E990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 25, 2015 IN RECOGNITION OF HAROLD also served as a script consultant on the Tuesday, June 30, is the self-imposed nego- HOLZER adapted screenplay for the film. tiating deadline for the P5+1 over Iran’s illicit President Bill Clinton appointed Mr. Holzer nuclear program. At this critical juncture I am HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY as cochairman of the U.S. Abraham Lincoln thankful for the Administration’s repeated OF NEW YORK Bicentennial Commission, which oversaw the promise that no deal is better than a bad deal. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES planning of the national celebration of Lin- I want to remind my colleagues why this coln’s 200th birthday. Mr. Holzer served in that issue is so vital. Thursday, June 25, 2015 capacity from 2000–2009. He now serves as Even a threshold nuclear Iran—where they Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. Chairman of the successor organization, the have a short breakout capacity—would lead to Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to Mr. Harold Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Foundation. massive nuclear proliferation in the Middle Holzer who has had an extraordinary and dis- Mr. Holzer lives in Rye, New York with his East. We have already seen troubling state- tinguished career as a communications direc- wife, Edith. They have two daughters and a ments from regional partners like Saudi Arabia tor and historian. He is retiring after 23 years grandson. about developing or purchasing nuclear weap- of invaluable service to the Metropolitan Mu- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ons of their own. seum of Art, the largest and most comprehen- in recognizing Harold Holzer’s talent, dedica- Mr. Speaker, I don’t need to tell you the sive art museum in the western hemisphere. tion and erudition. His contributions to our na- consequences of possible proliferation of the Mr. Holzer helped broaden the media visibility tion’s civic and cultural life, as well as our un- world’s most dangerous weapon in the world’s of the Museum both here and abroad. In addi- derstanding of President Lincoln and the ex- most dangerous region. tion to his day job at the Museum, Mr. Holzer traordinary era when he was President will last Just look at the destructive role Iran is al- is widely considered one of the preeminent long into the future. ready playing in this chaotic region without nu- authorities on Abraham Lincoln and the polit- f clear weapons. ical culture of the Civil War era. Mr. Holzer’s Iran is the most active state sponsor of ter- TSCA MODERNIZATION ACT OF 2015 impact on New York’s civic and cultural life rorism, sending weapons and support to has been profound and his contributions to our SPEECH OF Hamas and Hezbollah. It is actively assisting understanding of the Civil War era have been rebel advances in Yemen, it has long desta- incalculable. HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN bilized Iraq and Lebanon, and it is propping up Mr. Holzer began his career as a reporter OF MARYLAND the brutal Assad regime in Syria. Not to men- and later editor for The Manhattan Tribune, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion that this Iranian regime systematically vio- going on to become political press secretary Tuesday, June 23, 2015 lates its own citizen’s basic human rights. first for Bella Abzug during her campaigns for Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in That is why there is broad bipartisan sup- Senate and Mayor, and then for Mario support of H.R. 2576, the TSCA Modernization port for preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear Cuomo’s Gubernatorial campaign. He served Act. While this bill is not perfect, it is a good weapons, and on both sides of the aisle, we as a government speechwriter for Mayor Abra- step toward better protecting Americans and hope for a diplomatic solution to this crisis. ham Beame, leaving to become the public af- our environment from dangerous chemicals. But we must be vigilant and ensure that if fairs director for WNET. From 1984 to 1992, Current law, the Toxic Substance Control a deal is reached it truly is a good deal that he served Governor Mario Cuomo as Special Act, passed in the 1970s and has been a fail- verifiably prevents all Iranian pathways to a Counselor to the Director of Economic Devel- ure. While its name implies that it gave the bomb. opment and Executive Vice President for Pub- Environmental Protection Agency the authority Such a deal must include five key compo- lic Affairs at the New York State Urban Devel- to ensure the safety of many chemicals, in re- nents: robust and intrusive inspections, opment Corporation (NYSUDC), which was ality, its scope is severely limited and the phased sanctions relief that comes only as a then involved in overseeing the construction of standards for action are unreasonably high. It result of Iranian compliance, dismantlement of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. also restricted testing to thousands of chemi- key nuclear infrastructure, disclosure of pos- In 1992, Mr. Holzer became Chief Commu- cals that were already in use when it passed. sible military dimensions of the program, and nications Officer for the Metropolitan Museum. Since it was enacted, EPA has partially regu- a long timeline that gives the international Four years later, he was promoted to Vice lated only five chemicals under the law. community confidence that it can hold Iran ac- President and, in 2005, he was named the Democrats have been calling for TSCA re- countable. Senior Vice President for Public Affairs. In this form for many years, and today we are con- My colleagues and I will be watching closely capacity, Mr. Holzer has been responsible for sidering the first meaningful change. While it and stand ready to scrutinize any final agree- supervising external affairs and overseeing does not go as far as previous Democratic ment to ensure the future security of our na- publicity, marketing, audience research and proposals, it represents significant progress tion and that of our allies in the region. tourism promotion for the Museum, and has over current law. It makes it easier for EPA to f served as chief spokesman on all local, na- test chemicals using a risk-based approach, tional, and international issues. During his ten- HONORING DANIEL ‘‘DANNY’’ explicitly protects vulnerable populations, and ure, Mr. Holzer helped persuade government DARIO VILLANUEVA provides more resources to get the job done. grantors to deliver unprecedented levels of It also allows EPA to move more quickly to funding to the Museum, which have, among address the most toxic and harmful chemicals. HON. XAVIER BECERRA other things, supported educational programs Our work is not done—the Senate is final- OF CALIFORNIA and critical improvements to the Museum’s izing its proposal and we will have to reconcile IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES physical plant. He also created broadcast mar- our differences. I will continue to advocate for Thursday, June 25, 2015 keting partnerships with radio, television and strong protections for American families and Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the Internet, magnifying the Museum’s out- our environment. I am voting yes today to take honor the life and legacy of Daniel ‘‘Danny’’ reach. an important step forward in that effort. A prolific writer, Mr. Holzer has authored, Dario Villanueva, a dear friend, successful ath- coauthored, and edited over forty books on f lete and businessman, and champion of the Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. Some of REAFFIRMING THE IMPORTANCE little guy. Danny passed away unexpectedly at his works include: Lincoln at Cooper Union, OF PREVENTING A NUCLEAR the age of 77. His death is a deep loss for The Lincoln Image, and the 2015 Lincoln ARMED IRAN Myrna, his wife, his sons Danny Jr. and Jim, Prize-winning Lincoln and the Power of the and his extended family. Losing Danny brings Press. In 2008, Mr. Holzer received the Na- HON. LOIS FRANKEL equal sadness to all who believe in the Amer- tional Humanities Medal from President OF FLORIDA ican Dream and seek role models willing to answer that call to duty. George W. Bush, the highest recognition IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES America awarded to individuals or institutions In reflecting on Danny Villanueva’s accom- that have had a positive impact on the nation’s Thursday, June 25, 2015 plishments, the list is long. The better question understanding of the humanities. Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, to ask is: what didn’t Danny accomplish. From Mr. Holzer authored Lincoln: How Abraham today our nation faces challenges across the his humble beginnings in Tucumcari, New Lincoln Ended Slavery in America, the young- globe, but there is no threat more central to Mexico—the ninth of twelve children of mi- adult companion to Steven Spielberg’s Acad- current world order than the prospect of a nu- grant missionary workers—and throughout the emy Award-winning biopic, Lincoln. Mr. Holzer clear armed Iran. rest of his life, Danny pioneered a remarkable VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jun 26, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25JN8.045 E25JNPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 25, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E991 path in professional sports, the broadcasting attachment of a partisan and misguided a professional secretary, but her father urged industry and the investment and philanthropic amendment that undermines another impor- her to come home and help with the house- world. tant piece of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). hold finances. As a kicker for the Los Angeles Rams, I share the concern of many of my col- The news was devastating for Alberta, but Danny was one of the first Latino players in leagues on both sides of the aisle that the she forged forward, knowing that her family the National Football League.
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