DOCUMENT RESUME ED 057 151 UD 011 964 TITLE Hearings Before the SelectCommittee on Nutrition and Human Needs of theUnited States Senate, Ninety-Second Congress, FirstSession on Nutrition and Human Needs. Part7--Crisis in the National School Lunch Program. HearingsHeld Washington, D.C., Scptember 7, 1971. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S.,Washington, D. C. Senate Select committee on Nutrition and HumanNeeds. PUB DATE fSep 71) NOTE 279p. AVAILABLE FROMSupt. of Documents, GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 ($1.25) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$9.87 DESCRIPTORS *Federal Legislation; *FederalPrograms; *Lunch programs; *Nutrition ABSTRACT The Senate Select Committee onNutrition and Human Needs held hearings on thecrisis in the National SchoolLunch Program (September 7, 1971).This transcript on the hearingsincludes statements by members of theCommittee and the testimony offour witnesses who are involved in theadministration of various school food programs. In theappendixes, correspondence, newspaperarticles, and material submitted bywitnesses are presented. UHO NUTRITION AND HUMAN NEEDS-1971 HEARINGS DEFORMTHEI SELECT COMMUTEE ON NUTRITION AND HUMAN NEEDS 00 TEM UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-SECOND CONGRESS BURST SESSION ON NUTRITION AND HUMAN NEEDS PART 7CRISIS IN THE NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM WASHINGTON, D.C., SEPT. 7, 1071 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POUCY Printed for the use of the Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs 4 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 58-854 WASHINGTON : 1971 For sale by the Superintendent a Documents, U.S. Government P.-intingOffice Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $1.25 SELECT COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION ANL* IIUMAN NEEDS GEORGE McGOVERN,South Dakota, e-1/4rmats ALLEN J. ELLENDER, Louisiana CHARLES H.LitCY, Illinois HERMAN E. TALMADGE, Georgia MARLOW W. COOK. Kentucky PHILIP A. HART. Michigan ROBERT DOLK Kansas WALTER P. MONDALE, Minnesota HENRY BELL ION. Oklahoma EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts RICHARD SCE, WEIKER, Pennsylvania GAi:LORD NELSON, Wisconsin ROBERT TAPo, Jr1.. Ohio ALAN CRANSTON, California KaNNICTH Staff Direc:or 2 CONTEN Ts CRISIS IN THE NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM Tuesday, September 7, 1971 Page Opening statement of Senator McGovern, Chairman 1747 Statement of Senator Joseph 31. Montoya 1756 Statement of Senator Frank E. Moss 1757 Statement of Congressman James Abourezk 1758 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES Bartlett, Lawrence, Chairman, State Directors' Section, The American1748 Hansford,Sehool rood Byron, Service Executive Association, Secretary, Nashville, Council Tennessee of Chief State School 1763 Lyng,Oilkers Hon. Richard, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agri- culture; accompanied by Miss Isabelle M. Kelley, Assistant Deputy Ad- ministrator; Mr. Edward Hekraan, Administrator ; and Mr. Herbert Rorex, Director, Child Nutrition Division, Food and Nutrition Service, Washington, D.0 1764 Martin, Miss Josephine, Administrator, School Food Service Program, Georgia Department of Educat!...a-- 1778 Prepared statement of 1787 APPENDIXES Appendix 1. Communications to the Chairman : From the State of California 1795 Colorado Connecticut 18(12 Florida 1803 Georgia 1810 Kentucky 1816 Louisia na 1817 Maine 1818 Massachusetts 1822 Michigan 1822 Nebraska 1826 New Mexico 1827 North Carolina 1831 Ohio 1837 Pennsylvanirt- 1838 South Dakota Tennessee 1851 Texas 1852 From the District of Columbia 1853 Appendix 2. Material submitted by witnesses : ItemPosition 1From Mr. paper Lawrence on the BartlettChild Nutrition : Program outlook for ;971-72 A 1855 3t IV Appendix 2. Material submitted by witnessesContinued Item 1From Mr. Lawrence BartiettContinued State Agency Directors of USDA Midwest Region : Comments, suggestions, objections, and questions concerning the Food andPage Nutrition Service 1856 Item 2From Senator Hart : Letter from Howard W. Briggs, director, Detroit Public Schools 1860 Letter from Mrs. Richard Parsaca and Mrs. Ronald Vance, Mich- igan School Lunch Committee 1862 Item 3From Senator Cook : Letter from Mrs. Helen A. Davis, food service director, Todd County (Ky.) Board of Education 1863 Letter from C. W. Bevins, director, Division of School Food Service, Department of Education, Commonwealth of Ken- tucky 1863 Letter from Harold Garrison, superintendent ; and Jane Watts, Letterschool from food Doris service Watts, director, director, Fulton CampbellCounty (Ky.) County Schools (Ky.)1864 Schools Lunchrooms 1864 ItemStatement 4Prern Josephine of Jack Martin P. Nix, : Georgia State Superintendent of Schools, and Coordinator, Sell( rood Service Committee, Council of Chief State School 0 1.s 1865 Appendix 3. Material submitted by others tha I nesses : Open Letter to Secretary Lyng, by John Peiryman, for publication in the October issue of School Foodservice Journal 1869 Statement of the National Milk Producers Federation 1870 From Representative Dr. William R. Roy (D-2d Dist., Kansas) 1871 Appendix 4. Articles of inter-mt : News previous to the hearing : AugustThe 25, Washington 1971 : Evening Star : "McGovern Asks Lifting of School-Lunch Rules" 1873 August 26, 1971 : The Denver Post : "McGovern Charges : 'Top Brass' Blamed for Lunch Cuts" 1874 The Washington Post : "McGovern Joins Protest : More Money Asked for School Lunches" 1875 AugustThe 28, Providence 1971 : (ILL ) Evening Bulletin : "Lunch Cuts Schools" 1876 The 1-.:ovidence(ILL )Journal :"Skimping onSchool Lunches" 1878 The Washington Post : "Hunger In The Classroom" 1878 AugustThe 29, Providence 1971 : Sunday Journal : "No School Lunch Expan- sion" 1879 TheAugust New SO, York1971 : Times :"Federal Schoot Lunch Plan Fails To Help 1.9 Million Poor Pupils" 1879 August 31, 1971 : The Associated Press, Wire Release : By Austin Scott 1880 The Washington Post "Lunch Squabble" (excerpt from Jack Anderson's "Washington Merry-Go-Round" ) 1881 September 3, 1971 : The Washington Post : "U.S. Cutting School Lunch Funds" 1886 September 6, 1971 : The New York Times : "Feeding Hungry Children" 1887 News subsequent to hearing : SeptemberThe New 8, 1971 York : Times :"McGovern Scores Pupil Lunch Plan" 1888 The Washington Evening Star : "Federal Changes Won't Hurt Area School Lunch Program" 1881) "School Lunch Crunch" 1890 The Washington Post :"11.S. Denies Cutting School Lunch Funds" 1800 ;21 Appendix 4. Articles of interestContinued News subsequent to hearingContinued September 9, 1971 : The Berkeley (Calif.) Post : "New Regulations Menace SchoolPage Lunch Programs" 1891 U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Id uman Needs : "Dear Colleague Letter" 1892 "44 Senators Request President's Intervention in School Lunch Crisis" 1892 The Washington Post : Herblock cartoon : "Got To Teach 'Um the Value of a Dollar" 1895 September 10, 1071 : The Providence (R.I.) Evening Bulletin : "Curb on Lunches Hits 56,500 in Rhode Island" 1895 Station KOWH, Omaha, Nebr.. : An Editorial by Mrs. Wini- fred Peterson, chairman, Welfare Task -Force, Urban League of Nebraska 1897 SeptemberThe Washington 11, 1971 : Food Report : "Furor Over School Lunch Funding" 1898 SeptemberThe New 16, 1971 York : Post :"44 Senators Fight School Lunch Cut" 1899 The Wall Street Journal : "Nixon's Diet for Pupils : Agency ; Seeks Curb on School-Lunch Funds ; Stiff Quiz is Likely by Senate Panel Today" 1899 The Daily Mail (aagerstowA, Md.) : "44 Senators Urge Nixon To Scrap Proposed School-Lunch Regulations" 1001 SeptemberThe Washington 28, 1971 : Evening Star :"Showdown on School Lunchee Set" 1902 September 29, 1971: Letter from the White House to Hon. George McGovern fr^-1 Eugene S. Cowen, Deputy A "Ftil ""' to the Presi ont 190. October 2, 1971 : The New Yorl-Imes"Senate /---ts To Force Rise in Aid for School Lunches" 1904 October 3, 1971 : The New York Times : "1-4unches for Hungry Children" 1905 October 7 1971 The -Vall Street 2roumal : "Administration To Lift School Lunch Ft..ad $185 Million But Tightens Eligibility Rules" 1906 Tne Washington Post :"U.S. Retains Lunch Share, Cuts 584 )00 Off Program" 1907 T1-e New York Times : "U.S. Increases Pupil Lunch Aid But Tightens Rule on Eligibility" 1908 October 1971 : The York Times : "Fudge for Lunch" 1009 The 'Washington Post: Herblock cartoon : "New Play in the Big Game Plan Against tho Kids" 1910 Cert.-or:Der D. 1971 : The Washington Post : "Taking Back the Lunch Money" 1910 JctoberThe 10. New 1971 York : Timei :"U.S. Tightens Rule on Free Lunches- 1911 Ocro'ler 13. 1971 : -7he Washington Evening Star : "New Challenge Set on Lunch Program" 1912 OctoberJ.S. 15. Senate 1071 : Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, press release : '459 Senators Write President Urging Withdrawal of School Lunch Regulations That Would De- prive 1.5 Minion Children of Lunches" 1918 The New York Times : "Nixon's Own Expert Criticizes Cut- 1916 Theback Wall in SchoolStreet Journal:Lunches" "Ilatise Panel Approves Unani- mously Boosting School-Lunch Spending" 1917 VI Appendix 4_ Articles of interestContinued News subsequent to henringContinued The Washington Post : "Congressional Report : House Unitrag" Restores Lunch Program" 1917 Octoberrile 16, Washington 1071 : Post :"School Lunch Edict Ilit by 59 Senators" 191S October 17, 1971 : r2he New York Times : "School Lunches : The Script Called for Some Empty Trays" 1018 The Washington Post : "Unresolved Question : Will the Gov- ernment
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