A collation of articles by Srivatsa Ramaswami around the teachings of T Krishnamacharya published in the ‘Indian Review’ circa 1979-1981. List of Articles and Indications of Content: Page 1. Front Cover Page 3. Index Page 5. About T Krishnamacharya, My Guru Page 11. Yoga – Its Basis, Practice and Benefits Page 15. On Yoga Texts Page 19. What the Four Chapters of the Yoga Śāstra say Page 23. Prelude to the Practice of Āsana Page 29. On Your Feet for Āsana - Samasthiti, Tāḍāsana, Uttānāsana, Utkaṭāsana, Page 35. More Standing Āsana - Caturaṅga Daṇḍasana, Ūrdhva Mukha Śvānāsana, Adho Mukha Śvānāsana, Parśva Uttānāsana, Vīrabhadrāsana Page 39. The Triangle Pose - Trikoṇāsana, Parśva Koṇāsana, Prasārita Pāda Uttānāsana Page 43. The Supta Āsana - Tribandha, Taḍāka Mudrā, Cakravākāsana, Jaṭhara Parivṛtti Page 47. Dvipāda Pīṭham - Ūrdhva Prasṛta Pādāsana, Supta Padaṅguṣṭhāsana, Supta Parśva Padaṅguṣṭhāsana Page 53. Śīrṣāsana and Variations Page 57. Sarvāṅgāsana and Variations Page 65. Halāsana and Uttāna Mayūrāsana Page 67. Prone Postures and the Spine - Bhujaṅgāsana, Śalabhāsana, Dhanurāsana Page 73. Paścimatānāsana - Ardha Baddha Padma Paścimatānāsana, Pūravatānāsana, Catuṣ Pāda Pīṭham, Navāsana Page 79. Some Simple Balancing Āsana - Utthita Padaṅguṣṭhāsana, Eka Pāda Utkaṭāsana, Ardha Baddha Padma Uttānāsana, Garuḍāsana, Bhagīrathāsana, Vātāyanāsana, Vasiṣṭhāsana, Kasyapāsana, Tolāsana, Lolāsana, Parśva Uttāna Kurmāsana, Bhujapīḍāsana. Page 83. Vajrāsana and Vīrāsana Page 87. Siddhāsana - Gomukhāsana, Simhāsana, Bharadavājāsana, Aśvinī Mudrā, Mahā Mudrā, Mahā Bandha Page 95. Padmāsana - Supta Padmāsana, Ūrdhva Padmāsana, Adho Mukha Padmāsana, Bhadrāsana, Parvatāsana, Yoga Mudrā, Ṣat Mukhi Mudrā Page 103. Kapālabhāti Page 109. Sargarbha Prāṇāyāma Page 117. The Kumbhaka - Nāḍi Śodhana, Sūrya Bhedana, Śītalī and Bhastrikā Page 121. On Antaraṅga Sādhana Page 127. Yoga and Contraception Page 133. Antenatal Yoga - Part 1 Page 137. Antenatal Yoga - Part 2 Page 143. Antenatal Yoga - Part 3 About Sri T. Krishnamacharya,My Guru fu RAMASWAMI, Trustc. Ktishnamacharya Toga Mandbam, MADRAS. Srimatc Aaantala Nagaru- scholars, Vam a na c h a r ya ja2a Namo Namaha Bhattacharya, $auganatha Jha and other well kr-own .Asm ad ac h arlx bhy as Sar ae b hyo scholar-teachers of Indian phi- Namo Namaha, losophy in the early vears ofthe century. fn the next lir lears Sri T. Krishnamacharya is Krishnamachar\ a was .iwar - onc of Indie's best known ded several dcgrrc"., rrr luding' Iiving authoritics of Yoga and Samkhva Yoga Shihhrrnarri Hindu Sastras in gene4al. Mimamsa Tirtha, Nvaracha- Born in the village of Muchu- r},a, Vedarrta \,'aqeesa, Nvava lunte, in Karnataka Statein ratna :rnd Veda Kcsari f'ro:rr 1892,he hails crom the family utrir':rsities such as Kashi of the Yogi Nathamuni, who Hirrdu Universitv, Allaha- livcd during tbe 7th and 8th bad, Caltutta, Baroda and centuries of our era and is Darbhanga Univrrsities. temembered for such works es Yoga Rzihasya'and Yoga INSEARCH OF A GURU Tathva. As a boy, Sri Krishn- But ever sir.t:e the death of amacharya's tcacher was his the Mysorc lr4aharaja' his flather he had been withont fatl er, Srinivasa Tatacharya, Sanskrit College. At the same time he tcok up th€ study of a guru with whom he could .a priest and a religious teac- Sanskrit grammgr (Vyakarna) continue his spiritual and hcr, who gavc his son a tho- and logic inyaya) under Kris- Yogic studies and practice. roughly traditional education hna Brahmatantra, the Swami Obviousli he was not satisfied and had begun instructirg of Parakala Mutt ard the with mere Shastragnana, but him in the elements of Yoga Guru of the Maharaja. Yearned for the realisation as when his untimely passing experien' ed by our attcient away interrupted his dcep Rishis. He always hoped to rtudy, unforturately. At thc After 6vc ycars of study, fi-d his Guru ard in l9l7 he agc of twelvc, therefore, Sri he wended l'is way to felt he had succeeded. He Krirhna madc. hir way lo Kashi ar d continued his learned of the Yogi Ramamo- Mysore City ard there joinrd studie6 under thc great hana Rrahmachari who lived l-,-. with his the a married family hear lifc, As he was s became his disciples. They Manasa Sarovar in the Wesr- rcholar in Sarulrit, hc natu- in turn kndlcd in their ern Tibctan region. As soon rally bcgan to rcccive offerr pcoplc a rencwed respcct rs he found the necessary from various universiticg to for this ancient subjcct. means to make the travel, he head thcir dcpartments ofphi- proceeded to meet Yogi Bra- losophy and religion, posts for This had repcrcussions in hmachari, who accepted him which he was so emine4tfy thc wqt. Some d.lhe Britis- as his dirciplp. Un{cr hiq gusliflcdi but to r*nlecment hers end Euloiiatrs who wcre Guru's tutelagc Krishnama- of everyonc he. chosc to ta&ing interest in Indology charya was initietcd iniq ell teaph Ypgn inrtord. Wh en fttqucntly. visltecl him. Wcst- aspectsof Yoga, including its professional colleagues and ern scientistsand doctors rcad therapeutic applications. He relatives found him stcadfast with great intcrcst about the roamed about thc vast vege- in his decision, their amaze. reputed ,powers' of India's tation kingdom ofthe mount- ment turned to ridicule and logir, an{. qtany eamo to ains and learned about the Gycn opcn abure. S*$, his India to verify tho claims extraordinaly herbs 4nd theil frrm rorolve, his erudltisn itid themselves. $ri Krishnarnach- efficacies. He learned hun- profcicncy woq sornc t!hc- arya submitted himself will- dreds of . Asanas, varieties of t4nt r$pect, and eAe by ont, ingly to all such legitimate Pranayamas, Dandhas and hir criticg grcw les6 6tpcrrlF. scicntific curioritics. To people Mudras and number of vari- Indced, somo evcn bocggq. lis suth as Proftssor Wenger of ations in posturcs, breaths students. Califbrrrla and Doctor Theresc etc. and achieved a complcte Brosseof frrtT tg64 c$|*f|tl Pdris. he showed that mastery over body and mind, srechanical and electricay to such an extent that hc As Krishnanacbarya\ actlom ofth€ heart could tic could control the invol- $ilr- modified at will, and to other tation grew, eo drd l|e untary funetions as well. .carnest professionals" he de- sprcad ofclassical Yoga. in These siddhis^ horlever, did monstrated stoppege of the 1930, thc Mahqraja of not detcr him from his comp &lfr$e pillso for ov.f two drinutcs, bcceme his studcnt. So lete dcvotion to his Guru and nr3h on.. (hith and so total surrcnder to Lo d Nara- did hc place in thc &mr' grasrqq$ yana. His faith in .the Sastras, lsy-scholar'r conqrc- ErtOIrVlD NElt SYITEU even got strengthened by his hension of Yoga, Sanskrit arid actual physit.al, physiological, a wide rangc of our Sastrasr There are special rparks of rnental and spiritual experien- that he considcred Krishna- Sri Krishnamacharya's teach- as ings, basgd.on tradition, ces. At this ripe age of85, he '!ach.4rya his Gwu. At the his continucs to do his Nitya, Nai- Maharaja's 3uggestbn hc €s t a - own expiricnc.e and irr\ovative mithika Karmas and his daily, blished a school of Ycgc m experirpentttiorls. Apart from hd stude{ elaborate pooja of Lord Nara- the palace, itself- tho A4ysorc his Guru,. various ofYogic pradtices yana during the three hours Sri Yogashela and ftorn this lystcms in base,Krfuhnamacharya ca:ried differcnt parts oflndiit, cspc- Prior tr) sunrisc, apart from the Punjab yojic vyay2ya6a. on his tcachings for the next clally in and years. relcarched. twen-tyfive From timc Ncpal. -€ many to time, hc travelled in parts rncidnt Yoga to(ts in palio He returned to Sputh Indiar of India, preaching. Yoga lcaves and evolYcd a rystem in l924and, on tbc eommand and in thir procols, maoy d which h uniquc, The numb6 of his Guru, sattlcd down to thc Mabaraias of thoae dalr of annae and dreir'variarion'c' in his repertoirc is enormous. B.K.S. Iyengar and the Acha- rding to our Ac- For instance in Padmasana rya's son S{i T. K. V. Desika- harya, such Para- alone, or in Sawangasana char are well known yoga vairagyt is not thcre are very many varia- cxPonents' Some ofhis long possiblc in this tions possible. Furthcr the standingstudents have had the kali Yuga How- usc of brcath to synchronise benefit of not only learning ever aparavaira$- with movements in asana, thc the pactical aspects, but also ya can be practised, which urodrfication of aganas and tbe theoretical wor}s like the is not desiring anything be- brcathing pattern to suit each Gita, Yoga Sutras, Yogara- yond ones own Dharmic individual. case-as if tailor haoya ard alrc the Yogic duties. made- and an appreciation of UPanishads like thc Chandog- Samadhi is also possible intirnate relationship between ga, Svetaswatara*.cLal. His ffi of intense devotion to bdy, mind and brcith, which lccturcs on our .trama Dhar* lswam or the Cosmic princi- is accomplished by combining mas and the Drahrmsutras ple. $uch devotees as Thyaga- amuar,breathinganddharana-, and Yogasutrat hase bcen raja, Prahlada and others get es enrrnciated in the Sastras, well appreciated" Hc hos aho into easily due to the emphasis on (imaging' written many books on Yoga Samadhi their extremely pure heart, peacefut Devatakara (srbh3-" * YqSr Meleranda, Yogasa, How about thc restnVyuthana sraF) Bre F+r of rhc qpqi*;, nas, Yoganjati, Shastriya Yo- marksofhis methodorosy- Chittas, the Kriya Yoga is $li,il*ll*::?JXll; rncntioncd, as the ste?pint cull ron iltTBUA. Tatwr Niraaya. stone, TAPAS Wlth this Y"f; f. was aHb Sinec Yoga is knorrn efthtl to' curc rrnrty fulctional for Asanas or fot Sanladhi If one considerssamahita disordcr: including lomc types this serieswas started to show chittas as fit for Samadhi and ofdiabetes, asthms, patalyfu the place ofallyogic. practi- therefore Uttama adhiharis fm yoga, kriya chrotic hcadachc, inrcmnir, cer.
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