. every issue of the paper presents an opportunity and a duty to say something courageous and true, to rise above the medio- cre and conventional, to say something that will command the re- spect of the intelligent, the educated, the independent part of the community, to 'rise above fear of partisanship and fear of the EXPONENT popular prejudice. Volume 80, Issue 10 Northern State College, Aberdeen, South Dakota 57401 January 22, 1981 —Joseph Pulitzer Falconaires To Be Featured At Festival— "Writing" Author Presents Workshops Twenty-two Bands Participate in Jazz Elizabeth Cowan, co-author of Writing, presented a series of work- by Maureen Murray shops and seminars at NSC on Janu- Northern's campus will be "sing'n Band members come from some of Stiman will also play another impor- ary 21. Writing is the text currently be- and swing'n" on Thursday and Friday, the finest colleges and big bands in the tant role in the Festival. He and Larry ing used at NSC for the composition Jan. 29 and 30, when some 22 high country. The jazz ensemble has backed Mitchell, music professor at USD, will classes. Cowan's visit was made possi- school swing choirs and jazz bands stars like "Doc" Severinson, Sammy be judging the jazz band competition, ble through a grant from the South compete in the Eleventh Annual South Davis Jr., Bob Hope, Herb Ellis, Louis and Clayton Southwick, music instruc- Dakota Committee on the Humanities Dakota Jazz Festival. Bellson, Roy Burns, Ed Shaughnessy, tor at Rapid City Central, will be judg- and the NSC Faculty Development Competition will be divided into four Clark Terry, Gary Burton and many ing the swing choir competition. Committee. classes: AA, A, B and C. Top competi- more. Festival goers will be entertained by A highlight of Cowan's visit was a tors in each category will be awarded The performance is being presented the NSC Jazz Band on Friday after- special presentation, "Creativity, trophies late Friday afternoon. Judges as a public service by the United States noon while the judges make their deci- Writing, and Our 9:00 to 5:00 Days: will also be giving "Outstanding Air Force Academy. sions about the winners. How Does It All Fit With Life in the Soloist" awards. The Falconaires will also be conduct- The South Dakota Jazz Festival is an Fast Lane?" Her lecture was followed The Falconaires and guest soloist ing a clinic from 10:40 a.m. to 11:30 important event for Northern. It draws by a reaction panel of teachers and stu- Gene Stiman will climax the Festival a.m. on Friday. hundreds of high school students to dents and concluded with a dialogue with a free concert, Thursday at 8 p.m. Gene Stimar, former trombone campus, and, at the same time, it gives between Cowan and the audience. in the Civic Arena. Tickets may be player with Jimmy Dorse, Glen Miller college students an opportunity to hear Cowan also conducted an in-service picked up at the music department or and Benny Goodman, will also be per- some very fine musicians. seminar for NSC English faculty deal- at the door. forming with The Falconaires on The Jazz Ensemble is sponsored by ing with the writing process in general The Falconaires is the official big Thursday. He will be featured in two the NSC Music Department, indirectly and specifically with effective imple- band of the United States Air Force numbers—"Colage," a playing history funded by the NSC Activity Fund and mentation of her text into Northern En- Academy, Unlike many other big name of trombone styles, arranged by directly funded by the Aberdeen Area glish courses. The author also pre- bands, The Falconaires relies on the Stiman; and "Big Swing Face," a Arts Council through the National En- sented a writing workshop for NSC arrangements and composi- classic jazz piece from the Buddy Rich dowment for the Arts. faculty and English majors and minors. tions of its own members. Band. Area high school and college English teachers were also invited to attend Dean Releases Honor Roll this session. DEAN'S SCHOLARSHIP LIST Peggy Ann Fischer—Aberdeen, South Dakota FALL 1900 Patricia D. Flahaven—Rapid City, South Dakota Applications for the posi- business management of the Students with 4.00 Average Thomas Paul Forster—Salem, South Dakota tions of editors-in-chief of The publication. Each publication Kent C. Anderson—Webster, South Dakota Janelle Kaye Frank—Wolsey, South Dakota Carol Lynelle Boehnke—Henry, South Dakota Tom M. Gross—Bowdle, South Dakota Exponent and the Pasque are has a budget of more than Shari Bowden—Gettysburg, South Dakota Lori Sue Hanson—Aberdeen, South Dakota now being accepted. They are $20,000. The editors are paid Cynthia Mefford Breske—Pierre, South Dakota Dennis Lynn Hause—Aberdeen, South Dakota due by March 1. and can receive work-study Barbara Ann Bunker—Aberdeen, South Dakota Mary Jo Hild—Aberdeen, South Dakota Applications should be in stipends, if qualified. Joan L. Carpenter—Aberdeen, South Dakota Connie F. Hofer—Aberdeen, South Dakota the form of a letter which out- Letters of application Linda May Conrad—Aberdeen, South Dakota David W. Hostler—Aberdeen, South Dakota Gregory Mark Cotton—St. Lawrence, South Michael Paul Hovland—Aberdeen, South Dako- lines journalistic and publica- should be sent to David L. Dakota ta tions experience, the pros- Newquist, Advisor to the Tamara L. Cotton—Aberdeen, South Dakota David Lee Johnson—Aberdeen, South Dakota pects you have for assembling Publications, NSC, Box 752. Connie Maunu Craker—Aberdeen, South Dako- Amy Jo Jorgensen—Flandreau, South Dakota and managing a staff, your Anyone not currently on the ta Kimberlee Smith Kaiser—Aberdeen, South Da- major and extra-curricular and publications staffs who is in- Karen Kay Dickinson—Wilmot, South Dakota kota Sharon K. Dockter—Aberdeen, South Dakota Denise Rose Karels—Milbank, South Dakota work experience, and it terested is encouraged to join Tom Dean Dosch—Aberdeen, South Dakota Jeff P. Kessler—Leola, South Dakota should specify your grade the staffs this semester to Colleen Duffy—Oldham, South Dakota Carolyn Mae Kirby—Aberdeen, South Dakota point. gain knowledge of the opera- MaryAnne Ecker—Aberdeen, South Dakota Betty Linn Koeck—Aberdeen, South Dakota The editor-in-chief of each tions of the publications. The LaVonne Marie Eckert—Aberdeen, South Dako- Peggy Latta—Bath, South Dakota publication is responsible for advisor can be reached at 2404 ta Carlisle T. Mahto—Aberdeen, South Dakota Marvin Dean Engels—Watertown, South Dakota Catherine Jo Martilla—Frederick, South Dakota the editorial, personnel, and or 2534. Carolyn Erie—Redfield, South Dakota (continued on page 3) THE EXPONENT Page Two January 22, 1981 S.A. President Urges SHED Support Dear Students: There will be sign-up sheets in Lin- Well, it's already the second week of coln and Jerde dining halls during the the spring semester. I hope all of you meal hours, and one in the Den at all are doing well in your classes. With the times. You can also contact the S.A. From The President's Corner . start of the new semester, we have office at 622-2528. In the four years that I have served tion through participation in the col- several events to look forward to: the We will be leaving on Monday morn- higher education in South Dakota, I lege's cultural, departmental and social Valentine's Day Sweetheart Ball, ing and returning Tuesday evening. have observed an alarming trend which events. spring break, Spring Fling Week . Students will be excused from missing is eroding public higher education .. South Dakota is one of a very few and SHED Days. classes. The deadline for students to the ever rising tuition rates charged our states no longer participating in the SHED Days is Students for Higher sign up is Wednesday, January 28. students. There seems to be a feeling State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) Education Days, sponsored annually We will be holding a short workshop that one may raise student tuition in- program. This is a grant rather than a by the Student Federation. The event to inform the students who are going discriminately because of the availabil- loan program in which the federal gov- is held in Pierre and this year the dates of the problems, concerns and issues ity of financial aid programs sponsored ernment provides matching funds for are February 2 Et 3. Students from the higher education is facing right now, by the federal government. What may those provided by the state. South seven state colleges and universities also to give them a few tips on how to once have been a minor factor has now Dakota was part of the SSIG program travel to the state capitol to observe be effective lobbyists. The best way to become part of the budgeting process. until last year when the governor rec- the legislature in session. The purpose get your ideas and opinions across to A review of the figures clearly ommended its discontinuance and his of SHED is two-fold: to lobby for the legislators and other state officials demonstrates that students in South recommendation was accepted by the higher education and to offer a great is to know what you are doing and be Dakota are paying an increasing share legislature. The loss of this program opportunity for personal development, knowledgeable of the matters you are of the costs of an education while the has had a significant impact on North- enrichment, and educational ex- concerned with. responsibility for providing higher edu- ern students: perience for the students who partici- Don't let this super opportunity go cation in the state is gradually shifting *In 1978-79 147 students received pate.
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