The Davie Record DAVIE COUNTY’S OLDEST NEWSPAPER-THE PAPER THE PEOPLE READ •W RE SHALL THE PP^SS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAINi UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBEO BY CAIN.' VOLUMN XUX. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. JUNE i. 1049. NUMBER 44 NEWS OF LONG AGO Small Farts. ANXTHING TO PLEASE Wbo Else? Increased Calcium in Diet Seen Along Main Street Recommended os Investment By The Street Rambler. Rev W. E. fsenbour. Hiah Pnint. N. C. R4 YOUNG woman went Into a What Was Happening In Da* Getting barely enough calcium in 000000 As we look npon a great build* A large London store to buy • m ilk or other dally food to meet vie Before Parking Meters pair of birds. She told the salesman the body’s current need is not the Barbara Vogler and Betty_ Jo Ing, we realize that It Is pomnosed the varied she wished, and that she best plaiming for good nutrition. Mock coming out of dental par­ And Abbreviated Skirts. of thousonds and maybe mlHionc desired a male and a female. The “When calcium is increased to a birds were finally selected and lor looking not too happv—Miss (Davie Record, May 29, 1912 ) of nifces. F.flch and e^c^v »'tec<*. more generous level, the human handed to her. body is able to put the added Ruth Smith pausing a few min* Cotton is 12 cents. whether it be atone, brick, iron, She then asked the salesman how amount to use for long-range needs. utes in drug store—Covered wag" C. F. Graves, of Statesville, wassteel, wool, cement, rods, screws, she could tell the difference be­ That is, the added amount of this on, hitched to auto, rolling across In town Wednesday on business. etc., has its place. It is true tliat tween the two. He instructed her to : mineral is a good investment to­ go to another store to buy a supply ward sturdy, healthy bones, ft aids the square—^Betty Ann Turner on Sanford Sons’ Co., sold two bi­ some pieces have a more import, ;of male and female worms, and told old people no less than young After going alwut three miles the her wav to gift shop—Mrs. Baxter cycles Tnursday,! ant and prominent place In tbe her that when she fed the worms to adults. In women of child-bearing motorist who had given an old lady the birds, the male bird would al­ age, it even extends its benefits to Young driving brand new Pontiac Most of tbe measles cases In tbe strucmre than others, but It takes a lift on the country road asked; ways eat the female worms—while future generations.” sedan down Maiii street—Young town are convalesplne. all to make the building complete. “And where did you say you were the female birds would eat the male That is the meaning of the new couple walking across M ain street G. Z. Cook, of Hall’s Ferry was We might think of a great ma­ going?” worms. She thanked him and went recommendations for increased cal­ “Well,” she said, “to tell you the on her way. cium in diets of grown men and holding hands - Mrs. Frank Fow­ In town Wednesday. chine In like mannei. Perhaps truth, I was going in the opposite When she got to the door, she women of all ages, arrived at by ler carrying bunch of beautiful Misses Viola and Bonnie Brown thousands of part, are- assembled, tbe National Research coimcil. In direction, only I didn’t like to hurt turned, and came back to the sales­ pansies into jewelry store—:Betty speiit Thursday In Winston. ' and every piece Is necessary, to your feelings when you were so man and said: “I,m ust be stupid, advising more calcium for adults, make the machine It may be the kind as to offer me a ride.” but how am I going'to tell whidh are the coimcil’s food and nutrition Shelton hurrying toward beauty Miss Esther Horn has arrived board and committee on dietary al­ atttomoblle you drive, or tbe lino- the male and which are the female shop—Lee Baker consulting with heme from the State Normal Col- worms?” lowances reviewed scientific knowl­ edge on calcium need, and took old friends in front of hardware leee at Greensboro. type that vou gperate that sets tbe HAD ENOVGH And his reply was: "Madam, I The girl in the bus took her special not* recent laboratory store—^Edwina Long carrying arm Miss Minnie Coley, who spent tyoe for your newspaper, or the am only a bird expert; you will have ftaidings. powder puff from her pocket load of books up Main street- some time with relatives at Dnr. massive press that prints the paper to See a worm expert about that.” Putting the new calcium recom­ and began powdering her face. Tim K elly trying to work his way or rhe machine or machines that That finished, she took out her mendations in terms of daily food, bam. returned home Monday. the easiest way to plan regularly into bank—Dorothy Morris carry­ C C. Smoot, who has been worV. make the clothes we wear, and so lipstick and made up the curves Saving Money of her month. Still not content for calcium needs is to get plenty ing tennis racquet down Main St. on. For tbe machine to do good of milk and its products in diet. Ine in Charlotte for some time, re- with her appearance, she de­ MAN, visiting a house for the Sheek Bowden discussing baseball work each and every part sbowld voted her attention to her eye­ A Ranking next as good sources of turned to his home on Route one first time, found that his host this mineral arc dried beans and brows. game-Mrs. James Murray and fnnction properlv. If bolts break, was the proud father of three wild peas and certain of the leafy green Friday. This beauty treatment was too little son entering theatre—Dick children. The latter made so much vegetables such as turnip greens Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Austin and screws get loose, taps come off. or much for the conductor, who had noise that the visitor found it diffi­ and kale, but it Is difficult to get Brenegar running 30 minutes late. some other part or parts of the been watching her every move­ son sppot several davs last week cult to hear a word that was said. enough calcium without milk prod­ ment, and he called out; "A n; machine break, or give wav. or get One child was busy ripping the ucts and especially some liquid with relatives in Salisbury. gent here like to borrow my shav­ out order, It affects the entire upholstery out of a brand-new milk. Miss Alma Stewart, who has been ing tockle?” divan. A second lad was driving Our County And in school at Durham, is at home to strncture. nails into an expensive table, and tbe delieht of her many friends. As a people in a community, or the third was swinging gaily from a Famed Indian Cave Temples a church, or even a home, each GRAVE THOUGHTS chandelier. Social Security Mrs. R. B, Sanfftrd and Miss The bewildered guest eyed the and everv one of w has his place. Still Stand in Hyderabad By Mrs. Ruth G. Duffy. Manager. Mary Sanford scent one day last youngster who was driving nails Hyderabad state, which yidded week in Winston sbopplntr. Then we might think of It on * into the furnitiure. He turned to his to &e Indian Union after five days Most all magazines carry sotne larger scale and say the same hoI<*s host. of military action, was virtually kind of test. One I noticed re­ Mrs. E. W, Crow and cblld, of “1 say,” he said, pointing to. the rne as n ^tlo n, composed of many the last of 562 princely Indian Monroe, are visltine Mrs. Crow’s boy w itt the hammer, “don’t you states to hold out against acces­ cently asked questions about my mother, Mrs. Philip Hanes. millions of people, but each and find it rather expensive to let your sion by either of the year-old do­ own State—North Carolina, lean every one. without an exception, children play like that?” minions—India and Pakistan. assure you I d id not know the Mr. and Mrs. A. T, Grant, Jr., The host smiled proudty. composes, or helps to compose, the In area, population, material and Miss Ada Grant went to Sta. “Not at all,” he replied cheer­ wealth, historical and religious im­ answers to all. It did make me tesviHe Friday evening to spend a whole This Is true. Now just as fully. “I get the nails wholesale!” portance, this landlocked state that think, however, and find the an­ few days. tbe great bnlldine, oa tbe great spreads almost completely across swers to those I d id n o t know. CONSISTENT the Deccan plateau in south central Mr. and Mrs, E Boltbousei, of machine, composed of ,manv parts, India is outstanding. Glories of How much do you know about Winston, came over Saturday and must have each piece in fts place earlier civilizations, centered in the Social Security Insurance? D o you spent the week-end with Mr. and In order to function well, so It is cave cathedrals of Ajanta and El- know what it means in dollars and lora, make it one of the world’s Mrs M. J. Holtbouser. with peonle. rich regions archaeologically, notes cents to you, personally, and to Mr.
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