FILM-000 Genere Titolo Maker Lunghezza Condizioni Note COLLOCAZIONE ProduCed for ProduCtion Division Bureau of AeronautiCs by Pathe News InC. 1945 (doCuments the Challenge of attacking FILM-001 W.W.II Admiral's Reply U.S. Navy MN 4999 600' good Japan after VE day) 4T FILM-002 History Wings Over Kittyhawk - 400' good (the story of the Wright Brothers) 4T (training film on the identifiCation of the good; some Japanese fighter plane - with Ronald FILM-003 W.W.II Jap Zero U.S. Government OffiCe of War Information Bureau of Motion PiCtures 700' vinegar Reagan) 4T Photographed by U. S. Marine Corps Combat Cameramen and narrated by Major Donald J. DiCkson U.S.M.C.R. who was with the first wave of marines to land on FILM-004 W.W.II This Is GuadalCanal U. S. Navy 700' good Guadacanal 4T FILM-005 History I Shall Return - 400' good (biography of Gen. Douglas MacArthur) 4T Good (promotional film for the first jet FILM-006 Aviation United Air Lines DC-8 Jet Mainliner Cate & McGlone 400' (color) passenger airliner) 4T Good (doCumentary about the making and FILM-007 Aviation (LoCkheed EleCtra) LoCkheed AirCraft Corp. 700' (color) testing of the plane) 4T FILM-008 W.W.II Fury in the PacifiC U.S. Navy; Army; Air ForCe 700' Good ReCord of an amphibious assault 4T (reCreational attractions of AtlantiC City FILM-009 Travelogue On the Boardwalk Convention Bureau of AtlantiC City; Reid H. Ray Film Industries 650' Good Ca. 1950s 4T Fair (Aviation Cadet training at Pensacola FILM-010 W.W.II Navy Wings of Gold U. S. Navy 800' (vinegar) Florida Ca. 1940) 4T Filmed by Joseph S. Salzburg; Narrated by FILM-011 Travelogue Belgium Folklore Coronet Films 400' Good John Lotas 4T FILM-012 W.W.II Peace Comes to AmeriCa U. S. Treasury Dept. 400' good (recovery bond fund drive promo) 4T (Showing wartime manufacturing FILM-013 W.W.II All Out for ViCtory OffiCe of War Information 800' Good operations)(on Internet ArChive) 4T Good- vinegar Commentary SCript: Dorothy P. Maulsby; FILM-014 Travelogue Denmark - Fairytale Land; Films of the Nations D.P.M. ProduCtions: MauriCe T. Groen 1000' smell Narrated by Peter Allen 4T FILM-015 Travelogue Norway; This World of Ours Dudley PiCtures Corp 400' Good Travelogue (one of three on reel) 4T FILM-015 Travelogue Saratoga Summers Walter O. Gutlohn 400' Good Travelogue (2nd of three on reel) 4T Good- Photographed by Edwin E. Olsen; vinegar Narrated by Carl Dudley Travelogue (3rd of FILM-015 Travelogue Belgium OffiCial Films: Dudley PiCtures Corp. 400' smell three on reel) 4T With Robert (Buzzy) Henry; ACe (The Devil FILM-016 Television Adventures of Danny Boy - 800' Good Dog) (feature film edited for TV filler) 4T The story of the laying of the first Fair (faded interContinental undersea telephone FILM-017 CommuniCation VoiCe Beneath the Sea AT&T Long Lines Dept. 600' color) Cable. 4T FILM-018 Travelogue Holiday Time in Sweden - 600' good Travelogue showing winter sports 4U History of the Mediterranean Area told FILM-019 History Sea of Strife Front Page ProduCtions 550' Good with Clips from old movies. 4T TV Series staring Lee Marvin: FILM-020 Television M Squad Pall Mall 800' Good Counterfeiting plates deal 4T DoCumentary about the military air transport system about the time of the FILM-021 W.W.II Pipeline in the Sky Modern AmeriCana; Trans Rhein Films; Madileine Films 1000' Good Berlin Airlift. 4T D-Day Minus One; Army Air ForCe SpeCial Film ProjeCt The story of the paratroop landing prior to FILM-022 W.W.II 158A Army Air Force 550' Good D-Day. 4T Film Communique Fourth Issue; OffiCial War Film W. F. SCenes of air bombing operations in the FILM-023 W.W.II 15 War Department; Signal Corps 600' Good PacifiC 4U Fair Biography of Commander Rosenthal - FILM-024 History The Sky Giant - 400' (shrinkage) promoter of Naval Airships. 4T Good- vinegar FILM-025 History F.D.R. 1882-1945 OffiCial Films 550' smell Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt 4V Amanda Chirot; Christine McIntyre / Tandy McKenzie; AliCe Avakian; FrederiCk FILM-026 MusiC MusiC Album: Strauss: Blue Danube / RomanCe Castle Films 1946 300' Good Feher Cond. 4T Frederick Feher Cond. (symphony FILM-027 MusiC Farewell Vienna U.M. & M. TV Corp. 1939 ; NTA 350' Good orChestra) 4T A Trip to the Moon / The Monkey Who Would Be King / 4 inComplete eduCational films: ~200' FILM-028 EduCational Magnets / W.W.II Prologue EnCyClopedia BritaniCa Films 800' Good each 4U Film Communique Seventh Issue; OffiCial War Film W.F. SCenes of island Capture operations in the FILM-029 W.W.II 18 War Department; Signal Corps 600' Good PacifiC 4U Training film about bailing out of a FILM-030 W.W.II Parachuting Into Water Army Air Force 1944 600' Good bomber over water 4T Unusable (severe curl) (faded FILM-032 W.W.II Wings For Tomorrow SFF 392 U. S. Air Force DO 57-7 600' color) Story of the Air ForCe ACademy 4V Good (somewhat slow moving animated film about x-ray FILM-036 EduCational This Is Photography: (X-Ray Film Exposure) Eastman Kodak 700' faded Color) film exposure 4T ServiCing P-39; Training Film AF 132; 145: Boresighting Good (slight detailed proCedure for aiming the P-39's FILM-037 W.W.II All Guns Army Air ForCe; Bell AirCraft 1942 600' vinegar) Cannons 4V Short SubjeCt about finding sunken and buried treasure; ending with uranium FILM-038 History Finders Keepers RKO Radio PiCtures 1955 500' Good hunting. 4V Good (many Of Men and Wings: Twenty Five Years of Coast-to-Coast spliCes at Development of flight from mail Carrier to FILM-039 Aviation Flight B.K. Blake InC. 600' start) passenger serviCe 4V On Foreign Shores: United States Coast Guard Report SCenes of Coast Guard operations during FILM-040 W.W.II Number 7 U.S. Coast Guard 1000' Good W.W.II. 4V fair (faded Color; many splices) Could not Story of the S.A.G.E. Computerized air FILM-041 CommuniCation In Your Defense U.S. Air ForCe; Western EleCtriC 900' open Can defense system 4V History of the design and building of the B- FILM-042 W.W.II Birth of the B-29; War Film #30 Army PiCtorial ServiCe 700' Good 29 bomber (on Internet ArChive) 4T FILM-043 Television Mr. DistriCt Attorney ZIV Television ProduCtions 1954 800' Good Hit & Run ACCident 4T good (color slightly Highway Safety film for Bell System FILM-044 EduCational You're Driving 90 Horses AT&T 850' faded) drivers; 1940s Cars & traffiC 4U Two speeChes by General Dwight D. Eisenhower on the importanCe of FILM-045 History Freedom Is Indivisible The MarCh of Time; AssoCiation of AmeriCan Advertisers 600' Good promoting the AmeriCan way of life 4T Good- vinegar The story of the founding of the United FILM-046 History And Now the Peace United Artists 700' smell Nations 4T A leCture on prejudiCe as the Cause of FILM-047 History Don't Be a SuCker War OffiCe EF-6 1947 600' Good WWII (on Internet ArChive) 4T Fair (faded The 'good life' at the Volkswagen plant in FILM-048 EduCational Where Its At Marathon 500' color) Wolfsburg Germany 4V Good- vinegar The story of the building and first mission FILM-050 W.W.II Target Berlin National Film Board of Canada 600' smell of the LanCaster bomber. 4T FILM-051 History Freedom's Admiral Movietone General TeleCasting 400' Good Biography of Admiral Chester Nimitz 4T FILM-052 History The Greatest Drama; Soldier of Peace General Tire; Movietone General TeleCasting 450' Good Biography of General George Marshall 4T KinesCope ReCording; Amusement park FILM-053 Television The Toast of the Town; The Ed Sullivan Show CBS; LinColn MerCury 1600' Good theme; Closing missing 4U Compilation of musiCal seleCtion from Roy Rogers features follow by some other FILM-054 MusiC Roy Rogers Castle Films; OffiCial Films 1400' good musiCal shorts 4U DoCumentary about the opposition to a ExCellent jet airport in the Everglades; Narrated by FILM-055 History They Care for the Land; Mission Possible Part II Xerox 1700' (color) Frank Borman 4U Compilation of 400' musiCal shorts; FILM-056 MusiC MusiC Album Castle; OffiCial 1600' Good soundies rereleased for home use 4U Good (color) AmeriCan railroad operations with FILM-057 History Mainline USA Carl Dudely ProduCtions 1946 500' (sCratched) Comments about taxes 4U FILM-058 W.W.II The Liberation of Rome U.S. Army PiCtorial ServiCe 700' Good DoCumentary of the invasion of Italy 4U Good (faded RiChard Nixon's speeCh at Eisenhower's FILM-059 History ...from the heart of ameriCa - 550' color) funeral illustrated by patriotiC sCenes 4U full length feature; murder mystery around a theatriCal agenCy. When a play's two produCers are murdered the FILM-060 Feature Film Strange InCident Part 1 - 1500' Good playwright tries to solve the Crime. 4U Originally: It Couldn't Have Happened - But It Did (1936): Reginald Denny; Evelyn FILM-061 Feature Film Strange InCident Part 2 - 1100' Good Brent; Jack La Rue 4U Fighting Men: Baptism of Fire; OffiCial Training Film TF Dramatization of a first Combat mission in FILM-062 W.W.II 21 2014 War Department 1943 1250' Good Europe 4U Fair (faded DoCuments the 7th national jamboree July FILM-063 SCouting Idaho Jamboree Boy SCouts of AmeriCa 1970 950' color) 16-22 1969 4T The rebuilding and a transContinental FILM-064 Aviation United 6534 United Air Lines; Cate & McGlone 950' Good flight of a DC-6 4T Drama promoting savings acCounts: a Good family gets a gift of Poor RiChard's Almanac FILM-065 EduCational Yours To Keep U.S.
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