITTS with ^^n"°^ AUCTION NITE - G IFTS "X Marks The Spot" «at fox redondo i''ox Chain Under a t.warner.•'.'' ',• ' 1_bros, . the-, . srr«cnfoui. attraction.(tays, playln!? H is lhrouBhbooked K<t><jgister Now Death Valley Gets New Management fian nedrO Wednesday. DouKlas Fairbanks, For Election Phone Connections 'Shanghai Express" and oan pt-u^iu Jr is thp stai. ana the ona,.mlng Five hundred theaters of the Held April 11 "Emma" Coming N«xt Joan Blondell plays opposite him. Death Valley, enshrouded for ^^MBT' ^^ Week ^-cst coast and middle west are T I pierce l today by telephone lent February 15 when Skouras Booked at San Pedro favorites have been cast together, eonling municipal election on April voices Friday'and Saturday at the Fox f for 1 Iros., chain theater operators ot ShOW House "Union Depot" la a rare combl- 11 must register before midnight le first time. Redondo Tlieatre, Marlene Dietrtch ' The appears with Clive Brook. In an Jew York, take over the Kox West nation of comedy, romance and of March 2. Under the new per- oast theaters and those of an- T ,ur«tay. Warner Bros, theatre ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ m& Watt- id-venture crammed to- the last kiss " nent regtstrat on law all must loo of many a western cmi- with drama, excitement and over- ' ther Fox Kllm subsidiary. ,; '/Ph* wil present a mystery play with -^ ^ & ^ ^^ ^^ ^_ ^ grant and now a mecc'ii for winter 'ox Redondo theater at Redorido a Ister this year, and failure* to I ''. ' .. *' C, HM>. A. S«*ice powering love. lot that is strangre and thrill- sl(les tne ,arKe cast whicn takoB ^ tourls t«, obtained its first vo oe Where courage counts for every- {each. Fox Plaza ut Hawthorne, . e after, registration will deprive I Little Indian Paul* has her moecasina repaired berween rtio cast includes William part |n tho story itself, many well-. conne ctions with the outside world, aets at the hlng! On the "Shanghai Ex- a nd Fox Granada at Wllmlngton "K citizen of th« privilege until I "Mission Play" by Amado Acoeta member oE the cost who oobblee in thei re among those included In the c<» Her, Jr., Una Merkel, Uasu known screen people portra/ char- e follow ing completion of a $25,000 I manner of the presB," tho, train that starts from ' ts I'aiil llii'mt and others acters In the crowd of reregisters. 'Mrs. l^aura Andi'r- ancients when he is not playing his part. ransactlon. I' t travelers. "« telepi Peking as a special pleasure trip ', ,,",,,. Principals are Guy Kibbee, Alan eor , 1510 EnRracia, is one circuit connecting the riday, -The C'.uilty Generation.1 Hale In charge of and plunge;) Into a maelstrom of G(,orBf, Ro!,cncr, David Ij,n- tlu work in Torrance with Kdward adventure more dangerous than Eastern Folk Seek nes in for a two-day run. How (|IH1, Mary Doran. Rita Klynn, Polly cla rkson, 1915 220th street, and H. ami jther resorts, to tlm facilities "Frankenstein/' war a warfare of jealous lovers Startling Film. more devastating than an earth­ Dope On Torrance £m r parentST-how family ties others. deputies.. In Lomlta Mrs. Mabel O. V. reitzke. quake! With as manager ot the Marlene Dlctrtch as ma ke youns innocents guilty is "Union Depot" is regarded as Kr ckeon. 1101 Cypress street. Mrs. Southern CalUoniia Telephone the charming cause of it all and The fame of Torrance as a dc- tn theme .of thin production. A one of tho finer things brought to Kd na K. Lynne, Carl Stahnke, Mrs. Company. Begins Run at Torrance Tuesday Cl ve Hrook as the gallant man irable place In which to Itvp is th illing tale told In a forceful the screen this season. I 1. Kchrlver. Mrs. O. \V. Thistle For yearn, the. commimicat on d Helen Monroe are. llstln« the system in the territory favor of her arms. has been E 168 |V I'acked to the hrlm with thrills, ' .ated this week when residents of east headed by I,eo Carrillo. Con- TRUE STORY era. In Harbor City Mrs. A. limited to a sitiRle railroad tele- Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, vo f\ and called by experts the most hree states wrote the Chamber of stance Cummings and H o b c r 1 , K. Asplttle and Mrs. Boy Woods graph circuit. The new telephone, 1 V original film ever to reach the Commerce - Mr literature and In- Young are the two young people » in chai'Ke, and In I'alos Verdea line has A woman UOM A N G E I, ES. <LM>.) ar boon Iniill f i om Baker, I Ascreen, Universal'* eerie "Franken- ELEMENTARY who Will "kid" anybody, ormallon rgardlnR this city. Let- who almost ioome to disaster, not.. Awakening from a fates, Mrs. Mary Kichn Is the California, situiiteri on even the vice president two-weeks'. Ka one of the 1 Vteln" will make Its debut at the of the U:rs were -received from Frank because of their own evil doing^ trance, Mrs. Rhoda Baatfo found, re ristrar. transcontinental telephone arte»i«». 1 Torrancc Theatre, next Tuesday, for School United States. That's Marie Dre»8- Slater, Webber. Kansas; Mrs. but because they 'are their parents' herself married to a hypnotist. His ReRlBtratlons for the primaries into the "valleV over n di«tanc« »ft" | a three-day run with Colin Clive, Notes Stanley Petera, Chicago, 111.; and children. , charm wore off with, the spell, so on May S wi 1 be taken up to HO miles. The present terminfcf [ Mao Clark. John Boles and 4ioris *- Miss Dressier "kidded" the Hon. G, H. Kendricks, Portland, Oregon. Sunday, '"Union Depot" will be the woman received a divorce. midnigrht. March 24. Is at 'Furnace Creek Inn. E The extraordinary story of a s plend d record in the matter o else was making long speeches 1 young scientist %vho brought a f re-drills. The main building an about the honor he paid them 1 human monster to life through fr rungaloWB are cleared, and pupl! In coming to, Hollywood Incident­ WANT TO LAUGH? S.EE THE weird electrical mechanisms and a re in orderly formation on th ally to see Miss Dressier awarded > surgery Is based upon the fantas- a chool ground in one minute ant the Academy of Motion- I'lctuie tic eighteenth century narrative f .tteen seconds. : of the same name written by Mary ; Shelley, Wife of the poet. Many pupils In the upper grade 1931. And Curtls admitted he got ; Karloft in his churac'terlxallbn ' TO advising their parents, at th a tremendous kick out of it. of the man monster, Is reported to euueut ot their teachers, to liste Mas Drcssler's latest drama was THE COLLEGE FLAPPER wear makeup weighinR 48 pounds ' n to the radio broadcasts belli written by Francis Marlp. also In ifsclf. Colin Clive, of "Journey's c onducted uy Florence Hale, pres the author ot "Min and Hi ,' the End** fame, was brought expressly c cnt of the National BduOatlo picture which won her the Aca - FIRST NATIONAL TORRANCE from London to cnact'the scientist, - Association, and Angclo Patr emy award. It is an intimati >i-und . Dwifcbt JStyt,,'.al "Dracula" ' amoim educator and writer. Thes story of American family 1 fe. de­ MUTUAL BLDG. & pluys the Important Dwarf of the 1 >rogran^8 are presented on S\m picting the career of a devoted BANK picture. Edward Van Sloan and ' lay at S:30 p. m. Pacific tlm housekeeper who become* the vic­ OF TORRANCE LOAN PAYS <o% Frederick Kerr complete the "cast. l >vor a nation-wide network in tim of a bitter will .contest. .Auspce! . f*?S&I The Biggest Event "Frankenstein" was written by ' hiding KKCA, I.OH Anijfle*. Tilt Wednesday and Thursday comes Mrs/. Mary 'Woibttonvrrol't Shelley, loscrlbe what the schools are do the screen, hit ."New" In every Poppy Flower Shop American Legion /(s£\ Baker Smith wile' of the \vnll '-known llrlllsh na to untich American life.. sense. RKO Radio Pictures' com- Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry : poet. It was written in n cottage edy-ilra'ma, "Fanny Folcy h ersel " Phone 307 Auxiliary ^jffj^ on the shore of Lake t'omo in a. Programi* of unusual interes Is said to be a "new" pic tura In EverStaSedIn It Is a DeBra Radio Co. Sandy & Scotty and. with two of his friends. The amoUH Americans born in tl relrcHhlnK story presenting, a Hove] Phona 370-W competition wus to produce the month of rVbruary, arc ..lielng plot of motherlove, comedy , sacri- Directed by ^j^W . Torrance Satisfactory Men's Wear most minimal story.
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