FiUTH ETTINC TELLS INSIDE STORY OF HER RISE TO STARDOM (Turn to Page Six) a The NATIONAL WEEKLY of PROGRAMS and PERSONALITIES Volume 1 Chicago, III., Week of August 28 -September 3, 1932 Number 45 JAZZ KINGS IN BATTLE! THERE'S a real, honest -to -goodness war raging on the radio. It's a swell war, very sporting, and beside it the late lamented war between and among the crooners was a mere rear guard action. Mostly this new war is being fought with press agent smoke screens and gas. It's the Battle of the Bands. It's the only war on record in which the public has ever had anything to say. In fact, in this war, the public is going to be referee-if wars have referees-and between now and January 1st the public will raise the baton of some band leader and shout: "Hail, the new King of Jazz." Not that Jazz hasn't a King now-Paul Whiteman. But there are plenty of batoneers after "Slim" Whiteman's King job. If all their batons were stacked together they would make a nice load of firewood. All of a sudden there has been a tremendous rise in the popularity of the band leaders. They used to be musicians. Now they're national heroes. ' Their fan mail rolls in by the truck load, and you can almost see the (Continued on Page Fifteen) Paul Whiteman, upper right, is battling to keep his crown as King of Jazz. Among those who are after that crown are Ben Bernie, upper left, Ted Weems, lower left, and Guy Lom- bardo, lower right. Jane Froman, below, would like to be called Queen of Jazz. www.americanradiohistory.com Page 2 RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE Marconi Bends Airicatures Air Gar Wood New Air Waves Kaye Don Race Gugliemo Marconi has successfully trans- Gar Wood's desperate attempt to retain mitted radio telephone and radio messages his title of world speedboat supremacy from his yacht "Electra," in the Gulf of against contender Kaye Don, of England, will be described over NBC networks from Aranci to a point in Sardina about 170 miles microphones along the course and from an away, using the 57-centimeter wave (slightly amphibian plane circling the scene of battle, over one-half meter), according to a well- Lake St. Clair. founded report. Listeners will hear the descriptions of the initial race over an If the report is true, almo: limitless wave NBC network at 6:15 a. m. (CDST) this Friday, September lengths for all sorts of broadcasting and tele- 2nd. A second race will be run on Satur- vision will be opened up. day, September 3rd, and listeners will tune By bending the waves, Marconi is said in a report of it at the same time. to have extended their penetrative power Kaye Don, representing Great Britain, will drive Miss England Ill., owned by Lord and their range to overcome obstacles arid to Charles Wakefield of Hythe, in which he continue to follow the earth's surface instead recently made 119 miles an hour. Gar of bouncing weakly off into space at the Wood, veteran American speeder, will pilot horizon. Miss America X., thirty-eight foot hydro- plane, powered Nearly all experiments in country and with four twelve cylinder this motors. abroad so far have shown that ultra high Each race consists of five turns around à frequencies leave the earth at a tangent from measured seven mile course, making a total the horizon and thus carry audible signals of thirty-five miles. The course is in Lake St. only to the horizon. That is how they came Clair off Grosse Pointe, Mich. NBC microphones will be set up at several to be called line -of -sight frequencies. To points along the course, so that the speed obtain greater horizons, the experimentators boats will be in constant sight. A short have erected higher and higher towers or have wave set installed in the amphibian will be gone to high peaks for their transmission. used to report further developments from the air vantage to the radio reporter below. Dr. Louis Cohen, noted mathematical Tremendous competition is expected from scientist declared that the Marconi develop- the British contender in his effort to capture ment was highly important, if correctly re- the Harmsworth trophy from Gar Wood. ported, for no one has yet bent the ultra - Wood has held it since 1920. This is the short waves to follow the curvature of the Eighteenth International Harmsworth com- earth. petition. Nearest outlet WIR, Detroit, Michigan. Networks Compete MCA Head Sees for Stations New Prosperous Year The networks are playing puss-in -the - corner again-this time with station outlets Jules C. Stein, president of the Music instead of artists. Corporation of America, sounded a note of Station KSL, former NBC outlet, was optimism regarding prospective business con- weaned away from its mother affiliation last ditions, during a recent interview when he week when CBS signed the station, with declared that "the music and radio business power to operate on 50,000 watts. Recently Clue: Ever Ready. is due for a prosperous financial year." Mr. Stein, whose company manages the WHAS, Louisville, also left its NBC affilia- Ten dollars will be awarded each week to the winners of RADIO GUIDE'S tion to join the Columbia network. AIRICATURES CONTEST. Just identify the radio personage above and send the affairs of 125 radio and dance orchestras in Station KDYL, in Salt Lake City, has name, together with your comment of the artist's program, to AIRICATURES, America, said that he saw better times ahead become an associate station of NBC, re- care of RADIO GUIDE. $5.00 first prize, $3.00 second prize and $2.00 third after he had examined a survey showing placing KSL on that network. It was former- prize will be awarded to the persons correctly naming the artist and sending that his company will record a substantial ly CBS. in the best comment, not exceeding 200 words. All entries for this week's increase for 1932 over the past year. contest must be postmarked not later than Wednesday, August 31st. Meantime, the two organizations maintain "According to the report I have just read,'( a lively competition in the matter of high said Mr. Stein, "a new confidence, a new powered transmitters. NBC now boasts a hope, is being exhibited by leading business- total of 825,000 watts for the eighty-six sta- WLS Barn Dance Santley, Stage Star men all over the country. This cannot help tions that form its several networks, while but reflect in better times for music pub- CBS shows about 310,000 watts in the ag- Features Guest Acts Makes Radio Debut lishers, dance orchestras and radio." gregate for its ninety odd member stations. The WLS Barndancers, those Prairie Joseph Santley, veteran of the stage and Mr. Stein pointed to a two-day engage- ment When the smoke of battle clears-that is Farmer favorites who have been coaxing screen, will make his radio debut this Sun- of Wayne King's orchestra recently as when both networks stop swapping outlets- thousands to the Eighth Street Theater each day, as the star of the "Roses and Drums" a prosperity example. At that time, the it will be found that the total power of all Saturday night, will be on deck as usual broadcast to be heard over the Columbia "Waltz King" played to an attenderce of 5,015 NBC stations will be somewhat over 1,000,000 this Saturday-but with a new bag of tricks. network from 5:30 to 6 p. m. (CDST). persons and the following night played to 6,109 watts, while CBS will nearly double its pres- The Cumberland Ridge Runners; the After Santley rose to stardom on the paid admissions. ent power to an aggregate of about 575,000 Maple City Four; Arkansas Woodchopper; stage as hero of "The Queen of Moulin watts. Three Little Maids; Hugh Cross and Linda Rouge," he appeared in a long list of suc- Parker; Ralph Waldo Emerson-in fact, the cesses, including his own, "Just Fancy." Re- whole gang will be there to demonstrate their cently he has directed such stars as the Four specialties. Marx Brothers, Wheeler and Wolsey, and Airicatures Winners The Chicago Show will be augmented this Helen Twelvetrees through several success- RadioGuide The Airicature for the Week of August 14 21r NAT)ONAL WssaLY .f PsOGeAYs ..d PsasONALIrIaa Saturday by special guest acts. Doors open ful motion pictures. was Charles at 7:30 p. m. Local outlet WBBM. Hughes Vol. 1-No. 45 Ang. 28 -Sept. 3 FIRT PRIZE -$5.00 Published Weekly by Radio Guide inc. Sally Daniels, 411 West Fourth St., General Office Beebe Broadcasts from Sea's Depths Ottumwa, Iowa. 423 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Ill. SECOND PRIZE-$3.00 Telephone Wabash 8848 If "many brave souls are asleep in date, is 1,426 the deep," to feet in which the pressure Miss Lillie Benson, Route No. 2, No., was Herbert 8nnoer, PHIL -.Tames E. Powell, Gen. Mgr. William Beebe is going to hunt them out 6,732,469 pounds, or 650 pounds per St. Paul, Minneapolis. F. square inch. Edward Fisher. Managing Editor and introduce them to NBC audiences some- THIRD PRIZE-42.00 D. 14. Northam, Adv. Mgr. "Under these conditions," says Beebe, time next month, when he descends to Davy Alma Therese Link, Knapp Street Rd., Branch Offices "there is no possibility of drowning if a Oshkosh, Wisconsin. New York. N. Y. 475 5th Ave., Tel.
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