FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION WASHINTON D C 20461 THIS IS THE BEGIIi OF MUR # DATE FILmED CAMERA No CAER4WI JAv1/ Me* ou' %" " P.O. Box 9335 Chafanooga, TN 37412 * (615) 867-2110 " ' October 11 1993 - 2 r' fl ULI _3 4rY BY TELEFAX AND CERTIFIED US MAIL ,3. Federal Election Commission 999 E Street. N' Washington. DC 2046, To Whom It Ma%Concern I am formally requesting an inestigation into the campaign practices of Zach Wanip. Congressional candidate in Tennessee Congressional District I for 1994 Mr Wamp Nas an unsuccessful candidate for this distrct in 1992. At that time, he filed the appropriate FEC Forms 1 & 2 for the 1992 campaign At the end of the race. his campaign committee was debt free. Subsequently. Mr Wamp has raised apprommately $40.000 and spent approMmately $20,000 pursuant to his June 30. 1993 FEC report Since there is no pnor campaign debt. this money raised must be for the next election cycle w hich is 1994. The report dated June 30. indicated he had a cash balance of approximately $30.000. Mr. Wamp has also mailed campaign solicitations indicating his intention to run in 1994. I am enclosing a copry of said letter with the addressee omitted to protect pnvac. Finallv. in media articles. Mr Wamp has referred to himself not onh as a candidate but as the front runner I am enclosing a copy. of the relevant articles. I believe that Mr Wamp's actions are that of a candidate and not an individual testing the waters. According to your office. as of today. Mr Wamp has continued to ignore the regulation. In total disregard for Federal Election lav. something an expenenced candidate as Mr. Wamp should know,, he has failed to file a neN% Statement of Candidac %withthe Federal Election Comnussion. I understand that %ourdivision is overuhelmed %,ithinestigations. hoveer. your prompt attention to this most flagrant breach of campaign lav. is requested so that no further violations will be attempted by Mr. Wanip If additional information is required, please fecl free to contact me Sincerck' F Scott LeRo\ Camlaign Frcxi'-ure r Zach Wampo Cmpae Courage and Commitment Congress in '94 Tennesee's Third DI -4 , September 14, 1993 cO .V Dear The suninicr of 1,4,-3 has been a real challenge in maws vas Bill Clinton and Congress passcd the largest ta\ increase in histor\ record floods and droupht de%astatcd much of our countB and. here at homec. ,,C 1o%k r,:aii,'-c tfiat in order to tinaii\, unseat Marl\ni Ll&,J I -nust ,euntlf,:. t,' tlc, a il'tai. c assault from \%ithin our o%,rn parts Whilec k ha,,e taken sonic "hlits" from our political opposition In rce,.nt 111t011 I I-0 ,:ncourag,:d to report that \%c are stronger than e'.cr After all. a battleship is able to Like serious hits %%ithout losing its the long effectiveness We finallh resolved a potential liabilt\ last month \%hen %\csettled "out of court" se'.cral standing ciil la\ssuit against m\, famil\ o\.er the con.struction of a condominium project Dspite of erroneous ne%%spaper articles, all debts have bcen satisfied in full As a matter of fact. I am having one m-, best years ever in commercial real estate as I prepare to become a full-time candidate next spring It has been a long time since the %oters of the Third District "sere cxcitcd about thCr representation in 1992 in Washington We can be proud that we put together the "best organization since Bill Brock" win this seat With proper funding, continued determunation, and a positive issue-oriented campaign. \\c \%ill in Congress next year NI, opposition %Nill rcls on special interest funding through Political Action Committecs I \'.ill once again solicit onl,, indi'idual contnbutions and refuse PAC moncy Therefore. I need \our comnutment in order to compete If \ou ha,e alreadN made a conunitmcnt to the 94 campaign. TI ANK YOU VERY MI I I hope ,,ou \%ill b. able to do more If \ou ha'cn't. plca,c do so no.% b\ fillir- otI the cncloscd card and retumini withit sour check for S50. SIU. $25) or e%. SI tJ,'. \Ac met our to sta\ \.htln financial goal ofha:ng S30.Oku cash on hand b\ June 30 We must raise e'en more tils fall Marilyn Lloyd and the special interest groups Thank ,ou in ad~aicc for sour support U.. \) C hS.c u d Cii_,r n., .'kAIP CONGRES'S q4 w indo dca tr \c-, [ If,. OL L itplas ,~ it tu oncn W1 w,1no T.ha~ak '. U e~ Box 4331 * Teiriessee 374)5 * t 1 -2N5-(1) .S * ix 1 e1i5 3 _ 66 -6 ZachWimp on- INmmb 0 mdMm-- A-,Mt Congress In '94 Temaen's T*hl Dberct J"ne 11. 1993 Dear As a Wamp Congress supporeryou deserve an update on our Congressional campaign. Marilyn Lloyd is cumtly seeking an Tpxoinunem from the Clinton Administra - with TVA. or with the newly created US. En.ihmIt Corporation. She continues to deny this, but all the indicatios are she is woddng overtire for anaiaz nent. What does this mean? She is co ting her focus! Effective leaderhip requires trunendow -oncentration. We deserve clear, articulate and focussed repres en-auion Despite her corervative" a ppearance before the eltorme Maiyn Lloyd continues to vote the "prty line" on all major issue. She voted in suppt of the Pmidem!s tax biN. seeking to legishte the single argest tax incree in hnuoy. Our best wN were "o rs led and dis tu to many, many people. Wat dos her m uOM for an mart for mw campaign? V she aspecial electim is held 110 days -u "iMyfo gher remigation ad tha mes= we are off and nuvig in a special electio therea mno primy. The Repul a nominee is choen by a caucus of the offmws of the -"RP~epidan rty triou the district. As of today, they are m moimudy be" us. It is true that Ken Meyer is thinking of challenging me for"the nomination. He has been discouaged at every level, but if he decides to rum, we are ready. The numbers are overwhelming decisive. We will win both the primary and the general election by large margins in 1994. My positions are clear. Marilyn Lloyd offers tired, old and evasive rhetoric. I promise committed, compassionate and courageous new leadership. We nearly defeated the nineteen year incumbent in the closest political race of her career in the '92 campaign. We are headed for certain victory in the coming election. The prize is challenging, but indeed within sight. Recent newspaper stories have confirmed Marilyn's proposed appointment. We have included several articles for your review. Marilyn Lloyd's leadership style is to wait, watch and do what is best P. 0. Box 4331 * Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405 * 615-265-0785 * Fax: 615-266-6594 Paid kr by 'The Committee to Elect Zach Wamp" Dan Johfson Treasurer p.2 for her-ths 'lm ip from Co bros ught our great country to its knee I am 19mnd-'0 prVidg kadership focuind on doin what isbt for the ccumuy mad ow dstrict. Let me thank you inulvmxe for your help, ne ad pa .- ha i c Your cuntimnd support ismot welcome and trmen-dously apMxeciatecL I realize we'r all inked to do so much at home. at worc, at church and in our ccMMunity. Sussful camigns also require enorm vm , time mad money. Unfortumately, an election system fueled by money has been created AdvertW% and prono requires money. Without advertising, we lose. As with any system, you have to play by the rules and win bdore you can change it. So I am asking for your help again. Marilyn Lloyds campaign is overwhehningly fueled by Political Action Cornnittees (PACs) and labor unions. We are talking about big dollars, big orgnizanios md big Uvern.mT hey are de raying the oxmunry we love. It's really im", against them situation" -- join me as I take a stand in saying NO to PAC money and in cleaning up the mes in Washington. Some folk sit on the sidelines and watch what happens, and others involve themselves in making things happen. I am asking you to help make things happen. Your contribution is both necesay and ifnaixant. You give hope to defeating institutional corruption and big government. Don't let anyone tell you any different. The first Federal financial eporfing deadline for the next campaign is June 30. The things in life are certain. Firt, time isafinitersource. Seccua, we make our own doso or atehas a way of making them forus. And third, the best time to act is now. Or deadline is f us and as I said I am asking for your help. A strong report gives the campaign 1mm and indica to od. would be challengers that Wamp Congress '94 can't be beaten. A strong report lets us raise money from adkigional sources such as incumbent Republicans who need voting support in Washington. In conclsm, a strong report gives us the finances we need to begin inmmdiaely in case of a special eltio Please join with other circerne citizens across the district by sending a check today for $100, $250, $500 or $1,000 along with the RPLY PAGE. Please return your check and the reply page in the enclosed envelope by Jue 25 so the post office can deliver your check in time. Your commiment to better govennymt can make the difference.
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