Northwestern College, Iowa NWCommons The lC assic, 1960-1969 The lC assic Fall 1969 The lC assic, Fall 1969 Public Relations Northwestern College - Orange City Follow this and additional works at: https://nwcommons.nwciowa.edu/classic1960 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The lC assic at NWCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The lC assic, 1960-1969 by an authorized administrator of NWCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -----~--ll ~~l I :l~:~:: .[ ~ ·1 @§J i j ~ j ~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ 1 ] ~ ·1 OJ ~ > ""co. 8 OJ '1 lz .\ ~ ~ '- '1 :I ~ ·1 ~ '1 " .1 E3 .1 E3 ·i, ~ ~ @ u p i .LJd"'lQ~H?I;J ~ ! u ...... ~ ~ ~l( PLANT A TREE! Everything on our campuses teaches. If a campus were ugly or drab and un- Did you wonder about the unusual interesting, we would be quietly but con- cover? It's the landscape plan for the stantly teaching one thing. If it is South Campus Dormitory and dining hall. carefully, usefully and attractively de- It was developed by William Heard of signed, we teach sensitivity to beauty. It Heard Gardens, Des Moines, Iowa, a need cost no more to develop a beautiful gifted, widely respected landscape con- campus than a drab one. The difference is sultant who takes a warm personal in- in quality of design. terest in Northwestern. There is also the problem of Dutch Elm disease. It reached Orange City this Why must Northwestern College be summer. I have seen lovely campuses lose concerned not only about landscaping, their elm trees and look like a plucked but about a soundly conceived, long- chicken neck. We must plant in anticipa- range plan for campus landscaping? Be- tion of losing all, or most, of the majestic cause it relates very directly to several 75 year old elms on campus. important educational goals we have set At another place in this issue, Edward for ourselves. For example, at present we Stetson will tell you how you can have a are preparing for our periodic revisit by part in helping develop this valuable, our accrediting agency, the North Central multi- faceted part of our program. What- Association of Schools and Colleges. In ever you do will serve not only this gener- preparing our pre-visit report to the as- ation, but many generations to come. So sociation, we have had student com- join with us. Plant a tree! mittees and faculty committees make a careful appraisal of all aspects of the Lars I. Granberg college including curriculum, library, in- struction, and the college plant and property. The faculty committee study- ing our plant pointed their finger at our campus landscaping as one area of needed improvement. Their point was, that while we have some fine trees on our campus, there are too few varieties to make the campus as useful as it should be for in- structional purposes. Through careful planning and planting, the campus will become a fine botany laboratory. It should include not only specimens of representative trees and shrubs that thrive in our latitude, but experiments with microclimatic conditions that can extend the range of desirable plants that do not thrive under ordinary conditions in this latitude. Campus planting must, however, teach more than botany. Man, Scripture tells us, is created in God's image. This is seen most clearly in such distinctly human characteristics as self-consciousness, lang- uage, personal relation, humor, creativity, reason and the sense of beauty. God speaks of Himself to us through beauty. Whether it be microscopic rock crystals, the pattern of snowflakes, tiny alpine flowers or the majestic grandeur of a Nia- gara or Mount Ranier, what God has made is beautiful. Responsible Christian higher education must make proper pro- vision for the development of the sense of beauty as well as other personal qualities. 2 Pep Rally ~ VOLUME 41, NO.2 - FALL 69/70 - MEMBER OF THE AMERlCAN ALUMNI COUNCIL CLASSIC STAFF EDITOR .... Edward L. Stetson Secretary Doris L. Kraai Alumni Secretary .... Agnes Steunenberg ALUMNI BOARD OFFICERS President Henry Van Aartsen '54 the classic Vice-President Don Schreur '53 Secretary Myrna King '65 northwestern Treasurer Darryl Turnwall '63 BOARD MEMBERS college Del De Haan '48 Jack Vander Wilt '46 alumni news Esther Aalberts '31 Bill Boote '61 Kathy McKinstrey '54 Willis Rozeboom '55 Genevieve Mouw '38 CONTENTS: 3 STAFF AND BOARD-HOMECOMING SCHEDULE. 4 CANDIDATES FOR BACHELORS DEGREES. 5 GRADUATION STORY. 6 CULTURAL AFFAIRS. 7 FACULTY NEWS. 8 NEW ADMINSTRATORS. 9-10 NEWS RELEASES. 11, 13 GIFTS-DEATHS-ALUMNI NEWS. 14 MARRIAGES-BIRTHS. 15 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE. 3 Summa Cum Laude Sharon Lorae Doorenbos, B.S. ..... .Boyden, Iowa Ardys Jane Hesselink, B.S.... Whitby, Ontario, Canada Jerry Lee Massmann, B.S. .. Paullina, Iowa Linda Ruth Van Roekel, B.A Ireton, Iowa Magna Cum Laude Mariel G. Schubert, B.S Little Rock, Iowa Cum Laude David P. Boersma, B.A Springfield, South Dakota Charlene A. Brower, B.S. Orange City, Iowa David L. Dierenfeld, B.A Chandler, Minnesota Mary Lynn Heemstra Edwards, B.S.. Orange City, Iowa Terry Clayton Hill, B.A Sutherland, Iowa Gloria Swier Kempers, B.S Orange City, Iowa Sandra Sue Liesveld, B.S. Holland, Nebraska Myrna Ann Muilenburg, B.A Edgerton, Minnesota Arlys Imogene Pannkuk, B.S. .Titonka, Iowa Elizabeth Lammers Van Wyk, B.S George, Iowa 1969 Candidates For The Bachelors Degree Marilyn Marie Arney, B.S: . .... Orange City, Iowa Barbara E. Haack, B.S. Sheldon, Iowa Nancy Elaine Benson, B.S. .Arnolds Park, Iowa Duane H. Haack, B.S. Hospers, Iowa Kenneth Bruce Bernatz, B.A. .Weehawken, New Jersey Rickey Dolphus Hames, B.S Hawthorne, New Jersey Dean Jay Bieser, B.S Sanborn, Iowa Harold Edward Hamstra, B.S Hawthorne, New Jersey Mary Ellen Bimmel, B.S Sheboygan, Wisconsin Conrad G. Harthoorn, B.S Orange City, Iowa Iris Lintner Bjork, B.S. .. Archer l Iowa James Gary Hilbrands, B.S Clara City, Minnesota Marcia Kay Bleeker, B.S. Ireton, Iowa Charlene Ruth Hoekstra, B.S. .. Blomkest, Minnesota Mary Lou Blom, B.S. .. Orange City, Iowa Delwin L. Howard, B.S Apple Valley, California Leane Kaye Bodle, B.S. Sheldon, Iowa Roger Dean Huitink, B.A. Alton, Iowa Audrey E. Boelkes, B.S. Titonka, Iowa Harriet Hulstein, B.S. Maurice, Iowa June Elaine Bosgraaf, B.S. Chicago, Illinois Patricia Lou Tuinstra Irwin, B.S Sanborn, Iowa Sherwood D. Bouma, B.S Sioux Center, Iowa Robert Allen Jabaay, B.S Oak Lawn, Illinois Barry Marvin Brandt, B.S. .. Lake Park, Iowa Magnolia Jackson, B.S Brewton, Alabama Patricia L. Click, B.S. Peterson, Iowa Marcia Jackson, B.A. Brewton, Alabama Delores L. Colwell, B.S. .. .. George, Iowa Carl Lee Jacobsma, B.S. Sibley, Iowa Marian E. Dalton, B.S. Paullina, Iowa Bennis J. Jans, B.S. Orange City, Iowa Deborah Gail Darnell, B.A Brooklyn, New York Kenneth C. Jansma, B.S Maurice, Iowa Evan E. De Boer, B.S. Sioux Center, Iowa Duane E. Jenner, B.S Scotland, South Dakota Linda Vermeer De Boer, B.S Sioux Center, Iowa Linda Juffer, B.S Sioux Center, Iowa Marilyn Marie De Boer, B.S.. Springfield, South Dakota Darlene Marie Jurgens, B.S Thornton, Iowa Kaye De Jong, B.S Orange City, Iowa Thomas James Keizer, B.S Alton, Iowa Viola Marie Bonestroo DengJer, B.S.. Rock Rapids, Iowa Karl O. Kempers, B.S Orange City, Iowa Darwin E. De Vries, B.S : . Alton, Iowa Barbara Hope Klay, B.A. Orange City, Iowa Dale Olivier Duits, B.S Rock Valley, Iowa Barbara Ann Kleis, B.S. Hospers, Iowa Janice Mae Dykhuizen, B.S Sioux Center, Iowa John W. Kooyenga, B.S Calumet City, illinois Gerald Arvin Dykstra, B.A. .. George, Iowa Donna Draayer, Kosters, B.S Webb, Iowa Linda June Dykstra Ebbens, B.S Sanborn, Iowa Wendell Todd Ebbens, B.S Riverdale, Illinois Frances Elenbaas, B.s Orange City, Iowa Steven Earl Ellsworth, B.S Beaver Creek, Minnesota Allen D. Faber, B.S Orange City, Iowa Ronald W. Folkert, B.S Holland, Michigan NORTHWESTERN Kandy King Foreman, B.S Melvin, Iowa CLASSIC Gregory Eugene Franken, B.S. Sioux Center, Iowa ORANGE CITY, IOWA Claryce Hymans Gorzeman, B.S. .. Hull, Iowa George H. Grammerstorf, B.A. Cliffside Park, New Jersey Entered as second class matter at the Berenda Kaye Green, B.S Brewton, Alabama Post Office at Orange City, Iowa. Darlene Sharon Gregan, B.S Phoenix, Arizona Published quarterly as the Bulletin of Richard Albert Griessel, B.S Albany, New York Northwestern College, Orange City, Calvin Lowell Groen, B.A. Orange City, Iowa Iowa 51041. 4 Esther Krieger, B.S. Sibley, Iowa Marcia L. Ten Clay, B.S. Sioux Center, Iowa Sandra Lynn Kroon, B.S. Boyden, Iowa Shinichi Teramoto, B.S Tokyo, Japan Kenneth R. Kwikkel, B.A. Sioux Center, Iowa Philipose Thomas, B.A. Kerala, India Shirley JoAnn Lamfers, B.S. George, Iowa Eugene Gilbert Thomsen, B.S. Linn Grove, Iowa James H. Lancaster, B.A Orange City, Iowa Richard C. Tyssen, B.A. Chicago, Illinois Warren L. Langstraat, B.A. Sibley, Iowa Alvin Van Abbema, B.S. Orange City, Iowa Loretta Lewis, B.A. Brewton, Alabama Ronald L. Van Berkum, B.S Rock Valley, Iowa Joyce Lukkes, B.A. .. Springfield, South Dakota Zeanna Van Egdom, B.S. .. Paullina, Iowa Harley Andrew McDowell, B.S. .Primghar, Iowa Robert J. Van Gelder, B.S. Alton, Iowa Gerald J. Meendering, B.A. .. Rock Valley, Iowa Tony Van Heiden, B.A. Colton, South Dakota Shirley Meendering, B.S Sioux Center, Iowa Frederick Peter Van Kempen, Jr., B.A. Glenmont. N.Y. Dean R. Meeter, B.A Corsica, South Dakota Judy Lynn Van Peursem, B.S Luverne, Minnesota Thomas Dale Menning, B.S.
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