Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management ISSN: 1984-9648 [email protected] Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço Brasil da Silva, Gilson; Iha, Koshun Hypergolic Systems_A Review in Patents Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management, vol. 4, núm. 4, octubre-diciembre, 2012, pp. 407-412 Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço São Paulo, Brasil Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=309425693008 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative doi: 10.5028/jatm.2012.04043812 Hypergolic Systems: A Review in Patents Gilson da Silva1*, Koshun Iha2 1Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brazil 2Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica São José dos Campos/SP Brazil Abstract: Hypergolic reactions may be useful in civil and military applications. In the area of rocket propulsion, they constitute a potential ¿eld due to the reduced Zeight and comple[ity of fuel inMection systems, alloZing yet controlled use of the propulsors. This manuscript aimed at presenting different hypergolic systems and their particularities, comparing them Zith chemical propulsion systems, Zhich are most commonly employed in rocket motors, for e[ample. Keywords: Hypergolic, 3ropellant, 0onomethylhydra]ine, Hydro[yethylhydra]ine, /iTuid hydrogen, /iTuid o[ygen. LIST OF SYMBOLS within milliseconds after fuel and oxidizer contact (Hawkins et al., 2011). This propriety is very important in propellant DETA Diethylenetriamine systems, because it can substitute the multistage rocket with EDA Ethylenediamine the separate ignition system, resulting in high combustion TNT 2, 4, 6-trinitrotoluene HI¿FLHQF\ DQG ORZ FRVWV7RH[HPSOLI\ WKHVH V\VWHPV WKH HMX Octogen hypergolic reactions can be used to improve ignition of RDX Hexogen nitroarene explosives, applied in unexploded ordnance, like DNAZ 2-(N,N-dimethylamino)ethylazide bombs and mines, to neutralize these explosives, in agreement TMEDA N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-ethylene-diamine with the research of Koppes et al. (2010). TMPDA N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-1,3-diaminopropane Koppes et al. (2010) taught a method to chemically TMBDA N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-1,4-diaminobutane neutralize a nitroarene explosive composition comprising in AU Astronomical unit (149,597,870,700 km) RUGHUWRSURYLGHDQLWURDUHQHK\SHUJROKDYLQJĮȦDPLQH LH Liquid hydrogen and an accelerant by applying the nitroarene hypergolic to the LOX Liquid oxygen H[SORVLYHFRPSRVLWLRQWRLPSURYHLWVLJQLWLRQ7KHĮȦDPLQH MON Mixed oxides of nitrogen of the nitroarene hypergolic may include linear polyamines GLP Gelled liquid propane with or without nitrogen or other heteroatom within the MMH Monomethylhydrazine structure of the compound, such as diethylenetriamine HGF Hypergolic green fuel (DETA), ethylenediamine (EDA), propanediamine, and so HEH Hydroxyethylhydrazine on. The accelerant of the nitroarene hypergol may include + HEHN Hydroxyethylhydrazinium nitrate appropriate hydridoborate salts (M BH4), hydrazine, alkylated FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy derivatives of hydrazine, or combinations. NTO Nitrogen tetroxide The nitroarene hypergol provides a decrease in the delay to ignition of 90% or more, in agreement with Koppes et al. INTRODUCTION (2010), and an increase in heat generation. The nitroarene compounds that can be neutralized with the hypergolic system The term hypergolic includes igniting spontaneously include nitrotoluenes, nitrobenzenes, nitronaphthalenes, upon contact with the complementary explosive or energetic nitrophenoxyalkyl nitrates, and their derivatives. The substance. Then, hypergolicity is the propriety of self-ignition hypergols are added as pure liquids or as mixtures with other liquid or solid hypergols. In an unusual coupling with TNT, Received: 05/07/12 Accepted: 30/07/12 the amines with terminal amine groups (primary amines), i.e., *author for correspondence: [email protected] ĮȦGLDPLQRDONDQHVUHDFWHGDWERWKDPLQHIXQFWLRQDOLWLHV Praça Mauá, 7 Centro to provide a TNT-amine-TNT bridged product, with amines CEP 20.081-240 Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brazil attaching at the ring carbons of the TNT bearing the methyl J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, Vol.4, No 4, pp. 407-412, Oct.-Dec., 2012 407 Silva, G., Iha, K. group. DETA does this by leaving the central amine function shell upon impact so that a passage is opened into the explosive unreacted. To the extent that this bridging could be maximized of the shell, through which passage the reactive charge is on the surface of TNT, there would be an energy release WUDQVIHUUHGWRWKHH[SORVLYHRIWKHVKHOOXQGHUWKHLQÀXHQFHRI compressed into the smallest time scale, which is a condition the kinetic energy of the projectile. The projectile has a reactive favoring the evolution and conservation of heat, and thus a charge disposed in at least one gas-and liquid-tight cavity to decrease in delayed ignition. react and start a hypergolic reaction with the explosive. The projectile can have the gas- and/or liquid-tight CIVIL APPLICATION OF A HYPERGOLIC SYSTEM container charged with zinc, zinc stearate, zirconium, magnesium perchlorate, bismuth trioxide, or a liquid, such as $QLQÀDWDEOHUHVWUDLQWV\VWHP DLUEDJ XVLQJDK\SHUJROLF pyrrolidine. The gas- and liquid-tight container is constituted reaction is taught by Blackburn (2006). In agreement with by the all-covering metal foil for preventing undesirable %ODFNEXUQ WKHJDVJHQHUDWLQJV\VWHPRULQÀDWRUXVHGLQ reactions with the surrounding atmosphere. many occupant restraint ones tends to be the heaviest and most When the reactive charge of the projectile is mixed with complex component of the restraint system. Then, Blackburn the weapon explosive, under effect from the kinetic energy of (2006) systems can simplify the design and manufacturing of the projectile penetration, a reaction with the explosive occurs. DLUEDJLQÀDWRUV Gas that is formed in the course of the burning generates an The device comprises a cartridge formed from a container, overpressure inside the weapon unit, which leads to splitting two materials stored in the container; however, the second one and destruction of the weapon unit. A suitable composition, LVVHSDUDWHGIURPWKH¿UVWPDWHULDO7KHFRPELQDWLRQRIWKH being 99% by weight zinc and 1% by weight zinc stearate, materials forms a hypergolic mixture upon contact with each is used, like a termed hypergolic composition, which, upon other. Under exposure of the gas generating to an elevated contact with the explosive weapon, spontaneously reacts. WHPSHUDWXUHDSRUWLRQRIWKHFRQWDLQHUVHSDUDWLQJWKH¿UVW and second materials is breached, enabling the materials to PROPELLANTS combine to form the hypergolic mixture. A propellant charge may be used to generate gas, being the decomposition of the Useful propellant compositions were taught by Fawls et al. propellant initiated by the hypergolic reaction. The propellant (2005), who described the effect of the oxygen in the metal can be a composition such as the ammonium nitrate. passivation in the compositions of explosives and propellants. According to Blackburn (2006), the hypergolic reaction During the combustion process, the metal ingredients have an FDQEHSURGXFHGE\WKHFRQWDFWRID¿UVWPDWHULDOLQWKHOLTXLG oxide shell formed in the surface that inhibits the oxidation of form, like glycerol or any suitable alcohol such as polyvinyl the metal, thereby reducing the overall available energy and alcohol, and a second material comprising potassium forming a totally oxidized metal. SHUPDQJDQDWH7KH¿UVWPDWHULDOLQOLTXLGIRUPLVLPSRUWDQWWR 7RLPSURYHWKHHI¿FLHQF\RIWKHFRPSRVLWLRQV)DZOV increase the surface interaction between the materials. et al. (2005) taught how to increase the metal surface area, by means of the nanosized metallic particles, in combination MILITARY APPLICATION OF A HYPERGOLIC with a halogenic oxidizer, to enhance the combustion of SYSTEM the metal by means of preventing the chemically-inhibiting FRDWLQJIRUPDWLRQLQWKHPHWDOVXUIDFH7KHÀXRURFKHPLFDO Hypergolic reactions can be used to defense systems species is pyrolytically or chemically degraded in the according to Thuman et al. (2011). A projectile comprising a combustion or explosive zones, releasing halogens in the reactive charge is used to promote the destruction of an explosive- V\VWHP 7KH ÀXRURFKHPLFDO FRPSRXQGVDWRPV IRUP D charged weapon, such as bombs, homemade explosive devices, PHWDOOLFÀXRULGHLQWKHVXUIDFHEXWWKH\GRQRWLQKLELWWKH and air, water or ground craft comprising explosives. IXUWKHUR[LGDWLRQWRWKH¿QDOGHVLUHGSURGXFWPHWDOOLFR[LGH An explosive can be made to detonate by the shock effect, increasing the overall energy released. which is generated by a splinter when it hits the explosive at In general, the conventional metal nanoparticles can high speed or by a pressure wave from an explosive charge EHERURQDOXPLQXPRUFDUERQLQSURSHOODQWVDQGWKHÀXRU (blasting). Then, the systems proposed by Thuman et al. (2011) FRPSRXQG FDQ EH D ÀXRURRUJDQR FKHPLFDO FRPSRXQG RU FRQVLVWLQDSURMHFWLOHFRQ¿JXUHGWRSHQHWUDWHWKHVXUIDFHRIWKH ÀXRURSRO\PHU OLNH PLFUREHDGV QDQRSDUWLFOHV SRZGHU RU 408 J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, Vol.4, No 4, pp. 407-412, Oct.-Dec., 2012 Hypergolic Systems: A Review in Patents RWKHUODUJHUVL]HGÀXRURDGGLWLYH VXFKDV7HÀRQ®, Viton®, or The azide compound in the fuel has at least one tertiary VRPHRWKHUKDORJHQDWHGÀXRURSRO\PHUDGGLWLYH $GGLWLRQDOO\ nitrogen and one azide functional
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